Sandalwood locust tree is a big man's nightmare.

The generals of the Han Dynasty went out for more than a thousand miles in three routes, and returned in a disastrous defeat. The Han army who could return would not return one tenth.

However, this person is different from the Xiongnu, he does not make peace with the big man at all, and only wants to go south.

During the period of the Three Kingdoms, if Kebi Neng was just the most powerful among the many tribes in the grassland, it was still acceptable.

Anyway, he has no ability to go south.

He can even play a role in containing Wei in the north.

But if he really wants to unify the grassland and become the second Tanshihuai, that's another way of saying it.

"Bu Dugen and Ke Bi Neng have a feud, how can Ke Bi Neng give in to Bu Du Gen and abandon Bingzhou's good life with mere words, but run to join Ke Bineng?"

Governor Feng asked in disbelief.

If that's the case, wouldn't my title of "smart talk and flair" be handed over?

After all, although Budugen is slightly weaker than Ke Bineng, he can be regarded as a prairie master who can be called Ke Bineng.

Coupled with the grievances between the two, is it because Kebi was able to activate the halo of Jiangzhi, or did Bu Dugen suffer from the halo of insanity, and the two big tribes who have been fighting and killing for so many years will merge?

"That was before." Han Long said with a wry smile, "When Liang Xi served as governor of Bingzhou, he treated the barbarians with kindness and power."

"So the Hu people not only surrendered sincerely, but even listened to his orders. Unexpectedly, a few years ago, the governor of Bingzhou was replaced by Bi Gui, and he was too arrogant."

"Not only did they oppress the Hu people, they plundered their cattle and sheep, robbed their wives and daughters, and even beheaded them to add military merit. Therefore, in recent years, the Hu people in Bingzhou have complained a lot."

"I have inquired a lot in Bingzhou. The situation of Budugen's tribe in the past two years is far worse than when Liang Xi was the governor."

"There are even disputes with the border military officials from time to time. Therefore, the rumors of being attached to Ke Bineng may not be groundless!"

Bingzhou is connected to Hetao, since Feng Yong had sent Zhao Guang and Shi Bao to Hetao, he would naturally have inquired about the governor of Bingzhou.

Bi Gui was the son of Bi Zili, a lieutenant of the Dian Military Academy of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Lieutenant Dianjun was one of the eight lieutenants of Xiyuan in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was in charge of the Imperial Army and was a close confidant of the emperor.

The family background is not necessarily from aristocratic family, but certainly not lower than the wealthy family.

Bi Gui was rarely famous for his talents. When Cao Rui was named the prince, he was the literature and long history of the prince's mansion.

As soon as Cao Rui came to the throne, he was appointed as Huang Menlang and married the princess to Bi Gui's son.

With such a background and qualifications, it is not surprising that he would do such a thing when he went to be the governor of Bingzhou.

After all, the Qiang and Hu rebellion in Liangzhou seriously damaged the vitality of the later Han Dynasty. The Liangzhou aristocratic family who was behind the scenes played a vital role.

In the eyes of the aristocratic and powerful families of this era, Cangtou Guishou are all two-legged animals.

As for the barbarians, they are not even as good as two-legged animals.

Whenever you want to kill them and eat them, that's when you'll take them under the knife.

There are barbarians in the country making trouble, and barbarians entering and looting outside the country, isn't that what the court should worry about?

What has it to do with them?

Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou, allowed Ke Bineng to annex the small tribe, and Bigui, the governor of Bingzhou, forced Bu Dugen, who was originally restraining Ke Bineng, to Ke Bineng's side.

Think about Cao Cao's conquest of Wuhuan, the suppression of the Qiang rebellion, and the division of the Xiongnu, and then look at Wei's current policy towards the Hu people.

Feng Cishi couldn't help but want to complain in his heart: What the hell!

Perhaps this is some kind of change that the aristocratic family will unknowingly bring about after it takes power.

If there has been a major change in the Hu people in Youbing Erzhou, then there is a reasonable explanation for General Guan Da and Zhang Xiaosi sending troops to live in Yanze in advance.

After all, in the Tanshihuai Dynasty, from Liaodong to Dunhuang, the entire area north of the Han Dynasty was a nomadic land for the Xianbei people.

If Ke Bineng really wanted to annex Dubugen, then his next target would naturally be the Western Xianbei, which was the first to split off after Tan Shihuai's death.

The main activity area of ​​Xianbei in the west happened to be on the border with Liangzhou.

Juyanze is one of the most important passages for Xianbei from the west to enter Liangzhou.

General Guan and Secretary Zhang wanted to grasp Ju Yanze early, not only to prevent accidents from happening.

At the same time, if it is still for Ke Bineng in the face of the unified grassland, he can rely on Ju Yanze to rebuild the fort as soon as possible and take the initiative.

"It's too far away, Liangzhou is too far away from Bingzhou, there is a Guanzhong."

Inspector Feng sighed, "What we can do now is to go north from Ju Yanze to deal with problems that may arise in the future."

Of course Han Long knew this was reality.

He came here with the greatest hope that Governor Feng could use his reputation among the Hu people to influence the Hu people in the north through some means.

The current land of Huaxia really can't afford another sandalwood locust tree from the north.

After finishing the business with Han Long, Governor Feng still had the heart to ask:

"Mr. Han has been away for so long, and when he comes back this time, is there still somewhere to go?"

No matter how strong a person's martial arts are, they won't have much effect on a large-scale battlefield.

But it's not the same in skirmishes.

For example, sentries used to inquire about battlefield intelligence and cover the battlefield.

There are also special operations battalions such as the Dark Night Battalion, and the Guards Battalion.

In these camps, personal ability is extremely important.

With the presence of a master like Han Long, the abilities of the soldiers of these battalions can be greatly improved.

Governor Feng naturally wanted to keep him by his side.

"If the prince does not give up, I am willing to follow the prince."

Over the years, Han Long has followed from Youzhou to the Central Plains, then from the Central Plains to Guanzhong, from Guanzhong to Liangzhou, and then from Liangzhou to Hanzhong.

In the end, he ran back to Youzhou, then to Bingzhou, and then back to Liangzhou.

It can be said that whenever there are a large number of barbarians inhabited by the big man, he has already run back and forth a few times.

But it was Governor Feng who really allowed him to see the hope of eradicating the Hu people's problem.

Whether it's differentiation or appeasement, how can it compare to Feng Cishi's way of devouring barbarians?

Let the Hu people completely transform into Han people within two generations, and even attract the Hu people to flock to it.

This is kingly way!

If you want to fulfill the mission of the family, is there a better choice than the present?

Governor Feng did not expect that this expert would agree to it like that.

Overjoyed at the moment:

"With my husband by my side, there is no need to worry about my family's safety!"

After realizing something on his mind, Feng Yong looked at Shi Bao who had been sitting there all the time:

"What happened in Guanzhong?"

The letter from Wuwei made it very clear that to consolidate Liangzhou in advance, in addition to taking the initiative to control the barbarians in the northern grasslands, there seems to be movement in Guanzhong.

"Hui Junhou, the Wei thieves in Guanzhong have made moves against the Hu people in the north of Beidi County."

Shi Bao quickly replied, "Hu Bo Juzi was ambushed and killed by the Wei people in Beidi County, and most of his clan was killed."

"Hu Bo's position?"

Feng Yong raised his eyebrows, his face changed slightly.

Hu Bo's Juzi position was originally granted by the Wei thief to Lord Anding Baosai of the Xiongnu. After the First World War, Anding surrendered to the great Han.

Their tribes are nomadic outside on weekdays, and in winter they enter Xiaoguan to Anding to escape the winter.

Feng Yong intends to use him to build a bridge with the Hu people in the Hetao area in preparation for the Guanzhong battle.

Unexpectedly, Sima Yi made the first move, causing himself to lose an important chess piece.

"This Sima Yi is indeed not simple!"

Feng Yong's face became gloomy.

Sima Yi has never been idle while preparing for the battle here.

In addition to continuously building fortresses and strengthening turtle shells in places where the military must be contested, they also stepped up efforts to accumulate food in the fields.

Now they are taking the initiative to attack again, trying to get rid of the hidden dangers in the north as much as possible.

It seems that although Sima Yi has never fought against him, he has already paid attention to guard against him.

After all, who doesn't know that Governor Feng has a way of using Hu people?

Thinking of this, Governor Feng's eyes flickered, motioning for Shi Bao to continue talking.

"Hu Bo's post was raided by Wei thieves, and his tribe was wiped out overnight, which shocked the Hu people."

"Coupled with the fact that Guo Huai, who is known as a god in the eyes of the barbarians, stepped forward to appease him, if the big man wants to use the barbarians of Beidi County again, he will have to spend more time."

Annihilation overnight?

The means can be said to be ruthless, and the actions can be said to be as fast as thunder.

This is quite in line with Sima Yi's military style.

Using soldiers is like wind and fire, without power or shape, if you don't hit, you will be done, and if you hit, you will hit.

Except when meeting a certain old demon, her style will change drastically.

Seeing Governor Feng thinking deeply, Shi Bao opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, and finally said:

"Hu Bo's Yan clan led the remnants of his family and fled back to Anding, crying about the evil deeds of the Wei thief. You should handle this matter carefully."

"Otherwise, if he loses the hope of the barbarians, the big man's arrangement in Beidi County in the past two years may fall short."

Feng Yong's eyes flashed, and he looked at Shi Bao.

Shi Bao looked a little embarrassed.

Well, it seems that Hu Bo's Yan family is blowing the pillow wind on this guy again.

"The members of the Hu Bo Juzizhi tribe who fled back, let you handle it, don't make any excuses."

Shi Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Your official understands."

Then he continued:

"Your Majesty, I think that Sima Yi may have another purpose in doing this."

"Tell me."

"Sima Yi attacked the barbarians in Beidi County when there was a change in the barbarians in Bingzhou. He may not have been prepared to guard against the incident in Bingzhou."

When Inspector Feng heard this analysis, he couldn't help but glanced at Shi Bao in surprise.

Sure enough, is he worthy of being compared with Deng Ai?

How could he have such a strategic vision.

In the end, Sima Jin's generation was all hated by later generations.

But if you really insist on picking one that you can get your hands on, it is Sima Yi, the founder of Jin Dynasty.

Although the Sima family was the historical choice of the aristocratic family to govern, Sima Yi has promoted many poor families to use him, and he is a rare person who understands.

Sima Yi's actions in Beidi County can affect the future Guanzhong battle in the long run, and can affect the situation in Bingzhou in the short term.

In the medium term, it can also destroy the prestige of Governor Feng among the Hu people.

Because from this incident, the Hu people in Beidi County could see that there was no way for the big man to protect them.

On the contrary, it is Wei Guo, which can directly threaten their survival.

At that time, the Hu people will naturally have doubts about the big man.

Sima Yi's move is indeed possible.

Now General Guan and Secretary Zhang suggest to control Yanze as soon as possible so as to exert influence on the barbarians in the northern grassland and desert. In fact, they are also playing games with Wei.

It seems that this wave is actually General Guan and Zhang Xiaosi teaming up to fight Sima Yi across the air, and at the same time, the two sides are preparing for the worst outcome on the northern grassland.

After figuring this out, Governor Feng couldn't help but smile: "Interesting!"

This is probably because the victory or defeat often does not lie on the chessboard, but outside the chessboard.

Obviously, the barbarian is an uncontrollable factor.

Sima Yi also didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the battle of Longyou.

The situation had changed, and since Zhang Gong's burial was over, Feng Yong didn't want to stay in Dunhuang anymore.

Since Zhang Gong made some arrangements for the Dunhuang incident before his death, Feng Yong naturally had more excuses to keep Liu Liang and Liu Hun in Dunhuang.

Knowing that Feng Yong was planning to return to Wuwei, Zhang Hua, still in sackcloth filial piety, came to Feng Yong's small courtyard:

"Junhou is ready to return?"

"Yes." Feng Yong nodded, "The governor's office is going to enter Juchuze ahead of schedule, so I'm going back to preside over the overall situation."

The governor's mansion has received a lot of money and food from the Liangzhou big family for two consecutive years, and for this reason they also promised to sell them a batch of pastures in advance.

Well, hopefully.

In addition, there will not be any large-scale military operations this time, and Zhang Hua can be regarded as a member of the governor's army, so there is no need to keep it too secret.

"Although Zhang's family suffered misfortune, it is a time of national calamity, and I am willing to do my part for the big man."

"Is it appropriate?" Feng Inspector Feng said with a little hesitation, "I'm afraid your residence will be in a hurry when Mr. Zhang goes. Why don't General Zhang stay here for a while, so as to calm people's hearts?"

Zhang Hua shook his head: "Since my brother has been lying on the bed for several years, the arrangements have already been made. I joined the army because of my brother's will."

"Besides, the funeral is almost done now, and someone will take care of the remaining trivial matters."

After the elder brother who led the rise of the Zhang family passed away, the hearts of the Zhang family were inevitably shaken.

Holding Liangzhou's thighs tightly is the most correct choice.

"Zhang Jia Zhongliang, I know it!"

Although he knew that this was a way for the Zhang family to express their loyalty to him after Zhang Gong's death, Governor Feng still felt a little emotional when he heard these words.

"The Prefect's Mansion depends on Zhang's family to live in Yanze. Since General Zhang has the heart, then let me go back to Wuwei."


After returning to Wuwei, General Guan and Secretary Zhang had already drawn up a plan and arranged everything. It can be implemented directly after Governor Feng nods his approval and stamps the governor's seal.

"Uncle Liao leading the army?"

Feng Yong looked at the plan in front of him and nodded, "It's indeed a good idea."

As the governor of the governor's office, Liao Hua had the position of commanding the army.

"Huo Yi is going too?"

When Governor Feng saw this, he raised his head suspiciously. Could this be the result of the transaction between the two of you?

"Juyanze is originally in the north of Jiuquan County. During this expedition, all the food and grass were gathered in Jiuquan. As the prefect, Huo Yi can stay out of it?"

Zhang Xiaosi said plausibly.

Inspector Feng glanced at General Guan, but he saw that General Guan looked calm.

Well, well, as long as you are happy.

Anyway, Huo Yi is a talented person, he can govern the people and lead the army, so it is a good thing for him to practice more.

Tufatian led Hu Renyi from Liangzhou to join the army as the forward, Huang Chong and Eshun led the infantry to suppress the rear, Liao Hua was the commander, and Huo Yi led the rear army.

There are old and young, new and old, Han and Hu, and the configuration is very reasonable.

For a killer like Zhao Guang, let him continue running around the world looking for war horses.

For the battle plan drawn up by General Guan, Governor Feng was not qualified to give pointers, he just said with some doubts:

"Where's Tonozawa? Why didn't you write it?"

"There are not enough manpower. Besides, this time is considered as training for the new army. Wouldn't it be good to let them train in Juyanze and then in Dunozawa?"

"Didn't you say that Liangzhou should be stabilized as soon as possible? Why didn't you just divide the troops into two groups?"

Inspector Feng threw away the battle plan, "Send another team to Du Nozawa."

"There's no one left, who to send?"

"Jiang Wei, Captain of Huqiang, doesn't he still have thousands of troops on hand?"

Jiang Wei is not only the captain of Huqiang, but also the prefect of Jincheng, and he is nominally under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou governor's office.

"It's this appropriate?"

Zhang Xingyi said hesitantly.

She naturally knew what it meant for Jiang Wei to lead thousands of elite soldiers to station in Jincheng.

"What's inappropriate? Let's mention it first. If he disagrees, then talk about it later."

Inspector Feng said nonchalantly, "He is also the long history of the Inspector's Mansion!"

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