Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 918 Sima Yi's Thoughts

Politicians have dirty hearts.

So in their eyes, human nature is evil.

In order to prevent people from changing their minds and take some precautions, Governor Feng completely understands.

To put it bluntly, letting Jiang Wei lead the army to station in Jincheng, isn't it just a pawn in the throat of Liangzhou?

When General Guan followed him to Hanzhong, didn't he mean to observe?

In the end, didn't it become a story that the female bodyguard and I had to tell?

Secretary Zhang has been diligent and diligent in the past few years, doesn't he mean to supervise the army?

In the end, didn't it become a story that the female secretary and I had to tell?

Even Li Mu had an ulterior motive in the beginning.

In the end, isn't it a story that the female president and I have to tell?

As for Jiang Wei, well...

Telling stories is my favorite.

Anyway, Governor Feng is aboveboard, so what are you afraid of?

But seeing that Zhang Xiaosi's eyes were a little strange, he nodded:

"It would be great if Captain Jiang could lead the army to Nozawa."

Her own Alang has the ability to manipulate Jiang Wei, so she naturally has nothing to say, anyway, she is not able to manipulate Jiang Wei.

The reason is also very simple, because Jiang Wei belongs to the prime minister.

There are some taboos, or tacit understandings, that even my elder sister never thought of breaking.

"Besides, Tonozawa used to be the real administrative office of Captain Hu Qiang."

Inspector Feng finally said, "Now that Jiang Wei has become the captain of the Huqiang school, it is reasonable for him to lead the army to pacify the capital Nozawa."

Ju Yanze and Du Yeze were the two entrances through which Hu people from the north entered Liangzhou.

Juyanze previously set up Xihai County, while Duyeze set up the Huqiang Captain.

It's all to prevent Hu people from going south and entering Liangzhou to make trouble.

Jiang Wei gladly accepted Governor Feng's reasonable suggestion.

He finished the army as quickly as possible, and then led the army over Hongchi Ridge and entered Wuwei.

Zhang Xiaosi was a little surprised when he got the news, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, this is an afterthought.

After arranging these things, Governor Feng received another person, it was Cao San who sent him the news of Cao Zhi's death.

"Mr. Cao and I met each other through literature. Although we can't meet each other, we have already made friends with each other. Now that Mr. Cao has passed away, I can't come to the tomb in person. It's a pity."

"In addition to worshiping in the air, I also wrote an article, and I also asked Cao Zhuang to burn it in front of Cao Gongzi's tomb for me."

After these days of cultivation, Cao San's body has recovered a lot.

Hearing this, he immediately prostrated himself on the ground in salute:

"Feng Langjun has an order, so how dare he risk his life to do so?"

Governor Feng let out a long sigh: "The loyal servant of Mr. Cao's house is magnificent!"

Immediately, he took out a framed picture and handed it to Cao San.

At the same time whispered:

"I know there are some words that may not sound very nice, but since Mr. Cao recognizes me as a friend, I will simply say it to Mr. Cao."

Cao San held the words on the frame, and said solemnly:

"Feng Langjun, please tell me."

Inspector Feng coughed, and then said:

"Mr. Cao was really unhappy in Wei State before he was alive. I know he had a second son before his death. If he really can't live in Wei State, but come to me, I will treat him as my nephew."

Cao Zhi's son is now in his twenties, almost a few years younger than Governor Feng.

It really takes a lot of courage to say the words of Governor Feng, "Treat him like a nephew".

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Lu Ji is Lu Xun's uncle, how many years older is Lu Xun than his uncle!

Cao San instinctively wanted to refute.

Just thinking of how Chen Wang was treated before his death, he couldn't help feeling a surge of grief and anger in his heart.

Cao Pi and his son have really gone too far for King Chen!

Thinking of this, Cao San was saddened from the heart, and couldn't help crying:

"How dare a villain talk about the affairs of King Chen's family? But Feng Langjun will definitely tell the mistress what he wants."

Although King Chen is gone, the princess is still there.

In such words, if it were someone else, Cao San would have fought desperately with him long ago.

But Feng Langjun is different.

When Feng Langjun said such possibly offensive words, it seemed that there was a difference between Chen Wang and Feng Langjun.

Hearing Cao San's tone, Governor Feng also understood.

After all, Cao Zhi is also a relative of the Cao family. How could his son betray Wei Touhan?

Saying this is just a one-ten-thousandth hope.

At the same time, it is also to show the world Feng Langjun's generous mind and noble feelings.

no other meanings……

In June of the eleventh year of Jianxing, Feng Yong ordered Liao Hua and Jiang Wei to lead an army each, and moved into Yanze and Duyeze.

At the same time, Sima Yi in Guanzhong continued to manage Beidi County, and there was a great deal of re-expansion, which reversed the trend of continuous southward migration of Hu people since the end of the Han Dynasty.

As for Bingzhou's Budugen, he finally decided to betray the Wei State and rallied his people to join Ke Bineng.

When Kebi got the news, he was overjoyed, and personally led more than 10,000 fine riders to Xingbei, the border of Bingzhou in Wei State, to meet the Budugen tribe, cattle, sheep, chariots and horses.

After Bi Gui, the governor of Bingzhou, learned about it, he was not angry but happy. He sent people to send a memorial to Luoyang overnight, saying that the barbarians were making trouble, and that the governor of Bingzhou would send troops to suppress it.

Along with Bingzhou, it is the same place on the northern border, and Youzhou was the first to know about Bingzhou's dispatch of troops.

Youzhou Inspector Wang Xiong was so angry that he threw the official document to the ground and cursed angrily:

"Bi Gui Shuzi! It's nothing but a scholar's ear!"

"Dividing and governing is the right way. How can we allow the barbarians to merge? Wouldn't this add a big trouble to the border?"

Although Wang Xiong advocated that the Hu people should be appeased, he even used the excuse of provoking border affairs to exclude Tian Yu, who had always been tough on the Hu people, from Youzhou.

But it does not mean that he is willing to see unity in the grassland.

Otherwise, last year, he would not have used tricks to provoke the relationship between Kebi Neng and Budugen, and prevent Kebi Neng from annexing other small tribes.

In Wang Xiong's eyes, he only needs the Hu people to continue to maintain the current state of division, so that Kebi can no longer invade the border, and at the same time continue to pay tribute to the Great Wei.

That's enough.

The current enemy of the Great Wei is the Shu bandits and Wu Lu, not the Hu people.

If you can't even see this point clearly, what's the use of wasting troops and money and food on the barbarians?

Especially those like Tian Yu, who kept provoking border affairs, not only failed to destroy the Hu people, but even attracted Ke Bi Neng to lead troops to invade the border, making the border soldiers and civilians not stable for a while.

What's the use of keeping him in Youzhou?

Unexpectedly, Bi Gui was even more stupid than Tian Yu!

To actually force Bu Dugen, who has been guarding the border for the Great Wei, to join Ke Bineng, is so stupid that he couldn't be more stupid!

If it were someone else, Wang Xiong would have gone to the memorial a long time ago to say that it was his fault in governing and merging the state.

It's just that this person, Bi Gui, is a minister of the dragon and is related to the royal family by marriage. He is a close friend of His Majesty.

Let Liang Xi, the former governor of Bingzhou, return to Luoyang to serve as the chief minister, and then let Bi Gui be the governor of Bingzhou, which was originally a means for His Majesty to seize power after he ascended the throne.

Coupled with the current situation in Wei, if I really want to go to the court to complete the impeachment, I am afraid that I will violate His Majesty's taboo.

It's just that when he pushed Tian Yu away, he used the reason to appease Ke Bineng.

If Kebi can unify the grassland and become a big problem for Wei, he is afraid that he will also be implicated.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiong couldn't help feeling angry and scared.

Under such circumstances, he had to think hard and wrote a memorial, stating that there were no hidden dangers for the barbarians in Erzhou.

Once again, I reiterated my opinion that Shu and Wu are the main enemies in the current world situation.

It can be used against the Hu people, and it should not be forced too much, so as not to cause wars on the northern border, wasting troops, money and food.

After finishing the memorial, he wrote another letter and secretly sent it to Guanzhong.

Bi Gui is hopeless, and all he can think of now is the big Sima guarding the southwestern border of Bingzhou.

Wang Xiong's letter was still on the way, and Sima Yi was already standing at the Pubanjin Ferry, looking to the northeast, and slowly said something:

"Bi Gui, at most, is serving as a local governor, and he has no experience in even being in power, let alone leading an army."

"He can serve as the governor of Bingzhou, and he relies on those who are dear to His Majesty. Therefore, he should be more careful to avoid mistakes."

"Now he not only changed Liang Xi's old rules without permission, but also personally led the army out of the country. He is so arrogant, I am afraid that he will be humiliated by the barbarians."

Wang Xiong may be afraid of offending Bi Gui, but as the great Sima, Sima Yi is already considered the most important minister in the court, why should he worry about this?

Beside Sima Yi, Master Sima stood by his side.

And one person was following closely behind Sima Yi and his son.

It was neither Guo Huai, the governor of Yongzhou, nor Fei Yao, the later general, Dai Ling, the guard who conquered Shu, Qin Lang, the general of Xiaoqi, and others.

It was Deng Ai who had just returned from Beidi County.

"Brother... Sima, don't look at it, are you optimistic about the lead of Bi Cishi?"

Da Sima's ability to say these words in front of him showed that he really regarded himself as a confidant. Deng Ai couldn't help being moved, and summoned up the courage to ask a question.

"Compared to you, he is far behind!"

Sima Yi twitched his beard and smiled lightly, not knowing whether he was mocking Bi Gui or praising Deng Ai.

"Great Sima Miao praised, Ai... Ai dare not be."

Deng Ai's face was flushed with excitement, and he stammered.

Sima Yi waved his hand:

"This time you followed Beidi County, which is enough to prove your talent. As for Bi Gui, let's wait for a while and see what news will come."

From the Pubanjin Ferry to the east to cross the Dahe River, it is Hedong County, which is the boundary of Sizhou where Luoyang is located.

But if you keep going up the Dahe River, you can directly reach Xihe County, which is the boundary of Bingzhou.

So if you are interested, you can easily inquire about Bingzhou's news from here.

As some people in Liangzhou expected, part of the reason Sima Yi ran Beidi County was to prevent changes in the barbarians in Bingzhou.

After destroying Hu Boju's family, Deng Ai went with the army as a lieutenant general.

Wei Jun wiped out Hu Boju's tribe cleanly and neatly, precisely according to Deng Ai's surprise attack suggestion.

Deng Ai was originally transferred to Guanzhong as a garrison official. After meeting Sima Yi, he first proposed specific methods for garrisoning the fields, and now he has made contributions.

Therefore, he had to be named General Pian, which was finally the first step.

Why doesn't this make Deng Ai feel full of gratitude to Da Sima?

But Sima Yi continued to ask a question:

"I've heard that when Shizai was a Bachelor of Diannong Duwei, Guo Xuanxin, a visitor, once said that your talent should be a prime minister. Is there such a thing?"

Startled, Deng Ai subconsciously raised his head to look at Sima Yi.

But seeing Sima Yi's face was calm, it was impossible to see what was going on in his heart from his face.

Deng Ai was already stuttering, and under panic, he couldn't speak fluently:

"Big... big... Da Sima, let me tell you. This is what the audience joked about when he and Shi Zhongrong were to become imperial servants at the end of the year."

Sima Yi glanced at him and smiled slightly:

"Don't be nervous, you just tell me the method of farming in Guanzhong, at least any county guard."

"Now I offer to use the power of thunder to shock the Qiang Hu first, and then use the strategy of Huairou, it is really a great talent!"

Deng Ai breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Shi Zhongrong you mentioned just now, but the Shi Zhongrong who people at the time said 'Shi Zhongrong, Jiao Wushuang'?"

Sima Yi finally asked this question.


"Back then, you and he drove cars for others, and you were also called a talented minister. Then do you know where he is now?"

"Forgive me, Da Sima. At that time, Shi Zhongrong got acquainted with Xu Yun, the minister of the official department, and wanted to seek the way to the Jin Dynasty. Later, I heard that he was transferred to Yecheng. The general will not communicate with him for a long time!"

Hearing this, Sima Yi couldn't help sighing a little:

"Unfortunately, it seems that I have lost the talent of a minister!"

Deng Ai couldn't bear to see Da Sima's eagerness for talents, and said:

"Great Sima, I've heard that Shi Zhongrong sold iron between Yecheng and Chang'an in recent years. You might as well ask someone to find him, but I don't know if he can find it."

"Oh, there's another thing?" Sima Yi was very surprised, and nodded repeatedly, "If you really can find another great talent, I will give you another credit."

After comforting Deng Ai again, he let him go down.

But seeing that Deng Ai first saluted Sima Yi respectfully, and then saluted Master Sima before leaving.

Master Sima, who had never spoken, asked:

"How generous is your lord to Deng Shizai?"

"Because he is talented." Sima Yi said indifferently, "A talented person is not afraid of too much, but too little."

When I met Deng Shizai for the first time, I saw him squatting on the top of the city to draw terrain despite the snow and severe cold.

This kind of character, even if the talent is not high, with this toughness, as long as there is an opportunity, he will not be a simple character in the future.

While speaking, Sima Yi turned around and pointed to the west:

"Now the Shu bandits are rampant and extremely cunning. If there is no capable person around to help, can An Neng fulfill His Majesty's great trust?"

When Master Sima heard his lord mentioned "Your Majesty", he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Although the matter of the vanity case has passed, Master Sima will always remember it deeply in his life.

Not only was he stripped of all his official positions, but he was also banned for a year from leaving his house.

Not to mention that in that turmoil, others saw clearly the ugly appearance out of fear.

In the eyes of Master Sima, what His Majesty did was no different from humiliating himself.

Sima Yi naturally knew what his son was thinking.

But seeing him slowly say:

"I often tell you that if you are inferior to others, you need to know practicality and patience. Gou Jian has to endure hardships, and Han Xin has the humiliation of his crotch. What is your matter?"

Sima Shi was startled, and quickly responded.

Sima Yi nodded, looked to the northeast again, and smiled thoughtfully:

"Do you know why I care so much about Bingzhou affairs?"

"I don't know."

"Our Majesty, although very different from the first emperor, has one thing in common, that is, he likes to use off-line clan relatives or in-laws."

Bi Gui is the royal in-law.

As for the Sima family, it was separated by one floor.

Because his son married the daughter of Xiahou's family.

It was fine before, but now Xiahou's family is a thorn in the flesh of His Majesty.

"But even if Bi Gui was really defeated by barbarians as what your lord said, what does that have to do with your lord?"

Master Sima asked.

Sima Yi smiled meaningfully:

"If Bi Gui makes a mistake, with the temperament of our Majesty, he will definitely send someone to lead the army."

When he was defeated by the Shu bandits that year, didn't His Majesty just ignore the dissuasion of all the ministers and insisted on planning with Cao Zhen to attack Shu again?

If you can't even beat the barbarians now, how can your majesty bear this tone?

Master Sima still didn't understand what relationship these things had with his lord.

"Da Lang, if Bi Gui is defeated and His Majesty sends someone else, who do you think he will send?"

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