The barbarians in Bingzhou are in chaos, who is most suitable to lead the army to quell the chaos?

Master Sima wanted to say, of course it is an adult.

But if even the little barbarian had to be personally led by an adult, then Great Wei would really be hopeless.

How many years has Cao Wei accepted the Zen position of Emperor Han, has it fallen to the point where no one can use it?

Not to mention the adults guarding the pass, how can they leave easily?

When the Shu people saw that the adults had left Guanzhong, would they do nothing?

So Master Sima rejected this idea immediately.

So who should it be?

Master Sima glanced at Sima Yi, his mind was spinning rapidly.

He knows that although he has no official position now, the adults still bring him by his side, which is enough to explain some problems.

So I can't let adults down.

Since adults intend to test themselves, they must have been reminded.

Master Sima carefully went over what he said before, thinking of what the lord said "Happy to use the side branch clan and in-laws", his heart suddenly moved.

So he thought about all the Cao clan and in-laws, and tentatively asked:

"Cao Shuang? Cao Yu?"

Sima Yi glanced at his son:

"Bi Gui has been the governor of Bingzhou for several years. Cao Shuang and Cao Yu don't even have the qualifications to be in charge of the government. I'm afraid they are not as good as Bi Gui. You let them lead the army?"

Master Sima scoffed.

Is that the in-laws?

In fact, Xiahou's family also has a Xiahou Xian.

It's just that the current Xiahou clan is no longer trusted by His Majesty.

Xia Houxian just got a idle job and stayed in Luoyang with nothing to do.

It can be said that the current treatment of the representatives of the Xiahou clan is probably worse than that of himself who was implicated in the Huahua case.

After all, he has been released from the ground restriction and can travel freely.

As for the main characters of the Xiahou clan, they couldn't even get out of Luoyang.

After much deliberation, Master Sima did not guess who His Majesty would most likely send.

Because this person must not only win His Majesty's trust, but also have the ability to command troops.

Just for these two conditions, there are actually quite a few people in the court who meet them.

But if you add the condition of clan and in-laws, it will be a bit difficult to find.

After all, after two generations of continuous restrictions and weakening of the clan, the current royal clan has no outstanding talents at all.

Seeming to see through his son's mind, Sima Yi said leisurely again:

"A person surnamed Cao may not necessarily be a clan relative; a clan relative may not necessarily have the surname Cao!"

Hearing Sima Yi's words, Master Sima suddenly came to his senses and blurted out, "Qin Lang!"

Qin Lang's adult is Qin Yilu, and Qin Yilu's wife is Du Shi.

And Qin Yilu was originally a general of Lu Bu's department, and later went to Yuan Shu as an envoy, and Yuan Shu regarded him as the wife of the Han clan.

His ex-wife Du Shi and son Qin Lang are left alone in Xiapi.

Cough, everyone in the world knows that Emperor Wu's hobbies are slightly different from ordinary people.

When Emperor Wu besieged Lu Bu in Xiapi, after the city was broken, he saw Du's beauty and accepted him.

So Qin Lang became the stepson of Emperor Wu.

Similar to Qin Lang is He Yan, who was born to Mrs. Yin.

Mrs. Yin was originally the daughter-in-law of General He Jin.

However, although Qin Lang and He Yan have similar fates, their personalities are completely opposite.

He Yan has a flamboyant personality and is unscrupulous in his actions. As a hypocrite, the clothes he wears are similar to those of the prince.

He married Princess Jinxiang of Emperor Wu as his wife, but because he gave birth to a good skin and was known as the noodle He Lang, he often had contacts with other women.

Such actions were naturally hated by Emperor Wen.

Therefore, during the early years of Huang Dynasty, he was unable to serve as an official.

When the current His Majesty takes the throne, He Yan will only be awarded the post of redundant official.

But a few years ago, he was involved in the vanity case just like himself, and his future seemed even more bleak.

Compared with He Yan's publicity, Qin Lang is much more low-key and cautious.

From Emperor Wu to Emperor Wen, and even now His Majesty, they all like Qin Lang very much.

Emperor Wu even declared publicly: Do people in the world love fakes like orphans?

If it is said that He Yan was eager to get rich and follow others, then Qin Lang, in the two generations of Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen, took the initiative not to hold official positions, but was keen on traveling.

He even became friends with His Majesty, who was not liked by Emperor Wen at that time.

Therefore, after His Majesty ascended the throne, he immediately recruited Qin Lang into the court as an official, and often let him accompany him on trips, and even affectionately called him Asu.

His Majesty not only rewarded Qin Lang many times, but also built him a large mansion in the capital.

His belief in Qin Lang is like this.

Most importantly, Qin Lang's talent is not low.

In the first battle of Xiaoguan, the army led by the former great Sima, most of the soldiers were defeated.

Qin Lang's troops were one of the few battalions that were relatively well preserved among the battalions that fought.

After Xiao Guan's defeat, Qin Lang protected Cao Da Sima and retreated, and together with Guo Huai gathered the defeated troops, this left a lot of vitality for the Guanzhong army.

Thinking about it this way, Sima Shi felt more and more that Qin Lang was indeed the right candidate.

Sima Yi nodded in satisfaction when he heard the answer he wanted:

"Indeed, Qin Yuanming was originally a person close to His Majesty, but he was ordered to lead the army to stay in Guanzhong when he was in danger."

"The current situation is not the same as it was back then, and your Majesty has been separated from him for several years. Thinking about it, I still miss him."

"If not, it's a good thing to let him return to His Majesty as a favor."

During the Battle of Longyou, His Majesty came to Chang'an in person, but Zhang Yun was defeated in Jieting and Wei Zhen was defeated in Wudu.

Guanzhong is turbulent, in order to guard the various passes, and at the same time to disintegrate the alliance of the upstarts such as Cao Zhao and Qin Lang.

Liu Fang and Sun Zi, two veteran ministers of the three dynasties who have been in charge of secrets for many years, suggested that Qin Lang go to guard the county.

This guard means staying in Guanzhong for five years and not returning.

As an old fox, how could Sima Yi fail to guess what Liu Fang and Sun Zi were thinking?

It's just that in the past few years in Guanzhong, Qin Lang got a blessing in disguise and became a rookie in the Wei army. I'm afraid it was not what the two of them wanted.

And Qin Lang stayed in Guanzhong for several years, so he might not want to go back to Luoyang.

Your Majesty may not want Qin Lang to return to his side.

Therefore, taking advantage of the matter of Bingzhou, sending Qin Lang away is a matter of success in all directions, so why not do it?

"Is everything going well?"

Master Sima was taken aback, and couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Isn't it Sanfang?"

Your Majesty, Qin Lang, Liu Fang and Sun Zi, who else is there?

When he looked at his lord with some doubts, and saw the lord's meaningful expression, he suddenly understood:

Could it be that your lord doesn't want Qin Lang to stay in Guanzhong?

After he figured it out, Master Sima was stunned at first, and then suddenly felt palpitations inexplicably:

My lord, what do you think?

"What is he thinking in his heart!"

Cao Rui, who was also in Luoyang, smashed the memorial sent by Bingzhou on the case, and cursed angrily:

"Letting him be the governor of Bingzhou is to appease the local government, not to be good at handling border affairs!"

Liang Xi ruled and merged with the state for more than 20 years, and his political achievements are often the best in the world.

With such a good foundation of governance, Bi Gui could actually stage a forced rebellion.

Now that I am presenting such a memorial, I really think that I am a foolish king who doesn't know how to govern the world?

In fact, although Bi Gui is a relative of the emperor, Cao Rui doesn't like him very much now.

The reason is also very simple, because when investigating the Huahua case, Cao Rui discovered that Bi Gui had a great connection with everyone in the Huahua case.

If it weren't for the successive defeats after he ascended the throne, Cao Rui would have dismissed Bigui from the post of governor of Bingzhou based on the vanity case alone.

But now, Cao Rui's foundation is not stable, so even if he knows that Bi Gui's governance is not effective, he has to hold his nose and bear it.

Because Cao Rui's status is far from being as strong as it was in history, he had to let go of those powerful children and young students lightly.

Therefore, compared with the original history, the impact of the vanity case has been much smaller.

But what Cao Rui didn't expect was that Bi Gui, which was related to the vanity case, had intensified now, forcing back Bu Dugen, who was guarding the border for the Great Wei.

Why didn't he yell at him in anger?

These "flashy and pretentious people" really have nothing good to say, they just talk empty-handed and harm the country!

Cao Rui said bitterly in his heart.

But seeing that his lingering anger still persisted:

"Although Bu Dugen was seduced by Bi Neng, the two of them had disliked each other before, so they should be suspicious."

"Now that the governor of Bingzhou is out of the army, it will only force the two departments to merge into one. Why should he be suppressed?"

Although he was angry and did not dispute, after all, he was appointed by himself as governor of Bingzhou, and Cao Rui was not allowed to deal with the aftermath for him.

So he issued an edict:

"Send troops to attack Hu Ke, but don't cross the pass."

The so-called Guansai refers to the Great Wall built by the Han Dynasty.

What Cao Rui didn't know was that just after his edict came out of Luoyang, Bi Gui had already led the army across the pass and arrived at the Yin Pavilion not far from the north of the pass.

Budugen's tribe did not flee directly to the north, but turned to the west.

It seems that they want to cross the big river and enter the old place of Jiuyuan (that is, the Hetao area).

After Bi Gui made such a judgment, he immediately sent generals Su Shang and Dong Bi as forwards to continue chasing the Budugen tribe.

What he didn't know was that Ke Bineng had personally led more than ten thousand fine riders from the west, ready to meet Budugen.

At the same time, he sent his own son as the vanguard to advance towards the building on the west side of the Yin Hall.

Because he made an appointment with Bu Dugen, the two sides met upstairs.

After so many years of operation, Ke Bineng's influence has expanded from the northern part of Youzhou to Jiuyuan, the hometown of the Han Dynasty.

Although Bu Dugen competed with Ke Bineng these years, most of them were defeated.

In the end, they could only retreat to Yanmen County and Taiyuan County in Bingzhou, and rely on the Wei people to preserve the tribe.

It can be said that Ke Bineng has completed the comprehensive suppression of Budugen from the three directions of east, west and north.

If Budugen wants to return to the grassland, he must either defeat Ke Bineng, or obtain Ke Bineng's consent.

This is also the reason why Bu Dugen agreed to combine with Ke Bineng.

Living under the fence, if life can go on, it's fine to bear it.

But Bi Gui is not a son of man, so it's better to go back to the grassland.

The grasslands in June are lush with water and grass.

Su Shang and Dong Bi led the cavalry army of the Wei army and headed west, chasing the Budugen tribe closely.

Although it is not easy to tell the direction on the grassland, but Han and Hu live together in Bingzhou, so there is no shortage of Hu cavalry in the army.

What's more, the Hu people lived by the water, and Budugen fled with the whole family with the old and the young, and the speed was not fast, so it was not too difficult to catch up.

However, the Hu Ren Jingqi who stayed behind after Budugen, in order for his tribe to escape safely, also tried their best to keep pestering and delaying time.

"Bah! These bulldogs are really desperate!"

Su Shang spit out a mouthful of saliva, wiped the knife on the Hu man's body which was still warm, and then raised the edge of the knife to look at it.

I found that the blade was already a bit curled, probably because I had beheaded too many barbarian heads these days, so I felt a little distressed at the moment.

Then he kicked the corpse resentfully, and cursed: "I don't know what's good!"

Dong Bi also came over with a longbow, and seeing Su Shang venting his anger on the corpse, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"A few people were caught over there, do you want to vent your anger?"

"If that Budugen exists, I'm still interested, but forget about these beards."

While Su Shang answered, he raised his knife and walked towards another corpse not far away.

He seemed to have seen the corpse move just now.

The boot kicked, but nothing happened.

Then he added strength to his feet and kicked the corpse over.

The corpse finally let out a faint moan.

The Hu man who was injured and pretended to be dead opened his eyes, and saw a condescending man staring at him indifferently at the Han general.

There was fear and begging in his eyes.

This is still a barbarian young man who is only in his teens.

But Su Shang knew that it was such a barbarian young man who would try his best to kill himself or his soldiers in the confrontation just now.

He indifferently raised the knife and slashed at the barbarian boy's neck, blood spattering.

Before the barbarian young man could make any sound, his eyes had already lost their luster.

His lips seemed to move, as if he wanted to say something before he died, but he couldn't say anything in the end.

In the small battlefield after this battle, many Wei soldiers are doing the same thing as Su Shang.

Seeing that there were still utterly dead barbarians, he stabbed them to death neatly.

This is the normal process for treating the defeated and wounded soldiers after the two armies have fought.

Regardless of whether the opponent is a Hu, a Han, or a Wu...

Two days later, the forward of the Wei army came to a place thirty miles away from the building.

At the same time, a team of barbarians appeared in their eyes.

This Hu Renjing cavalry is different from those Hu cavalry who have been running away and procrastinating in the past few days.

They were facing Wei Jun head-on, with no panic on their faces, but like vultures seeing their prey, they were eager to try.

After a sharp beep, Su Shang and Dong Bi sent people to the front to shout:

"Da Wei is chasing and fleeing, who is in front, who dares to intercept?"

The pursuit of these days convinced Wei Jun that Bu Dugen didn't have the courage to turn back and fight.

Coupled with the eager pursuit, the scouts didn't have time to send them to the front to find out.

So now a group of Hu Ren Jingqi suddenly appeared in front of him, which surprised Su Shang and Dong Bi.

Soon a barbarian replied:

"We belong to Master Ke Bineng, don't you also come to belong to Master?"


Su Shang and Dong Bi looked at each other, they both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

They naturally knew that Budugen was going to join Ke Bineng with his family.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that Ke Bineng dared to send troops to Bingzhou to respond!

That's right, even though they have already left the fortress, the area around Loufan still belongs to the border of the Great Wei in name.

Ke Bineng's move is tantamount to making it clear that he is provoking Wei and fighting with Wei.

"Ke Bineng has paid tribute several times over the years, and claimed to be a subject of the Great Wei, but now he privately accepts the Great Wei and flees. Is it because he wants to rebel?"


Hearing this sentence sent by the Wei people, the leader of the Hu people who led the army laughed:

"The tribute is for the benefit of you Han people. If there is no benefit, who would want to be your vassal?"

Although the Han has become the Wei, but because of the prestige of the two Han, the Hu people are still used to call the people of the Central Plains Han people.

It is the Han people themselves who call themselves Wei people.

The leader of the Hu people didn't bother to talk nonsense with these Han soldiers anymore. He waved his hand, and the horns of horns sounded, and the sound of gongs rose and fell one after another.

Hu Qi started roaring and galloping his horse.

Looking at the horse athlete under his hand, the Hu leader said to an old Hu man next to him:

"Uncle, wait a moment and see how my nephew slaughters these Han people to vent his anger on uncle."

The old man is Budugen who fled with his family.

He forced a smile.

Su Shang and Dong Bi looked at Hu Ren's actions, how could they not understand each other's intentions.

They even noticed movements on both sides of the north and south, knowing that the other side had plans.

Shocked and angry, the two drew their swords together and shouted:


Bingzhou man, how can he be afraid of Hu?

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