Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 920 Experiment


Two waves of barbarians stared red, their legs clamped tightly to the horse's belly, and they waved different weapons in their hands.

Like two huge waves rolled up by a dragon, they slammed into each other fiercely.

Among them, there are even quite a few Hu people of the same race.

However, although they are both Hu people, the recognition of both parties is extremely high.

On one side are ragged clothes, and many people even bare their left shoulders in the hot weather of June.

Although there are a lot of iron weapons, most of them have been embroidered.

There are also many people who use bone weapons, or even wooden weapons.

On the other side, there are extremely refined iron weapons.

In the past two years, Dahan has begun to replace Hanyang-made version 1.0 standard weapons in large quantities.

Some of the replaced old weapons fell into the hands of Hu Renyi Congjun.

Some of them even wore leather armor, and their leaders even had iron armor.

Since the split of the Great Xianbei, the barbarians in the grasslands, because of the social degradation caused by the split, their iron-smelting technology has also declined day by day.

Unless it is a big tribe like Ke Bineng, or at least a big tribe like Budugen, it is able to get iron weapons from the Central Plains.

Otherwise, most tribes on the grassland are still good at using horse archery and ranger riding to deal with various battles.

However, over the years, as the Hu people continued to move south in large numbers and mixed with the Han people, many tribes lived much better than their brother tribes on the grassland.

It's a pity that these tribes that entered the Han land first, not only didn't want to help their brothers, but now they still want to kill all the brothers and tribes.

Why can you go south, and we will be driven back when we go south?


It's just that no matter how much you hate, you can't stop these brothers and tribes from holding up the weapons of the Han people and slashing at them mercilessly.

Not far from the two groups of people who were fighting, Huang Chong, Eshun, Tufa Tianli and others were leading the new army of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion.

To regain Juchuze, drive out the barbarians, and reset the fortress, Governor Feng didn't need to come forward in person.

Similarly, as the commander-in-chief of the army this time, Liao Hua didn't need to personally direct a battle of this scale.

Although he seldom faced such a tragic scene of fighting directly, Huang Chong did not lose his face and lose his mind like the recruits.

His body was tense, his expression was cold and serious, his cheeks were slightly raised, it could be seen that he was clenching his teeth at this moment.

I am not afraid, but I am definitely nervous.

After all, Huang Chong is not a god.

It's not that he hasn't experienced the conflict between the two armies, although it's not too much.

It's normal to be nervous.

Eshun, who was standing beside him, had another extreme expression.

It seems a little weird, a little emotional, and at the same time, there are some unknown fears.

From Nanzhong to Liangzhou, from the southernmost to the northernmost, Eshun is well-informed.

He has seen more life and death on the battlefield.

So the fight in front of him is not the source of his emotions.

He remembered that after the Southern Expedition, the barbarians in the south went from fighting the Han people to joining the Han army, and then fighting the Wei people in the north.

And the barbarians in front of us are just a copy of the southern Zhongyi people.

The only difference is that Nanzhong is the result of the collaboration between Prime Minister Dahan and King Feng Gui.

As for Liangzhou, it was the work of Feng Guiwang alone.

In the south, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is called Grandpa Zhuge, while the Hu people in the north call Feng Guiwang Feng Langjun.

The more Eshun thought of this, the more inexplicably terrified he felt.

In contrast, the bald-haired Tianli is the most normal one.

His attention was almost entirely on the fight ahead.

If there is something wrong ahead, it is necessary to remedy it in time.

Although the battle in front of him is nothing compared to his previous experience.

After all, he also sneaked into the Wei thief's interior alone, and gained the trust of the Wei thief, and even asked the Wei thief to hand over the Liangzhou portal to him.

But this time is different.

This time he was the commander-in-chief of Hu Renyi's army.

Not just the young patriarch of the bald department.

The bald-haired tribe is now placed between Guzang and Dahe by Feng Langjun. Those who want to graze can go to the grassland, and those who want to farm will have the government arrange the fields.

Although a little scattered, there is no need to worry about food and clothing.

The bald head is very satisfied.

Anyway, after he learned of this arrangement, he went to the governor's mansion himself, and thanked Governor Feng gratefully.

Must be thanked!

Because the bald hair department wandered for so many years, they found two shelters, one was instructed by Feng Langjun, and the other was given by Feng Langjun himself.

In order to repay Feng Langjun, the Bald Hair Department is willing to raise his family to serve Feng Langjun.

Well spoken and well done.

Not pretty.

Over the years since he was bald, he has gained the deepest understanding of Governor Feng's methods.

The shot is extremely generous, but the means are also extremely ruthless.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you go with your will you will prosper, but if you go against your will you will perish.

It's not that he didn't think carefully when he was bald, but until today, he finally resigned to his fate.

The bald tribe completely complied with the arrangement of Liangzhou governor's office, and lived together with other tribes and Han people. At the same time, the warriors of the clan were carefully selected and incorporated into the army of the governor's office.

Bald Tianli immediately became the commander-in-chief of Hu Renyi's army in Liangzhou, and at the same time served as General Fuhu in the governor's army.

This time, he officially went to Juyanze with a brand new identity.

Therefore, the success or failure of this expedition is very different from the past, and he cannot be careless.

Although the Hu people in Juyanze were not afraid of death, their opponents were the same clan who were also brave, and the same clan was far superior to them in terms of weapons and organization.

Not to mention that there are more well-equipped Han troops watching from the sidelines.

Therefore, the defeat of the Hu people in Juyanze was doomed.

However, in this wave of small-scale battles, the Han army hadn't made a move at all, and the barbarians in Juyanze couldn't stand it anymore, and soon began to flee in all directions.


The bald-haired Tianli gave the order without the slightest hesitation.

Hu Qi roared and dispersed.

Whether it is making military exploits or capturing prisoners of war, they can be exchanged for food, wool, brown sugar, tea, spirits and other things they most need from the adults of the Han army.

This is also the reason why the Hu people in Liangzhou responded to Feng Langjun's order to conquer Hu.

Not to mention that if you perform well, you may be selected to enter the cavalry barracks in the Governor's Mansion.

The benefits are too great.

Compared with the Bingzhou Wei army who killed and injured Hu people with a single knife, the Han army was much more benevolent.

At least those wounded Hu people with intact limbs on the losing side were healed.

After the war, the medical workers who graduated from Nanxiang Medical College began to get busy.

"Quick, quick, bring the hemostatic powder!"

The wounded and captured Huren wanted to struggle, but the medical worker slapped him across the face.


But seeing the medical workers cursing and saying:

"If you move again, I will chop you up, I don't know how to behave!"

The Hu man was stunned. Although he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he didn't dare to move when he saw the surrounding situation clearly.

The medical staff cleaned the wound as skillfully as possible, and even specially used high-strength alcohol specially used in the military.

Huren twitched again from the pain.

"Hold and hold! Don't let him move!"

Without the order of the medical worker, the few apprentices he brought over had already crushed the barbarians to death.

After cleaning the wound, sprinkle with hemostatic powder and wrap it with a clean white cloth.

Another barbarian came over, and he said a lot, to the effect that he told this barbarian not to move around, otherwise his head would be beheaded.

This tent was specially used to house the wounded soldiers of the hostile Hu people. There were five or six Hu people lying there, with injuries of varying severity.

Their wounds were carefully bandaged by the medical workers. While the medical workers were busy, there were special recorders behind them, who carefully recorded the injuries and treatment of the injured.

Although the camp was a bit crowded, it was very clean, meeting the regulations of the Liangzhou Governor's Army.

The tents were strictly guarded by Han soldiers, and there were also interpreters who explained the precautions of the injured Hu people and let them know that they were indeed captured.

When people on the grassland were injured, most of them were witch doctors begging for fate for them, or simply resigning themselves to fate. Where did they receive such hospitality?

Not to mention that the defeated and injured party basically has a dead end.

The abnormal behavior of the Han army made the injured Hu people very confused, and at the same time, they felt overwhelmed and panicked.

It's just the soldiers of the Han army guarding the tents that keep them from acting rashly.

At this moment, a high-pitched and shrill scream was heard from outside the tent.

That voice seemed to be pulling out the bones and skin, as if even the soul in the body had been extracted.

"Tied to death! Don't let him move around!"

In another camp, Fan Qi, the number one doctor in the governor's army, gave orders while sweating profusely, and at the same time turned his head, motioning for the apprentice to wipe his sweat.

The barbarians under his hands showed white bones in their calves, and their blood gushed like a spring.

"Bring the spirit toad liquid!"

After these years of research, the School of Medicine has successfully formulated an anesthetic made of toad venom and other medicinal materials, which was officially named Lingchan Ye.

On weekdays, it is stored in the form of medicinal powder, and it is convenient to dissolve it with water when used.

However, this kind of drug is extremely toxic, and only medical workers who have been certified by the medical school are eligible to use it.

Moreover, medicines are scarce, and not everyone in the military is qualified to use them for pain relief.

"How many people in the army can't use it if they want to, it's cheap for you, and I don't know what to do!"

Probably because he has been in the army for a long time, he will suffer from the problems of rough men in the army. Fan Qi is also cursing and giving this spirit toad liquid to the barbarians.

When the Hu man calmed down, all he had to do was to put the peeled willow branches into the Hu man's calf, supplemented with various medicinal materials, and see if he could finally connect the bone.

This is a research direction of the current medical school.

No one knows if it will work, so I have to try these wounded barbarians on the battlefield.

A wounded prisoner with healthy limbs will be a good laborer after healed.

But seriously injured prisoners of war with missing arms and legs are basically a dead end.

Like this barbarian, rather than being killed by a knife, participating in the research of the medical school can actually save a life.

When Fan Qi finished his work and tied the barbarian's calf thinly, he let out a long breath.

He asked the apprentices to pack up the tent, and he went out first to catch his breath.

Just in time to see that the tent next door was also opened, a medical worker came out, took off his mask and exhaled.

The two looked at each other, and the medical worker said hello to Fan Qiqi.

Fan Qilue nodded in return, and asked:

"How effective are those newly formulated hemostatic powders?"

Spending so much money and food on the medical school every year, and at the same time sending students to Nanzhong and other places for internships every year, Governor Feng is not in a hurry.

In addition, Fan A, Li Dangzhi and other top medical workers of this era, as well as the inheritance of the genius doctor Hua Tuo and the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing.

After so many years, if there is no result, it will really fail Feng Langjun's support.

There may be people in this world who dare to disappoint Feng Langjun.

But Fan A and others are definitely not among them.

The hemostatic powder is a new drug specially developed by Fan A, Li Dangzhi and others for the army.

A certain medicinal material called Panax notoginseng produced in Nanzhong is specially added in it.

Now it has entered the large-scale testing phase.

The recovery of Juyanze happened to take the injured soldiers from both sides as a control group.

"I don't know until the data is sorted out, but according to my current experience, the hemostatic powder's hemostatic effect on minor injuries is definitely much better than the previous medicine."

"As for the case where the wound is too large, or the amount of bleeding is too large, we have to look again."

Fan Qi nodded:

"Even if it is effective for minor injuries, that's a good thing."

"Yes, it is also a good thing for the wounded soldiers."

Fan Qi's uncle, Li Dangzhi, was a medical worker in Cao Cao's army.

So Fan Qi knew that the number of soldiers who died in battle and those who died without being healed was at least 50-50 in number.

Having been by Feng Junhou's side for so many years, Fan Qi knew better that a soldier who was injured and received comprehensive treatment and returned to the battle formation again was considered a veteran who was used to the battle formation.

Over the years, why did Feng Junhou have more and more elite soldiers at hand when he fought against the bandits one after another?

It was because there were too many soldiers under Feng Junhou who were injured in battle and continued to jump around alive and well.

At least compared to Wei thief, there are many, many more.

These soldiers who were injured but survived safely, even if they were not elite soldiers, they also had the foundation of elite soldiers.

Fan Qi thinks this is one of the secrets of Feng Junhou's invincibility.

"Doctor Fan, what about the bone setting technique? How is the progress?"

To get rid of the title of "medical engineer" and advance to a doctor, one must also be certified by a medical school.

The conditions are extremely harsh.

Because this title can be recognized by Liangzhou governor's office, he can serve as a military doctor in the army and receive a salary.

Now there are only a few people in the army.

Basically, they are outstanding talents who have researched new medical methods or new drugs.

"It's hard!

Fan Qi shook his head, "It's easy to implant a branch into the bone, but it's a bit difficult to use this auxiliary medicine."

Willow branches and bones are not whimsical, but have already been tried on dogs.

The vast majority of dogs with broken legs can walk on the ground two or three months after bone grafting, and can walk and jump normally after four to five months.

However, when it was applied to humans, it was not so smooth.

In addition to planting willow branches, other auxiliary medicines are also used. At the same time, during the period of bone nourishment, medicines for strengthening and growing bones are also taken.

Thinking of this, Fan Qi sighed:

"After I go back this time, it seems that I have to go to Duanmu Zhe and ask him to prepare some dogs for me. I'll try other supplements..."

As a dog steward, Duanmuzhe loves what he does and what he does, and now the dog farm is in full swing.

Not only can it provide herding dogs for herding, military dogs for guarding in the army, and vegetable dogs for eating, there are even dogs that play with the wives of rich and noble families.

With Feng Junhou's support, not to mention Nanxiang, Longyou, Liangzhou and other places, even Jincheng has dog farms.

According to the needs of different places, the breeds of dogs in the dog park are also different.

So Fan Qi didn't have to worry about the origin of the dogs used for the experiment.

Many students in the medical school also often like to do strange things with dogs.

You feed this dog new medicine today, and I will give that dog a knife tomorrow.

That is to say, there is a strategic cooperation between the medical school and the dog farm, otherwise the medical school will spend a lot of money just to buy dogs every year.

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