The noisy battlefield fell silent.

In the twilight of the morning light, thick lead-colored gunpowder smoke, carrying a sickening smell of blood, oppressed the empty northern plain.

A bunch of curled up, or mutilated, bloody corpses lay horizontally and vertically in the most cruel and natural postures in the world on the flattened grass. .

Mixed with broken limbs and internal organs, bloody dead horses, and flying battle flags...

The most eye-catching thing is the Jingguan built with human heads in the center of the corpse.

The eyes of the dead soldiers opened angrily, not knowing whether it was death with regret or a brutal accusation against the enemy.

Eagles and vultures pecking at corpses are flying in groups, and large black crows are chattering endlessly.

Even though a day and a night had passed since the fighting, the strong smell of blood still seemed to pervade the entire wilderness, too strong to dissipate.

When Bi Gui saw the shocking scene in front of him, his eyes protruded like the eyes of a dead fish, and his face began to turn pale.

He was not uncomfortable because of the tragic scene in front of him.

After all, he also served as the governor of the border for several years.

The reason why he has this look is because the two generals Su Shang and Dong Bi died in battle.

The heads of the two of them were specially hung on the flagpole by the barbarians, and they were inserted in front of the Beijing Temple, which was extremely eye-catching.

completely annihilated!

No horse can return!

Bi Gui's eyes were blank, and he only felt his forehead rumbling.

"Your Majesty, the Hu Dog is so cruel, it insults the soldiers so much, we can't wait to go upstairs and slaughter them all!"

Seeing the scene in front of them, the generals of the Wei army were all eyes wide open, and they all called for a fight.

"Tu? Who to slaughter? Who to slaughter?"

Bi Gui murmured.

The former army he sent was Bingzhou Jingqi.

Now the fine cavalry is gone, and the rest are the conscripted Hu cavalry.

Hu people are inherently changeable. Under the current situation, it is hard to say whether the Hu Qi on my side will be shaken in the army...

Thinking of this, Bi Gui suddenly woke up.

"How far is it from here to the building?"

"Less than thirty miles."

"Quick, quick, clean up the wreckage and retreat!"

After all, Bi Gui was a figure who became famous at a young age, and he served as the governor of Bingzhou for several years.

He's just arrogant, not stupid.

After leaving the pass, there are not enough cavalry, and it is a dream to compete with the barbarians.

Now that the fine cavalry is gone, I heard that the barbarians are still gathering on the building in front of them. Without the fortress as a support, it is very likely that it will be their turn to wipe out the entire army.


Wei Jun's generals were all accidents.

"My lord, why do you want to retreat?"

"There may be an ambush upstairs." Bi Gui repeatedly urged, "Clean up quickly!"

After watching the expression on the envoy's face, all the generals knew that he was terrified.

I can't help feeling a little contemptuous:

It was you who insisted on chasing after the fortress, and now the barbarians are right in front of you, and you are the one who tried to retreat!

It's just that Wei Fa is strict and Bi Gui is the commander in chief. Although the generals are unwilling, they are not slow at hand and quickly buried the corpse.

Then he hurriedly retreated to the pass.

On the second day, Ke Bi Neng personally led more than ten thousand riders to Loufan.

When he learned that Wei Jun had retreated, he couldn't help but regretfully said to his son:

"It's a pity! If he stays for one more day and merges with the army of the state, I will destroy them all."

"Even if Jieshi can't enter the fortress and occupy it, he can still plunder the money and silk women of Bingzhou as my property."

Ke Bineng's son looked ashamed:

"My lord taught me that I was too impatient."

"I don't mean to blame you, but to regret it. You did a good job this time, not only made the Han people terrified and fled in a hurry, but also frightened Bu Dugen."

In June of the 11th year of Jianxing, Bigui, the governor of Bingzhou, rushed forward greedily, and the pursuers sent by Ke Bineng's son were wiped out in the Loufan area, and the whole army was wiped out.

Even the two generals Su Shang and Dong Bi were killed in battle, and no horse could return.

In fear, Bi Gui retreated to the pass.

After this battle, Budugen finally made up his mind to surrender to Ke Bineng.

After merging Budugen's tribe, Ke Bineng's power stretched from Shanggu County (near Zhangjiakou, Hebei) in the east to Jiuyuan's hometown (Hetao area) in the west, and flourished for a while.

Although Bi Gui led the army back to Seine in time, Ke Bineng did not intend to stop there.

In addition, Budugen has stayed in Bingzhou for many years and is very familiar with the geography of Bingzhou.

Under the leadership of Budugen, Kebi could lead 30,000 elite riders to plunder the border of Bingzhou.

For a time, wars broke out in Bingzhou, and the border officials were miserable.

Bi Gui was not good at leading the army at all, and with the loss of Bingzhou Jingqi, there was no way to stop Ke Bineng's looting.

As a last resort, he could only ask Luoyang for help.

When the urgent report from Bingzhou was sent to Luoyang, Cao Rui was furious and threw down Bi Gui's memorial.

The Central Guard Jiang Ji went out to impeach him and said:

"Bi Gui first suffered the defeat of Lou Fan, and then the failure of not protecting Bingzhou. If he is allowed to continue relying on the governor of Bingzhou, he may lose the hope of officials."

"Ordinary talents have their strengths and weaknesses, and they cannot be forced. They are elegant and willful, and they are a beautiful weapon. However, they are not talents in politics, let alone leaders."

"If you don't let him enter a prominent position and don't destroy his virtue, he will do good to the country. This is the key to safety, and only the sage can check it."

It is suggested that Bi Gui should be transferred back to the central government and not allowed to take office.

Cao Rui was originally dissatisfied with Bi Gui because of the vanity case, so he asked:

"Then who can appoint the governor of Bingzhou?"

"In the past, there was Qianzijing in Bingzhou who served as the captain of the guard Xianbei, and there was no chaos in the territory of the Hu people. Not long after the Qianzijing left, the Hu people broke out in chaos."

"Tian Guorang and Qianzijing are both named in the place of seclusion, if you don't let Tian Guoren take over."

The so-called yanzijing is yanzhao, who passed away the year before last.

And Tian Guorang was Tian Yu who was excluded from Youzhou by the governor of Youzhou.

After hearing this suggestion, Cao Rui hesitated a little.

The reason why Tian Yu was transferred away from Youzhou back then was also because he used troops against the Hu people, which caused unrest on the border.

How can people feel at ease if he is allowed to be the governor of Bingzhou?

Because there was a suggestion before recruiting students:

The Shu bandits have the intention of invading the Central Plains, and Ke Bi Neng has the intention of going south, so we must be careful to guard against the joint attack of Wei by the two.

After the first battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Thief's reputation became more and more popular.

According to detailed investigations, most of the Hu people in Liangzhou obeyed their orders.

Bingzhou is not far from Guanzhong.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui felt that what he saw was far-reaching.

It's a pity that this kind of talent can no longer guard the border for the Great Wei!

Thinking of this, Cao Rui let out a long sigh:

"What is urgent now is that Kebi can cause chaos in Bingzhou. If Bigui is transferred away at this time, I am afraid that Bingzhou will become even more chaotic."

"So what we need to do now is how to drive Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen out of Bingzhou first, so that the people of Bingzhou can settle down."

Yang Ji, the leader of the army, came out and played:

"Kebi Neng and Budugen have a new merger. The hearts of the people are not in harmony, and the army is defeated. It is the right time. If the delay is too long, let the two be of one mind, I am afraid that the two states will be merged in the future."

"How could I not know? It's just who should lead the army?"

"The minister is willing to go."

Cao Rui forbids:

"This time leading the army to Bingzhou, we are only allowed to win, not to lose. Although Yang Qing is the leader of the Central Committee, he has never led the army before. It is better to stay in Luoyang."

In fact, Yang Ji, like Bi Gui, was a scholar.

Now that Bigui had an accident, Cao Rui was naturally worried about letting Yang Ji lead the army there.

Jiang Ji stepped forward again:

"The minister is also willing to go."

Jiang Ji is a veteran who followed Cao Cao in his early years. He has led the army many times and is good at military review. He is a suitable candidate.

It's just that Cao Rui didn't agree immediately:

"It's a matter of great importance, let me think about it again."

Although the position of the Central Guard is not as high as that of the Shangqing, it has a lot of power. In addition to being the president of the generals and in charge of the imperial guards, he also has the right to choose and appoint military officers.

There is a ballad in Luoyang: If you want Yamen, you should get a thousand horses; if you supervise five hundred people, you will get five hundred horses.

It is said that if someone wants to be a Yamen general, he has to send 1,000 pieces of silk to Jiang Ji; even a low-level officer like a supervisor of 500 people needs 500 pieces of silk.

Of course, the Wei State is based on aristocratic families, and the rich and powerful have many illegal things.

This point of bribery is not a big deal at all.

Sima Yi once asked Jiang Ji about this, and Jiang Ji replied jokingly:

Luoyang is expensive, and you can't get it for less!

So the two laughed at each other.

It can be seen from this that Sima Yi and Jiang Ji have a very good personal relationship.

It is precisely because of this that Cao Rui is unwilling to lead the army to Bingzhou with Jiang Ji.

The reason is also very simple.

Now nearly half of Wei's elite soldiers are gathered in Guanzhong, under the command of Sima Yi.

The troops that can be sent to Bingzhou at the moment can only be the Chinese army stationed in Luoyang.

If the Chinese army were handed over to Jiang Ji, Cao Rui might not sleep well at night.

At this time, a battle report sent from Guanzhong solved Cao Rui's worries.

"When it comes to using troops, Da Sima can make people feel at ease!"

According to the battle report, troops were sent to the north several times to expel the Hu people and consolidate Beidi County.

And most of them are led by Qin Lang, so in the battle report, Qin Lang is also specially asked for credit, saying that he has the style of a general.

Seeing this, Cao Rui said happily:

"I know who to lead the army to Bingzhou!"

Immediately issued an urgent edict and sent a fast horse to Guanzhong.

Urgent edicts continued day and night, and they arrived in Chang'an in only two days.

Qin Lang got the edict and did not dare to neglect, he rushed to Luoyang as quickly as possible, then led the Chinese army and set off for Bingzhou.

"My lord, Your Majesty really asked Qin Lang to lead the army to Bingzhou!"

Master Sima looked at Sima Yi with admiration, "My lord's previous predictions have all come true. It is indeed a deep plan!"

"Although Your Majesty has the ambition of Emperor Qin and Han Wu, he doesn't have the wisdom of Qin Emperor and Han Wu. In addition, he is still young and has an impatient temper."

Sima Yi was not happy with Master Sima's words, but said lightly, "Over the years, I have been able to figure out what His Majesty is thinking."

Seeing his lord's appearance like this, Sima Shi hesitated to speak.

Finally, he looked around and made sure that no one else heard the conversation between his father and son, so he couldn't help asking in a low voice:

"Your Excellency tried to transfer Qin Lang out of Guanzhong, but did he have a plan?"

In fact, Sima Yi, who had been paying attention to Bingzhou, knew about the situation in Bingzhou almost at the same time as Luoyang.

After all, the north of Beidi County is the hometown of Jiuyuan.

Feng Yi County in Guanzhong is only separated from Bingzhou by Pingyang County.

Even if he didn't have all the information, Sima Yi could already guess the current situation in Bingzhou based on the information at hand.

Therefore, the battle report sent to Luoyang was sent in time.

If Master Sima had doubts a few days ago, he is almost certain now.

Sima Yi glanced at Master Sima, and said calmly:

"I also know that you dare not ask."

Sima Shi's face changed slightly, and he uttered two words with some difficulty:

"grown ups……"

I couldn't speak anymore.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think."

Sima Yi glanced at Master Sima, as if he knew what Master Sima was thinking.

Master Sima breathed a sigh of relief.

No, since my lord knows what I'm thinking, doesn't it mean that my lord has also thought about it...

He suddenly looked at Sima Yi again.

Sima Yi did not continue this topic, he looked to the west with far-reaching eyes, and after a long time, he suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"Dalang, between Shu and Wei, there will eventually be a battle in Guanzhong, or even several battles. The two countries will not be able to tell the winner, and I am afraid they will not give up. Do you think it will be Shu Sheng or Wei Sheng?"

"Of course it's Wei Sheng."

Master Sima replied without hesitation.

Sima Yi turned to look at him: "I'm asking who will win, not who you want to win."

Sima Shi originally wanted to say "because there is an adult in Guanzhong", but when he felt the pressure in his own adult's eyes, he was speechless for a moment.

It's just that the adult just kept staring at me, as if he must get the answer from me, Master Sima gritted his teeth, and said:

"Let's open fifty-five."

Only then did Sima Yi nod his head:

"That's right. It would be a joke if anyone said that Shu people wanted to enter Guanzhong before the Battle of Longyou."

"But now..." At this point, Sima Yi sighed, and his voice sank, "It's different now."

"There was Zhuge in the front of the Kingdom of Shu, and there was Bandit Feng in the back, and also the bravery of the Shu army. Even I may not have the confidence to win against these two."

"Your Majesty asked me to guard Guanzhong. If I can defeat these two, where will I be promoted from Da Sima?"

"If I am defeated by the two of you and let Guanzhong fall, how will I be convicted of my crime?"

When Master Sima heard this, his body shook, and he looked at Sima Yi in disbelief.

But seeing the adult who usually has plans for everything, his face is slightly gloomy, and he doesn't know what he is thinking in his heart.

"grown ups?"

There was a cold light in Sima Yi's eyes, and there was a little uncertainty on his face:

"Since the founding of the Great Wei Dynasty, the generals in the army have always been based on clan relatives, but now the clan clan has declined."

"Now there is Man Chong in Yangzhou and me in Guanzhong, neither of them are clan relatives, but they control most of the elite soldiers of the Great Wei."

"Furthermore, His Majesty has not had enough external prestige in the past few years since his Majesty ascended the throne, and internally, the aristocratic family has gradually gained the power to select local officials."

"This time, although I had expected it, I still intended to try His Majesty."

Speaking of this, Sima Yi's face became more and more gloomy:

"I didn't expect His Majesty to really choose Qin Lang. From this point of view, His Majesty has actually taken precautions against the current situation."

The nine-rank Zhongzheng system allowed the right to select officials to gradually fall into the hands of aristocratic families.

Since His Majesty has the ambition of the Qin Emperor and the Han Dynasty, how could he watch helplessly after the aristocratic family takes power and then take over the military power?

So although I was sent to Guanzhong by His Majesty, I was entrusted with full-time power.

But behind this seemingly extreme trust may not be a good thing.

If Master Sima didn't understand after hearing this, it would be a waste of Sima Yi's training him for so long.

"So my lord thinks of a way to transfer Qin Lang out of Guanzhong, it's..."

"It's just to make some plans for the future."

Having said this, Sima Yi glanced at Master Sima again, "Now you know why I reminded you to pay attention to Xiahou Hui?"

Master Sima trembled, his face turned pale.

Xia Houhui was Sima Shi's wife.

She is the daughter of Xiahoushang, the younger sister of Xiahouxuan, and she was born in one of the three Xiahou clans.

Xia Houxuan was hated by His Majesty because of Empress Mao's younger brother and the vanity case.

"The members of Xiahou's family are now tabooed by His Majesty. If you don't want her to implicate our Sima family, you'd better make preparations early."

"Besides," Sima Yi's eyes turned cold, "Who knows what Xiahou's family will do in order to turn around?"

"It's really going to be taken by someone else to take advantage of our Sima family, and go to His Majesty to claim credit and show loyalty..."

Master Sima knelt down with a "plop".

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