Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 923 Sun Quan’s Attack on Hefei

It may be that the wish of Cao Miao and Cao Zhi played a role.

Of course, the greater possibility is that Wei Guo has been too unsatisfactory these years, so he finally started to bottom out.

The good news came from Bingzhou first.

The imperial guards led by Qin Lang defeated the joint army of Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen in one fell swoop.

This is not a surprise.

The imperial guards stationed in Luoyang are the most elite troops in Wei State.

Although it can't compare with the tiger and leopard cavalry set up by Emperor Wu himself.

But to be honest, before the Battle of Longyou, the imperial guards of the Wei Dynasty, except for those who were not familiar with water warfare, no one in the north of the river could compete with them.

If Bandit Feng hadn't been too cunning, the thousands of Chinese troops led by Zhang Xi would have turned the situation in Longyou around at Jieting.

After the Battle of Longyou, Cao Rui often thought, if the tiger and leopard cavalry were still there, it would be great.

Especially after the first battle of Xiaoguan, King Feng Gui sent Zhao Sanqian to dig through the camp of a hundred thousand troops, and his reputation shook the world.

Cao Rui felt even more remorse in his heart:

Dawei disbanded the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry back then, but now it seems that it may have been a mistake?

It's just that if the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is not disbanded, there is no way to establish the Imperial Guard.

the reason is simple.

The tiger and leopard riders spent too much money and food.

It's just too much.

When the number of tiger and leopard riders was the largest, there were only about 5,000 people.

It was also because of this that no one could have imagined that the people of Shu would actually be able to produce an army of 3,000 armored cavalry that was even more terrifying than tiger and leopard cavalry in the battle of Xiaoguan.

Wei Guo used the power of eight states to provide five thousand tigers and leopards. It is still difficult.

How did the people of Shu, who only had one state, raise these three thousand armored cavalry?

Did their money and food fall from the world?

This is not only one of the biggest mysteries in Cao Rui's heart, but also one of the biggest confusions for the generals and courtiers of Wei State.

In the past few years of fighting with the Shu people, Cao Rui suffered a series of disastrous defeats, which made Cao Rui doubt the fighting power of the Wei army.

Fortunately, last year, Tian Yu attacked and killed Zhou He first, and then Man Chong repelled Lu Xun's sneak attack.

Now Qin Lang led the Chinese army again, and defeated Ke Bineng and Bu Dugen's joint forces neatly.

Cao Rui finally regained a little confidence.

Ge thief is called Wolong, and Feng thief is called ghost king, and there is some truth to it.

It's not that I, Wei, can't do it, it's that the people of Shu have these two thieves, who are too cunning.

As soon as this thought came up, Qin Lang from Bingzhou sent another message:

Because of the heavy losses, Ke Bineng wanted to annex the Budugen tribe, and the two had internal strife.

In the end, Budugen was killed by Ke Bineng, and Budugen's nephew vented his fear, led the tribe to escape again, and returned to Wei.

A minister in the DPRK wrote a letter saying:

Hu people are ungrateful, shameless, and capricious. When they lose power, they should destroy their tribes to avoid future troubles.

After Cao Rui considered it, he refused:

"Xie Guini and Ke Bineng originally had the vengeance of killing their father, so they first escaped from Ke Bineng and returned to Budugen."

"Now Budugen was killed by Ke Bineng again, between Gui Ni and Ke Bineng, there is another revenge for killing his uncle."

"Furthermore, Xie Guini has repeatedly fled from Ke Bineng, which shows that this person is indeed not of the same type as Ke Bineng."

"Besides, he is too poor to vote. If Wei takes the opportunity to destroy him, I'm afraid it will damage his reputation. How can he win the trust of the barbarians in the future?"

So he ordered to worship Xie Guini as the king of Guiyi, and to grant Zhuanghui, Qugai, and advocacy, so that Xieguini's tribe lived in the place where the Budugen tribe used to be.

After this defeat, Ke Bi Neng was seriously injured, and led his tribe to flee to Mobei.

Coupled with the appeasement policies of Cao Rui and Youzhou Inspector Wang Xiong towards the Hu people, the two prefectures of You and Bing finally achieved temporary peace.

In November, Gongsun Yuan from Liaodong sent another big gift:

Wu Guo Tai Chang Zhang Mi, Zhi Jin Wu Xu Yan and others were the heads, and reiterated that he was a minister of Wei Guo.

Cao Rui won the heads of Zhang Mi, Xu Yan and others. Overjoyed, he named Gongsun Yuan the Grand Sima and was promoted to Duke Le Lang.

Cao Rui's happy event is a funeral for Sun Quan.

It is learned that most of the soldiers sent to Liaodong were killed by Gongsun Yuan, and all the rare treasures brought by the fleet were swallowed up by Gongsun Yuan.

Sun Quan's eyes were dark!

Recalling that when I decided to send the fleet to Liaodong, almost all the ministers in the court opposed it, and Sun Dadi's face was hot.

Gongsun thief, would you rather accept the duke of the Wei thief than my king of Wu? !

As soon as he thought of this, Sun Quan only felt that his chest was churning, and the blood almost rushed to his throat.

In a fit of anger, Sun Quan drew his sword in his hand and said angrily:

"I have passed the year of knowing the destiny, and the difficult and easy things in the world are beyond my experience. I didn't expect to be taken advantage of by the mouse, it is too much to humiliate me!"

"I swear that I will personally lead the army, conquer Liaodong, cut off the heads of rats, and throw them into the sea, or face all nations without face!"

The courtiers below, from Prime Minister Gu Yong down, heard His Majesty swearing this oath in front of the court, and they all trembled collectively!

In the past, when people like Liu Bei and Cao Cao were still there, it was most normal to say that they wanted to lead the army in person.

After all, they are all emperors on horseback, fighting on the battlefield all their lives.

It is different now, the world is divided into three parts, and the tripartite situation has been established.

It is better for the emperor to stay in the rear and not to go out easily.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will easily cause turmoil in the country, and even worry about overturning.

Even Liu Bei, who fought all his life, almost caused the kingdom of Shu to perish because of the battle of Yiling?

In the end, the Shu Kingdom relied on the obstacles of mountains and rocks, and in addition, there was Zhuge Liang, who can be regarded as the top three in governance, so he barely made it through.

If it wasn't for another Feng Yong who ran the army, governed the people's livelihood, and made money, he was top-notch.

Even if there was Zhuge Liang in Shu, he would be trapped in Shu forever.

Zhuge Liang and Feng Yong have worked together for more than ten years, and this is how the state of Shu is today.

Otherwise, if Feng Yong were to come out ten years earlier to serve Liu Bei, it would be hard to say what the world would be like.

Closer, look at Cao Rui's regal power has not been established all these years.

Although it is mainly because Wei Guo has suffered disastrous defeats since he ascended the throne.

But the earliest cause was that during the Battle of Longyou, he quietly confiscated himself, supervised the battle in Chang'an, and was forced to run back to Luoyang in desperation?

It is said that he went back with the support of Zhang He's coffin pivot, but everyone in the world is not a fool, and they all know what the real truth is.

At that time, some people in Luoyang encouraged the Bian family to make Cao Zhi the new king!

It can be seen how bad Cao Rui's situation was at that time.

Zhang Zhao, the most important minister of the state of Wu, is still at home and refuses to go to court.

As the prime minister, Gu Yong was obliged to be the first to oppose:

"Your Majesty Wan Cheng's body is just at the time when China is being flattened, and it is always a great opportunity, but he can't bear the small anger and becomes furious, which is against the way of 'a son of a thousand gold, he will not sit down'."

"Nowadays the strong bandits are in the country, and the desolation has not yet been ruled. Your Majesty lightens the weight of ten thousand vehicles. Taking a long expedition, is it different from traveling thousands of miles on the middle road and stopping, but Tu Sihai is careful to do harm?"

Shang Shupu shoots Xue Zong as the second one out:

"In the past, Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty wanted to control the buildings and boats. Xue Guangde asked his neck to be stained with blood. Why? The danger of water and fire is extremely dangerous, and it is not suitable for an emperor to get involved!"

"Your Majesty wants to take a boat to conquer thousands of miles away. The difficulty of forming a mountain is still in front of you. Although your Majesty's move is regrettable to be lost to the Liaodong soldiers, what is the basis for throwing the river east forever?"

Choose Cao Shangshu and Lu Hao as the third one out:

"Wei's thief is connected to the country by land. Once there is a gap in the country, he will definitely wait for the opportunity to move. The reason why your majesty crossed the sea to seek horses is to Gongsun Yuan, just to get rid of the immediate troubles."

"Nowadays, if you want to personally conquer Liaodong, you are abandoning the basics and looking for the end, donating near and far away, changing the rules with anger, and mobilizing the masses with excitement. If the cunning prisoner hears about it, he may be happy in his heart. This is not the plan of the Great Wu!"

The important ministers of the state of Wu came out one after another to dissuade them. How similar to the previous situation when the ministers persuaded Sun Quan not to send a fleet to Liaodong with great fanfare?

Sun Quan became more and more ashamed and angry. Although he knew that what the officials said was reasonable, he just felt that his face was very dull and he couldn't get down from the stage.

"But the rats bully me and humiliate me like this, if I tolerate it, wouldn't it make the world laugh at me?"

Lu Hao is good at guessing people's hearts, so he went out again at the moment:

"Your Majesty, the rebels are the ones who punish the riots and threaten the barbarians. Now that the riots in Zhongxia have not stopped, your Majesty's counter-conquest of Liaodong is actually a way to rule far away."

"In the past, Zhao Tuo rebelled and proclaimed himself emperor. At that time, the world was stable and the people were prosperous. However, the Chinese language still said that the expedition was not easy, and it was just a metaphor. Today, the fierce people in China have not been killed, so it is not appropriate to put Yuan as the first."

"May your majesty restrain his prestige and take charge of the plan, temporarily pacify the Sixth Division, submerge his mind and hide his will, and think of the future plan, only waiting for your majesty's major events to be timely, and the mouse will not ask for self-satisfaction."

These words, using Emperor Hanwen as an example, also meant to compare Sun Quan with Emperor Hanwen, and finally made Sun Quan look a little better.

After talking about it, someone finally gave him a step, and Sun Quan naturally went downhill:

"My wrath is not for myself, but for the many officers and soldiers in Liaodong! If you want to kill Yuan, you must first pacify Zhongxia. I heard that the bandits of Wei built a new city in Hefei, and it is the right time to levy them..."

When the ministers heard that the emperor didn't want to fight Liaodong anymore and wanted to fight Hefei, they subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine to fight Hefei, as long as it doesn't fight Liaodong, then everything is easy to talk about.

Hefei is close to the river, and there is Chaohu Lake. If you can't beat it, you can come back at any time...

"Your Majesty is wise! If the Great Wu wants to go north to the Central Plains, he must go to Hefei, and the time is right for the conquest."

Gu Yongsheng was afraid that Sun Quan would change his mind, so he quickly settled down.

Although Hefei is not easy to fight, it is much better than crossing the sea to fight Liaodong.

The most important thing is that with the current situation of Great Wu, there are seas on both sides of the east and south.

The direction of breakthrough is only west and north.

To the west is Yong'an.

Aside from the fact that Shu is an ally of Great Wu, even if the two sides are still enemies, Yong'an is the most difficult to fight.

Otherwise, when Liu Bei defeated Yiling, wouldn't the general want to take the opportunity to attack Shu?

Unless there are internal changes in the Kingdom of Shu, with the current national strength of the Kingdom of Shu, it would be difficult for Great Wu to attack the territory of Shu from Yong'an, even with the power of the whole country.

Not to mention that in the northeast of Yong'an, there is a Wei thief clothed in Xiangyang with a heavy army.

If an army is raised to attack Yong'an, who knows what the Wei bandits in Xiangyang will do?

Conversely, if they go north to Xiangyang, who can guarantee that the Shu people in Yong'an will not have other ideas?

This is why the people of Shu promised to benefit from sugar cane back then, and the great Wu was just acting as a show, and the reason why he immediately withdrew his troops after beating Xiangyang at will.

If the world is a tripartite confrontation, then Nanjun Yong'an Xiangyang is also a reduced version of the tripartite confrontation.

Therefore, Yong'an cannot be attacked, Xiangyang cannot be attacked, and the best breakthrough point for Wu is precisely in Hefei.

This is also the reason why Da Wu conquers Hefei every year.

Some aristocratic families in Jiangdong may be satisfied with separatist control of Jiangnan.

But Sun Quan is also an emperor no matter what, he is definitely not willing to do nothing and just be trapped to death in the south of the Yangtze River.

It's just that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty saw it very clearly:

"Its intellect is weak, so it is limited to the river to protect itself. Power cannot cross the river, just like Wei's thieves cannot cross the Han Dynasty. Unless they have more strength, they will not take profits."

This reality, Wu Guo is not saying that no one sees it.

But so what?

Sun Dadi said, since you Shu people can break through Qishan, why do you say that I "can't cross the river"?

I don't accept it, I will definitely beat Hefei!

Now that he has received the support of his ministers, Emperor Sun became very proud and said:

"I have repeatedly attacked Hefei, but we can see that the Wei thieves' city is indeed strong. Now that the city is solid and the thieves abandon it, it can be said that it was pulled out without attacking!"

"When the time comes, I will lead the army to the city, and the thieves will definitely be timid. Is there any reason why they can't break it?"

So in December of the 11th year of Jianxing, Emperor Sun once again led an army of 100,000 and marched northward.

Although Lu Xun's attack on Lu'an City in Lujiang County failed last year, it also revealed that it was not easy for Lu'an City, Shouchun City, and Hefei City to rescue each other.

So Sun Quan followed suit and sent General Quan Cong to supervise the attack on Lu'an with 50,000 troops.

And he took 50,000 of his own money and marched into Hefei.

Entering Chaohu Lake from Chaoxian County and reaching the north bank of Chaohu Lake is Xiaoyaojin.

Sun Quan stood on the boat to watch, and he saw that the old city of Hefei, which was built next to the lake in the past, had been destroyed.

The city gates have long since been demolished, and the moat has been filled in.

Only the city wall covered with various scars is still there, but many dangerous places have been deliberately demolished and become dilapidated.

Many places are completely like a barren hill of loess, because no one maintains it, dry weeds and withered vines can be seen everywhere on the city wall.

Looking at the fortified city that could not be conquered repeatedly in the past, at this time he let himself in and out defenselessly, Sun Quan couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion.

It's just that there seems to be a lot of emotion. From this point of view, it is more than 20 days.

"Your Majesty, the army has been here for a long time, do you want to go ashore?"

The general below finally couldn't bear it anymore and came to ask for instructions.


Sun Quan's expression froze when he heard this.

For some reason, he looked at the bank in front of him, and there seemed to be a general, wearing armor and holding a halberd, shouting loudly: "I am Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan!"

Take the lead on one side.

Behind him, there were only a few hundred soldiers, but they dared to charge towards the camp of a hundred thousand troops.

Before arriving at the camp, the first army had already greeted the general, but this general beheaded two generals and killed dozens of people...

It's a nightmare!

It was also after this battle that Sun Quan knew that he was really afraid.

Since then, even though he led the army to attack Hefei many times, he never set foot on the shore easily.

But in order to eliminate this nightmare in his heart, he always thought of leading the army to defeat Hefei himself.

It's just that when the Wei people handed over Hefei and the Wu army could enter Hefei without a single soldier, Sun Quan began to hesitate again.

Or he suddenly discovered that he did not have enough courage to face the nightmare in his heart.

Hearing the general reminding himself that the army had been lingering here for too long, Sun Quan's face became hot, and he finally gritted his teeth, held his whip and shouted at the old city of Hefei:


As an emperor, if he dare not face the nightmare in his heart, how can he talk about peace in the world?

Today, he will not only step into the old city of Hefei, but also attack the new city of Hefei!

Knowing that Sun Quan led the army to abandon the ship and go ashore, Man Chong, standing at the head of Hefei New City, laughed:

"When Sun Quan learned that we had moved the city, he came here with a large army. He must have wanted to gain some success for a while. However, those who dared not go ashore for more than 20 days, are they afraid?"

"Now I reluctantly go ashore to show off my force, but it is more than enough to show my strength, and my intention to attack the city may not be firm. Moreover, the Wu people are good at water warfare, and they are not enough in land warfare. The defeat is just in time!"

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