Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 924 The Nightmare That Can't Be Eliminated

Quan Cong, who was sent to attack Lujiang, moved much faster than Sun Quan lingering in Xiaoyaojin.

Lujiang didn't react at all, Quan Cong had already led the army and approached Lu'an City.

Fortunately, Lu Xun had sneaked into Lu'an City last year, so the defenders were already prepared. When they got the news of Wu Jun's presence in the territory, they immediately closed the city gates to prevent entry and exit.

The officials and civilians who were flocking to Lu'an City, managed to escape here, but they were unable to enter the city.

Everyone couldn't help crying for help in the city, but the defenders in the city not only did not open the door, but even shot arrows to force everyone back.

At this moment, someone shouted loudly again:

"The people of Wu are here!"

Sure enough, seeing smoke and dust billowing in the distance, the people of Wu were almost at the bottom of the city.

The people outside the city had no choice but to look for a way to escape in panic.

Wu Jun's scouts had already reported the situation.

The generals in the army were overjoyed when they heard about it, and suggested to Quan Cong one after another:

"General Wei, there are so many males and females outside the city, why don't you divide your troops and capture them? First, you can add more parts, and second, you can invite credit and reward."

The military system of the State of Wu is a hereditary system of trilogy. Except for the imperial guards led by the emperor, all other sergeants can be hereditary.

Therefore, most of the leading generals in the Wu Kingdom are extremely keen to put down the rebellion of the barbarians in the mountains, because the captured ones can be taken as servants and used by themselves.

As for foreign military use, there is less enthusiasm and more caution.

After all, fighting for the country, a considerable part of the dead and wounded soldiers can be regarded as their own private parts.

It's just that they didn't expect that there would be such a good opportunity to make money in this battle.

In their eyes, those men and women who fled everywhere are property!

The city of Lu'an is in sight, and the generals in the army don't think about how to attack the city, but how to divide their troops and capture the people to increase their numbers.

Quan Cong looked at the excited and greedy faces. Although he knew that this was a tradition in the military, he felt angry and also saddened in his heart:

"Since Your Majesty paid half of my troops to take the Lujiang River, he should put the state affairs first. How could he lose his job because of small profits? This is not what a minister did!"

"If the troops are divided up to capture the people today, the siege will inevitably be delayed. No matter how many people are captured, how can it be compared with the capture of the Lujiang River?"

"Besides, our army has just arrived, and the situation is unknown. Who knows if the enemy has ambushed? If the troops are easily dispersed, in case they are attacked by the enemy, how can the mere people make up for the casualties of the soldiers?"

"It's not just me at Jieshi, I'm afraid that everyone here will also be able to escape the guilt. Instead of arresting people for meritorious service and being convicted, it is better to attack the city with all your strength."

Although Quan Cong was from Wu County, he was actually from a wealthy Jiangdong family.

However, he married Sun Luban, Sun Quan's daughter, as his wife. She is Sun Quan's son-in-law, and he is deeply respected by Sun Quan.

At any rate, the Sun family has been in charge of Jiangdong for decades. Over the years, it is not surprising that several aristocratic families who are willing to give their allegiance have been cultivated.

After all, if Sun Wu really becomes the co-lord of the world, then they who have the merits of Conglong will naturally gain much more benefits than Pian'an Jiangnan.

Quan Cong is deeply bound to the Wu royal family, so he is not quite the same as some Jiangdong aristocratic families.

Compared with Gou An Jiangnan, he hopes that Wu Guo can be aggressive and unify the world.

There are people from Jiangdong who have this idea, as well as Lu Xun, Zhu Ran and others.

Therefore, I can't understand the generals' behavior of putting self-interest first and not putting state affairs first.

Quan Cong was both General Wei and the commander in chief of the army, and when he said these words in his capacity, no matter how unwilling the generals were, they had no choice but to resign in dismay.

Soon, Wu Jun came to Lu'an City, dispersed the surrounding people, and then began to prepare for the siege.

Unexpectedly, this preparation took more than 20 days.

the reason is simple.

Because there has been no news from the east that His Majesty has arrived in Hefei City.

Sun Quan did not hold back the Wei army in Hefei, so Quan Cong had to guard against not only the Wei army from Shouchun coming to help, but also the Wei army from Hefei.

When Lu Xun encountered this kind of situation last year, he could only withdraw his troops overnight. How could Quan Cong dare to push him?

Sun Quan watched the scenery by Chaohu Lake for too long, Quan Cong couldn't hold back anymore, and began to feel anxious.

The so-called soldiers are expensive and fast.

Quan Cong's initial advance all the way was to prevent the cities of Lujiang from being prepared in time, but he did not expect to waste more than 20 days in the city of Lu'an now.

Not to mention how prepared Wei Guo is, even the walls of Lu'an City may have been raised by ten feet.

As for the reinforcements that have not yet appeared, who knows where they are now?

Quan Cong was only anxious, and the generals in the army had already begun to complain.

His majesty's majestic posture, of course the courtiers dare not complain.

What they complained about was naturally Quan Cong's refusal to divide troops and arrest civilians.

"If I had known this before, it would be better to divide the troops and arrest the people from the beginning. Firstly, there will be some credit, and secondly, it will be beneficial."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not like now, and if you don't attack the city, those people would have disappeared long ago, without finding anything..."


Regarding these complaints, even if Quan Cong heard them, he could only pretend that he didn't know.

When the news that Sun Quan finally led the army ashore and set off for Hefei New City came, Quan Cong looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh:

"The opportunity is lost, let's see what God wants!"

Last year, the top generals raided Lu'an, but they failed to succeed.

Now Wei Jun has been preparing for a full month, wanting to break the city, regardless of God's will, is it possible to see if Wei Jun will take the initiative to open the city gate and surrender?

Not to mention whether Shouchun's reinforcements are in Hefei or Lujiang, no one knows.

Therefore, Quan Cong, who had lost the opportunity, fought the siege battle timidly, because he had to pay attention to the news from the east and west directions at all times, so as not to be cut off.

Compared to Quan Cong's timidity, Sun Quan, who was determined to face the nightmare in his heart, let go of his hands and feet and headed towards Hefei New City at full speed.

To be honest, marching in winter is really too much to suffer.

Because the armor worn by soldiers in the army not only cannot keep warm, but will absorb heat from the body.

It is already cold enough in the cold weather, and if you are not careful, you will be infected with diseases such as wind and cold.

This is why Sun Quan likes to go north in winter.

Wei Junlu has defeated many Wu countries, which is recognized by the world.

Wu Jun fought in winter, and his combat effectiveness would of course decline.

But the cold weather will only make Wei Jun's combat effectiveness drop even more.

Even if he is still stronger than Wu Jun, at least the gap between the two will be smaller than usual.

After all, God is fair and will not favor any party.

The people of Wu will suffer from the wind and cold, and the people of Wei will also suffer from the wind and cold.

Their commander-in-chief was not a certain Feng surname who was taken advantage of. In order to reduce the damage to the backbone of the army from arrows and crossbows, he was willing to take out even silk.

They don't even have gloves, and wielding weapons in the cold winter may crack or even frostbite their hands.

It's not like a certain Feng surnamed turtle, who has too much money and nowhere to spend, actually has a special winter training plan.

Of course, as the emperor, Sun Quan naturally does not need to be frozen.

It is not easy to ride a horse in winter, he sits in the cart, and there is a heater.

"Report! Your Majesty, the city of Hefei lies ahead!"

Thirty miles away, whether it is close or far, but Sun Quan was still very careful and sent out a large number of scouts along the way to prevent the Wei army from setting up an ambush.

But he found that he was worrying too much.

The old city of Hefei was completely demolished, and even the people were completely relocated.

Along the way, apart from Wei Jun's scouts, let alone an ambush, none of the common people saw it.

Hearing that he was about to reach the city of Hefei at this time, Sun Quan's heart that had been a little hanging finally fell.

"Come on, prepare your horse!"

Sun Quan put on a long and thick down jacket, got out of the car, and got on his horse.

Looking up, I saw a city looming in front of me.

When you get closer, you can finally see the city clearly.

But seeing that there is a lake in the south of the city, and natural moats in the north and east, it is surrounded by water on three sides.

Only one side can pass, but it still leads directly to the land of Wei State behind.

If Wu Jun wants to attack the city, he must first cross the wide river in front of him.

Fortunately, it was winter and there was not much water.

Sun Quan then ordered to find a few places where the water was shallow and build bridges to cross the river.

After the battle of Shiting, Wei suffered a lot.

So in the past few years, Wu Jun has always taken the initiative to go north, and Wei Guo is on the defensive.

In addition, Sun Quan sent out all his troops this time, so he expected that the Wei army must be like the previous few times, only guarding the city, and did not dare to go out of the city at all.

The reason is simple: insufficient troops.

Otherwise, why would Wei Guo move Hefei City to the rear?

Without the interference of Wei Jun, the bridge was quickly paved, and Sun Quan gave an order, and Wu Jun began to cross the river.

Standing at the top of the city, Man Chong smiled coldly when he saw the canopy below the city begin to move.

On the front line of Yangzhou, the lack of troops is a fact.

In addition to the loss of too many troops due to the battle of Shiting, the Shu bandits in the west also put too much pressure on Wei.

After all, there are too many places to guard in Guanzhong.

Unlike Yangzhou, as long as Hefei is guarded, the Wu people will not be able to advance an inch.

Therefore, the deployment of troops is naturally less.

But this does not mean that he can only defend the city.


"Boom boom boom..."

Sun Quan, who was crossing the river, suddenly heard the sound of drums in the city, and raised his head in surprise.

However, on both sides of Hefei City, a team of elite cavalry appeared on each side, and they rushed directly to Wu Jun who had just crossed to the other side and had not yet formed a formation.

"Strike halfway?!"

Sun Quan looked at the dust and smoke rising up in front of him, and then heard the sound of horseshoes like rain, and subconsciously felt a chill in his heart.

The nightmare in my heart came to my mind again.

In his panic, he almost threw the mount under him into the water.

The bad influence of the emperor's personal conquest was revealed at this time.

The canopy was too conspicuous, it only shook a few times, and the guards shouted dutifully:

"Protect Your Majesty!"

There is even a general who has experienced the battle of Xiaoyaojin, and his heart is hanging in his voice!

Back then when Zhang Liao was in the army, he went straight to the commander-in-chief's banner, forcing His Majesty to a mountain mound, and armed with a long halberd for self-defense.

Who is not afraid of such a thing?

At this moment, there was also drumming noise from the north side, and at the same time there was faint smoke and dust.

"Withdraw, withdraw! Withdraw!"

Shocked, Sun Quan quickly ordered.

There are ambushes in front, and there are ambushes on this side of the moat, and there are also ambushes on the flanks. The Wei thief wants to attack while he is crossing the river!

With this in mind, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, turned his horse's head around, and ran towards the east bank again.

"Quick, pay attention to the north!"

Back on the east bank, Sun Quan was still in shock, and hastily ordered again.

As for Wu Jun on the west bank, he didn't care about it for a while.

Fortunately, it was impossible for Sun Quan to manage an army of tens of thousands of people. The real ones in charge were the generals.

The emperor's canopy ran back to the east bank, and the general Wu Jun who had already crossed the river was not in a hurry.

Although it was unexpected that the Wei thief would dare to take the initiative to attack, he was caught off guard by the ambush, and his majesty ordered to retreat to the east bank, which made Wu soldiers run back like a swarm.

But still the same sentence, the Wei army was short of troops, and there were thousands of ambush soldiers.

After paying the price of nearly a thousand casualties, Wu Jun has barely organized a formation.

But Wei Jun accepted it as soon as he saw it, and retreated like a gust of wind.

On the contrary, when the Wu army was retreating, many soldiers fell into the river because they were too flustered.

The river was icy cold, and in addition to wearing thick clothes in winter, and some soldiers were wearing armor, they were not rescued in time, and more people died of freezing than drowning.

After the ambush on the other side of the moat receded, the noise of the drums in the north also subsided.

Although he knew that there might be suspicious soldiers in the north, Emperor Sun was still in shock.

The nightmare more than ten years ago could make him linger on the edge of Chaohu Lake for more than 20 days. Man Chong's sudden attack this time naturally made Sun Dadi more cautious.

He first ordered a careful reconnaissance of the surrounding area, and only after confirming that there was no danger at all, did he let people continue to build the bridge.

And it is necessary to build the bridge so that not only horses and horses will be hindered, but even cars can be driven.

But before he could attack the city, there was another news that Wei's reinforcements had arrived from Shouchun.

Sun Quan looked at Jiancheng in front of him, and then looked at the thirty miles of land road behind him. There was no direct waterway to the river, which made him feel a little guilty.

"Your Majesty, the city of Hefei must not be taken down suddenly, and reinforcements from bandits have arrived, and it is very likely that they will try to cut off our army's retreat. For your majesty's safety, I implore your majesty to retreat."

Sun Quan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, and sighed at the same time:

"Now I finally know why the Wei thief moved to Hefei!"

In the past, as long as you pass through Chaohu Lake by boat, you can attack Hefei when you enter, and you can return to the river when you retreat.

Now they want to attack Hefei, but they have to go ashore for dozens of miles, and the Shouchun thieves can come from the north again, threatening the flanks and rear.

"Wei thief, you are really cunning!"

After cursing bitterly in Hefei Xincheng, Sun Dadi led the army back to Chaohu Lake in a hurry.

However, he was lucky enough to send someone to Lujiang to find out if Quan Cong had captured Lu'an City.

Quan Cong was stunned when he received the news of Sun Quan.

Your Majesty, as agreed, you will contain the Wei army in Hefei and Shouchun, and I will attack Lu'an City.

I have been waiting for nearly a month just to hear from you.

It’s been hard to fight for a few days, and now you say that you have retreated, and you come to ask me if I have captured Liu’an...

I remembered that last year when the general led the army to attack Lujiang, he also made an appointment with His Majesty to keep Hefei in check. As a result, His Majesty didn't even go to Xiaoyaojin, but just wandered around Ruxukou.

Quan Cong only felt that his heart was very tired, and he ordered with a tired face:


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