Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 925 Unexpected News

In the eleventh year of Jianxing, the state of Wei defeated Ke Bineng's tens of thousands of cavalry in the north, and Sun Quan's 100,000 troops retreated in the south, finally showing the spirit of the overlord of the Central Plains.

Gongsun Yuan of Liaodong took the initiative to kill the envoy of Wu State, officially admitted that he was Wei Chen, and added to Wei's martial arts.

In addition, in the tenth year of Jianxing, Tian Yu beheaded Zhou He in Chengshan, and Man Chong forced Lu Xun to retreat in Lujiang.

The Shu people have also been very knowledgeable in the past two years, they have been standing still, and have not added to the obstruction of the Great Wei.

Cao Rui can be regarded as elated for a while.

Compared to Cao Rui's relaxed attitude, Governor Feng was a little cursing, "Isn't this just to cause trouble for people? It's already spring, why is it snowing!"

The year before last, there was a white disaster, and as soon as the spring of the next year, Juyanze suffered a spring flood.

However, Ju Yanze hadn't returned to the big man at that time, so apart from spending a little effort to block the way for the Hu people to go south, the problem was not too big.

There was little snow last year. If Governor Feng was not good at geography, he knew that the Hexi Corridor was mainly supplied by melted ice and snow.

Therefore, since the beginning of the administration of Liangzhou, in the name of examinations, water conservancy projects have been carried out, and there may be another spring drought.

This year was normal, but after the beginning of spring, it was cold again, and it actually started snowing.

Thinking of the several Little Ice Ages in history, Governor Feng was very skeptical, could it be that God is a bitch?

Otherwise, why would his temper suddenly become very irritable every few hundred years, and the cold, heat, drought, and floods are uncertain.

"It's cold in the spring!"

Secretary Zhang also frowned, and reached out to catch the fluttering snow particles.

Although the snow is not heavy, the impact is very bad.

It is so bad that it may cause problems in spring plowing in Liangzhou.

"When we get to Quyin, make sure the beans are ready first."

Governor Feng stood outside the gate of Governor's Mansion, and said to Li Xu who was about to leave:

"Don't worry about the rations. The beans that the war horses eat are the most important thing."

Over the years, Xu Li has been advocating the need to maintain a certain amount of Yutou planting in order to prepare for food shortages.

I didn't think so in Shu before, but now I found out in Liangzhou that this decision was so wise that it couldn't be wiser.

It is precisely because of these food shortages that Feng Junhou encountered drought in Longyou or white disaster in Liangzhou.

Or other situations where God is not happy, he has the confidence to lead the people under him to survive.

Of course, there is a price for seeding Yutou.

That is, it needs a lot of water and fertilizer.

That is to say, there are advanced production tools and production methods, coupled with the rise of the breeding industry, there is a large amount of farmyard manure.

Li Xu's can grow enough food for shortage.

Hearing Feng Cishi's words, Li Xu hurriedly bowed his head and said "No."

Yuyin County is just beside the big river.

When Feng Cishi was the captain of Hu Qiang, the area from Zuli County to Zhanyin County was regarded as the border of Han and Wei, and at the same time it was a place where Hu people gathered.

Feng Xiaowei once planned to reclaim hundreds of thousands of mu and divert water from the big river for irrigation.

These two places have always belonged to Liangzhou. In the first year when Governor Feng took charge of Liangzhou, he resettled many victims there who had nowhere to go because of the white disaster.

Coupled with the support of a large number of livestock in Liangzhou, the fertile land there has now expanded to more than one million mu, and it is an important supply base for beans eaten by the war horses of the Liangzhou governor's army.

As for the beans from the Shu region, they are naturally given priority to the military in Hanzhong and Longyou.

Because the Han army now has a lot of livestock as transportation capacity, the demand for beans is extremely huge.

The big man is not the same as he used to be.

Leaving aside the size, just in terms of the level of development, compared to the two kingdoms of Wei and Wu, the big man is simply an upstart.

No way, who told the big man to produce an old demon and a ghost king?

The aristocratic and powerful families in the Han Dynasty were either subdued or subdued by money.

Because of the inflated economic expansion, both the imperial court and the emerging feudal capital groups have an urgent motivation to release the labor force.

Not to mention the hidden population, even women, capital monsters would like to use them as men.

Staying in the deep boudoir, it's inconvenient to show up in public?


The woman hides at home, who will be the weaver in the workshop?

How can I make money if no one is a weaver?

Taking Nanzhong alone as an example, the price of raw materials has risen to 150 yuan, and there is still a price but no market.

Qu Shuai, a barbarian who transformed himself into a sugarcane plantation landlord, drove his people to grow sugarcane.

Can rebellion be as sweet as sugar cane?

Liu Zhou's rebellion the year before last meant that the last few barbarians who could make waves in Nanzhong were sent to the big man as labor.

The big man's control over Nanzhong has reached an unprecedented level.

After taking Liangzhou, the registered population of Dahan has reached 2.3 million.

In addition to the population released by the aristocratic family, there is also a considerable part of the Yi people and Hu people who were fabricated into the register.

In addition, there has been a small wave of baby boomers in the past ten years because the big man has no fear of famine.

Compared with the million when the country was founded, the current population of Dahan has doubled and is 30% more. What is this not an upstart?

So many people think that sugar cane from wool grassland is really a good thing!

Even Secretary Zhang believed that wool was a means to appease the aristocratic family, and grassland was a sharp weapon to control the barbarians.

Seeing Governor Feng, she just ordered "Pay attention to beans", so she quickly added:

"In addition to beans, we should also pay attention to forage. Don't dare to delay the forage on the other side of the pasture. Those livestock are more expensive than people!"

As soon as these words came out, Governor Feng couldn't help but look sideways at this woman.

Look, look!

What is the ugly face of an undisguised capitalist?

Secretary Zhang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said.

Sensing Feng Cishi's strange gaze, she looked down at her clothes inexplicably, thinking that there was something wrong with her.

At this moment, General Guan said:

"That's right, if Liangzhou wants to be self-sufficient in grain this year, those livestock are indispensable!"

Oh, that's how it is……

Governor Feng's eyes immediately changed to admiration, General Guan still has the pattern.

After thinking about it, before the breeding industry developed and expanded, a family with one or two cows in the family was a village tyrant.

And what is certain is that if there is really a cow in the family, the family members will not be starved in normal years.

In times of famine, it can also last longer than other families.

So livestock are indeed more valuable than humans...

Realizing this again, Governor Feng nodded repeatedly, and said to Li Tong who was standing beside Li Xu:

"When you get there, if you find someone unruly, just show your identity."

Li Tong is now regarded as the beekeeping king of the big man.

For the upper class of the big man, the top dessert is not brown sugar, but honey.

Of course Governor Feng didn't value honey.

After all, he doesn't like money.

What he values ​​is beeswax.

This is the most important output of beekeeping.

Wax paper is related to school exams, and more importantly, it is related to the propaganda of ideological education in the military, so it must not be sloppy.

Governor Feng allowed Li Tong to use his identity to act, which is also an affirmation of his credit.

It's just that Li Tong was taken aback when he heard Feng Cishi's words.

my identity? What identity can I have?

He subconsciously looked behind Governor Feng with a questioning gaze.

But he saw that his elder sister's face was slightly flushed, and her eyes were shy.

Then Li Tong understood it all at once, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The brother-in-law of King Feng he honorable?

What's more, it's still a concubine's room.

With this in mind, Li Tong respectfully agreed.

"It's not easy to travel, so be careful. When you get there, don't let the king trust you."

Seeing that the men and women had finished speaking, Li Mu stood up and said goodbye to his own brother and sister-in-law.

Sending his brother-in-law to Yuyin to check on Chungeng is enough to show that the prince attaches great importance to this matter.

Although Li Mu didn't understand military affairs, he never asked about military affairs.

But in the governor's residence, she knew some things vaguely.

On the other side of Quyin, the arable land under the control of the Xinghan Society used to grow part of the grain.

This year all will be changed to beans.

The reason is also very simple.

This year, the governor's office will formally rebuild the cavalry on a large scale.

Naturally, it is not easy for Li Mu to tell Li Tong and his wife about these things, but he can secretly mention them:

"Just now, the male gentleman also said that if someone doesn't obey the rules, don't be afraid of trouble. This time, the prince sent you to do errands, which represents the face of the prince."

As she spoke, she glanced at Governor Feng and General Guan.

General Guan's expression was as usual, and he didn't seem to feel that there was anything wrong with what she said.

On the other hand, Governor Feng, aware of Li Mu's gaze, turned his head to look at her, even smiling a little approvingly.

Xinghanhui is now not only a giant economically.

And as Feng Cishi became a big man in the Han Dynasty, his political influence also increased day by day.

Zhao Erha evolved into Zhao Sanqian.

Li Yi joined the prime minister's mansion as a soldier.

Wang Xun served as the prefect of Yuexuan, and his political achievements were top-notch every year.

Li Qiu first served as the prefect of Jincheng, and now he is in charge of a battalion in the Liangzhou governor's army.

Not to mention Nanxiang, where Huang Chong lives, it affects the prices of bulk materials in Dahan.

Other figures related to Xinghanhui, such as Wang Ping, Liu Yin, Zhang Yi, Jufu, etc., were either prefects of one party or guarding important gates.

But as the saying goes, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

Although as long as there is Feng Huishou, the leading brother, no one below will dare to jump around.

But under the hands of the little brothers, there are also many people who rely on them for food.

The younger brother's younger brother is not the younger brother of Feng's leader.

Not to mention that when it comes to personal interests, there will definitely be differences.

Xinghanhui is not a precision machine, after all these years, it will produce some old oil more or less.

At that time, there must be someone who has no eyesight, feels that Xinghan Association is behind him, or feels that he has the ability to send a message to Xinghan Association, so he wants to play privileges or something.

Governor Feng's words "show your identities" to Li Tong and his wife was an endorsement for them.

Li Tong was affirmed by his elder sister, and quickly agreed again.

"It's getting late, let's go."

This kind of weather is not suitable for horse riding, so Li Tong and Li Xu rode on the road together in a carriage.

After the two got into the carriage, someone in the entourage oiled the wheels of the carriage again, and the carriage creaked and set off on the road.

In the early spring of the twelfth year of Jianxing, Governor Feng sent Li Tong and his wife away.

We also have to worry about the problem that the cold spring in Liangzhou may affect the spring plowing.

Just at this time, another news came from the barbarians in the north.

And this news was brought by Zhao Guang.

To be precise, it was Zhao Guang who brought Shi Bao to the door.

"Brother, brother, little brother's war horse, there is good news!"

On this day, Zhao Guang dragged Shi Bao straight into the governor's mansion, shouting again and again.

The voice was so loud that even Guan Ji ran out. Seeing that there were outsiders present, she restrained her expression, finished greeting calmly, and then gave Governor Feng a few winks before going down.

Governor Feng certainly understood what she meant.

After all, this part of the army is the domain of General Guan.

After two years of operation, Liangzhou has stabilized.

So this year, the governor's office will formally expand its army.

Cavalry is the top priority.

Cavalry is easy to find, but qualified war horses are hard to find.

Although Liangzhou has established a horse farm, it will take at least three or four years to train war horses.

Otherwise, why would Zhao Guang run around the world looking for war horses.

Now that Zhao Guang actually found the war horse, how could General Guan not care?

Inspector Feng rubbed his temples wearily, and asked:

"Where did you find so many war horses?"

It's not easy to be a boss. These days, he has been patrolling outside to show that he attaches great importance to spring plowing.

After taking a rest for a day, Zhao Sanqian, who has no winks, came to the door to find trouble.

"Ke Bineng, brother, it's Ke Bineng!"

Zhao Guang still looked excited.

Governor Feng was startled: How much fun can you Erha, even meet Ke Bineng?

Thinking of this, Governor Feng quickly sat upright:

"Ke Bineng? After he was defeated by the Wei thief, didn't he escape to Mobei? How did you get in touch with him?"

Zhao Guang pushed out the stone bud:

"This matter, let Zhong Rong talk about it."

Alright, if you weren't my own brother, I'd beat you to death on the spot!

You don't know what are you yelling about?

Feng Yong's eyes fell on Shi Bao.

Shi Bao coughed:

"Your Majesty, it's like this. Didn't Ke Bineng's original power come to Jiuyuan's hometown? Didn't Hu Boju Zizhi also herd herds in Jiuyuan's hometown before..."

Governor Feng was not in the mood to listen to his nonsense, and said angrily: "Get to the point!"

"Yes! That's how it is. Ke Bi Neng approached Hu Boju's Yan family, and said that he wanted to join hands with the big man to fight against Wei."

Then Hu Bo's Yan family came to you?

Governor Feng glanced at Shi Bao, then at Zhao Guang.

Just relying on the peerless looks of the two of you, if you really want to debut in future generations, I don't know how many CP fans you will attract.

It's a pity why you don't take the right path? One is a humanoid Erha, and the other is hungry.

The big brother who took the lead suddenly felt very tired!

However, being hungry also has its benefits. Just like now, the north of Liangzhou is the territory of Xianbei in the west. Kebi can't get through, but he can actually pass the word through Shi Bao's concubine.

Inspector Feng could only try his best to think in a good direction. He knocked on the table and asked in a deep voice:

"What benefits can Kebi promise?"

Shibao showed admiration:

"Your Majesty really has a deep strategy, and he knows that Ke Bi Neng will promise benefits."

As he spoke, he stretched out two fingers:

"Kebi can say that as long as the big man is willing to help him, he is willing to pay tribute to the big man with 2,000 high-quality war horses, and at the same time, he can also take out 20,000 cattle and sheep to exchange food and wool with the big man."

Hearing this, even the rich and powerful Governor Feng frowned!

What a great deal!

There is no shortage of horses in Liangzhou.

But a good steed is never enough.

Zhao Guang said happily from the side:

"Brother, how can I let go of such a great event? I met my brother in the bald hair department back then, and now I have become my brother's lackeys."

"That Ke is better than Neng, but he is much fatter than the bald man! If you don't squeeze out a hundred and eighty catties of oil from him, wouldn't the name of elder brother be called for nothing?"

When Inspector Feng heard this, he was furious!

fuck you, can you talk?

Can't speak, can you hold back?

He picked up the teacup on the table and threw it at it, cursing:

"What is my name? What's wrong with my name! Tell me clearly, am I that kind of person!?"

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