Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 926 Main and Secondary Contradictions

Zhao Sanqian was not only scolded by Governor Feng, but also smashed by a teacup.

Shi Bao said that he didn't feel sorry for him at all, and even envied him.

Zhao Sanqian was the only person in the whole world who was willing to be treated like this by Governor Feng, and at the same time act as if nothing had happened.

But Zhao Guang returned the teacup he caught to Feng Yong with a smile on his face:

"Brother, this little brother is praising you! Among other things, which barbarians in Liangzhou don't know Feng Langjun's good reputation?"

"Now that Ke Bi can come to the door by himself, I believe that under the influence of my brother, he must be the second bald head."

Fame is fame, why did you deliberately add the word "good" in front?

That is to say, you are the son of a big boss in the army, and now you are the younger brother of a big boss, otherwise, how could you still live to this day?

Governor Feng glared at Zhao Guang angrily, leaned back on the chair, and said slowly:

"Don't underestimate this Ke Bi Neng. From my perspective, he is not a barbarian, but more like a hero in the Central Plains."

Shi Bao listened and nodded again and again:

"What Junhou said is very true. This person, Ke Bi Neng, grew up as a Xianbei to become the strongest Qushuai. Most of the desert is under his control. He is indeed extraordinary."

The heroes of the Later Han Dynasty fought for hegemony, and wars broke out all over the world, and many Han people in Hebei fled to the outside of the Great Wall.

Ke Bineng took the opportunity to gather those Han people, not only learned how to make weapons and armor, but also learned a lot of Han culture.

From then on, he led the tribe and embarked on the road of cheating—at least for the Xianbei people who have been torn apart and the society has regressed.

While the small tribes around were still fighting like street brawls, Kebineng's tribe had already started hunting with military flags and beating drums.

When Cao Cao was fighting with Yuan Shao, Kebi was able to pay tribute to the court through Yan Rou.

In fact, he stood on Cao Cao's side and exploded Yuan Shao's ass with Yan Rou.

When Cao Cao marched westward to the eleven princes in Guanzhong, there was a rebellion in Hebei. Ke Bineng personally led 3,000 cavalry and followed Yan Rou into Guan to quell the rebellion.

It maintains a good relationship with the northern overlord externally, and vigorously introduces advanced culture and systems internally.

Ke Bineng's tribe quickly changed from a small species of Xianbei to the only large tribes in the desert.

When Cao Cao marched north to Wuhuan, Ke Bineng changed his pro-Wei stance and sent troops to help Wuhuan.

Of course, it is one thing to understand, but another to be able to fulfill one's wish.

After being hanged and beaten by Cao Jili, the real hero, Kebi can recognize the gap between himself and the real hero.

So he quickly paid tribute to the state of Wei again and continued to wait for the opportunity.

It has to be said that this person's vision is still very poisonous.

Cao Jili was indeed very vigilant towards the Hu people, appeasing them with one hand and conquering them with the other.

Take the Huns as an example.

When the Xiongnu Chanyu Huchuquan went south to pay homage to Yecheng and expressed his surrender, Cao Jili gave him a thumbs-up, but backhanded him and detained him.

Then he sent others back to supervise the country, and it was so blatantly making a name for himself within the Xiongnu.

On the surface, the Huns were divided into grazing lands, but they were divided into five divisions, and each division sent Han officials as Sima to hold real power.

The Xiongnu envoy had a bit of insight, and saw that Cao Jili, who was pretending to be a guard, was a hero, and then lost his life inexplicably.

Therefore, Ke Bineng, who was not very powerful at the time, escaped a catastrophe because he paid tribute to the Central Plains in time to admit his mistakes.

When Cao Jili died of illness and Cao Pi came to power, Ke Bineng offered his horse to Cao Pi again.

Cao Pi is different from Cao Jili, and he doesn't feel bad about selling his father's land.

On the premise that he was not sure about controlling Ke Bineng's tribe, he generously made Ke Bineng a vassal king.

This is equivalent to giving Ke Bineng a title to grow his own tribe in a legitimate way.

Although there is a Tian Yu in Youzhou, who constantly interferes with Kebi's growth, Wei Guo's attention is not in the north, but in the south.

Kebi Neng quickly forced his opponent Suli to live in Heshuo, and died of old age in Weijing.

Then Budugen was beaten until he could only enter the Yanmen area of ​​Bingzhou to attach himself to the Wei people.

He was still dissatisfied with this. At this time, Ke Bineng probably understood that Wei Guo wanted to fight against Han and Wu with all his strength, and did not dare to easily provoke a war in the north.

So he took advantage of the conflict between Wang Xiong, the governor of Youzhou, and Tian Yu, and forced Cao Rui to transfer Tian Yu away.

He is good at learning, has a vicious vision, can judge the situation, and can keenly seize opportunities. This is already a rare person in the world.

However, this person has another more important characteristic, that is, he has been defeated and fought repeatedly, and the more frustrated he becomes, the more courageous he becomes.

He was defeated by Tian Yu, he was defeated by Qianzhao, he was defeated by Liang Xi, and more than once.

But his opponents are either dead or have been transferred away, but he has become the strongest force in Xianbei in the north.

If you were to change to any Han Chinese, Governor Feng would feel that this is really inspiring.

But instead of a barbarian...

If Cao Jili knew what happened to Ke Bineng later, I'm afraid he would only have one thought: this son must not be kept!

"This son absolutely cannot stay!"

After Zhao Guang heard about Ke Bineng's deeds, he suddenly said something.

Let Governor Feng look at him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Kazakhstan has such a vision, which is rare.

Sensing his elder brother's gaze, Zhao Sanqian's chest immediately puffed up:

"Brother, look, this Ke is better than Neng. Every time he loses, he will be better afterwards."

"This time, he was defeated by Wei thief. Is there any stronger opponent in the world than Wei thief?"

"If he has the help of a big man, and his power is even stronger than before, wouldn't he want to dominate the desert? So my younger brother thinks that this person must not be left behind!"

You are a fucking logician!

Governor Feng sneered:

"Can't stay? Why don't you want to stay? Do you think it's easy to kill Ke Bineng?"

Leading the army out of the fortress, crossing the territory of Xianbei in the west, and chasing and killing Ke Bineng, how stupid is it to do it?

You can't send Han Long to kill him according to the historical practice, right?

In this case, Han Long would not be able to escape in all likelihood, and he would change his life for another.

"Besides, Ke Bineng is now taking the initiative to show affection to the big man, and he turns his face and denies him without a plausible reason. What do you make the barbarians think?"

Over the years, Lao Tzu has worked so hard to create a character set for the barbarians. Do you have the heart to stain it with such a big black spot?

After all, no matter how awesome Kebi can be, he is just a tribal leader in the northern desert.

And Feng Langjun, who cared about the Hu people, would have to face the Hu people around the entire Han Dynasty, even including the Western Regions.

Zhao Guang thought that he finally got his brother's approval, but he was disappointed in the end:

"What is the brother going to do?"

Ignoring this guy with his brain and brainstem upside down, Governor Feng looked at Shi Bao:

"Zhong Rong, what do you think?"

Feng Shishi always valued Shi Shi, who was as famous as Deng Ai, very much.

Because in the first battle of Xiaoguan, Shi Bao was able to guess the direction of the main force of the Wei army in advance, and later proposed to copy trails to harass Cao Zhen's army's grain road.

This made Governor Feng believe that Shi Bao is indeed qualified to be compared with Deng Ai.

Shi Bao didn't expect that Governor Feng would personally ask for his opinion, and immediately felt a little panicked:

"Jun... Junhou, let's go down and think that Kebi can show his favor to the big man and join forces to fight against Wei, which is beneficial and harmless to us."

Having said that, he glanced at Governor Feng who was sitting on top.

Governor Feng's expression didn't change at all, he just let out an "oh":

"Tell me your opinion carefully."

Unable to figure out the true thoughts in Feng Cishi's heart, Shi Bao could only choose his words more carefully.

"Going down, I heard that the Wei thief defeated Ke Bineng this time because he called the Chinese army in Luoyang. It can be seen that this person puts a lot of pressure on the border of Wei State."

"If the big man can support it, just wait until the big man and the Wei thief are fighting in Guanzhong, so that Kebi can attack from the north, and then let the state of Wu march from the south."

"No matter how powerful the Wei bandits are, they will still be exhausted, and the big man will have a little more confidence in defeating the Wei bandits."

In fact, the old demon Zhuge in the original history also planned to do the same, but the pig teammates dragged his feet.

Pig teammates not only come from allies, but also from within.

No matter how Feng Yong tried his best to disintegrate the possibility of the Hu people rebelling in the future, the most important contradiction right now is who will unify the world after all.

The problem of the Hu people is a secondary contradiction.

As long as the Han Dynasty can be rejuvenated, the Hu people will not be a big problem.

After all, with the current economic and political development trend of Dahan, Feng Yong can barely control the direction at any rate.

I'm afraid that after Feng Langjun, who cared about the Hu people, some feudal capital groups will turn the Hu people into objects of protection...

But if the Han Dynasty cannot be revived, there is a high probability that Huaxia will still embark on aristocratic politics.

The aristocratic politics developed to the extreme, that is, the top-rank no-poor scholar.

The solidification of the social class in the Central Plains, coupled with the fact that God is in a violent period, no matter how you look at it, it is inevitable for the Hu people to go south.

Therefore, the focus is still to return to the most important contradiction: how to revive the Han Dynasty as soon as possible.

Driving the Hu people to fight for the great Han was a common practice in the Han Dynasty, and Governor Feng was not surprised that Shi Bao made this suggestion:

"Using Ke Bi Neng to contain Wei thief is indeed a way. But as I said just now, Ke Bi Neng can be regarded as a character."

"Before the restoration of the Han Dynasty, we must let this person be used by the big man, but not allow him to use the support of the big man to strengthen himself, so how should we do it?"

Whether you want to use it or not, Ke Bineng is always there, and is an enemy of Wei State.

With Dahan's current situation, the impact on Ke's specific energy is indeed very limited.

After all, there is a Western Xianbei and a Wei State.

Some wastes in the world are actually useless.

As a big man of the big man, Feng Cishi often had to abandon his feelings and think like a qualified political figure.

In the end, he still lived the way he hated the most.

Seeing that Governor Feng did not object to his words, Shi Bao was refreshed and replied:

"Junhou, this matter is easy to hear! Now Xihai County in Liangzhou has been established, and the fortress is being rebuilt. With Junhou's reputation among the Hu people, it is entirely possible to start deploying the western Xianbei."

"As long as the western Xianbei is not annexed by Ke Bineng, then Ke Bineng can only be sandwiched between Wei State and Western Xianbei."

"If there are big men in it to hold back, it's just a mere Ke, what's there to be afraid of?"

Governor Feng nodded his head: "It makes sense..."

Seeing Governor Feng nodding his head, Shi Bao's expression became even more excited:

"If you are worried that Ke is bigger than sitting, there is another way to go down."

"tell me the story."

Although spring has begun, the weather in Liangzhou is still chilly, so the fireplace has not been disabled.

Maybe it was too hot, Shi Bao said so much, he felt a little dry mouth, he licked his lips, and was about to continue talking.

Governor Feng got up suddenly, poured him a cup of tea, and glared at Zhao Guang at the same time.

It's all the fault of this kid, who yelled loudly as soon as he entered the mansion, and everyone knew that Zhao Erlang could enter and leave the inner courtyard freely, so there was no tea served from the beginning.

Then Zhao Erlang looked ashamed: Alas, brother must be disappointed in himself, in the future I will ask Zhong Rong for more advice, and try to improve myself.

Shi Bao next to him was overwhelmed by the flattery, and quickly got up to thank him.

Feng Yong pressed his shoulder and said softly:

"Drink some tea first, moisten your throat, and then continue."

Shi Bao answered yes repeatedly, then picked up the teacup, took a big gulp, and then continued:

"Junhou, last year, didn't the Wei bandits sent troops to Beidi County several times to destroy the layout of the Junhou in Jiuyuan's hometown?"

"Now that Kebi can come to ask for help, why not let him move the court tent to the original place of Jiuyuan, so that he can follow the big river to Anding Xiaoguan, and trade with the big man."

"In this way, on the one hand, he can contain the Wei thief in Beidi County, and on the other hand, when the big man fights with the Wei thief in Guanzhong, Kebi can respond in Beidi County."

"As long as the big man takes down Guanzhong, with the power of a monarch, are you afraid that Kebi will turn the world upside down?"

When Shi Bao said this, he looked up, but seeing Governor Feng's hand reaching for the teacup on the table, he subconsciously shivered.

Although he was very envious of Zhao Guang being smashed, he didn't want to be smashed himself!

Because Feng Junhou smashed Zhao Guang, it was an invisible performance.

But if Feng Junhou also smashed himself like this, it would be the performance of seeing an enemy.

Governor Feng picked up his teacup, took a sip of tea, nodded, and said approvingly, "Not bad."

I don't know whether to praise Shibao or tea.

He looked at Shi Bao again and asked:

"If this matter is entrusted to you, would you dare to let it go?"

Shi Bao was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, she quickly got up to thank her:

"Going down, I will go all out and live up to the expectations of the king."

Governor Feng smiled slightly:

"This is your suggestion. Naturally, it is more appropriate to leave it to you to do it. Besides, you are more familiar with the barbarians over there."

Shi Bao's face became slightly hot.

He naturally knew what Governor Feng meant.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of you. You also know that I often delegate the affairs of the barbarians in Liangzhou to Liu Liang."

"He even married several bearded women as concubines, which is not something to be ashamed of. As long as things are done well, I will not demand anything from you."

It doesn't matter if you are lustful, anyway, there are bearded women all over the world, as long as you are not afraid of being ground into a needle by an iron rod.

It doesn't matter if you have power, I'm afraid you don't have the ability.

Good money doesn't matter, anyway, no one in the world knows that Governor Feng is the best at making money.

"It's just myself, and I often do some bad manners." Governor Feng pointed to himself, "Otherwise, why would I be called cunning, ruthless, and ruthless?"

When Shi Bao heard this, he obviously wanted to laugh, but in the end, his eyes became hot, he arched his hands, and bent down deeply.

After talking with Zhao Guang and Shi Bao, Governor Feng went back to Secretary Zhang:

"I want to write to the imperial court to change Xihai County to Juyan County."

Zhang Xingyi was very puzzled: "Why do you want to change it?"

"Xihai County does not have Xihai, but only Juyanze. What kind of Xihai County is it? This Xihai (later Qinghai Lake) is in Xiping County!"

"Then what?"

"When the weather gets warmer, I'm going to go over there for inspection."

Last year, troops were dispatched to live in Yanze, and after Xihai County was recovered, the aristocratic and powerful families who bought future land swarmed there to enclose the land.

So Feng Yong recommended Zhang Hua, Zhang Gong's younger brother, as the prefect of Xihai County.

The Zhang family in Dunhuang is a prominent family in Liangzhou, and they happened to use Zhang Hua's status to argue with those gluttons.

Off-plan house, cough, no, off-plan land, anyway, the cake must be very well drawn.

As for whether we can satisfy everyone in the end, we have to talk slowly... I mean, we have to talk slowly, draw land slowly, and build slowly, right?

So tonight, Governor Feng decided to pamper President Li, and talk about the Textile Association by the way.

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