Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 927: Opportunity

At the foot of Xiaoguan in Anding County, there is a river that originates from Longshan Mountain, flows from south to north, and finally flows into the big river from Shuyin County.

It is the largest tributary of the Dahe in the Longyou area.

Because it is opposite to the Luoshui, which flows into the Weishui from north to south, and the two are similar to parallel, it is called Xiluoshui.

When the Han Dynasty was strong, the scope of Anding County included the entire Xiluoshui, reaching the edge of the big river, and even built a fortress on the edge of the big river.

It's just because of the same situation as Beidi County, the Hu people continue to move south, coupled with the war in the Central Plains, and political corruption and other reasons.

Cao Wei finally abandoned the area outside Xiaoguan.

At the end of March and the beginning of April in the twelfth year of Jianxing, on the edge of the big river in the north of Xiaoguan, at a glance, there is an invisible green carpet.

When I got closer, I found that there are thousands of flowers of various kinds dotted on it.

Among the slender grass stems are light blue, blue, lavender, yellow, white...

The herds of cattle, horses and sheep, having recovered from the winter, are grazing greedily with their heads down.

Occasionally, one or two sheep left the flock, and soon a shepherd dog rushed out to drive the sheep back.

Then the shepherd laughed out loud:

"What a smart dog!"

"I heard that this is an adult who specially exchanged cattle and horses from Feng Langjun's dog farm. It is the best dog to use."

"Feng Langjun..."

There seemed to be some unclear meaning in the tone, but it finally turned into a sigh.

Another dog barked in the distance, and the shepherd looked up, only to see a group of people appearing in the south.

Coming from the south, they were not driving sheep, but mostly Han caravans.

It's just that the caravan appeared at this time, which always feels a little strange.

Because in another month, the clan will send people to Xiaoguan to exchange wool and Han people for food, wool and other things.

What can the caravan come here at this time?

Shi Bao rode on the horse, pulling the rein from time to time to make the horse trot at a steady pace.

Behind him, the guards sent by Liangzhou Governor's Mansion.

Everyone wears armor, bows and knives.

Wherever the horse team passed, birds hiding in the grass were startled from time to time.

The larger ones fly with flapping wings, even several feet in size.

Probably after being frightened, the big bird was very upset, hovering over the horse team and singing endlessly.

Shi Bao looked up and muttered:

"The sound of this bird is very unpleasant."

The head of the guard looked up and said:

"If the general doesn't like it, I'm willing to shoot it down."

Holding his whip, Shi Bao pointed at the barbarians coming out ahead, and said with a smile:

"If you can hit it, you will have good things in the tent tonight."

The guard leader smiled knowingly:

"The general is here for the first time, and a certain person is still on duty tonight. I'm afraid this good thing may not be his turn."

He turned his head and said to the other guards around, "I don't need to be on duty tonight, but I can give it a try."

"Come here!"

Immediately, someone came out enthusiastically.

With the crossbow stretched, the arrow aimed, and he held his breath for a moment.


The noisy birds stopped abruptly, and then fell down from the sky.


Everyone drank.

The bird shooter put away the crossbow, twitched the horse's buttocks, and the healthy horse let out a squawk, and galloped towards the place where the bird fell.

Then the two sides watched the bird before it landed. The knight was already like an ape, and without slowing down his horse, he turned sideways and picked up the big bird.

Jianma turned the corner at the same time and galloped back.

Good at archery and good at riding.

In the eyes of the barbarian on the other side, the best eagle archer in the clan is probably nothing more than that.

"Can that hawk shoot down?"

Seeing Liexin happy, Shi Bao pointed to an eagle in the sky in the distance and asked.

"General, the barbarians have come to welcome us." The head of the guard reminded in a low voice, "Would it be rude?"

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with this tribe." Shi Bao said nonchalantly, "Besides, the barbarians are fearful of prestige and not virtuous."

"If you can show your hand in front of them, they will only be in awe, and will not feel rude."

Condor Archer is the most prestigious title on the grassland.

There are rumors among the Hu people in Liangzhou that there are countless eagle archers under Feng Langjun's command, and any cavalry in the army is comparable to the eagle archers on the grassland, and he is the most powerful adult in all ages.

This time, the leader of the guards did not let the people in the team take action.

Because he knew that apart from himself, who was born in the Dark Night Battalion and specialized in bows and crossbows, the rest of the team might not be sure to meet General Shi's requirements.

He looked up at the vulture in the sky, and suddenly smiled and said:

"When Guo Jing of the former Qin Dynasty served Qin, he killed two birds with one stone and intimidated Hu Yi. Although he is not talented, he is not as good as Guo Jing, but he is willing to show his heroism in front of Hu Yi!"

After speaking, he clipped his horse's belly and galloped out of the team, holding a longbow in his hand, nodding his arrows to bluff, and galloped towards the eagle.

Anding Hu'er knew that the cavalry of the Han family could control the horse without using both hands. Now when he saw a man on the horse's back holding a bow with both hands, ready to shoot the eagle, he was shocked and horrified.

So everyone's eyes fell on this person.

But when the head of the guards arrived at his destination, he circled around a few more times.

The vultures in the air seemed to have sensed something was wrong, so they wanted to fly high and stay away from danger.

At this moment, there was only a shrill blare, and the eagle, which was about to fly high into the sky, paused, and then fell powerlessly to the ground.

"The Condor Shooter!"



Hu people exclaimed everywhere.

Emperor Xiaowu of the former Han Dynasty conquered the Xiongnu for more than 20 years. Hu'er heard that those who were not afraid of Han soldiers were called Hanzi, and they were also called heroes.

Exclaiming "hero", at this time, is the greatest respect for the men of the Han family.

Shi Bao laughed, and then rode his horse towards the barbarian team.

The leader of the Hu people is unexpectedly a woman who still has charm.

She combed the hairstyle of the daughter of the Han family, wore narrow-sleeved trousers and a petticoat that are popular among migrant workers in Dahan, and led the horse for Shi Bao herself, her eyes fluttered:

"Alang, are you here?"

Shi Bao got off the horse and seemed to be leading the horse, but actually touched the woman's hand indiscriminately, and his voice became a little low and magnetic:

"Yes, here we come!"

The woman licked her lips, and her eyes fell on the team behind Shi Bao.

The silent but extremely oppressive Han army team made her eyes shrink slightly.

But when she saw the big bird and the big eagle on the horse again, she couldn't help swallowing again.

"Alang's coming this time, it seems to be different from usual?"

The woman turned her gaze back to Shi Bao and asked.

"Yeah, this time Junhou specially sent me here. Apart from you, I have to go to other places on the grassland, so I brought some people."

The woman's eyes lit up: "Ah Lang, could it be Feng Langjun..."

"This is not a place to talk, let's go back to the tent and talk."

"Alright, let's go this way, Ah Lang."

With the woman in the lead, the other barbarians avoided the two sides and welcomed this small Han army into the clan.

This tribe of Hu people is the Huns, and it is the tribe of the Yan clan where Hu Bo, the former Anding Baosai Hun master, was in charge.

In fact, this Anding Baosai Xiongnu Lord was still granted by Wei Guofeng.

It's just that Feng Langjun's reputation among the Hu people is too strong, and Feng Langjun led the army out of Xiaoguan at that time, sweeping Anding County with a force of destruction.

Naturally, Hu Boju's post was also demoted to a big man.

Later, Feng Langjun wanted to use Hu Boju's position to infiltrate Jiuyuan's hometown and prepare for the future battle of Guanzhong.

It's just that the opponent Sima Yi is not a vegetarian, so he took the first step to consolidate Beidi County, so as to prevent the repeat of the old battle of Longyou.

Hu Boju became the chicken that Sima Yi used to teach monkeys.

Hu Boju's clan was wiped out. Except for a few dozen people who escaped, none of the remaining clan members survived.

Fortunately, the Yan family was not there at that time, but brought their own people to farm beside the big river outside Xiaoguan.

Although most of the Hu people ate meat and milk, they also ate grain if they could.

Otherwise, the stomach will be uncomfortable.

So they will all find some places where they can farm, sprinkle millet and so on.

In the past, when the Huns and Xianbei were strong, there would be special servant tribes who would grow food for them in specific places.

But now the Hu people have another choice, and that is tea.

Just like Yanshi, she personally cooked a pot of milk tea and served it to Shi Bao in a bowl:

"Ah Lang, please drink tea to warm up your body."

Shi Bao took it and took a sip. It was salty and sweet with a milky aroma, and the taste of tea could still be smelled in the mouth. It tasted very good.

He drank it all in one gulp, and handed the bowl to Yanshi, "One more bowl."

This kind of milk tea is not available in the Central Plains.

Only in Longyou, Liangzhou.

And only rich people can afford it.

Because tea, brown sugar, goat milk and other things are not something that ordinary people can get.

But to say that this milk tea tastes the best, it is naturally the Liangzhou governor's mansion.

Just because the milk has no fishy smell, it is enough to beat other people's milk tea.

Not to mention the variety of flavors.

But Shi Bao doesn't mind the smell of milk, so he thinks that the milk tea made by Yan's is also delicious.

Yan Shi obediently brought another bowl over, watched Shi Bao drink it, and then asked:

"Ah Lang came here this time, but he brought good news?"

"It's good news!"

Shi Bao nodded, and patted his stomach. He ate a little too much at the banquet just now, and drank two bowls of milk tea, his stomach was already full.

He lay down happily, with a blanket made of fine fleece under his body, and he breathed out comfortably:

"Your Majesty has agreed to Ke Bineng's request..."

There is no way to be unhappy.

Shi Bao felt that the Hu tribe on the grassland was his happy paradise.

Don't be greedy for money deliberately, you will get wool on your hands.

Relying on the name of a prince, Hu'er will not respond to a call, and his power can be described as majestic.

Not to mention which bearded girl you fall in love with, you don't even need to ask yourself, someone will help you with a look...

This is real life!

What kind of days have you lived before?

Shi Bao was feeling emotional, and Yan Shi had already leaned beside him. Hearing his words, he asked happily: "Really?"

Her husband was killed by the bandit Wei. If it was changed before, she would pretend that she had never had such a husband.

But it's different now.

Now that Han people are backing her, she naturally wants to take revenge.

"Don't worry, the big man will send troops to Guanzhong sooner or later."

Shi Bao put her arms around her, "If you do well this time, it might be a good opportunity."

Yanshi lay down in Shi Bao's arms and said quietly:

"Now my tribe, apart from relying on Xiaoguan's army, dare not even cross the big river. It is lucky to be able to survive. What other good chances are there?"

"Stupid!" Shi Bao burped, and smacked somewhere, feeling the richness, "The revenge must be avenged."

"As long as you do what I say, your tribe may grow stronger again, and even become the trusted tribe of the prince."


When Yan heard this, she suddenly stood up and looked at Shi Bao in disbelief.

Although everyone knows that following Feng Langjun can lead to good food and sweet food, but there are thresholds for taking refuge in Feng Langjun.

Otherwise, look at the western Xianbei who entered Juyanze?

The best one is of course Hu Yi who followed Feng Langjun to Nanxiang from the beginning.

Ten years later, not only were they naturalized, but even their children became Han Chinese.

Duanmuzhe, Liu Hun and others are the goals of everyone's struggle.

The one who is a marquis is a marquis, and the one who is an official is an official.

Don't take the dog officer seriously, how many tribes Qu Shuai want to have a good relationship with the dog officer, so that they can buy a good dog!

The second one is the barbarians from Longyou.

They were the second batch of defectors, and at the same time helped Feng Langjun defeat the Wei thief.

So they either lived off pastures, or they divided their fields.

Some tribal leaders are now even outsourcers of Dongfeng Express. This is a way that makes many people jealous.

The last one is the barbarians in Liangzhou.

Because there are too many barbarians in Liangzhou, only those who have made contributions to the great man will be regarded as a trusted tribe by Feng Langjun, and they can be allocated to pastures and cultivated land conditionally.

In addition, there are problems left over from the history of oppression by the powerful and rightists in the past, as well as natural disasters and other reasons.

Apart from being beggars and starving to death, many Hu people survived only by taking part in the rebellion.

Now, it is natural to follow the government to open up wasteland and cultivate land, borrow seeds to grow farm tools, and then slowly return them later.

If Hu Boju survived in his position, the Yan clan would not be able to gain fame and become Feng Langjun's trusted tribe.

As for now, relying on the previous credits, no one outside the pass would dare to bully the Yan family's own tribe.

But the tribe is weak is the original sin.

The Yan family didn't know when their own tribe would disappear quietly like those small tribes on the grassland.

At most, he would take his son to seek refuge with Feng Langjun, and Feng Langjun would look at Hu Boju's face and make himself and his son have no worries about food and clothing.

But my own people...

Maybe they will be scattered, like those miscellaneous beards in Liangzhou who don't even have a sheep, either go to work as handymen in workshops and pastures, or follow the government to open up wasteland and farm land, right?

Anyway, it will definitely not be as free as it is now, and at the same time be taken care of by the Han army.

Thinking of this, Yan's heart became hotter and hotter, and his eyes were full of water when he looked at Shi Bao.


Yan Shi took Shi Bao's hand, and his voice was almost able to squeeze out water, "When you came here, I washed my body with soap three times on purpose. Smell it, does it smell good?"

She leaned close to Shi Bao's ear, and said softly, "At the banquet just now, I have sent someone to deliver the soap to that woman you saw a few times at the banquet..."

Shi Daolui swallowed with a "gudong" and felt his hand was tightly held by Yanshi, unable to move around.

This made him smile knowingly, this girl doesn't see the rabbit and doesn't scatter the eagle!

"Ke Bineng is connecting with the big man through you this time, this is your way!"

"It's not just Ke Bineng, Junhou wants to strengthen the connection with Jiuyuan's hometown. Who is most familiar with that area?"

Yan's complexion changed: "Did Ah Lang let me go?"

My real Alang just died over there!

"I'm not asking you to go, I'm asking you to be a middleman, whether it's a tribe that hates the Wei people, or a tribe that wants to do business with the big man."

"You can get involved. After you have a wide network, you can get some woolen tea, brown sugar and spirits from the big man, and sell them to them."

It's not that Shi Bao has never been to Jiuyuan's old place, so he knows the price of wool and the like there.

To put it bluntly, as long as you can get the supply of goods at normal prices from the big man, and there is a stable source of customers on the grassland.

It is not a big problem at all to sell the backhand 70, 80 or 90 times, it is still the kind that has a price but no market.

"But how can I get those things? I want them myself!"

"That's why I asked you to take care of the current matter. As long as Ke Bineng's affairs can satisfy the Lord, I will naturally have a reason to let you get the goods."

"And it's an internal price," Shi Bao emphasized, "The key depends on whether you have the ability."

The extermination of Hu Boju's position has greatly deterred the Hu people in Beidi County and Jiuyuan's hometown.

It's not that easy to exert influence over there again if it's someone else.

But Junhou is different, Junhou has more money!

For those things, the aristocratic family is going to be out of their minds, and even the in-laws have turned against each other.

He didn't believe it anymore, would the barbarians not be tempted?

Taking advantage of Ke Bineng's opportunity, it is unlikely that the monarch will be able to reorganize the situation in Jiuyuan's hometown and Beidi County.

Yan Shi didn't know whether others were tempted or not, but she was tempted anyway, and her body began to tremble.

Is there really going to be such a day, but also a farting sheep? Also plant a fart!

My old lady lies down and drinks brown sugar milk tea every day, the kind that drinks bowl after bowl!

"Don't worry, Ah Lang, I know what to do..."

As Yanshi spoke, he lied in his lover's arms.

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