Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 928 Problems Caused by Children

Just when Shi Bao came out of Xiaoguan to connect with the grassland tribes beside the big river.

Governor Feng also led his people, starting from Wuwei, heading west, and arriving at Ruoshui in Zhangye.

Then sail along the river by boat, enter Jiuquan County, turn north, and head towards Juyanze.

The relevant generals in the same company are President Li.

General Guan went to inspect the frontier and reset the fortress.

And President Li's visit was naturally related to Ju Yanze's pasture.

During the Han Dynasty, in the area of ​​Juyanze, the imperial court first set up Juyandu Weifu, and then set up "Zhangye Juyan vassal state".

It was not until the end of Jian'an that it was changed to Xihai County.

This is one of the reasons why Governor Feng suggested changing Xihai County to Juyan County.

It doesn't matter if Xihai isn't here, the one in Xihai County was actually changed by a Wei thief, and he knew that his name was not right.

So Hanzhong quickly replied to Feng Governor's letter and agreed to establish a new Juyan County.

The ancients not only called the ocean the sea, but also called the desert the sea.

At this time, Juyan County has begun to experience desertification.

Especially from Jiuquan County to Juyan County to Juyanze.

Because Juyanze is one of the most important borders between the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Qian drilled through the Western Regions, and also traveled to and from Juyanze several times, establishing a branch line on the Silk Road, which is the Grassland Silk Road.

The Grassland Silk Road is not like the Silk Road in the traditional sense, its central route is not very fixed in history.

This has a lot to do with the rise and fall and migration of nomadic peoples in the grasslands.

But entering the grassland through Juyanze is undoubtedly one of the most important grassland Silk Roads in the Han Dynasty.

It is precisely because this road is so important that over the past two hundred years, barbarians from the grassland have often entered Liangzhou from here.

This led to desertification along the way due to excessive grazing.

Until today, a governor Feng came to Liangzhou, and the road began to go retrograde.

In the past, it was the Hu people who came from the north to the south, but now it is the Liangzhou aristocratic families, officials, and common people who come from the north and the south, and there are even many Hu people in the middle.

Chinese sounds, Hu sounds, dog barking, sheep bleating, etc., are numerous and full of Tao.

Governor Feng stood at the bow of the boat, looking at everything around him, with a gratified smile on his face.

Guan Ji, who was standing beside him, felt A Lang's rare emotion very sensitively as the person next to him.

"Alang seems very happy?"

"That's right," Governor Feng pointed at everything in front of him, "Don't Mr. Xi feel that the scenes in front of you are very entertaining?"

Guan Ji heard the words, smiled slightly, and praised:

"Under the rule of the monarch, the people live and work in peace and contentment, regardless of Han and Hu, and compete to educate them. It can be regarded as a rare paradise in the world. It really makes people happy."

After hearing this, Inspector Feng turned his head to look.

But seeing that General Guan was wearing men's clothes, but he knew the details well, he still felt that General Guan's unique beauty of a young woman could not be concealed no matter what.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and smiled even more happily.

General Guan seemed to have read Governor Feng's mind and gave him a blank look.

So Feng Junhou laughed out loud.

General Guan was only partly right.

The people under the rule live and work in peace and contentment, which of course makes people happy.

But what is even happier is that the relevant generals and other peerless beauties are by his side, and even gave birth to children for himself.

The most important thing is that Governor Feng finally saw hope, the hope of resolving the Hu people going south.

Perhaps in the future there will no longer be Lu Chen from the Central Plains, so the descendants of future generations will not understand what historical events they have prevented from happening.

But as long as there are legends of gratitude to Feng Langjun everywhere in the desert in the future, that will be enough.

It would be even better if there is a Thanksgiving or something.

Anyway, he would never allow his sons and daughters to fall into a situation where they call the thief the king, or even call the barbarians the master.

Thinking about myself before, I still felt that children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and my thinking is too narrow.

Governor Feng decided to have more children in order to better reflect on his narrow thinking.

But seeing him reaching out to hold General Guan's hand, he said softly:

"Xijun, you and I finally had the chance to come out together, why don't you sleep together tonight?"

General Guan's face, as white as jade, was instantly stained with a layer of rouge.

I saw her embarrassed and said:

"No time! Go find Mu Niang yourself!"

I have already given birth to three, so come again?

You have to postpone it for two or three years and think about it again.

Don't think she doesn't know, just like giving birth at the age of twelve or thirteen, a woman's consecutive births are also harmful to the body.

These things are still told to herself by the female medical staff of the medical school.

Besides, there are still concubines in the house.

I always let myself give birth and have no concubine. Others still say that I am a jealous woman.

A fire broke out at the gate of the city, which affected the fish in the pond.

Standing behind the Junhou and his wife, President Li couldn't help saying "ah", his face was on fire.

She glanced unexpectedly and shyly at Mrs. Junhou, then at Governor Feng.

There was surprise in his eyes.

There is a family motto in the Feng family, which is what Feng Shishi himself said: Regardless of the children, regardless of the descendants of the family, all can share the property.

So even though Governor Feng also jokingly brought up the matter of having a baby with Li Mu.

But the two concubines are cautious about this matter.

After all... Madam hasn't spoken yet.

How could Li Mu not be both surprised and delighted when he suddenly heard Madam mentioning this?

"Thank you ma'am!"

"Thank me for what? Thank you, and thank you Junhou."

General Guan waved his hand and said grandly.

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng immediately held his head high.

That's right, for this matter, what do you mean by thanking Madam if you don't thank me?

Madame can't make you pregnant...

After hearing Madam's words, Li Mu quickly turned around to look at Junhou, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

His face was so red that he was about to bleed.

In the end, General Guan was soft-hearted, he didn't want to see her like this, and asked her to go back to the cabin under the pretext.

Then he looked at Feng Junhou with a half-smile:


Inspector Feng looked bewildered: "What?"

"Just pretend to me!" General Guan raised his foot and kicked Governor Feng lightly, "Is it what you wanted? The children of concubines can also share the family property, what a wonderful thing!"

"It's as if a daughter doesn't need dowry when she gets married!"

Inspector Feng curled his lips, pretending to be disdainful.

Women in the Han Dynasty, in theory, even had titles, and naturally had the right to inherit property.

Parents can make a will and leave property to their daughters during their lifetime.

But a theory is a theory, and in reality, naturally, the son has the highest priority of inheritance.

In terms of son's inheritance rights, Emperor Xiaowu's Tweeting Order had a great impact on the Han Dynasty.

It caused the phenomenon that the eldest son could inherit the title and the family wealth was shared equally among the sons.

In the folk, the phenomenon of "shengfen" is even prevalent.

The so-called "birth share" means that when the parents are still alive, part of the property is divided so that the son can be independent.

This phenomenon led the court to consciously encourage "cohabitation" with parents in order to solve the problem of managing the people and the elderly.

It even stipulates that officials must live with their parents, otherwise how would you let the court explain that they rule the world with filial piety?

After the death of the parents, the most common way to inherit the family property is to share the property equally among all the sons in the family.

As for a woman's inheritance of her parents' property, it is mainly in the form of a dowry.

Although a woman's dowry is brought into her husband's family, it still belongs to the woman, and her husband's family has no right to possess it.

If there is a reconciliation, or if the woman remarries, she will take away her dowry, and the original husband's family must not stop her.

Therefore, if Feng Junhou clearly stated that no matter whether he is a concubine or concubine, he can share the family property, it does not violate the custom.

"Is this what the concubine said?"

General Guan kicked Governor Feng again, even more forcefully.

It's one thing not to violate the customs, but can the Feng residence be the same as ordinary people's homes?

In ordinary people's families, who has the ability to marry a concubine?

How much money and mu of land does the family have?

Not to mention that there is still a title waiting to be inherited.

In the elite circle, Feng Cishi is already considered a peerless good man.

Which other rich and noble families don't have a lot of wives and concubines, and at the same time keep a bunch of Kabuki and Maiko.

According to what Feng Cishi said, no matter whether he is a concubine or a concubine, everyone can get a share of the property.

It is estimated that ninety-nine out of ten main families in the world want to strangle the women in their man's backyard, as well as their children.

The only exception may be that I am left alone.

After all, no matter how solid a family's foundation is, it can't afford such a defeat!

But still the same sentence, Feng's house is different from other people's houses.

General Guan, who started from scratch with his own man from the very beginning, understands one thing very well:

Feng's family is able to have the current family background. Although I have credit, President Li and Professor Mei also have a lot of credit.

Even the unnamed...

Cough, forget it, don't mention it, and get angry if you mention it.

In other houses, women only need to please good men, and it doesn't matter if there is one more or one less.

Especially in this troubled world, it's good for a woman to be alive, so what else do you want?

Put one in the well today, and bury another in the yard tomorrow. As long as there are enough women, what do you think men will say?

The big deal is to find him a more obedient, prettier and more likable one.

But my own family is different, there is no one who can sleep with my own man without a woman.

It is precisely because of having children that General Guan understands what a child means to a mother.

So no matter how unwilling General Guan was, he had to admit that his man's actions were the most suitable for Feng's family.

Only when they are given enough hope, will they follow them wholeheartedly—although they are already determined enough now, but who would want too much loyalty?

Children make this commitment the most complete.

How about saying that King Feng Gui always educates his subordinates with the idea that future generations will enjoy peace?

This is something his own man can see through.

"If the son is capable, take the property I gave him, which is enough to open up a world."

"If you don't have the ability, even if you take all the family property, you will just eat and wait to die. If it is worse, when it is passed on to the third generation, it may not be a blessing, but a disaster."

Governor Feng held Guan Ji's hand, "Don't you hear that fortune and misfortune depend on each other?"

Guan Ji was silent.

The title is easy to talk about, and the property is even better. As long as the man of the family is willing, who can take it away from his son?

But what about those things behind his own man?

How many rules did Nanxiang break?

When the prime minister learned about those things, how many times did he jump his feet in the prime minister's mansion, and finally he had to hold his nose and admit it?

Being able to fight back and forth with the prime minister, and being able to play around with the family, before the age of 30, he was already famous all over the world, and the thieves in Guanzhong were frightened when they heard about it...

Not to mention Xinghanhui, Dongfeng Express, Hu Yicong and so on.

Most importantly, this also involves the interests of the royal family and the family.

Her own man seemed to be in a thrilling situation, but he was walking on flat ground, but Guan Ji really didn't have the confidence to say that her son could do the same.

If you can't do it, then you are too talented to accept it forcibly. If there are children holding gold in the busy market, disaster is approaching!

It's better to share these things and let the sons and concubines in the house bear the burden together.

It's better to be cheaper than outsiders, since she is the aunt of all the children in Feng's house anyway.

"Then Achong should be divided more!"

General Guan pouted and said, "After all, he is the eldest son, so don't let others laugh at him."

Governor Feng's expression was gentle, and he was a little spoiled:

"This is inevitable. Except for knowledge, everyone is equal to learning, and the rest is naturally given priority to Ah Chong. After all, I have today, and General Guan has contributed the most."

General Guan's demeanor was just an opportunity to hide his emotions, but after hearing A Lang's promise, he also smiled with satisfaction.

Just when the two were in love, they suddenly heard a voice from the front:

"We've arrived at Jinkou, and we've arrived at Juyan County!"

Looking from a distance, I saw the pier was full of darkness. Zhang Hua, the prefect of Juyan County, led the officials to welcome Governor Feng's arrival.

Surrounding the officers and officials, there was a large circle of common people.

Seeing Feng Cishi's flag approaching the shore, the people burst into cheers.

"Looks like Eunuch Zhang governs Juyanze well, and he is so loved by the common people."

After Feng Shishi landed, he smiled at Zhang Hua.

"Jun Hou is making fun of me, these people are here for Jun Hou, not for me!"

Zhang Hua has completely come out of the grief of Zhang Gong's death, his spirits are high, and he said respectfully:

"Most of these people were originally without a foothold, and their families were worried about hunger and cold. The princes sent troops to expel Hu Yi and retake the rich land to resettle them. They can be regarded as their reborn parents."

"That's why I heard that the prince is coming to inspect, so I came to watch."

The aristocratic family bought land in Juyan County to open pastures to make money, but the Governor's Mansion did not allow them to use these lands to grow food.

However, food is the basis of all development, so there must always be people to grow it.

It's enough for aristocratic families to open grasslands to make a lot of money, and the hard work of growing food can be arranged by the government.

Even if there are not enough Han people in Liangzhou, Qianghu who know how to farm and want to farm are everywhere.

In addition, Feng Langjun has a great reputation among the Hu people in Liangzhou.

After learning that he was coming for inspection, they all brought the old and the young to have a look.

So after seeing his flag, it is not difficult to understand the cheers.

From the people's point of view, it was because Feng Junhou was worried about Ju Yanze's new settlement, and was afraid that there would be some problems, so after setting himself up, he immediately followed him to inspect.

Of course, Governor Feng did have such a meaning, although this was not the main purpose of his trip.

After meeting with the officials of Juyan County, Feng Junhou walked in front of the common people, looking at the simple and fiery faces, his heart was agitated.

These common people will be the basis for supporting the great Han's march to the grassland in the future.

What's the matter with the barbarians?

As long as they are well educated, practice the etiquette of China, speak the language of China, and be proud of China, aren't they all the people of the Great Han?

Who dares to say that the children born to Amei in the future are not Han Chinese?

Watch the old man punch him to death!

If you really want to believe in the theory of blood lineage, how do you explain "princes, generals and ministers would rather be seedlings"?

The set of class solidification that the family wants to engage in should not appear in the long history of China!

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