Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 929 Han Daochang

A powerful empire has always been inclusive rather than self-enclosed.

Just like the Han Dynasty mastered the Western Regions, and the Tang Dynasty practiced Hu dance.

Not afraid to learn from other people's excellence, but also to absorb and digest what you have learned, and even outperform others, this is the way to constantly improve yourself.

Of course, it would be even better if we can actively "educate" the outside world instead of passively.

At that time, everyone will be a family, so why divide each other?

What's yours is mine, what's mine...of course it's not mine, but Huaxia's.

It's just that birds can't fly without a head, and people can't leave without a head. A family as big as Huaxia must have a parent, right?

For the people of Hanhu in Liangzhou, Feng Junhou is naturally the parent who does his part.

Otherwise, how do you call it a parent officer?

Feng's parents met the big man people at the pier, had a cordial conversation with them, and encouraged them to work hard to get rid of poverty as soon as possible.

The focus is on affirming their enterprising spirit rooted in the frontier.

The Juyan ruins of later generations became famous all over the world, mainly because of the Juyan Han Bamboo Slips.

But for those unfamiliar with history, another name might be a little more familiar.

It's called Heishui City.

That's right, it's the Heishui City in the popular tomb robbery novel.

More than a thousand years later, Xixia established Heishui City here and used it as its own grain production base.

At the same time, it is also one of the most prosperous cities in Xixia.

After more than a thousand years, Juyanze can become an important food supply place for a country.

One can imagine how fertile the land was in this newly developed era.

So what Feng's parents said to the big man who moved here was not a fake big empty, but a real hope.

Not to mention that the Governor's Mansion has preferential policies for the people who come to settle down.

In the spirit of pragmatism, Governor Feng stayed in Juyan County for one night, and immediately left for Guansai the next day for inspection.

People in the Han Dynasty often referred to the Great Wall as the Great Wall.

Compared with the Ming Great Wall of later generations, it cannot include strategic locations such as Yijinai, Yellow River Hetao, Kaiping, and Liaohe Hetao.

The Han Great Wall is obviously much longer, and the scope covered is much larger.

It starts from Lelang County in the east of Liaodong (that is, the area around Pyongyang, North Korea), and ends at Yumen Pass in Dunhuang in the west, with a length of more than 10,000 miles.

In the middle, not only the dangerous Yanmen, the Hetao area, etc. are included, but even a section passes through the later Mongolia.

Then turn to the south again and come to the prominent part of Juyan County, Liangzhou.

Then protect the western boundary of Juyan County and continue southward, winding until the north of Lufu County, the county seat of Jiuquan (that is, near Jiayuguan in later generations), before turning west again.

Finally arrived at Yumen Pass in Dunhuang County.

Compared with the Great Wall of Qin Dynasty, which was built due to cliffs and ravines, most of the Great Wall of Han Dynasty passed through the grasslands. Generally, there was no danger to rely on and no stones to use, so the wall had to be rammed earth.

The wall is seven or eight meters high and four to six meters wide.

Standing on the dilapidated fortress and looking at it, a black dragon is just lying on the vast grassland.

Just like that, the grassland was included in the scope of the big man, and the sovereignty of the big man was declared to the world.

Caressing these earthen walls that have gone through hundreds of years of wind and rain and still standing, seems to feel its last stubbornness.

Listening carefully, there seems to be some chattering in the wind, as if it is telling the majesty and domineering of the big man in the past: whatever the sun and moon shine on, and wherever the rivers and rivers go, are all Han soil.

However, when it came to Emperor Guangwu, it became: Han Bing prestige, the general rule of the world, under the sun and the moon, all are ministers and concubines.

Up to now, the afterglow of the big man has only wisps of faint light left...

Feng Yong stood on the ruined wall for a long time before letting out a long breath and shouting: "The big man is awesome!"

General Guan at the side, originally saw the emotion on this person's face.

He also said that he is very popular in poetry, and he is brewing emotions, and he is preparing to present a song that will last forever.

I didn't expect that after waiting with all my heart, what I waited for came to be such an unintelligible sentence.

She was so angry that she picked up a piece of dirt and threw it over.

Inspector Feng patted the dirt marks on his body dissatisfied, and then said angrily to General Guan:

"Do you know that it is a very immoral behavior to disturb others to reminisce about the past?"

It's so bad that it's like urinating halfway and forcing others to hold back.

Especially when the big man still exists and touches these barriers with his own hands.

Speaking of this, I suddenly felt a little peeing, so I jumped off the earth wall and looked around, trying to find a hidden place.

"I don't know!" General Guan jumped down, with an innocent expression on his face, "Other people recall the present and the past by resorting to texts to express what they have in mind."

"Ah Lang has been watching this for a whole day," Guan Ji pointed to the sun that was about to set, "In the end, there was only a ghostly scream, and it was actually recalling the past, which is really rare!"

As he spoke, he covered his mouth and laughed.

"You do not understand!"

Governor Feng waved his hand without explaining much.

For the descendants of the Han family who have experienced more than a hundred years of humiliation, the prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties is an eternal dream in their hearts.

Realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation is the goal that the sons and daughters of the Han family have been striving for generation after generation.

"The concubine doesn't understand, so Alang will tell me something that the concubine can understand!"

Naturally, Guan Ji couldn't understand Feng Yong's mood at this time, so she leaned over and helped Governor Feng wipe off the remaining mud marks.

"for example?"

"For example, articles, everyone understands this. Don't everyone in literature like to write about ancient times?"

"What am I..." Governor Feng subconsciously wanted to deny it, but remembered that there were countless literary masters standing behind him, and said without changing his expression:

"Oh, what's the point of writing an article? I'll write one for you now."

"It really is!"

General Guan watched it for a long time, but he didn't see Feng Cishi hold back a line of poetry, and said that he couldn't write it.

Unexpectedly, she could not help but widen her phoenix eyes when she said yes.

"I don't know if a certain poet depends on Marco?"

Governor Feng said triumphantly, then bent his arms to support the earthen wall, supported his head with his palms, put his hands on his hips, and crossed his feet again.

Put on a coquettish look, and whistled.

It's a pity in my heart that the mount is grazing there, so I can't lean on the horse, but lean on the wall.

"Go, there are several children, and they are not in shape yet!"

Guan Ji smiled and slapped him, "What kind of allusion is there to leaning on a horse? I have never heard of it."

"Then listen carefully now." Governor Feng cleared his throat and began to read:

If you want to ask about the side of the bicycle, it belongs to the country to pass Juyan.

Zhengpeng leaves the pass, and returns to Hutian.

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun is setting in the long river.

Whenever Xiao Guan rides, he protects Yan Ran.

(Note: Cycling means light and simple, and Wenbian means condolences to the officers and soldiers guarding the frontier.)

After finishing reading, he winked at Guan Ji again: "How is it?"

Although he knew that his man's literary talent was the best in the world, General Guan was still stunned.

She looked blankly at the red sun that was about to set below the desert.

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, the sun is setting in the long river...

It's beautifully written, it's like directly moving the scene in front of you into the poem.

But it was the last sentence that moved General Guan's heart the most.

Because she remembered that her husband sent Shi Bao out from Xiaoguan a few days ago.

And Yanran in "All Protection in Yanran" is just in the depths of the desert just north of Juyan County, called Yanran Mountain.

At that time, General Dou led an army to unite the Southern Xiongnu, Wuhuan, and Qianghu troops, joined forces at Zhuoxie Mountain, and defeated the Northern Huns at Jiluo Mountain.

Finally, when they climbed Yanran Mountain, Ban Gu, the Central Guard who went out with the army, wrote an article and carved a stone to record his achievements, which is called "Yanran Leshi", just like the story of Huo Piaoyao.

If you want to say that this is not the ambition of your own man, General Guan might as well believe that Ah Chong is not his own son.

After all, in today's world, who else is more capable of ordering barbarians than his own man?

As for myself and others, isn't this trip just to patrol the border?

If you want to say that this poem is not just written, General Guan would rather believe that Shuangshuang is not his own daughter.

Relying on horses to treat, relying on horses to treat, is this the talent of relying on horses to treat others?

General Guan felt a numbness rushing from the tail to the top of his head, and then his entire scalp was numb.

With my own talents, I can lead the army to quell the chaos in troubled times, govern the country in peace and rule the people in governing times, and write pearls and jade articles in prosperous times...

"It's not fair!"

After a long time, General Guan seemed to be drained of all his strength, and leaned softly on Feng Cishi's body, and murmured:

"How many people can't learn the skills in their lifetime, but in your eyes, it's not a big deal, it's not fair..."

Standing on the fortress of the Han family hundreds of years ago, she also wanted to sing ancient poems!

"But I have been thinking about it all day, but I can't even come up with a good sentence. Why do you open your mouth like a peerless essay?"

Look at this guy in front of him, he is hanging around, he doesn't stand upright, and he casually reads out good poems that no one else can write in his life.

General Guan really felt it was unfair.

It was rare to see General Guan's weak appearance, and Feng Cishi's macho psychology was greatly satisfied.

He put his arms around General Guan and said in a big way:

"What is Xijun afraid of if he can't write an article? Isn't there still me!"

"As long as Xijun wants it, I still have it here, as long as you sign your name, it will be written by you..."

Guan Ji was a little moved when she heard the previous sentence, but the more she heard the latter sentence, the more uncomfortable it became.

"What are you talking about! Shameless and skinless, is this kind of person?"

She pushed Governor Feng a bit, and then immediately recalled:

"you also have?"



"It's gone!"

"No, you just said clearly that there are more!"


"Read it out and listen!"

Naturally, Xijun had to listen to Xijun's request, so Governor Feng read again:

Severe wind blows frost, seaweed withers, tendons are dry, lean and strong, Hu Majiao.

The Han family has 300,000 soldiers, and the general also leads Huo Xing Yao.

The meteor white feather is inserted in the waist, and the sword flower and autumn lotus light out of the box.

The heavenly soldiers shine on the snow and go down to Yuguan, and the arrows of captives shoot at the golden armor like sand.

When the clouds, dragons, winds and tigers are all returned, Taibai enters the moon and the enemy can be destroyed.

The enemy can be destroyed, the head is destroyed, and the intestines of the Hu are covered with blood.

Hanging Hu Qingtian, buried Hu Zisai beside.

No one, Han Daochang.


As soon as the words fell, General Guan's "tiger body" shook, and he couldn't help blurting out:

"Even if we don't tell the outside world who wrote this article, the world will know that it must be Ah Lang!"

Compared with the previous one, the writing style of this one is comparable to that of no one else in the world except my own Alang.

As long as you have read the article "Xia Ke Xing", you will know the similarities with this article.

Overrated, overrated!

Rao Feng Cishi was as thick-skinned as a city wall, and he also felt that his skin was hot.

Guan Ji beckoned to the guards not far away, ordered to bring pens and ink, and asked Feng Yong to read it again several times, and wrote down these two poems.

Then he picked up the last one, pondered it several times lovingly, and then raised his head and asked:

"When did Alang write this song 'Han Daochang'?"

This is obviously "Hu Wuren", how did it become "Han Daochang"?

But since it was decided by Xijun himself, it should be "Han Daochang".

"Three years ago, when the Western Xianbei entered Juyan and wanted to enter Liangzhou on a large scale."

Guan Ji nodded, it was right.

At that time, the big man had just pacified Liangzhou, but he encountered white disasters again, and many people were eager to move.

It seems that A Lang was cruel at the time and was ready to slaughter Hu.

"Why didn't you take it out then?"

Guan Ji cast a reproachful look at Governor Feng.

This kind of majestic text, just released, can deter a large number of people with evil intentions at that time.

"There are too many things, I forgot." Governor Feng made up a reason casually, "It's just that I mentioned writing poetry just now, so I remembered this matter."

General Guan nodded, it seemed that he believed Governor Feng's words.

Anyway, in her opinion, there is no point in lying to her about this kind of thing.

She looked down at the paper in her hand again, and suddenly asked:

"Alang, tell me, would it be better if the word 'Hu' in the text was changed to be a prisoner?"

Governor Feng was shocked!

The mother-in-law named "Han Daochang" was premeditated.

Severe wind blows frost and grass withers?

Heavenly soldiers shine on the old capital under the snow?

Buried near Changling?

Feng Cishi's face suddenly became extremely exciting, and he didn't feel very well.

This shit!

General Guan applauded:

"As soon as this article is published, it will strengthen the prestige of our army. After returning, my concubine will ask someone to compose the song and let it be sung in the army."

"Then it's better to make it a military song, so that everyone in the army can sing it."

General Guan was overjoyed: "What A Lang said is very true!"

The singing of "Forward, Forward, Forward..." seemed to suddenly sound in Feng Cishi's ears.

Do not underestimate the impact of these things on the military.

Because they are also a kind of military ideological education.

If you really want to show your prestige, the enemy will be terrified when they hear the singing.

The heroic army that overthrew the coalition army composed of more than a dozen countries made its own charge a nightmare for its opponents.

The charge of this army is called "the sound of the magic flute" and "the sound from hell" by the opponent...

Facing a well-equipped battalion of the enemy, the seven soldiers, who were out of ammunition and food, silently raised their bayonets, and the bugleman blew what he thought was his last charge.

Unexpectedly, a battalion of enemies more than 20 meters away heard this voice, turned around and ran away...

It is so legendary!

Naturally, Governor Feng dared not imagine that the soldiers under his command could also show such prestige.

But if in the future, the army of the Han Dynasty, singing this poem, invaded Chang'an.

Singing this poem again, it reproduces the power of the great Han who looked down on the world, making all the barbarians in the world called the Han's ministers and concubines.

The picture is too beautiful to imagine!

Anyway, anyone who dares not to listen to the big man is a prisoner!

"Sing! You must sing, and anyone who doesn't sing will hit the board!"

Inspector Feng gave a "suck" sound, sucked back his saliva, and said excitedly:

"My poem actually has a last line."

I didn't want to say it at first, but in this situation, it's impossible not to say it.

"What is it?"

"Your Majesty's lifespan is three thousand frosts, but the song is full of wind and clouds, and there are warriors guarding all directions."

The captives are going to be taken to Changling (that is, Liu Bang's mausoleum) as sacrificial offerings. How can it be passed without mentioning Emperor Gaozu?

"Alang, you are too powerful!"

Governor Feng waved his hands again and again, and said modestly:

"I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed, even Muniang and Amei can say I'm great, but in front of General Guan, I don't dare to say I'm great..."

General Guan's face was flushed, he looked at Governor Feng with beautiful eyes, and said softly:

"It's getting late, Alang, let's go back, my concubine will let Alang do a good job tonight, how about it?"

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