Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 930 The road is chosen by oneself

Hanzhong, the prime minister's mansion.

The big Han prime minister was leaning on the back of the chair, holding the document in one hand, and holding the water jade lens hanging on the bridge of his nose with the other, and was concentrating on reviewing it.

After the imperial court rebuilt Shangshutai, official documents below the county level were generally sent to Shangshutai.

After Shangshutai finished processing, the result will be sent to the prime minister.

As for matters above the county level, Shangshutai will give advice on how to deal with them, and then hand them over to the prime minister for review.

If the prime minister has no objection, it will be handed over to Yousi for handling.

This can save the prime minister a lot of thought.

In fact, because of that serious illness, although the prime minister survived in the end, it was obvious that his energy was not continuing.

The current Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty has gray hair and beard, and his handsome figure in the past has shown a faint rickety.

The voluminous robes were obviously long in the front and short in the back, and the cheeks full of vicissitudes were extremely thin.

No one could have imagined that the thin old man sitting on the chair was the eight-foot-long and majestic Wolong back then.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the study.

The visitor broke in without being notified.

Those who can receive this kind of treatment can be counted on one hand in the prime minister's mansion.

Yang Yi looked panic-stricken, she didn't even know that she had kicked over the threshold of the study.

Seeing that he had no time to salute the prime minister, he said directly:

"Prime Minister, there is news from the north that His Majesty from Shanyang County... has passed away!"

Shanyang City, in the eyes of the world, is a special existence.

Although Shanyang City is in the territory of Wei, and the title is no more than a prince, but in the city, the etiquette of the emperor can be used.

Because the name of the city owner is Liu Xie.

Zhuge Liang, who has always been calm in any situation, changed his expression when he heard the word "Ji Beng", and the document in his hand fell to the ground with a "beep".

He took a deep breath, calmed down quickly, bent down slowly, picked up the document, patted the dust on it with his hand, and put it on the table.

Then he supported the table with his hands, as if he wanted to stand up, but he didn't realize that he was only halfway up, and suddenly fell back into the chair.

"Prime Minister!"

Yang Yi was shocked, and quickly stepped forward two steps, trying to support the prime minister.

Zhuge Liang waved his hand to stop his movement.

I saw Zhuge Liang closing his eyes, as if he was adjusting his emotions.

After the violently heaving chest calmed down a bit, Zhuge Liang opened his eyes and asked slowly:

"Is the news true?"

"It's absolutely true! Not only is it spreading everywhere in Luoyang, even the bandits of Wei deliberately spread the news to Guanzhong. I heard that the false emperor Cao Rui went to Shanyang County and personally wore plain clothes for the funeral."

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang showed an extremely complicated expression on his face.

"Is it still going after all..."

For the current big man, Emperor Xian Liu Xie is a person who is reluctant to mention.

But it happens to be a character that has to be mentioned.

Because he was orthodox in the Han Dynasty, and it was he who gave the throne to the Wei thief with his own hands.

Upon hearing the news of his death that year, the first emperor issued a mourning uniform, and led all his officials to pay homage to Emperor Xiaomin.

Unexpectedly, the first emperor has been gone for more than ten years, and the news of Emperor Xiaomin's death came again.

Zhuge Liang was full of thoughts and sadness, but he seemed to have a kind of relief.

He asked in a low voice:

"Apart from the funeral of the Wei thief and the puppet emperor, is there any other news from the Wei thief?"

Zhuge Liang originally wanted to ask if there were rumors that Cao Rui harmed Emperor Xiaomin.

Although he knew that this possibility was unlikely, after all these years, if the Wei thief really wanted to harm Emperor Xiaomin, he would not wait until today.

But what if?

Unexpectedly, Yang Yi nodded:

"Prime Minister, there is indeed another matter in the north. I heard that after the death of His Majesty, the plague began to spread in Luoyang, and at the same time, a fire broke out in the Chonghua Hall of the Luoyang Imperial Palace."

"Now that Cao Rui has gone to Shandong to hold a funeral, people in Luoyang are in a state of panic, and they can say anything..."

Zhuge Liang raised his brows, and said with emotion: "There is such a thing! This can be said to be God's punishment for the Wei thief!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help getting up and walking back and forth a few steps, sighing:

"It's a pity that the big man and Luoyang are separated by a pass, otherwise they might not be able to disrupt the situation."

If the Wei thieves were strong and the big Han could only temporarily shrink to the land of Shu, the death of Emperor Xiaomin would naturally not be a big deal to Cao Rui.

As long as Cao Rui made the gesture of personally wearing mourning for the funeral, he could not only easily neutralize the impact of this matter, but even buy people's hearts by the way.

But it's different now.

Over the years, the national power of the Wei thief has declined visibly with the naked eye.

But Dahan has great hope of revitalization.

This is momentum.

The death of Emperor Xiaomin, coupled with the prevalence of the plague in Luoyang, may not be able to deepen the suspicion of people in Wei.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang hastily called out:

"Come on!"

Li Yi's figure immediately appeared at the door: "Prime Minister."

Zhuge Liang asked Yang Yi to repeat the news from Wei Guo, and then said to Li Yi:

"You send people immediately to inform Feng Mingwen of this matter."

The Qishan Road between Hanzhong and Longyou is full of postal kiosks.

Coupled with the availability of waterways, the speed of transferring official documents is very fast.

And after arriving in Longyou, because there is no shortage of horses in Liangzhou and the roads that caravans are accustomed to taking, the speed will not be too slow.

So the connection between Liangzhou and Hanzhong is actually very close.

"Promise." After Li Yi agreed, he asked hesitantly, "Does the Prime Minister have any orders?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said with a smile:

"After Feng Mingwen got the news, he knew what to do. If even he can't influence Luoyang, then there is no good way here in Hanzhong."

It's no secret that Feng Yongneng has influenced You Xia'er.

Coupled with the exchange of caravans between the Han and Wei dynasties, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty believed that Feng Mingwen must have some unknown channels in his hands.

Besides, these things are meant to be notified over there.

It's just that it's being sent urgently now, which is faster than usual official documents.

After Li Yi went down, Zhuge Liang sat back on the chair and asked casually:

"Over there in Liangzhou, is there any news recently?"

Recently, because of the opening of the Liangzhou workshop, many people began clamoring to regain Guanzhong as soon as possible.

The reason is also very simple.

Caravans leading to Guanzhong, after arriving in Chang'an, the goods can only be traded at designated places, and they can no longer enter Guandong at will and find another place to sell them.

Although I don't know how Sima Yi settled the Guandong side.

I only heard that with Cao Rui's permission, Sima Yi could find his own financial resources for the Guanzhong army.

But most of the caravans transported from the big man's side will still be controlled by Sima Yi after all.

Of course, this does not satisfy some people in Dahan.

So they desperately want to regain Guanzhong.

In fact, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty wanted to regain Guanzhong more than anyone else.

But he knew better, if there was no response from Liangzhou.

To be precise, without the cooperation of the army led by Feng Yong.

Relying on Hanzhong alone, there is no way to break through the various camps that Sima Yi set up in Guanzhong.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Yong beat the Guanzhong rebel army to the point of losing their courage.

For at least ten years, the Wei thieves would not dare to look westward at Longyou.

Just look at the actions of the Wei thief in Guanzhong when the big man regained Liangzhou.

Sima Yi had no intention of supporting Liangzhou at all, he just buried himself in digging ditches and building fortifications in Guanzhong.

This battle at Xiaoguan completely won the strategic advantage for the big Han over Guanzhong.

It's just that there are gains and losses.

This battle also disabled Feng Yong's elite that had been raised with countless money and food over the years.

Until now, Liangzhou's military strength has not been able to restore Xiaoguan's grand occasion before the First World War.

Feng Yong has his own set of tactics for training elite soldiers.

But no matter how hard you practice, no matter how much money and food you spend, in the end you have to go through real swords and guns before you can be regarded as a real elite.

At the beginning when he went to Yuexie County, he took the barbarians to train his soldiers, and only then did he have the elite soldiers who fought in Jieting.

Later in Longyou, we took the Wei thieves and Hu people from Longyou and Liangzhou to train soldiers, and only then did we have the elite soldiers for the first battle of Xiaoguan.

Now in Liangzhou, the year before last, he continued to fight against Xianbei in the west. This was his method of training troops.

According to the estimates of the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty, there is no such thing as two or three years, and this elite soldier cannot be trained.

Therefore, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty simply dismissed those who only cared about regaining Guanzhong all day long.

Looking at the whole big man now, Feng Mingwen is the only one who can make the prime minister feel at ease and let him lead the army alone, and cooperate with him in killing thieves.

Feng Mingwen does not leave Liangzhou for a day, and the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty does not leave Hanzhong for a day.

No matter how loud the other people screamed, the prime minister thought it was just mosquitoes and flies buzzing.

The battle of Longyou is a touchstone, it is clear at a glance who is capable and who is mediocre.

There may be omissions, or there may be bad luck, but the prime minister of Dahan is old, and the development momentum of Dahan is quite good.

It's good to go on like this, so don't bother anymore.

Yang Yi has been with the prime minister for a long time, even if he can't completely guess what the prime minister is thinking, he can still know a thing or two.

At this time, when the prime minister asked about Liangzhou, he was actually asking about Feng Yong.

Although he was unhappy at the moment, he still replied respectfully:

"Back to the Prime Minister, it's nothing serious. The news from Liangzhou said that Governor Feng went to Juyan County to patrol the border a few days ago and asked people to reset the barrier."

"I heard that because of what the big man did in Juyan County, the barbarians in the north were dissatisfied..."

When the Prime Minister of Han Dynasty heard this, he suddenly smiled, which made Yang Yi a little confused.

"Hu people are also dissatisfied with that kid?"

The big Hancheng seems to be talking to himself, but also seems to be asking.

Seeing that the prime minister seemed to be in a good mood, Yang Yi tentatively said:

"Feng Junhou's work...sometimes it is indeed unpredictable. If you follow the previous practice, you will slowly harvest it with the benefits of wool."

"In two or three years at most, the Hu people living in Yanze will be able to return to their hearts. Why do they need to use weapons to work soldiers and arouse resentment among the Hu people in the north?"

Zhuge Liang glanced at Yang Yi, but his expression didn't change: "That kid does act a little unreasonably sometimes."

"The Prime Minister's words are very true. I heard that Feng Junhou took his concubine to live in Yanze on a boat one day. The concubine's room only said that the scenery of Zehu Lake is beautiful."

"So he ordered that a stele be erected around Juyanze, engraved with the words that no land shall be filled in the swamp, and offenders shall be punished severely."

"It even stipulates that no random logging is allowed around Juyanze, and those who cut down one tree must replant two. All these measures are indeed a bit absurd..."


The expression of the prime minister of the great Han finally lost his composure and serenity.

In front of his eyes, there seemed to be the face of a lecherous person who disregarded people's livelihood in order to make women happy.

"Which concubine's room?"

"Li Mu."

The corner of the prime minister's mouth twitched: When I sent Li Mu to your side, I never saw you so lustful?

"The people living in Yanze, do you have any complaints?"

"Hey, I haven't heard of this. It's probably to flatter Feng Junhou. Many officials also said that this move is for the people. They are afraid that the people's fields will have no water to draw, and the livestock will have no water to drink. That's why they made such a move." Measures..."

No complaints, what a fart!

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty didn't bother to care about it.

This is not flattering that kid, it is clearly flattering that kid's concubine.

Then Li Mu is in charge of the entire textile workshop in Liangzhou.

And those who go to Juyanze to open grasslands are basically from Liangzhou's aristocratic families. Do you think those so-called officials can't please them?

As for the real Qianshou Cangtou, he can't even open up a wasteland on the flat land, and he still has the ability to reclaim the lake?

"Is there any more?"

"Yes, when Feng Junhou and Feng Guan were visiting the pass, he composed two poems and arranged one of them into a song, saying that everyone in the army could sing..."

"Prime Minister, tell me, this... this... isn't this a joke?"

I know that many of your soldiers under Feng Junhou are literate, but literate is fine, and now even such elegant things as poetry are used to be ruined by the big soldiers, isn't this insulting to the gentlemen?

The prime minister of the big Han gave a "tsk" and was about to speak when suddenly there was a cough from outside the door.

Hearing this cough, Prime Minister Dahan's expression suddenly changed.

"Well, Duke Wei, you go down first, I'll look for you tomorrow if I have something to do."

"No, prime minister, let's take a good rest first."

Yang Yi understood and quickly bowed and retreated.

Then the prime minister's wife appeared at the door of the study: "Ah Lang, it's time to take medicine..."

The heroic and short-tempered prime minister took the bowl obediently and drank the medicine.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang didn't leave any medicine residue behind, Huang Yueying nodded in satisfaction.

She took the bowl back from Zhuge Liang, and while tidying up the things on the table, she said:

"Although Yang Yi is talented, he is a complete villain. There are so many talents in the big man. Now Alang doesn't need to rely on him to handle the affairs of the family. Why should he listen to his greedy words?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said:

"After all, he helped me a lot in the past, and he hasn't made any serious mistakes now. Wouldn't it be chilling to say that he just gave up?"

In the past, Yang Weigong assisted in all kinds of planning and planning and various trivial matters in the army.

In the past few years, as the school students have gradually entered the army, it is most convenient to leave this kind of matter to them.

"Besides, this matter in court, is it you, a woman, who speaks at will?"

When Huang Yueying heard this, she sneered:

"Why don't you tell Feng Mingwen about this? Why don't you tell him not to use a woman?"

"My concubine has heard that there is a secretariat in the Liangzhou governor's mansion, and the background is not simple."

As she spoke, she threw the bowl on the table with a bang:

"Isn't it Prime Minister you ordered to withdraw the Secretariat of the Governor's Mansion in Liangzhou, and only say that women interfere in politics, which is against the rules!"

The medicine that the prime minister of the big man had just taken suddenly surged in his stomach, and he almost spit it out in anger.

He pointed at Huang Yueying tremblingly:

"you you you you you……"

The prime minister's wife raised her chest and did not back down at all:

"What's the matter? Yang Wei, a majestic prime minister, knows how to talk about other people's wives and concubines all day long, don't you feel ashamed?"

The prime minister's wife gave a "bah" and made no secret of her disdain: "It's worse than a woman!"

"you shut up!"

The prime minister of the big Han trembled for a long time, and finally he was able to say a complete sentence, "I keep Yang Weigong, there is a reason for it, you are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

The prime minister's wife squinted at him, disbelief written all over her face.

Zhuge Liang let out a long sigh:

"Now the people in the prime minister's residence are either arranged to enter the palace or to be assigned to the Shangshutai. Only Yang Weigong, although he is a long history, has not changed at all. Don't you find it strange?"

"This is really strange. If you say you value him, then you should arrange a way for him just like you arranged for Jiang Gongyan."

"But if you say you don't value him, then why do you ask him every day for advice and let him have his way without stopping?"

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty did not answer this question directly, but stretched out his hand to motion for Huang Yueying to help her, and said meaningfully:

"Anyway, Yang Weigong is talented after all, and after me, the big man probably won't have a prime minister's house anymore."

"Therefore, the long history of the prime minister's mansion, what to do in the future, whether to use him, how to use, someone will decide. Don't worry about such things."

Huang Yueying was startled: "You left him on purpose..."

Zhuge Liang waved his hand: "The way to go depends mainly on Yang Weigong himself. After all, the Son of Heaven is benevolent and will not kill people lightly."

"I'm getting old, I can't control that much anymore. Now, I just want to live to see Chang'an..."

Huang Yueying glanced at him: "The emperor is naturally benevolent, but he can't help but have a ruthless courtier underneath."

Zhuge Liang sneered: "Don't you hear about Liu Hanzi in Liangzhou? How does the resentment between Yang Weigong and Feng Mingwen compare with the resentment between Liu Hanzi and Feng Mingwen?"

Huang Yueying couldn't help laughing: "What does the Hu girl Liu Hanzi married with his ability have anything to do with Feng Mingwen?"

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