Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 931: Punishment

"The prime minister thinks highly of me too. Hanzhong and Luoyang are only separated by Guanzhong, but Liangzhou and Luoyang are separated by Longyou and Guanzhong."

Inspector Feng took the official document that the prime minister had sent over urgently, and said "tsk" with some helplessness.

"I didn't say that I must let you take action, I just asked what you think about it."

Secretary Zhang, who delivered the official documents in person, pushed Governor Feng aside, took the rocking chair all by himself, and said casually:

"Although it is inappropriate for a big man to send troops against Wei's thieves, it would be great if it could cause Wei's domestic consumption."

"After all, if the opponent has less strength, the big man is equivalent to having more confidence."

"Besides, aren't you the best at doing bad things secretly?"

Governor Feng was furious immediately:

"Don't talk nonsense! Who in Liangzhou doesn't know Feng Langjun who is anxious and righteous? If you continue to slander, I will sue the officials!"

When Zhang Xingyi heard it, he laughed so hard that he almost rolled off the rocking chair and hit Inspector Feng:

"Let's talk about business, no jokes!"

"I'm not joking!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the original topic. Is there any way to take this opportunity to cause trouble for Wei thief?"

"Let Sun Shiwan send troops to Hefei!" Governor Feng put his feet on the rocking chair and helped Secretary Zhang rock the chair, saying casually:

"This will not only cause the State of Wu to lose its national strength, but also make the east of the State of Wei uneasy."

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help laughing again, "If Sun Quan heard what you said, he would be pissed to death!"

Inspector Feng spread his hands innocently:

"Am I wrong? Hefei's defenders have changed one after another, but Sun Quan and his 100,000 army remain the same. Isn't this Sun Shiwan?"

In fact, there were several opportunities for Sun Quan to easily get Hefei and Xiangyang, but he didn't cherish them.

When these two places became the most important support points for Wei State to suppress Wu State's northward movement, Sun Quan regretted it too late.

If God could give him a chance to do it again, he would definitely say: "I want to backstab!"

If he had to add another restriction, he hoped to lead an army of 100,000 to backstab...

Zhang Xingyi couldn't stop laughing, her whole body was shaking like a flower branch, the rocking chair couldn't stand such violent shaking, it was about to fall over.

Fortunately, Governor Feng had sharp eyesight and quick hands, so he reached out to help her up.

Secretary Zhang leaned his head on Governor Feng's shoulder, and said intermittently in his mood:

"This word... haha... just say it in the backyard, don't spread it outside."

"Otherwise, otherwise the people of Wu will know about it, and they will only say that you are destroying the alliance between the two countries. Then the prime minister will not spare you, haha..."

Inspector Feng replied lazily: "I know, but I don't care."

The weather has started to heat up, and Secretary Zhang has changed into the latest summer cool clothes.

What's more, in the backyard, she even took off her outer clothes to reveal her undershirt.

Smelling the faint body fragrance, Governor Feng couldn't help wanting to touch him.


Secretary Zhang slapped Feng's paw away and glared at him:

"I'm outside, and I don't even look around! I've said that business is important, what are you going to do?"

"Big fart, get down to business!"

Governor Feng withdrew his hand resentfully, but cursed in a dirty manner:

"If Shanyang is gone, he will be gone. Is it possible that the big man will cry for him for the whole country again?"

When Liu Bei was around, it was normal to cry for Liu Xie.

But now that Liu Bei has become the first emperor, if you let the big man cry for Liu Xie, where will Liu Bei be placed?

Doesn't that mean that he considers himself unorthodox in the Han Dynasty?

So all these years, everyone has done nothing?

"No nonsense!"

Zhang Xingyi kicked Feng Yong, and then nestled back into the chair thoughtfully:

"It is definitely not acceptable for the whole country to cry for filial piety, but it is still possible for the royal family to pay homage."

"It's a private matter of the emperor's family. Someone will worry about it. You are not a member of the royal family. You can only have one relative at most. It's your turn to think about it?"

Governor Feng reminded her, "Please think about your identity."

"Oh? What is the status of a concubine?"

Zhang Xingyi looked at Governor Feng with a half-smile, "I know that my concubine is a Shanggong in the palace, but I don't know, after hearing Governor Feng's tone, I thought... huh?"

Secretary Zhang raised his chin to signal Governor Feng.

Governor Feng was disgusted and begged for mercy:

"Forget it, let's get down to business."

Zhang Xingyi sneered.


Governor Feng acted as if he hadn't seen anything. He pretended to be contemplative and forcibly found a topic:

"Although we know that Cao Rui is most likely suffering from diabetes, it's just been so long, but unfortunately we still haven't been able to find out his real physical condition."

"Otherwise, we can take advantage of this and shake Wei Zei's heart."

With Wei Guo's current stature, spreading ordinary rumors is at most just disgusting the other side, which is of no practical use.

If you want to do it, make it big.

For example, like last time, Cao Rui and Xia Hou's family were at odds.

That's called a public opinion war.

Although he knew that this man was a coward, he didn't dare to answer the question he just asked directly.

But Zhang Xiaosi didn't force him too much, he still took the topic from him:

"To shake people's hearts, it doesn't have to be to stare at the important people on the opposite side. It is also possible to make Wei thief lose the hearts of the people."

"It's like a few days ago when you came back from Juyan County and passed by Zhangye, didn't someone offer auspicious omens!"

"The local people are very happy. They only say that the big man should be prosperous and the Wei thief should be destroyed. This is also the popular feeling..."

"Go, go!" Governor Feng waved his hand unhappily, "That guy is just playing me like a monkey! That's what you like, otherwise, I would have chopped him off!"

"Don't cut it! What auspiciousness!"

Returning from an inspection tour in Juyan County, passing by Zhangye, someone from the county presented a large stone, shaped like a turtle.

He also boasted to Governor Feng in a serious manner:

The stone of the spirit turtle was discovered because of the flood in the mountain pass, and it was washed out and stood in the water. This must be an auspicious gift from heaven.

If it is true, this turtle-like stone is indeed auspicious.

Because in addition to animal shapes such as phoenix, unicorn, white tiger, and rhinoceros, there are also graphics such as stars.

The most important thing is that there are three big characters on the other side: Da Discuss Cao.

But... this shit!

Anyway, Governor Feng felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted.

It's just such things, what Feng Cishi said doesn't count.

Because the ancients liked to play this trick.

For example, General Guan liked it and was very happy after seeing it.

Those who offered auspiciousness were greatly rewarded, and the auspiciousness was carefully packaged and shipped back to Wuwei.

Later, at the expense of manpower and material resources, a team of officers and soldiers was sent to transport the big stone to Hanzhong.

This incident was a sensation in Liangzhou.

It stands to reason that such a major event happened during his tenure as governor of Liangzhou, which can be regarded as a great achievement in the eyes of people of this era.

But Governor Feng didn't want to mention it more.

Reduce IQ!

Looking at the whole governor's mansion full of celebrations, Governor Feng felt that he had fed the dog for so many years of education!


Except that Ah Mui had doubts about some scratches on the stone, which made Governor Feng feel a little relieved.

It's just that concubines have no human rights, so what's the use of learning more?

Mrs. Feng's family and Zhang Xiaosi said in unison that this is auspiciousness, so it must be auspiciousness.

"Okay, okay, if you don't cut it, don't cut it, and then?"

"Auspiciousness! There was auspiciousness on the big man's side, and the imprisoned Emperor Xiaomin died on the Wei thief's side, followed by the plague. What does this mean?"

Zhang Xiaosi mentioned this incident casually, but unexpectedly, his eyes lit up as he spoke.


Governor Feng stared dumbfounded at the woman in front of him, and a word popped out of his mind.

I even started to have some doubts: Is this really auspicious?

How could it be such a coincidence?

As soon as the idea came up, Zhang Xiaosi excitedly came over:

"Alang, what do you think will happen if we combine these things together, add something, and then spread the word to the thief Wei?"

The mentality is broken, okay?

Anyway, if it was Feng Shishi himself, his mentality would definitely collapse again!

Over the past two years, Wei State defeated Wu State in the south, drove the Hu people in the north, and the country was relatively stable.

Coupled with the various measures of Sima Yi in Guanzhong, they not only took a considerable part of the profits from the big Han's bulk material transactions to support the Guanzhong army.

Even the big man's layout in Jiuyuan's hometown had just begun, and it was completely destroyed by Sima Yi, which made Governor Feng suffer a dumb loss.

Governor Feng also said that God is biased and doesn't love big men anymore, it seems that he was wrong.

God is still fair.

"That auspicious sign, hasn't been sent to Hanzhong yet?"

Zhang Xingyi counted with his fingers:

"Not yet, but it's almost there."

"Send a fast horse immediately and send an urgent message to Hanzhong."

"Go down and understand!"

Zhang Xingyi stood up from the rocking chair, excitedly bowed his hands to Governor Feng and saluted.

"No, you don't understand." Governor Feng stood up, reached out and patted the female secretary's beautiful buttocks, and said meaningfully, "Remember to keep the door open at night, and I will discuss more details with you."

Secretary Zhang cast a coquettish glance at Governor Feng, then turned around and put on his outer clothes, swayed on clogs, twisted his little buttocks, and walked away.

Governor Feng lay back in the rocking chair again, feeling Zhang Xiaosi's remaining body temperature, and in a happy mood, began to chant:

"I have a general on the outside and a secretary on the inside..."

The joys and sorrows in the world are not interlinked, especially when the Han and Wei Dynasties are at odds.

The source of Feng Guiwang's happiness is based on Cao Rui's pain.

For Cao Rui, the death of Liu Xie was not a big problem.

After all, Han Zen has been located in Wei for more than ten years, and the people of the world have long accepted this fact.

Coupled with these ten years, Liu Xie has been living a very nourishing life, and no one believes his death, so there will be something strange.

It's the normal end of life.

The plague in Luoyang is not a big problem.

After all, the world has been in chaos for so many years, and locust plagues, droughts, floods, and plagues occur almost every year.

But if those two things happen seamlessly in tandem, there is likely to be a problem.

Because Liu Xie's status is too special.

"How is Luoyang doing now?"

Shanyang City is just to the north of Dahe River, facing Luoyang across the river.

(Thanks to the book friends for the correction: Liu Xie’s fief is in Shanyang City, which is now Jiaozuo City, which belongs to Hanoi County, not Shanyang County.)

As soon as the front foot arrived in Shanyang City, the plague began to spread in Luoyang on the back foot. Cao Rui didn't know whether to be lucky or feel unlucky.

"Your Majesty, people in Luoyang are panicking now, and many families have fled the city with their families."

Shangshu Lang Lianzhao seemed to have expected that Cao Rui would ask this question, so he quickly stepped forward and answered softly:

"What's more, spreading rumors in the city and attacking the imperial court is really hateful!"

"What rumor?"

Lian Zhao squeaked and said:

"Anyway, it's just some vicious words of thieves, and it will only hurt your ears. Your Majesty should not take it to heart..."

When Cao Rui heard this, his face was gloomy and cold:

"My Son of Heaven, don't you even dare to listen to thieves' slander?"

Lian Zhao turned pale, prostrated himself on the ground, and cried:

"Those thieves only said that His Majesty was not benevolent and forced Shanyang Gong to death, so the heavens sent the police to punish them."

"There are also people who say that the Great Wei usurped the Han and won the country in a wrong way, so years of disasters have occurred. Now Liangzhou has auspicious signs, and the inscription 'Great Dispute Cao' is a sign of the revival of the Han Dynasty."

"Just talking about following Wei, what is the difference between joining the Chu army during the Battle of Gaixia?"

"What's more, openly sang Feng Zei's new work: Severe wind blows frost and grass withers, tendons are dry and strong, and horses are arrogant. The Han family has 300,000 soldiers, and the general also leads Huo prostitutes and Yao..."

It was easy to say before, but when he heard this poem, Cao Rui became furious all at once.

What captive?

Who is the prisoner?

Your whole family is a prisoner!

It's so vicious!

To write such poems and essays to scold Dawei is simply to nail Dawei to death in history!

But seeing him shout: "Enough!"

At the same time, he stood up abruptly, and in a fit of rage, kicked Lian Zhao to the ground.

At this time, Cao Rui was panting like a cow, and his eyes were red.

"Thief, evil thief, Feng thief!"

"Smart words and tricks, cruel and ruthless, not a good death, certainly not a good death!"

The dignified Emperor of the Wei Kingdom disregarded his manners and cursed like a woman.

I can't blame Cao Rui for being so gaffe.

Because not long after Cao Zhi died the year before last, a song "Crying Cao Zijian" began to be circulated in the Central Plains last year.

What are the "vain ambitions of lofty talents, never opened the arms of my life", what "the bamboo dies, the tung tree withers and the phoenix does not come", what "a good horse has no owner because it has no owner".

He almost pointed at the noses of the two emperors of Wei State and scolded them.

Cao Rui knows that there are many people in the world who sympathize with his uncle, who pity his talent but cannot develop it.

Such a poem is simply written in their hearts.

But for me, that is to punish my heart!

I thought I had finally learned Feng thief's cruelty, but I didn't expect that I still underestimated this thief's viciousness!

At such a sensitive moment, when such a song "Three Hundred Thousand Han Warriors" popped up, Cao Rui could already imagine what Luoyang officials would look like.

"You are so good at writing, do you specialize in writing poems about dead people? Right? Right?"

Cao Rui was trembling all over, and cursed repeatedly, "If you like writing dead poems so much, why don't you die!"

The Central Plains in June has entered the hottest time.

Although there was an ice mirror in the room, Cao Rui still felt extremely hot all over his body, his temples were throbbing, and his eyes began to swell and ache.

Under the panic attack, Cao Rui only felt that his eyes were going black for a while, and his body could not hold on, and he was a little shaky.

Lian Zhao, who was curled up in a corner and pretended to be dead, saw that something was wrong with Cao Rui, so he got up quickly and cried:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, take care of yourself! Thief Feng speaks eloquently and viciously. If Your Majesty loses his temper because of this, then he has fallen into the villain's scheme!"

Cao Rui supported Lian Zhao's shoulders, fell back to his seat, closed his eyes and opened his mouth, gasping for breath.

Seeing this, Lian Zhao hastily poured a bowl of honey water that had been chilled long ago:

"Your Majesty, here comes the water."

Cao Rui drank it in one gulp, only to feel that his body's thirst had eased a bit.

Lian Zhao rubbed his chest and beat his back for a while, Cao Rui finally got his breath together.

Lian Zhao said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, the thieves live far away from the frontier, and there is still auspiciousness. The Great Wei is in the middle of the world, how can they fall behind the thieves?"

"I have heard a strange thing recently. The auspiciousness of the Great Wei may fall on this matter."

Cao Rui opened his eyes suddenly: "What's the matter?"

PS: It is indeed recorded in history: Zhangye Liugu’s saliva is overflowing, the gemstone is negative, and it looks like a turtle. It stands in the west of Sichuan. There is also a text saying "big fight against Cao". This is not compiled by the author.

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