Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 932 Auspicious, I see auspiciousness again

People's desires in life are wine, sex, wealth, power and longevity, and so on.

But behind the scenes, most of them only draw one name, because they can only draw one name.

If Cao Rui had the confidence to destroy the two kingdoms of Shu and Wu, no matter how the enemy tried to smear him, he would not take it seriously.

But over the years, Cao Rui has been smug from the beginning when he ascended the throne, and now he is trying his best to protect Guanzhong to prevent Luoyang from being peeped by thieves.

The process of changing mentality is really not enough for outsiders to understand.

Da Sima sat and watched Liangzhou being annexed by bandits, and the government and the public said that he was as afraid of Shu as a tiger.

But in Cao Rui's heart, why didn't he lose the confidence to swallow Shu?

That's why he still cares about the slander of the thief.

But Feng Zei's poems...


After the death of my uncle, no one in this world can compare with Feng Zei in terms of writing poetry.

The most important thing is that over the years, Wei and Shu have been at war, and Wei has always been at a disadvantage.

Both civil and military are not enough to give Cao Rui the confidence to overwhelm Shu.

So when he was out of breath, when he heard Lian Zhao's words, although he didn't say it was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, he was full of hope.

Since the Great Wei is the most upright in the world, the heavens really have a preference for the Great Wei.

"I am worried about your Majesty's illness, so I asked people to search for famous doctors all over the world. A few days ago, my servants reported that there was a woman in Shouchun who fell asleep for three days."

"After waking up, I said to myself that I was granted by the gods. I was possessed by a goddess. She should live in the palace and guard the emperor's house, thinking that your majesty will be blessed and ward off evil spirits."

Cao Rui frowned upon hearing this.


There are so many capable people and strange people in the world, Cao Rui naturally knows it.

In order to prolong his life, Emperor Wu summoned many alchemists. He used to study the art of the house from Zuo Ci, advocating the best in the side, and he used to reach the evening on weekdays.

It is said that it is because of this that he has twenty-five sons and seven daughters.

However, Emperor Wen forced himself to practice this technique due to lack of talent, and eventually collapsed prematurely due to excessive indulgence.

As soon as he thought of this, Cao Rui immediately remembered that it was rumored that Feng Zei was also a descendant of the Shanmen.

A mere disciple of the mountain gate entered the world, and he disturbed Wei's stability. If it was replaced by a celestial girl...

Thinking of this, Cao Rui quickly asked:

"Have you ever verified what this woman said?"

Lian Zhao nodded:

"I know that this matter is of great importance, so I dare not report it lightly and ask people to inquire about it."

"Someone has personally seen that this woman can be healed by people drinking water or washing sores with water. Therefore, I think that this woman must be extraordinary."

When Cao Rui heard this, his spirits lifted!

He knew that Lian Zhao was reliable, otherwise, the courtiers would not have said that he was a villain, and Cao Rui still trusted him.

Since he dared to make such a promise, it must have been confirmed.

However, it is related to the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace, so it is natural to be cautious.

But seeing Cao Rui pondering for a while, he said:

"If she really can ward off evil spirits and enjoy blessings, then she will have a solution for the Luoyang plague..."

Lian Zhao understood, and quickly said:

"Your Majesty's words are very true. I suggest sending someone to bring her to Luoyang first. If she really has a way to eliminate the epidemic, she must be a goddess."

"If not, you will be deceiving the world. At that time, your majesty will only need to issue a decree to bring him to justice in the city, so as to reassure the people."

Cao Rui nodded with satisfaction:

"This matter will be left to you."


If you are not afraid of rampant thieves, you are afraid that there is no way to deal with it.

Now that he has a way to deal with it, Cao Rui can finally relax a little.

He looked at Lian Zhao and said with a smile:

"I know that you are acting cautiously, but this is something that is waiting for the blessing from the heavens, so let's talk about it first in the future."

Remembering that he had just kicked Lian Zhao in a fit of rage, he couldn't help asking with concern:

"Just now I was too angry, I didn't know the weight of my feet, Ai Qing's body, but is it all right?"

Lian Zhao quickly replied:

"Your Majesty's kick is to remind the minister to distinguish between priorities in the future. The minister can only be grateful, so what's wrong?"

At the same time, I secretly plotted in my heart.

He knew that the emperor was impatient, if he reported the matter of the heavenly woman first, and then reported the matter of the robbers in Luoyang, his majesty would not only be angry for a long time, but would even blame himself.

But if you make His Majesty furious first, and then report the matter to the Heavenly Lady, it will not only calm His Majesty, but even get His Majesty's care by accident.

At that time, His Majesty will feel guilty, and he is afraid that he will not be able to keep it simple in the emperor's heart?

Therefore, Lian Zhao was able to push Liu Ye aside and gain Cao Rui's close respect, which is naturally outstanding.

After he withdrew, he happened to bump into Yang Fu who was waiting outside to be summoned by His Majesty, and quickly saluted:

"I've seen Young Master Yang."

But Yang Fu let out a "humph" and didn't even look him in the eye, let alone talk to him.

Lian Zhao seemed to have expected Yang Fu's reaction, and he was not angry, and left with a respectful expression on his face.

Yang Fu looked at Lian Zhao's back, his eyes became more and more indifferent.

In the past few years, it has become more and more difficult for the ministers of the DPRK and China to see His Majesty on business.

Because His Majesty not only asked the guards to set up numerous checkpoints, but also asked the close ministers to report everything.

Just like the battle of Xiaoguan three years ago, when His Majesty was inspecting Xuchang.

When the results of the great battle were transmitted, His Majesty not only used illness as an excuse, but did not meet the ministers in time.

He even sent Lian Zhao and other close officials to guard the door to prevent the officials who heard the news from entering.

In the end, he was forced to raise his sword to attack Lian Zhao, and His Majesty then received him and others to arrange everything after the war.

If things go on like this, the closer the courtiers are, the closer the foreign courtiers will be, and the sages of the imperial court will not be able to display their talents, while your Majesty's courtiers, regardless of whether they are talented or not, will be able to take power.

This is not the way to govern the country!

Naturally, Lian Zhao didn't know Yang Fu's gaze behind him was looking at him, let alone what Yang Fu was thinking at this moment.

But when he heard the voice of "Chen Fu has something to do, please see Your Majesty", a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, after a while, Yang Fu's loud voice sounded again, with a little anger at the same time:

"Your Majesty is the son of heaven. You don't dress according to the etiquette, but you like women's accessories. At that time, everyone in the world will respect women's accessories. The Great Wei will perish, is it possible?"

(Note: Women's ornaments refer to the decorations used by women to dress up, not women's clothing. For example, the crown of the emperor uses real white jade beads for the front and back, and Cao Rui changed it to coral beads for women.)

Then came the voice of Cao Rui apologizing.

Lian Zhao smiled and left quietly.

Although His Majesty has his own opinions on weekdays, he may not necessarily listen to the opinions of the ministers, but generally he will not be angry or even impose additional punishments on the ministers who raised their opinions.

But everyone in the world is willing to listen to words that are pleasant to the ear, and they are unwilling to listen to words that are harsh to the ear.

Like Yang Fu, if you talk too much, His Majesty will only become more and more distant in the future.

Thinking of this, Lian Zhao smiled even more heartily.


The epidemic that has been prevalent since April has made the most prosperous city in the world deserted.

Those with connections dragged their families and escaped from the city. Those without connections could only close their homes and pray that the epidemic would pass quickly.

If you are really unfortunate enough to be infected, you can only resign yourself to fate, either wait for death or survive.

The rumors spreading everywhere have greatly intensified the panic of the people about the epidemic.

Because this epidemic has come too strangely.

The plagues in previous years were basically prevalent during the cold time of winter and early spring.

And this epidemic began to spread in April, which has already entered the summer.

Therefore, in this era when the theory of ghosts and gods is prevalent, as long as someone provokes a little, it is easy to make people suspicious:

Could it be that God really blesses Wei?

In Luoyang in June, the sun was shining on the streets that were much deserted than before.

But the gloomy and gloomy clouds over the city seem to linger like a ghost seeking life.

A man wearing a bamboo hat and gauze on his face hurried to the door of a restaurant and knocked on the door:

"Shopkeeper, please open the door."

A voice quickly came from inside the restaurant:

"Customer, there is no food in the store!"

"Shopkeeper, help, there are ghosts outside, please let me go in and take shelter."

"Where did the ghost come from? What the hell?"

"Female ghost."

"How many ghosts?"

"Eight thousand female ghosts!"

The closed door of the restaurant finally opened a gap, and when it was clear that there was really only one person outside, someone poked his head out and looked around.

Then he opened the door a little further: "Then invite the guests to come in and avoid it."

The man entered the restaurant, and quickly took off his outer set of clothes, including the bamboo hat.

Then soon someone brought a brazier, threw all these things into it and burned it clean.

"Guest, this way please, the water is already boiled."

When the man went down to clean it, another guy brought water and sprinkled it on the floor, and started mopping the floor. At the same time, there was a pungent smell in the shop.

After the man had his hair loosened and cleaned, and changed into a whole new set of clothes, someone brought him to the back hall of the restaurant.

Long ago, a handsome gentleman sat there waiting:

"Sir, please sit down. I wonder where the eight thousand female ghosts are now?"

"The world is already in chaos!"

While answering, the man took out something from his arms and put it on the table.

The handsome man also took out something from his arms and put it on the table.

The two things fit together perfectly, exactly.

Only then did the two tacitly put away their things.

The handsome man bowed his hands and saluted:

"I'm in a den of thieves, so I have to be careful. Dare I ask you your name?"

"A certain man's surname is Han, his name is Long, and his character is Qianyong. If you dare to ask, is Mr. Mi Lang face to face?"

"A certain one is Mi Zhao."

"I met Mi Lang-jun."

Hearing Han Long's name, Mi Zhao's expression was in a daze, and Jier sighed:

"I am using the name Shishilang here, so people often call me Shishilang. This title of Mi Langjun has been heard less and less in recent years..."

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