Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 933: The Ghost King Really Doesn’t Do Human Affairs

Anyone who has a little knowledge in Luoyang knows that Mi Shishilang is the owner of the "Jeepinju" restaurant.

It is a unique place to live, and the food is as its name suggests.

Three years ago, Peer House opened in Luoyang, and it took only one year to become famous in Luoyang.

Now it is the first restaurant in Luoyang, and ordinary people are not eligible to enter.

Even wealthy families have to make an appointment three days in advance, otherwise there will be no seats at all.

It's not that no one has inquired about Mi Shishilang's heel.

I heard that this person's ancestral home was Xuzhou Donghai, and then the world was in chaos, so he followed his father's generation to Shu for refuge.

By coincidence, he saved an old man with a white beard and was given the art of easy teeth.

Unexpectedly, this technique was favored by a certain person surnamed Feng, who was ruthless and plundered, forcing Mi Shishilang to flee far away from Sichuan and settle in Luoyang.

Those rich and noble families who came to Juepinju for dinner, after hearing about this incident, were all deeply moved.

Of course, they are more interested in the second half of the story.

The person surnamed Feng not only fell in love with the secret technique in Mi Shishilang's hands, but even wanted Mi Shishilang.

Anyway, in the eyes of those diners, this credibility is very high.

Because this Mi Shishilang is not only handsome in appearance, but also has a good manner, and his appearance is all extraordinary, he is a first-class handsome man.

And it's said, it's said, that guy surnamed Feng always has a lot of handsome men around him, so it must be a good one.

For the past few years, Feng Zei must have been a household name in Luoyang, the political center of Wei State, not to mention in the entire Wei State.

And because of the confrontation between the two countries of Shu and Wei, and the inability to communicate smoothly with personnel and information, Feng Thief was covered with a veil of mystery.

Even Huang Gongheng (that is, Huang Quan), who missed the food in Shu, so he came here to have a meal, heaved a long sigh after hearing this:

"Zhuge Kongming ruled Shu with the Ming law, but now he connives at the Feng family?"

Anyway, all kinds of deeds and news made people talk about it, and the heart of gossip was greatly satisfied.

As for the authenticity, no one really pursued it.

Because of Feng Zei's special reputation, Mi Shishilang's restaurant quickly became famous in Luoyang.

And because of Huang Gongheng's special status, many descendants from the Shu region often came here to cheer.

Over time, Mi Shishilang took root in Luoyang in this way.

After all, with Huang Gongheng's words, even if others want to think about Mi Shishilang's restaurant, they have to weigh it up.

Otherwise, the great Wei, the land of the imperial capital, would it be possible to be ruled by thieves?

Besides, who is Huang Gongheng?

That is a character that even the Great Sima respects. This person is a symbol of Wei's surrender to the Shu people, and His Majesty should treat him favorably.

More importantly, although Mi Shishilang fled to Luoyang, he still had connections in Shu.

He can get some things from Sichuan that others cannot get, such as the most popular wool, brown sugar, honey wine and so on.

After all, Da Sima only intercepted the caravan of the Shu people, but the caravans from the Kanto side who are capable of buying goods in Shu, he can't forcefully detain them in Chang'an, can he?

It would be too ugly to eat like that, and if you don't even serve soup to others, you will provoke public anger.

With Da Sima's well-known character, how could he do such a thing?

It is also because of Mi Shishilang's connections that some people suspect that it has something to do with the Mi family in Shu.

Mi Shishilang never explained this.

Anyway, the Mi family's life in Sichuan is really not very good now.

It's very low-key, so low-key that even the people in Shu almost forgot that there is such a family of imperial relatives in Pseudo-Shu.

After all, Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, which caused Liu Bei to raise his army in anger, and the battle of Yiling almost destroyed the Kingdom of Shu.

Tracing to the root cause, Mi Fang surrendered without a fight and defected to the state of Wu, but she had a considerable part of the responsibility.

Mi Zhu, who was above Zhuge Liang, died of guilt, which saved the Mi family's vitality.

Unexpectedly, he offended a certain guy surnamed Feng later on.

Well, the surname is Feng again.

Then the dignified relatives and relatives were collectively squeezed out by the powerful and powerful in Shu.

The eldest son of the Mi family was forced to go to Nanzhong to feed the mosquitoes, but there was no news of him in the end.

I don't know if he got miasma and died there, but no one mentioned it anymore.

It seems that Bandit Feng is not only rampant outside the country, but also rampant in the Shu Kingdom.

This person has offended too many people, how can he live for a long time?

But having said that, it is understandable that the Mi family sent a side branch to take root in Wei, just in case.

These are the unspoken rules of the aristocratic family.

It's just that none of them thought that the owner of Juepinju, Mi Shishilang, was actually Mi Zhao who hadn't been heard from since he went to Nanzhong.

"Mr. Mi Lang, in order to promote the Han Dynasty, disregarded himself and sneaked into the den of thieves. It is really admirable."

Mi Zhao heard the words, smiled wryly, shook his head and remained silent.

Although the Mi family made great contributions to the big man, they also committed great crimes.

If there is no Feng Mingwen, the Mi family will probably be like this, closely following in the footsteps of the royal family, it depends on the day when the favor of the royal family disappears, and the day when the Mi family will not fall.

But since the Nanzhong War, the upstarts of the imperial court are living more comfortably than before.

Then came the Battle of Longyou, even Xu Xun, Liu Liang and others began to stand up.

Not to mention Zhao Guang, Huang Chong and others.

In contrast, the Mi family, which was originally the top dignitaries, declined at an extremely fast speed.

Much faster than expected.

In the past, what were Zhao Guang, Huang Chong and others in front of Mi Zhao?

But in the back it was the other way around, in front of Zhao Guang, Huang Chong and other people from Xinghanhui, Mi Zhao didn't even count as a hair!

The reason is also very simple.

Times have changed.

The Mi family was just like the Li family in the middle of Sichuan. If they failed to keep up with the big man, they would be ruthlessly abandoned.

When the people who participated in the dismemberment of Li's family were full of food, no one noticed that the Mi's family in the corner looked terrified.

With a huge psychological gap and a huge psychological shadow, the Mi family took advantage of their status to send a caravan to Luoyang five years ago to take root.

The original purpose was actually similar to what Luoyang thoughtful people thought, to see if it was possible to leave a way out.

But it is estimated that it is a bad year, and the spies sent to Luoyang by someone Feng just found out about it.

After all, in terms of intelligence collection and analysis, Feng is definitely ahead of this era.

Afterwards, things will be very logical.

After Zhao Sanqian became famous and Liu Hanzi slept all over Liangzhou, Mi Zhao couldn't sit still anymore.

Gritting my teeth and being cruel, my mother, I am skilled at bowing horses and shooting Yuyun, how can I be worse than them?

Whether the Mi family can stand up or not depends on this time!

This is how Mi Zhao took the risk of going to Luoyang in person.

And this stay lasted for three years.

For the past three years, the pressure he has endured cannot be comprehended by outsiders.

Hearing Han Long's words of admiration at this time, even he didn't know whether it was sadness or joy in his heart:

"The big man is not in the ascendant, so let's save such compliments for later."

"Feng Junhou sent Mr. Han over this time, but I don't know why?"

The Mi family's stronghold in Luoyang is extremely secretive.

Even big men, there are only a few people who are qualified to know.

And all these years, the only time Feng Yong used the Mi family was the incident with the Xiahou family.

This is why Mi Zhao can hide his identity very well.

Because Juepinju has always been doing business in a serious manner, and will not deliberately inquire about news, nor pass any news.

That's all about the other spies in Luoyang.

As for the spies going to Juepinju for dinner, I heard those wealthy people talking about some after-dinner things...

Is it possible to open a restaurant, but also learn to distinguish which one is the spy of the enemy country?

So Mi Zhao knew that it must be a big deal for Feng Mingwen to send someone over this time.

"Your Majesty wants to know Cao Rui's physical condition."

When Mi Zhao heard this, he immediately took a deep breath.

Mother-in-law, you just let me incite the people to rebel in Luoyang!

"Feng Mingwen used to only tell me to do a good job in the business of Juepinju. Don't get involved in other things so as not to be exposed, but now he asks me to inquire about Cao Rui. How can I start at this time?"

Han Long coughed:

"Mr. Mi Lang, the three clans of Xiahou are all imprisoned in Luoyang by Cao Rui, right?"

"That's right."

"Then Lord Wei's son-in-law Xia Houmao is also in Luoyang, right?"

"Of course."

"Your Majesty heard that Xia Houmao has a bad relationship with his wife, Princess Qinghe..."

Xia Houmao sold grain in Guanzhong back then and was driven back to Luoyang by Cao Rui. Princess Qinghe took the opportunity to add insult to injury and framed Xiahoumao, intending to kill Xiahoumao.

This is more than a bad relationship, it is the enemy of life and death.

The reason for this is just because of the messy things about men and women.

When Xia Houmao was working in Guanzhong, she kept many concubines. Princess Qinghe was so jealous that she wanted to kill her own Alang.

This shows how important it is to appease the backyard.

For example, someone surnamed Feng did a very good job.

It's just that when Mi Zhao heard Han Long mentioning this, he suddenly felt something was wrong!

He said tremblingly, "So... so what?"

Han Long coughed again, even though he had an old face like him, he seemed a little embarrassed:

"Your Majesty heard again, that Princess Qinghe often comes to Juepinju..."

I am your mother!

Mi Zhao suddenly had the urge to lift the table!

are you human?

Is it a ghost?

That's right, it's you, Ghost King!

Is this what people do?

It's so vicious!

Not only is it vicious to Mi Zhao, but it is also a precise lore for Princess Qinghe!

My family, Alang, dotes on other women openly and aboveboard, his wife is lonely and resentful, and his heart is empty.

At this time, a handsome gentleman appeared in front of her with gentleness and consideration...

That's probably how Feng Zei's script was designed.

But Mi Zhao pointed at Han Long with his fingers parallel to each other, and asked with a pale face:

"Feng thief... Ah bah, no, Feng Wenhe, ah bah, I mean, does Feng Mingwen know how old Princess Qinghe is?"

Han Long said with a straight face:

"Mi Lang-jun, I just let you have a chance to talk to Princess Qinghe a few more times, to see if I can get some useful news, what are you thinking?"

"I enter...*(\u0026()\u0026*)\u0026"


No money for the following:

Many people on the Internet think that Cao Rui is a wise king, and think that he started to build large-scale construction projects after Zhuge Liang died without pressure. In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

Many records in "Three Kingdoms" prove that Cao Rui did not forget to build palaces and recruit beautiful women when Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition was at its most critical.

For example: the emperor builds palaces, and the people work hard. (Xin) Bishang Shu said: "I heard that Zhuge Liang talked about martial arts... Today, the palace is booming, and the grain and wheat have not been harvested for years..."

(Yang Fu) Qian will be a master craftsman. At the beginning of the time, he ruled the palace and sent beautiful women to fill the back court...

When he moved to the Shaofu, Fu Yi thought: "...widely open the palace halls, and the heights are terraces, so as to interfere with civil affairs, which will seriously harm the farmers..."

These were all made during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, and some old officials couldn't bear to see them, and they wrote letters to persuade Cao Rui.

It's just that after Zhuge Liang's death, Cao Rui became even more unrestrained in this regard.

Some people even used Cao Rui not to be punished because of the remarks of these ministers to prove that he is a Mingjun, so I just laughed. Is the standard of Mingjun already so low?

The soldiers in the front fought endlessly, and the emperor in the rear kept enjoying himself, and even used the wives and daughters of the soldiers who died in battle to enrich the harem at any time.

If the minister speaks the truth, you will be punished. You are tired of being an emperor and want to taste the taste of a subjugated king?

Cao Rui is indeed a talented emperor, but at the same time he is a pleasure-seeking emperor.

I agree with what a book friend said earlier. To put it bluntly, it is the complexity of human nature.

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