Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 934 Coincidence

Although he knew that he could be sent out by Feng Wenhe to carry out such a confidential matter, it must be his confidant.

But Mi Langjun still couldn't help but jumped out of the thunder, swearing at the sky and talking about the earth.

"Mr. Mi Lang calm down, Mr. Mi Lang, please calm down!"

On the other hand, Han Long, instead of being angry when Mi Zhao greeted Feng Junhou kindly, he went to comfort Mi Zhao instead:

"Your Majesty is just a suggestion. If Mr. Mi Lang finds it difficult, you don't have to do it."

Of course Mi Zhao didn't want to do such a dirty thing.

But nine out of ten things in this world are mostly involuntary.

If they really don't do it, then the Mi family has spent a lot of energy, what are they going to do in Luoyang?

You can't really just go to the back road, right?

When I didn't come to Wei State, I only said that Wei State owns the land of eight states in the world and has the strongest power.

But when you really arrive in Luoyang, you will find that even though it is the most benevolent place in the Wei state, it is not uncommon for the rich and powerful to run amok.

Not to mention that there has been an obvious tear in the upper echelon, and it is not like a big man who can unite to the outside world.

The lower class people in the Wei state not only suffer from hard labor, but also often worry about hunger and cold.

Compared with the days when the common people of the Han Dynasty at least had hope, it was even more different.

Governing the country at home is not enough to compare with the big Han, and using troops abroad does not dare to compete with the big Han.

After personally experiencing the dismemberment of the family in Shu by the prime minister and Feng Wenhe, he saw Wei Guo's connivance of arrogance.

By comparing the two, Mi Zhao clearly realized that if the Wei State did not solve the aristocratic family, sooner or later it would suffer a backlash.

But how easy is it to solve the family?

Even if Cao Rui had the heart, he might be powerless.

Think about the time when Cao Rui ascended the throne, the prime minister started the Northern Expedition, and the various measures taken by the big man to Wei Guo while solving the family problems.

While Mi Zhao suddenly realized, he also shuddered:

The Prime Minister and Feng Wenhe may not be forcing Cao Rui to make him unable to solve the internal problems of Wei State.

It even forced Cao Rui to rely more on the aristocratic family to resist the pressure exerted by the big man.

This is like forcing Cao Rui to drink poison to quench his thirst. If he does not drink, he may die of thirst, and if he drinks it, he may die of poison.

What is the layout of national scholars?

Taking the world as a chess game, when you make a move, what others see is only the eyes of the chess in front of them, but they don't know that the person holding the chess is interested in the entire chess dragon of the opponent.

That's all there is to it, the prime minister is called Crouching Dragon, and playing chess is called dignified and upright, taking advantage of the situation to force others.

But can the ghost king do the same?

That's called an unreasonable, unpredictable, ruthless person.

Now Mi Zhao feels that he is a chess piece, and he is also a chess piece in Feng Guiwang's hand.

If you feel embarrassed, you don't have to do it?

Take it easy!

Mi Zhao yelled for a long time, until his mouth was parched, and then he sat down, picked up the teacup and drank to the top of his head.

Then he let out a long breath, then closed his eyes and focused his attention, and finally opened his eyes, and a handsome and handsome man with a swaying demeanor reappeared in front of Han Long.

But seeing his well-groomed appearance, he said to Han Long:

"Mr. Han, please go back and tell Feng Junhou, just say that I know what the emperor wants, and I will do my best."

"Ah! This..."

For a while, Han Long didn't react:

"Mi Lang-jun, this is, agree?"

Of course I don't want to say yes!

But seeing Mi Zhao's solemn expression, Zheng Zheng said solemnly:

"As the prime minister said in the "Teacher's List", the great Han scholars forget themselves outside, and they are all the ears of the revival of the Han Dynasty."

"As a relative of the great Han emperor, how can he be left behind?"

Han Long looked at the elegant and handsome gentleman in front of him, his eyes were a little dull.

He even became suspicious, could it be that what he saw just now was just an illusion?

"Mr. Mi Lang is so righteous!"

Han Long bowed his hands in admiration, and said sincerely, "I admire you!"

Just relying on the other party's ability to change faces, I can't accept it!

"By the way, Mi Lang-jun, here is another letter, which is from Huang Lang-jun to his family. If Mi Lang-jun has a chance, please send it to Huang Gongheng."

Mi Zhao looked at the letter Han Long put on the table, and frowned slightly:

"Although Huang Gongheng has been to Juepinju, I only had a few words with him, and he doesn't know if he remembers me now."

"If I rush to the door with a letter, I'm afraid it will appear too deliberate, and I'm afraid it will attract people's suspicion."

Han Long seemed to have expected Mi Zhao to have such concerns, but saw him chuckle:

"Mi Lang-jun, but don't worry, the lord has said that Huang Lang-jun is the son of Huang Gongheng. Who hasn't heard of this in the caravans that have come from Wei in these years?"

"As long as they can tell Huang Langjun a little news about Huang Gongheng, Huang Langjun will be very grateful. Apart from crying, he often pays for it himself and gives a batch of extra goods as a gift."

"In order to express his desire to part with Huang Gongheng, Mr. Huang spent all these years trying his best to find a way out, and finally found Mr. Mi. Please help Mr. Mi."

"Huang Gongheng did not communicate with Huang Langjun to avoid suspicion; but Huang Langjun is a filial son with a heart, and the world can learn from it."

"If someone obstructs it, wouldn't that force people to disregard the relationship between father and son? This is not the son of man!"

Mi Zhao: ...

You have moved me like a mother!

If someone else had said these words, Mi Zhao would have jumped up, patted his chest, and responded with one gulp.

As for now...

There was only one thought in his mind: Feng Langjun, the king of ghosts with deep plans and foresight, really deserved his reputation!

The people Feng Wenhe took to Nanxiang at the beginning either followed him to Liangzhou, or Gao Sheng worked elsewhere.

Only Huang Gongheng's son stayed in Nanxiang as the county magistrate. Others only said that he was taking care of Nanxiang, but they didn't know that Feng Wenhe had other intentions.

Thinking of this matter, which has been planned for nearly ten years, Mi Zhao felt that his back was a little wet.

It would be unreasonable for people like Feng Wenhe not to be the leaders of the younger generation of big men!

Mi Zhao picked up the letter, carefully hid it in his arms, and swallowed:

"I know the meaning of the king, and I will definitely find a way to send it to Huang Gongheng."

Although I don't know what Feng Wenhe's final plan is.

But Mi Zhao believes that it is definitely not just for Huang Chong and Huang Quan and his son to express their parting feelings.

It has been laid out for nearly ten years, just for this, who would believe it!

"It's just that Huang Gongheng is very principled. If the prince wants to use this to persuade him to return to the big man, it may not be easy."

If you can't figure out what Feng Guiwang wants to do, you can't figure it out, but Mi Zhao still reminds you what should be reminded.

"I don't know what the king thinks."

Han Long shook his head and asked again, "I shouldn't stay here for too long. I will return to the west soon. I don't know if Mr. Mi Lang has any news or letters to deliver to the lord?"

"Cao Rui went to Shanyang City and hasn't returned yet. The Lord should have heard about this matter long ago."

Mi Zhao pondered, "The rest is the plague in Luoyang. Speaking of this matter, there have been rumors in the city a few days ago, causing panic in the city of Luoyang."

"But the Wei people seem to have responded to it recently. I heard that they invited a woman back from Shouchun. It was given by the gods to ward off evil spirits and bring blessings."

Having said that, Mi Zhao looked at Han Long with suspicion in his eyes:

"This woman was called a celestial maiden by the Wei people. I don't know about the celestial maiden..."

He also wanted to ask Junhou if he knew about this matter, in fact, he wondered if there was any arrangement of Feng Guiwang in this matter.

Unexpectedly, before he could ask, Han Long's expression changed drastically, he got up abruptly, and said in a broken voice, "Heavenly girl?!"


Governor Feng was also a little stunned when he heard the news, "Didn't the goddess go back to heaven after giving birth to Tuoba Liwei for Tuoba Jiefen?"

"Why is there another celestial girl in the Wei Kingdom now? Is it possible that I want to give Cao Rui another son who can let the Cao family be the emperor?"

After rushing back to Liangzhou day and night, Han Long, who passed the news to Governor Feng, couldn't laugh or cry:

"Your Majesty, this matter is no small matter, someone is definitely joking, if it is really going to be like the old Tuoba Xianbei incident, this... this..."

If it was Feng Yong from before, he might be just as worried as Han Long.

But now Feng Cishi looked calm and waved his hands:

"Don't be impatient, sir. Wei people are not barbarians like Hu people. Even if someone wants to imitate Tuoba Xianbei's old story, then..."

Speaking of this, Governor Feng suddenly stopped because he remembered an allusion: the cow follows the horse.

The so-called cattle following the horses means that after the Gaoping Mausoleum change, it has become a general trend for the Sima family to replace Wei.

However, there was a widely circulated prophecy at that time, which was called "the cow follows the horse".

Sima Yi thought that the bull was referring to his general Niu Jin, so he secretly poisoned the wine and killed him.

Unexpectedly, things are unpredictable, Sima Yi's grandson, Sima Jin, married the Xiahou family.

The Xiahou family had an affair with a small official surnamed Niu and gave birth to Sima Rui.

And Sima Rui, also known as Niu Rui, was the founding emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty...

Whether this matter is true or not, Governor Feng has never been to the Hulunbeier Grassland, so he naturally doesn't know.

But after all, it is recorded in the official history, who can guarantee that it is definitely a fake?

So when Governor Feng thought of this allusion, he couldn't help but burst out a word:


How dare the ancients play this trick so smoothly?

Seeing Feng Cishi's appearance, Han Long's heart skipped a beat: "Your Majesty..."

"Don't panic!" Feng Shixu pressed it, "It's useless to panic, even if this matter is really related to that family, it's nothing."

"They just want to take advantage of the power of the Wei state to deal with the big man. As long as the Han Dynasty is restored and the Wei thieves are wiped out, then it will be fine?"

Those who want to achieve great things cannot do without a momentum.

Only by taking advantage of the situation and following the trend can we achieve success.

Even if it is true that Tuoba Xianbei was parasitized in history, they just took advantage of the general trend of Hu people entering the Central Plains at that time.

As for now, relying on the general trend of capital monsters, Feng Cishi already has the key to resolve the barbarians going south.

Unless in this process, the emerging capital itself collapses internally.

Or, the big man was pushed back by Wei Guo...

So even if there was any trick behind that heavenly girl, at most it was just trying to take advantage of Wei Guo's power.

Killing the boarding house and the host together, wouldn't that be the end of it all?

Thinking of this, Governor Feng touched his chin and asked thoughtfully:

"The so-called heavenly girl, you didn't check it out?"

Han Long smiled wryly:

"How could there be no such thing? It's just that there are many Wei guards around the woman. If he just sneaked up to the woman and stabbed her to death, then he is still a little bit sure."

"But if she sneaks up to her side to find out what's going on, a certain person can only do nothing."

When Han Long said this, his face became more and more worried:

"I heard that after the woman arrived in Luoyang, the epidemic situation in Luoyang gradually weakened. Everyone in Wei said that this was the work of the goddess."

Hearing this, Governor Feng laughed instead:

"Mr. Han is concerned about chaos."

He pointed to the scorching sun outside, "As far as I know, the epidemic mostly occurs in cold seasons."

"Although I don't know why the epidemic in Wei State appeared in early summer, but as the weather gradually gets hotter, most of the epidemic will naturally weaken or even disappear."

"So it can't be said that Mrs. Shouchun just caught a coincidence?"

This is not Feng Yong comforting Han Long, but a matter of great probability.

It's not leprosy, smallpox, or plague, which are horrible diseases.

The hotter the weather, the less infectious the general virus is.

If the epidemic in Luoyang was caused by a virus, it would be normal for the epidemic to weaken when the temperature was the highest in June.

Unless there is a special virus that combines all the advantages of the virus family in this era.

This... shouldn't be possible... right?

Ghost King Feng thought to himself.

Han Long didn't know these things, but he had always convinced Feng Yong.

At this time, seeing Feng Yong's explanation in this way, the worries in his heart were slightly relieved.

More importantly, Feng Junhou also had some rhetoric behind:

"However, regardless of whether there are people behind that Shouchun lady, since Cao Rui has already contacted her, we must pay more attention to her."

Speaking of this, Governor Feng began to narrow his eyes, and asked slowly, "Is there any other news about that woman?"

I was worried that I would not have a chance to inquire about Cao Rui's physical condition, and that Mrs. Shouchun might be a chance.

"I heard that Cao Rui's close minister, Lian Zhao, found her. There are rumors that Cao Rui seems to be setting up a separate courtyard for her in the palace."

Hearing this, Feng Yong couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face:

"The god stick is so promising these days?"

Supernatural phenomena definitely exist, and there is no need to deny this.

The science of later generations has not yet developed to the point of omniscience, and still cannot explain many things.

For example, my own illegal crossing.

But if someone really wants to say that it was given by the gods to cure diseases with clear water...

Governor Feng felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted again.

The last time he was insulted, it was Zhang Ye who offered auspiciousness, but this time it was the auspiciousness that the people of Wei found for themselves.

Han Long, on the other hand, was about to ask Feng Yong what a magic stick was, but he saw the other's fingers knocking on the table unconsciously.

He knew that this was Feng Junhou's little trick when he was thinking about something, so he quietly silenced it immediately.

After a long time, Governor Feng suddenly asked:

"That Mi Lang-jun, did he agree to get close to that Princess Qinghe of the Pseudo-Wei?"

The topic jumped so fast that Han Zhuangshi almost couldn't keep up:

"Already...already promised."

Han Long didn't understand why Feng Junhou would specifically ask about this matter. In his opinion, isn't it a matter of course that Mi Lang should be the next prince?

"A certain Guan Mi Langjun is in awe of the prince, how dare he not listen to the order of the prince?"

With the status of Mi Langjun, after yelling at him, he still agreed to Feng Junhou's things, and his awe was revealed on the surface.

Han Zhuangshi is not blind, so he can see clearly.

Anyway, if it was Han Zhuangshi himself, if he was really asked to do this kind of thing, he would definitely stab that Princess Qinghe to death.

At worst, force her to tell about Cao Rui's physical condition before stabbing her to death.

But Governor Feng himself, upon hearing Han Long's words, asked in astonishment:

"Mi Zhao is in awe of me? It's understandable to be in awe of me, but Mr. Han, did you say the word respect wrongly?"

"Mr. Mi Lang bluntly said that the prince is far-sighted and plans for ten years, so he is deeply impressed by the prince."

Governor Feng was even more stunned: "What ten-year plan? What have I planned?"

Does Mi Zhao also know what productivity determines the relationship of production?

It shouldn't be!


The two incidents of the April epidemic and the Shouchun woman are indeed recorded in history, and they are not the plots made up by the author.

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