Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 935: The Younger Generation Appears One after another

Between the Han and Wei dynasties, the transmission of news was not smooth.

This time, Han Long brought back the news about Mrs. Shouchun's transformation into a heavenly girl, which was a surprise.

However, this unexpected joy is not very useful to Governor Feng at present.

That is to see if I can use this matter to make some articles in the future.

Engage in long-term layout at most.

After all, the distance between Liangzhou and Luoyang is too far, coupled with the relative isolation.

It would take at least three months to send messages back and forth.

In the era without radio, the ghost king had no way to transmit sound across thousands of miles.

The most important problem in Liangzhou right now is still the problem of the barbarians.

At the end of August, it was the golden autumn, and the desert was the time when the grass was yellow and the horse was fat.

Shi Bao, who wandered on the grassland for half a year, finally returned to Liangzhou.

Not only brought back the war horse that Ke Bineng promised the big man, but also brought back the news that Ke Bineng promised to move the tent to the original place of Jiuyuan.

On the first day of September, all the generals in the Liangzhou governor's government gathered at the staff headquarters and held the first formal joint staff meeting.

Zhang Yuan, Feng Cishi's favorite protégé, holding a long whip, talked eloquently in front of the huge map:

"Since the great Han ruled Liangzhou again, the Hu people in Liangzhou have benefited from the benefits of the wool pastures, and they are all grateful for the kindness of the lord. Originally, the Xianbei Hu people in the north of Liangzhou also heard the name of the lord."

"However, since Liangzhou established Juyan County and Chongzhi's capital Nozawa, the big Han has cut off the passage for Hu people to go south into Liangzhou."

"Therefore, there are barbarians in the northern desert, near Liangzhou," Zhang Yuan said while pointing the part of Liangzhou protruding northward with a long whip. "Nowadays, there are many people who have resentment against the big man."

"Your Majesty thinks that the barbarians have been making trouble in Liangzhou for a long time, and they don't know about Hanwei. Now that Liangzhou has been settled, food and grass have been prepared, it's time to go out of the fortress."

As soon as the words were said, not to mention the generals who were scattered or sitting or standing in every corner of the room, there was a slight commotion.

Even the generals who are qualified to sit on the big round table couldn't help but looked at Governor Feng together.

Sitting on the left is Chief Shi Liao Hua, and on the right is Feng Inspector Feng, the captain of Wuwei County and the commander of Huwei General Guan Suo, with a calm face:

"The current main enemy of the big man is the Wei thief, but if the army wants to move eastward with peace of mind, the problem of the Hu people must be solved first."

"A few days ago, the Prime Minister sent someone to send an official document, asking how Liangzhou's military management is going. The intention is to let me prepare Liangzhou's troops as soon as possible."

"According to my estimation, it will take two years at the earliest, and three years at the slowest. The Prime Minister is afraid that he will send troops to Hanzhong and send his troops northward."

"So we don't have much time left." Feng Yong said, stood up, took the long whip from Zhang Yuan's hand, and slapped it on the desert in the north of Liangzhou.

"Two years! Within two years, at least the Hu people in Xianbei in the west must not dare to provoke at the border of Liangzhou in a short time."

Having been personally affirmed by Governor Feng, compared to not daring to be too presumptuous, he was just a general who was full of excitement and secretly clapped his hands in congratulations.

Some of the generals sitting at the round table stood up and shouted, "Brother..."

General Huwei's eyes immediately swept over like a sharp sword.

Zhao Guang was so scared that he stuttered on the spot:

"Jun... Junhou, the last general is willing to be the vanguard and lead the army out of the fortress!"

"General Zhao, as I remember, your main task now is to rebuild the Iron Cavalry Battalion. I will inspect the Iron Cavalry Battalion tomorrow. If there is any weakness, let's see how I march."

Zhao Sanqian, who is a powerful thief in Guanzhong, immediately turned pale when he heard General Huwei's words.

It's over!

He looked to his brother for help.

Governor Feng looked at Zhao Xiaodi with pity, and said:

"That's right, this trip to the fortress is mainly based on the sudden cavalry battalion and Wudang battalion, and Hu Qiyi is called to join the army to assist..."

When Liu Hun and Shi Bao heard the words, their faces were filled with joy, and they immediately stood up and clasped their fists together:

"The last general takes orders!"

The mouths of the two of them almost reached the back of their ears.

Nowadays, workshops and pastures in Liangzhou have really sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

What comes with it is naturally a shortage of manpower.

To be precise, it is the shortage of labor weavers and handymen.

Those aristocratic families in the past thought that Liangzhou was full of barbarians.

Some people have suggested that Governor Feng can imitate the old things in Nanzhong, let everyone form a militia group by themselves, and go out to find labor.

Then Feng Shishi, head coach of Dahan Labor, said: You want to eat farts!

Today I dare you to form a militia group to find labor, and tomorrow Liangzhou dares to spread the legend that Feng Langjun was possessed by Feng Guiwang and guarded thousands of girls at night.

The reason why Nanzhong was engaged in this way was because the big man was at the weakest time and had to take a slant.

Over the years, how much change has the Xinghan Society under the leadership of Feng Guiwang brought to the lives of the people in Nanzhong?

But what about the result?

In the eyes of the people in Nanzhong, King Feng Gui is still the same King Feng Gui, without any change, always full of evil.

If you still dare to do this now, let alone sheep cannibalize people, I am afraid that even grass can eat people!

Besides, even if you want to eat people, it will be the ghost king Feng who eats first. When did you start to move your chopsticks first?

It is precisely because of the current situation in Liangzhou that such things as leading the army out of the fortress are both meritorious and lucrative.

Just don't be too cool!

Of course, the main thing is to clean up the troubles of the big man, and the oil and water are just by the way, just by the way.

Compared to Liu Hun and Shi Bao, the bald-headed Tianli who participated in this kind of high-level meeting for the first time was half a beat behind. He followed behind the two and stammered:

"The last... the last general takes orders!"

Feeling the excitement in the conference room that was almost frenzied, the bald head seemed to have a creepy feeling.

It's just that when I think that I also have a grassland under my name, if I go out this time, I will really gain something...

The bald-haired Tianli suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his heart began to beat:

This... is really out of the gate!

"The direction of going out of the fortress this time is mainly to the east."

Inspector Feng tapped on the map to calm down the people who had already begun to restless, and the long whip passed from Juyan County to the approximate location of Jiuyuan's hometown:

"From Juyan County to the hometown of Jiuyuan, I hope you can open a way out."

Juyan County and Jiuyuan Hometown are both prominent parts, and the two places are exactly on the same level.

Back then, Huo Piaoyao started from Beidi County, entered the desert from Jiuyuan's hometown, circled a big circle, and accurately located Yanze thousands of miles away.

From Juyanze, he went up against the weak water, crossed Hexi, and defeated the Huns in the heart of the Huns.

More than 30,000 enemies were wiped out, and 2,500 people including King Shan Huan, King Chief Tu, Xiangguo, and Du Wei were forced to land.

Captured five kings and five queen mothers, Shan Yuyan's family, fifty-nine princes, and sixty-three Xiangguo, generals, households, and captains.

The Han army suffered only more than 3,000 casualties.

In this battle, the right arm of the Huns was cut off, allowing the big man to take Hexi into his hands, and completely opened up the Western Regions.

What Feng Yong wants to do now is to go against Huo Piaoyao's route back then, and open up the connection between Juyan County and Jiuyuan's hometown.

In this way, during the Battle of Guanzhong, Ke Bi Neng, who was entrenched in Jiuyuan, could be used to put pressure on Sima Yi.

When the Battle of Guanzhong is over, the big man can restrain Ke Bineng from the west and south again, so that he cannot cause any big storms.

As a tool man, you must have the awareness of a tool man, and the big man is so short of labor...

Governor Feng explained the mission of going out of the fort this time, and looked at everyone:

"Any questions?"

"Your Majesty, between Juyan County and the hometown of Jiuyuan, there is a vast desert. This trip will only take three months at most, and I have to return in December. I am afraid that I am not prepared enough."

Shi Bao has been wandering in the desert this year, and has a better understanding of the situation in the north.

At this time, he stood up and asked the question.

"Two years."

Feng Yong raised two fingers: "Two years, you have two years to get through this road."

"I will ask Zhang Yuan to follow along with some staff and draw a map along the way."

It only took Huo Piaoyao a few months. Without road signs, he not only made a way by himself, but also moved to Hexi to defeat the Xiongnu.

Now I have the ruins of the Han Great Wall on the vast desert as a guidepost, and the Hu tribe outside the Great Wall as a guide.

In addition, over the years, some caravans that want money and life have continued to explore the way north, and they can also be used.

Not to mention defeating the captives like Huo Piaoyao, but to find a way in two years, isn't it too much?

"Since this is the case, the general will have no doubts. After two years, if this matter fails, the general will be willing to use military law to deal with it!"

Shi Bao said quickly.


Governor Feng praised, "Where there is punishment, there will be reward. If this can be done, then I will credit you for it."

"Thank you Junhou!"

Shi Bao happily replied.

It seems that my status as a "desert lover" has finally reached a time of great use.

After announcing the top priority of leaving the fortress, the training plans for the generals and battalions staying in Liangzhou were arranged.

In fact, this meeting was also a preliminary ideological mobilization for the Guanzhong War.

Liao Hua, on the other hand, deliberately stayed behind after the meeting, and asked Feng Yong with a little worry:

"Your Majesty, if you declare your intention to go out of the fortress with such great fanfare, if it reaches the ears of the thieves in Guanzhong, wouldn't it make the thieves take precautions in advance?"

Feng Yong shook his head and smiled:

"Uncle Liao, there are no outsiders at this time, so you don't have to be so polite."

Then he sighed again, and said with a little helplessness:

"Ever since Sima Yi exterminated Hu Boju, the Huns, I knew that the Wei thieves had taken great precautions against me!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have communicated with Ke Bi Neng and used him to contain Sima Yi."

The Liangzhou army went out to attack Xianbei in the west. Although it was to eliminate hidden dangers, it was convenient for the Liangzhou army to move eastward and participate in the Battle of Guanzhong in the future.

But objectively, it was also helping Kebi to weaken the enemies in the west.

It is almost foreseeable that the hero who is better than Ke will take advantage of the opportunity given by the big man to restore his power after being defeated by Qin Lang.

Moreover, if Ke Bi Neng is too weak, it will not be enough to contain Sima Yi.

Still the same sentence, no matter what attitude the big man has towards Ke Bineng, he is always there and is an enemy of Wei Guo.

Instead of letting it go and allowing him to take advantage of the opportunity of the big man's struggle with the state of Wei to grow stronger, it is better to find a way to incorporate him into the big man's system.

This is a test of Governor Feng's political level.

But fortunately, in the backyard of Feng Mansion, there is a female high school Zhuge, and there is also a female high school hero.

One piece of literature, one weapon, plus a traveler.

Not to mention Ke Bineng, even Sima Yi, whose tortoise shell is as hard as iron, has to break him a few big gaps.

So Liao Hua saw that Governor Feng smiled mysteriously after sighing:

"Since Sima Yi is so guarded against me, then I will ask him to guard against me again. Then I will have my own calculations."

King Feng Gui has been known for his foresight and foresight for a long time. Hearing what he said, Liao Hua immediately felt relieved and nodded:

"Since Mingwen has already thought of this, I can rest assured."

Liao Hua looked at Guan Suo and Feng Yong who were standing side by side.

But seeing a plump and handsome man, and a plain-looking man with a strategy in mind, I couldn't help feeling deeply moved:

"If Mingwen could have been born ten years earlier, the wish of the late emperor and the old monarch would have been fulfilled long ago..."

Well, Uncle Liao, the Prime Minister also said something similar.

As Liao Hua spoke, he reached out and patted Feng Yong's shoulder, "If the old gentleman is still alive, I'm afraid he will be very pleased to see Sanniang marrying you."

This is not certain.

If father-in-law Guan found out about me and Zhang Xiaosi, he might chop me up for dinner with his third brother.

Besides, if it wasn't for Guan Yue's father-in-law's mistake in Jingzhou, how could I have the opportunity to buy the bottom and marry a beautiful woman like Sanniang?

Just when Liangzhou was preparing its troops and preparing to leave Juyan County, Sun Deng, the crown prince of the East Palace of Jianye City, the capital of Soochow, also welcomed a special guest.

"Yuan Xun, after three years of conquering Yue, you have finally succeeded!"

Sun Deng stood at the gate of the East Palace, joyfully took Zhuge Ke's arm, and walked inside with him.

A few years ago, Zhuge Ke claimed to be able to pacify Shanyue in Danyang County, but he was suspected and criticized by the officials of Wu State.

Only the prince Sun Deng strongly recommended Sun Quan, believing that he will succeed.

After the First Battle of Xiaoguan, the name of Feng Yong of the Shu Kingdom has spread all over the world. What's more, this person's age is only a few years past the weak crown.

Anyone can see that after Zhuge Liang, the Kingdom of Shu no longer has to worry about having no successors.

Sun Quan, who survived Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Cao Pi, understood one thing very well. Sometimes you don't necessarily need to defeat your opponent yourself, you just need to live longer than your opponent, and then you can have the last laugh.

So when Lu Xun had reached the age of hearing, but there were no outstanding talents in the younger generation, Sun Quan felt a certain sense of crisis.

In the end, he finally agreed to Sun Deng's request, and let Zhuge Ke, the prince's guest, be the prefect of Danyang to pacify Shanyue.

He also gave him three hundred warriors with halberds and halberds to prepare for majesty and advocacy, showing that he attaches great importance to Zhuge Ke.

I have to say that Sun Quan is not good at leading troops, but he is still very accurate in judging people.

After Zhuge Ke arrived in Danyang County, he immediately issued a document to the counties, asking them to guard the border, and all the mountain people who had surrendered should be properly dealt with and set up settlements.

When the whole army is complete, generals from all walks of life will be mobilized, and troops will be sent to guard the dangerous valleys, build passes, and surround the mountain people, but will not fight with them.

When the rice was ripe, the soldiers were ordered to rush to harvest the rice.

So step by step, the mountains and the new valleys were not harvested, and the old valleys were exhausted. They wanted to fight to the death, but they could not defeat the Wu army guarding the pass, and finally had to surrender one after another.

In order to appease the hearts of the people, Zhuge also issued an order: All the mountain people should be comforted if they abandon their evil and Conghua, and move out of other counties, and they will not be detained.

Zhou Yi, a mountain dweller, used to be violent and evil, and had no way out. After leaving the mountain, he still had different ambitions and was ready to wait for an opportunity to cause chaos.

Mrs. Hu, the county magistrate, knew his heart, so he ordered people to restrain him.

After Zhuge Ke learned about it, he said that Hu and his wife, the county magistrate, violated the prohibition of "not being detained", beheaded him in public, and asked people to spread the matter around.

When the mountain people heard about it, they began to help the old and the young, and came out of the mountain in large numbers.

In three years, Zhuge Ke successively conquered more than 100,000 mountain people, incorporated 40,000 young and strong into the army, took 10,000 himself, and distributed the remaining 30,000 to other generals.

As a result, the Shanyue Rebellion in Danyang County finally subsided.

In recognition of his meritorious service, Sun Quan ordered the servant of Shangshu to shoot Xue Zong to go to the army in person, and at the same time worshiped Zhuge Ke as General Weibei and granted him the title of Marquis of the capital.

Zhuge Ke's return to Jianye this time was for the purpose of worshiping generals and ennobling him, and secondly because Sun Quan had other uses for him.

As the leader of the Prince's East Palace staff, and the Prince recommended to Sun Quanquan, this is how he is today.

Therefore, after seeing His Majesty, Zhuge Ke naturally rushed over to meet the prince immediately.

At this time, he heard the prince's words, and smiled a little complacently:

"In the beginning, no one in the world believed that I could pacify Shanyue, but His Royal Highness believed in it, so this great achievement was shared between the minister and His Royal Highness."

When Sun Deng heard this, he also laughed.

For a time, the two monarchs and ministers were full of ambition, looking forward to flying.

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