Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 936: Getting into Chaos

On that day, Sun Deng held a high banquet in the East Palace to clean up Zhuge Ke.

All the guests from the Eastern Palace arrived, and they drank happily together.

Between the toasts and cups, after the wine was hot, Prince Sun Deng asked the guests attending the banquet with a bit of drunkenness:

"How does Yuan Xun's contribution compare with Feng Mingwen's strategy of dictating Nanzhong?"

Someone immediately laughed:

"If we talk about the way of writing, we can't say much. But if we talk about the way of governing barbarians, how can Feng Mingwen compare with Yuan Xun?"

The prince fixed his eyes and found that it was Xie Jing, his guest.

He immediately smiled:

"Shu Fa has any lofty opinions, but please tell me."

If it had been different from the past, Sun Deng would naturally not be so reckless, but now that he was drunk, how could he still have his usual humility?

Hearing Xie Jingzhi's words, Ru scratched the itch in his heart, urging him to come.

Xie Jing drank up the remaining wine in the cup, and then said loudly:

"I think that Feng Mingwen's policy of flattening Nanzhong is called flattening, but it is actually a slaughter. The people of Nanzhong, men will be scared when they hear it, women will hide their faces when they hear it, and children will not dare to cry at night when they hear it."

"Now his name in Nanzhong is like an evil ghost, and the people hate it. Such actions are easy to deal with, but difficult to rule!"

Then he looked at Zhuge Ke again, and continued:

"It's very different when you are far inferior to flat mountains and mountains. To force them with prestige, to lure them with benefits, and to give both kindness and majesty, all the mountain people are convinced, and they come out from the deep mountains with the old and the young."

"Such actions will not overwhelm the soldiers, but also quell the chaos in Shanyue. They will not only add soldiers to the army, but also add people to our great Wu. It is really a rule of kingship."

"Comparing the two, you can distinguish between the superior and the inferior. Why do you need to say more?"

Although Zhuge Ke has just passed his thirties, his figure is already fat, and he is extremely impatient to sit on his knees for too long.

Fortunately, the crown prince loves talents and scholars, and he gives preferential treatment to the guests and staff. In addition, it is already halfway through the banquet and everyone is half drunk, so how can we care about etiquette?

But seeing Zhuge Ke moved his body and changed his sitting posture, trying to make himself more comfortable, he smiled and said:

"Uncle's reputation is too high..."

"Hey! Why should you be humble when you are far inferior? We all know your talent. In the past, it was not the right time for you to be inferior. Now that you have been conferred a title and general, Your Majesty will definitely be of great use in the future."

"When the time comes to make new achievements and show off your ambitions, who dares to say that you are not as good as Feng Mingwen? How can you say that you are praised?"

This statement immediately received the approval of everyone present:

"That's right! I think that Feng Mingwen's methods are ruthless, and he has mixed reputations. He may not be able to compare with Yuan Xi..."


Hearing everyone's words like this, the prince felt very happy.

Although he didn't know Feng Mingwen, but he never forgot to compare with him.

the reason is simple.

At that time, Guan Yu said, "A tiger girl can match a dog", which made the name of the tiger girl of the Guan family famous in the world.

But at the same time, the title of "dog son" also fell on himself.

Because Sun Deng's growth process is really a bit tortuous:

The biological mother was of humble status, and was handed over by Sun Quan to be raised by Mrs. Xu, but Mrs. Xu was later sent back to her hometown by Sun Quan.

This kind of experience not only formed Sun Deng's loving, humble and respectful character, but also made him a little sensitive deep in his heart.

Therefore, according to Guan Yu's evaluation, in Sun Deng's opinion, the more famous this tiger girl is, the more people in the world will know her name as "dog son".

If the tiger girl finally married herself, that would be the best ending.

That means Guan Yu's words are wrong.

If she didn't marry herself, then marrying an unknown person is barely acceptable.

After all, in this world, there are probably not too many people who can compare with Prince Wu in fame.


Well, now I have encountered the worst kind of situation.

Tiger Girl finally married a person who was famous all over the world at a young age.

Moreover, he is still the kind of person who has been known to the world step by step from an unknown person.

The more famous Feng Mingwen became, the more panicked Sun Deng felt in his heart.

This has nothing to do with whether you are open-minded or not, it is purely a man's psychology, or the instinct engraved in the male gene.

You can not marry me, but I will prove your choice is wrong.

However, the reality is very cruel. So far, the choice of the tiger girl of the Guan family is incomparably correct:

People all over the world know that Feng Ming has written a lot, and Cao Zijian called his writings the creation of a generation of writing styles.

His military achievements can be compared with the top generals, relying on his own strength, he became a general in the Shu army and an important minister in the court.

However, those who know that the grandson is tall, mostly because he is the prince of Wu.

Of course, more importantly, it is precisely because he is the prince of Wu that he pays more attention to Feng Mingwen.

Unsurprisingly, it is very likely that Wu Guo will spend decades dealing with this person in the future.

Therefore, among Wu's peers, Zhuge Ke, who can be compared with Feng Mingwen, came out, and he was a guest of the East Palace, and he was recommended to His Majesty by himself.

How could Sun Deng be extremely unhappy?

Coupled with the fact that he was half drunk, he was a little carried away, which is understandable.

After all, Liu Bei, who was very kind and forbearing back then, planned to kill Yang Huai Gaopei, and held a banquet in Fucheng. After getting drunk during the banquet, he once said: "Today's meeting can be described as a joy!"

Then he was sprayed by Pang Tong: "It is not a soldier of the benevolent to take pleasure in cutting down a country of people."

Naturally there was no Pang Tong at this time, but some people learned from Pang Tong.

Seeing that the prince was losing his composure, someone interrupted everyone's flattery and said loudly:

"There are seven counties in Nanzhong, and there are no less than a million barbarian people. Feng Ming's document determined the plan for Nanzhong, and it will be leveled in three years."

"Danyang is only one county, and the mountain people are only one hundred thousand, and Zhuge Yuanxun was leveled in three years."

"One county is compared to seven counties, and one hundred thousand is compared to a million. I dare to say that Feng Mingwen is inferior to Zhuge Yuan."

"If this statement is known to the world, everyone in the East Palace, including His Highness the Crown Prince, will be a joke!"

It's up to others to belittle Feng Mingwen, but you are the Great Prince Wu!

Knowing that Feng Mingwen is the most important figure in the Kingdom of Shu after Zhuge Liang, but the crown prince despises him so much, this is not the blessing of Great Wu!

After these words, there was still a bucket of cold water poured down, which stopped the talking and laughing of everyone present.

The banquet suddenly became silent.

Sun Deng, who was a little dizzy at first, immediately came to his senses. He fixed his eyes and found that this person was the bastard son of the crown prince, Yang Qin (dao).

I couldn't help but secretly thought that it was him, and felt a little ashamed at the same time.

But before Sun Deng could speak, Xie Jing, who was the first to demote Feng and praise Zhuge, was already annoyed and said:

"There are millions of people in Southern Zhongyi, how many bones are buried in Hanzhong? If it is only about the number of murders, Feng Mingwen really won by a lot!"

No wonder Xie Jing reacted so strongly.

Because Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor and made Sun Deng the crown prince.

With Zhuge Ke as the captain of Zuofu, Zhang Xiu as the captain of Youbi, Gu Tan as the captain of Fuzheng, and Chen Biao as the captain of Yizheng, they are called the "Four Friends of the Prince".

And Xie Jing, Fan Shen, Diao Xuan, and Yang Qin are called "Little Four Friends".

At that time, the East Palace was known as the gate full of celebrities.

Hu Zong was appointed as the guest name:

If it surpasses Lunpi, then Zhuge Ke. If you know the timing carefully, if you study the subtleties, you will Gu Tan. Condensate and distinguish Hongda, and words can explain knots, then Xie Jing. If you study Zhen Wei and travel in the same discipline as Xia, you will be Fan Shen.

But Yang Qin dismisses these evaluations: Zhuge Ke is talented but sparse, Gu Tan is refined but ruthless, Xie Jing is discerning but superficial, and Fan Shen is deep and narrow.

Therefore, most of the guests in the East Palace are evil sheep, and they often work together to exclude him on weekdays.

However, Sun Deng knows very well that the way to be a king must be tolerant.

Therefore, although they valued the "Four Friends", they did not deliberately neglect Yang Qi.

And this person Yangqin really has real talent and learning.

In the past, Yinbo was ordered by Cao Rui to enter the state of Wu to work in detail, and all the dignitaries at that time scrambled to associate with him.

Even Quan Cong, who married Sun Luban, and Zhu Ju, who married Sun Luyu, were among them.

Especially Zhu Ju, who said that Yinbo had the talent of Wang Zuo, and he was very friendly with him.

And Yang Qi is one of the few people who did the opposite, which was strange at the time.

Later, Yinbo was punished for his rebellion, implicated the ministers of the court, Ting Wei Hao Pu was forced to commit suicide, and Zhu Ju was confined to his home, and he has not recovered until now.

The world has to admire Yang Qin's knowledge of people.

Therefore, no matter how unpopular Yang Fen is on weekdays, in order to maintain the reputation of the East Palace, Sun Deng must treat Yang Fen with courtesy.

Yang Qi also knew that he was not compatible with the people in the East Palace, so at this kind of banquet, he basically found a corner to sit by himself, and did not squeeze together with others.

Only this time, when he heard that everyone belittled Feng and praised Zhuge, but the prince still took it seriously, he couldn't bear it anymore.

As a minister, how could he see the prince listen and believe and keep silent while receiving the salary from the Eastern Palace?

But Yang Qi stood up abruptly, and looked at Xie Jing with a sneer:

"Although I don't know how many bones are buried in Hanzhong, I know that Hanzhong is prosperous today. When Hanzhong is prosperous, the Shu people will change their decline."

"Feng Mingwen entered Nanzhong and the barbarians feared him, when he left Xiaoguan and the Wei people feared him, and when he entered Liangzhou and the Hu people obeyed him, he made a great contribution to the prosperity of the Shu Kingdom today."

"Nowadays Zhuge Yuanxun is the first to stand out, and you say that Feng Mingwen is not as good as him. May I ask how his merits compare with Feng Mingwen?"

Let alone asking Xie Jing, I don't know what to say.

Even the topic character Zhuge Ke's face was flushed, and he didn't know if it was because of the drunkenness or what.

Sun Deng saw it, and quickly stood up and said:

"Sir, please sit down. I don't know the depth, and it is really my fault to provoke the previous remarks!"

Only then did the two parties who had already begun to rage be suppressed.

She arched her hands and said:

"Your Highness, there are so many people in the world today, and there are countless people who want to make meritorious deeds. How can Your Highness underestimate the heroes of the world?"

Sun Deng quickly said yes.

Then Yang Qi saluted Zhuge Ke again, and continued:

"I made a slip of the tongue just now, please don't blame General Zhuge for the large number. However, the patients in the country are not mere Danyang Mountains and Yues, but northern bandits."

"The great trouble of the motherland is outside but not inside. If you have a great talent, you should go north to kill thieves. How can you be content with leveling a hundred thousand mountains?"

Zhuge Ke said excitedly:

"When I come back this time, I will ask Your Majesty to go to Jiangbei to fight against the bandits."

"So, let's wait for the good news that the general defeated the bandits."

No one noticed that when Sun Deng heard Yang Qi's words "the great trouble of the motherland is outside but not inside", there was a flash of worry in Sun Deng's eyes.

With this interruption from Yang Shen, the atmosphere of the banquet was no longer that enthusiastic, so soon after the banquet dispersed, everyone left one after another.

Only Zhuge Ke was left alone by Sun Deng, please go to another quiet room.

This time, because it is not considered a formal occasion, there is no need to kneel down.

Zhuge Ke sat on a chair handed down from Shu and let out a comfortable sigh.

After drinking the green tea, the drunkenness dissipated a little, and then Sun Deng said:

"Yuan Xun, you said at the banquet just now that you wanted to invite yourself to cross the river to fight against the thieves. Is this a momentary remark, or do you really think so?"

"Is there any reason to joke in public?" Zhuge Ke looked at Sun Deng, "Does Your Highness have something to say to the minister?"

Sun Deng nodded, with a little worry on his face:

"I just heard what the sheep said, and I felt something in my heart, so I couldn't vomit some words."

"Please speak, Your Highness."

Sun Deng sighed:

"In the past three years since you left Jianye, His Majesty has trusted Lu Yi more and more, and now he is in charge of the imperial court and the clerical affairs of local states and counties."

"This person is ruthless. He used to be just looking for flaws. He chose the small mistakes of the ministers to report to His Majesty, and he wanted to trap others in order to become powerful."

"Now that he is gaining power, he dares to openly frame him. He is innocent and can be punished severely. All the ministers dare to be angry but dare not speak out."

"I, General Shang Lu, Pan Taichang and others have repeatedly written letters to remonstrate with His Majesty, but His Majesty remains unmoved, alas..."

Zhuge Ke also frowned when he heard this.

Although he was in Danyang for the past three years, he often communicated with the prince by letter, so he naturally knew a little about the important affairs in the court.

Just mentioning two things, we can know the extent to which Lu Yi has caused harm to the court.

One is to frame the prime minister Gu Yong.

Lv Yi framed the prime minister Gu Yong without proof, forcing him to confine himself to his home.

At the same time, because of his framing, Sun Quan was furious and considered replacing the prime minister.

Fortunately, the servant of the Huangmen at that time, Xie He, ran to Lv Yi to inquire about the situation: "Prime Minister Gu, how does Your Majesty plan to deal with it?"

Lu Yiyan: "It's not good."

Means something is wrong.

Xie Xie asked again: "If this gentleman retires, who will replace him?"

Lu Yi said nothing.

Xie Xie asked again: "Could it be that Mrs. Pan often gets it?"

Lu Yi replied: "Your speech is close."

It means almost.

Then Xie Xie threw out a big killer: "Pan Tai often cuts his teeth at the king, but there is no reason to go. If you are acting as Mr. Gu today, I am afraid that you will attack the king tomorrow."

Pan Taichang, that is, Pan Jun, who holds Fujie and Lu Daiping Wuximan, is now stationed in Wuchang, assisting Lu Xun.

Hearing about Lv Yi in court, when he returned to Jianye, he pretended to host a banquet for the officials and wanted to kill Lv Yi himself.

Fortunately, Lv Yi heard the news and did not go, thus escaped the catastrophe.

So Lu Yi heard Xie Xie mentioning this matter, so he quickly persuaded Sun Quan not to pursue Gu Yong anymore.

Another incident aroused Sun Deng's sensitive nerves even more.

That is, Lu Yi framed Diao Jia, the prefect of Jiangxia, for "slandering the state affairs".

In this case, the co-sitters were afraid of Lu Yi's methods, and they all said against their will that Diao Jia was indeed like this.

Only Shi Yi, the waiter and law enforcement officer, insisted that he had never heard of it.

Sun Quan issued a decree for several days to question him severely, but none of the officials dared to speak.

Shiyi said to him: "Now that the knife and saw are on the neck of the minister, how dare the minister hide it for the honor and destroy himself, and become a disloyal ghost!"

In the end, Diao Jia and Shiyi survived because there was no real evidence in the investigation.

"Lv Yi seems to be framing Shi Yi and Diao Jia, but in fact, it is for me."

At this time, Sun Deng no longer had the humility of the past, and his face had become a little gloomy.

When he guarded Wuchang, Diao Jia, the prefect of Jiangxia, once helped him.

Shi Yi, as a servant and law enforcement officer, was also an important figure who was left in Wuchang by Sun Quan to assist the prince.

Lu Xun and Shiyi, one civil and one military, can be regarded as Sun Deng's right-hand men in guarding Wuchang.

Later, Sun Deng returned to Jianye, Lu Xun stayed in Wuchang, but Yi followed Sun Deng.

The label of a hardcore princeling on him is the most obvious.

The so-called Xiangzhuang sword dance is intended for Pei Gong.

Now Lu Yi is eyeing these two people at the same time. If Sun Deng has not become vigilant, then he has been the prince for so many years in vain.

"Although I don't know if there is someone else behind Lu Yi's frame of these two people, but this person must not stay anymore."

Sun Deng looked at Zhuge Ke and said sincerely, "Yuan Xun, guests of the East Palace, with you as the leader, please help me."

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