Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 937 Yang Mou

The so-called dead lips and cold teeth mean that there are dead eggs under the nest.

Children understand this kind of truth, so how could Zhuge Ke not understand it?

Lu Yi even dared to frame Gu Gong, which made His Majesty think of changing the prime minister.

If this person really intends to do something to the prince, who knows if he will confuse His Majesty to change the prince in the end?

To be disrespectful, the prince's biological mother was too humble, and his adoptive mother was sent back to her hometown by His Majesty.

Who really wants to guarantee that the crown prince's status is as stable as Mount Tai, then this person is either stupid or has ulterior motives.

Otherwise, why does His Highness often say in public that he is willing to give up the crown prince position to the third prince's descendants?

At this point, Zhuge Ke comforted Sun Deng and said:

"Your Highness, don't worry. From my point of view, Lu Yi's actions are probably just his own actions, and there must be no one behind him."


"Think about it, Your Highness, who are the ones who are capable of threatening His Highness's position as the crown prince? Only the Third Prince alone."

The second prince, Sun Li, had just been conferred the title of General of the Zhenjun two years ago, and had passed away before he was even crowned king.

"However, the third prince is only over ten years old, and he is close to His Highness, so it is impossible for Lu Yi to seek the crown prince for the third prince, right?"

"Besides, how could His Majesty abolish the elders and establish the younger ones, just messing with the foundation of the country?"

His Majesty's first wife was originally Mrs. Xie, but Mrs. Xie died young, and later married Mrs. Xu as his wife.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xu was sent back to her hometown in the end.

Until now, His Majesty has never named a queen.

Therefore, all princes, in terms of status, have no distinction between high and low, only the order of seniority.

At most, it's just to see which mother is favored.

Therefore, if your majesty wants to abolish the crown prince, he must first confer the title of empress.

Back then, when His Majesty proclaimed himself emperor, he wanted to establish the Bu family as the queen, but the officials insisted on establishing the Xu family.

The Queen's matter has been dragged on like this.

Therefore, the issue of empress dowagership is an important matter, and it is not a private matter of the royal family. Even His Majesty cannot decide it with a single word.

Having figured this out, Zhuge Ke said to Sun Deng, "I believe that this is a private matter of Lu Yi, and no one should instigate it."

"Wuchang was originally the place where His Highness guarded back then. His Highness wrote letters many times, admonishing His Majesty not to reuse Lu Yi."

"And Pan Taichang, the great general who is far away in Wuchang, is also with His Highness. From Lu Yi's point of view, it was His Highness who instructed him."

"This is why Lu Yi framed the people around His Highness."

It's not that Sun Deng didn't think of this layer:

"Even so, you can't let such villains deceive Your Majesty, otherwise, in the long run, I'm afraid it will make all the officials in the court renounced."

Zhuge Ke pondered for a while, then shook his head:

"His Highness and the Great General have written letters several times, and it is difficult to change His Majesty's opinion of this person. It can be seen that he is deeply trusted by His Majesty."

"Suddenly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to shake his position in His Majesty's heart, so I can only take it slowly."

Sun Deng couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard this:

"Isn't there a good way for Yuan Xun?"

Zhuge Ke smiled lightly:

"Lv Yi, a villain, has no roots and no roots. He can be a blessing in front of the officials, but he relies on His Majesty's cronies."

"Don't look at this man's rage, but if His Majesty becomes suspicious of him one day, it will be the day when he will be separated."

Sun Deng sighed:

"How difficult is it?"

"It's not difficult!" Zhuge Ke shook his head, his eyes flashed coldly, "Lu Yi's prestige and blessings are all tied to His Majesty, if you can find a way to make Your Majesty alienate the villain, then I will punish you."

"What kind of alienation method?"

"There must be someone who dares to confront His Majesty Chen, point out Lu Yi's actions in person, persuade His Majesty to investigate what Lu Yi did, otherwise, no matter how much we do, there is nothing we can do about him."

Sun Deng frowned more and more:

"When it comes to people with high status in the court, there is no one like the Great General and me. We have written letters many times, but we can't convince His Majesty, let alone others?"

Zhuge Ke laughed:

"Your Highness, it is precisely because you are a member of the court that you can't say anything about Your Majesty."

"Think about it, Your Highness. Your Majesty ordered Lu Yi to be the schoolmaster of Zhongshu Dian, just to supervise the officials."

"Now that all the officials have filed a letter to impeach Lv Yi, doesn't that just show that Lv Yi is well supervised?"

"Therefore, if there are more people writing letters, I'm afraid Lu Yi will be more trusted by His Majesty!"

When Sun Deng heard the words, he suddenly realized, and slapped his thigh:

"That's true! I didn't think of this level!"

As he said that, he looked at Zhuge Ke and exclaimed, "Yuan Xun, it's lucky to have you!"

Zhuge Ke smiled a little complacently, he naturally wouldn't say that he had just figured this out.

He just continued to say:

"Your Highness, so the person who faces His Majesty, not only cannot be a minister in the court, but even local state officials are not optional."

The post of Zhongshu Dian Xiaolang not only supervises the central officials, but also the local states and counties. It seems that the position is low, but in fact it has great power.

"In this case, it is hard to find such a character!"

Even among the hundred officials, many people would panic when facing His Majesty alone.

Not to mention bluntly speaking about Lv Yi's fault, there is a very high possibility that he will be retaliated by Lv Yi.

Therefore, this person must not only be bold, but also must not be afraid of death.

Lu Yi deserves His Majesty's attention, and if he wants to persuade His Majesty, he must be able to speak well.

To put it nicely, it means being eloquent, but to put it bluntly, it is eloquence.

Think of clever words...

Sun Deng quickly shook his head and focused on the matter in front of him.

Dare to face His Majesty, not afraid of life and death, not afraid of Lu Yi's revenge, and can't be an official, so you can only look for it among the people.

But where can the folks find such characters? !

Cangtou Qianshou didn't even know how to write his own name, let alone expect them to be able to tell any reason.

He even discussed the principles of governing the country in front of His Majesty.

It seems that Zhuge Liang was the one who was recruited from the folk by Zhuge Liang, and he had already offered the strategy of Ding Nanzhong before he became an official...

Really annoying!

It's annoying!

Obviously he had found a way to solve the problem, but he got stuck on the key person again, which immediately made Sun Deng irritated:

"Don't we really have nothing to do with these villains?"

"If we can't find it, others may not be able to find it."

Zhuge Ke said something calmly.


Sun Deng asked quickly.



Sun Deng looked suspiciously at Zhuge Ke, his eyes flickering.

"That's right, it's him."

Zhuge Ke nodded and said affirmatively:

"Yangqin has the knowledge of people, which is known to the world. If he can discover the talents of the people and recommend them to His Majesty, His Majesty will not doubt it."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Ke showed a sneer on his face, "If such a wise man speaks bluntly about Lu Yi's fault, what does Your Highness think His Majesty will think?"

how to think?

After all, this talented person was discovered by the people, and now even the people know that Lu Yi is a vicious villain, how can His Majesty remain in the dark?


Sun Deng had already hurt his thigh from the slap, and his face was full of joy, "This is a great plan!"

But seeing Sun Deng gritted his teeth, he continued:

"Yuan Xun is right. Yang Qin is indeed a man of knowledge. It is most appropriate to entrust this matter to him. If he does not agree, I will ask him until he agrees."

Zhuge Ke smiled slightly, confidently:

"Don't worry, Your Highness, he will definitely agree."

Since you dare to speak out about the mistakes of the people in the East Palace many times, and you want to be an upright person, then you can't shrink back from such things as sharing the country's worries, right?

Otherwise, wouldn't he be a hypocrite?

Sun Deng breathed a sigh of relief after solving a major issue that had been on his mind for a long time.

He raised his teacup and wanted to take a sip of tea, only to find that the tea was already cold.

So he hurriedly exchanged Zhuge Ke for a cup of hot tea himself.

When Zhuge Ke saw Sun Deng's behavior, his heart was moved, and he asked tentatively:

"Your there anything else?"

Sun Deng nodded, but he didn't have the gloomy look just now. He just thought about it, and then said:

"Your Majesty conferred Yuan Xun as General Weibei, which is self-evident. In my opinion, even if Yuan Xun doesn't ask himself to cross the river, I'm afraid His Majesty will send Yuan Xun across the river to attack the bandits."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

"It's a good thing." Sun Deng stared at the teacup in his hand, and said in a low voice after a long time, "But there is one thing that you may not know."

"A few days ago, Emperor Cao Rui of the Wei Kingdom sent envoys to come and propose to my great Wu that he is willing to exchange war horses for treasures such as pearls and tortoise shells."

Zhuge Ke just smiled when he heard the words:

"I often heard that Cao Rui likes pearls, but now I see it with my own eyes..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped suddenly, sat up straight involuntarily, and looked at Sun Deng.

Sun Deng raised his eyes, exchanged a glance with him, then lowered his eyes again, and continued to stare blankly at the teacup in his hand.

Zhuge Ke swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked:

"Your Majesty... have you agreed?"

Sun Deng nodded, his voice still low:

"I agree. Your Majesty said that pearls and tortoise shells are nothing more than stones and rubble in the country of Wu, but they can be exchanged for horses and increase the strength of our great Wu army. Why not do it?"

Zhuge Ke exhaled heavily, forced a smile and said:

"Your Majesty, it should be like this."

The corner of Sun Deng's mouth twitched, and he pretended to be smiling.

Back then, when His Majesty professed his vassalship to the State of Wei, Cao Pi demanded treasures from Great Wu, and His Majesty also said so.

The only difference is that at that time, Cao Pi asked for it, but now, Cao Rui exchanged it for a war horse.

After all... Today is different from the past!

The Lord of Great Wu is no longer the King of Wu proclaimed by the State of Wei.

But the Great Wu Emperor.

But Sun Deng still always felt panicked.

Zhuge Ke seemed to see Sun Deng's thoughts, and comforted him:

"Your Majesty did not hide this matter, it just shows that His Majesty is open-minded and has no other thoughts."

"Besides, there are also caravan exchanges between the Kingdom of Shu and the Kingdom of Wei? It is normal for the three pillars of the world to exchange things with each other."

It is true that there were caravan exchanges between Shu and Wei.

However, the supplies of the Shu Kingdom are so in demand now, and it has never been heard that Cao Rui will personally send envoys to exchange supplies with Liu Chan...

Sun Deng sighed:

"What I'm afraid of is that this is Cao Rui's plot to drive a wedge between Wu and Shu."

In fact, Cao Rui was very generous this time.

The horses given are not only numerous, but thousands of them.

And the price is very fair, it can even be said that Da Wu took advantage of it.

Sun Quan sent people to Liaodong many times, bringing countless rare treasures, and made Gongsun Yuan an official and a nobleman.

None of the war horses returned was as sincere as Cao Rui came this time.

But it was precisely because of taking such a big advantage that Sun Deng had a faint feeling that something was not right.

Hearing Sun Deng's worries, Zhuge Ke was silent for a while, and finally heaved a sigh:

"Even if it's a way of alienation, I, Da Wu, have no choice but to accept these war horses."

Who in the world doesn't know that Wu's war horses are in short supply?

The Wei thieves had Bingyou and Youzhou, and the Shu State had Liangzhou and Longyou.

Only the state of Wu has tried to make friends with Liaodong many times but failed.

This time, Cao Rui managed to grasp His Majesty's mind.

Thousands of high-quality war horses are too many for Wu, so many that there is no room for Wu's monarchs and ministers to refuse.

However, it has been ten years since Wu and Wei broke off contact, and now there is contact suddenly, and it is between the leaders of the two countries. Who dares to say that the Kingdom of Shu will not become suspicious?

Even if there is no suspicion, I am afraid that the monarchs and ministers of the Kingdom of Shu will feel unhappy.

After all, what happened in Jingzhou will always be a scar that Wu and Shu can't get around.

What's more, Wu Shu set up an altar, set fire to the sky, and publicly swore an alliance.

If the state of Wu secretly betrays Shu and reconciles with Wei, everyone in the world will laugh at the fact that Wu people have no credibility at all.

At that time, how will Wu's monarchs and ministers gain a foothold in the world?

"Since your highness has this concern, why not tell him, so as to avoid any rift between Wu and Shu?"

"Why don't I want to?" Sun Deng said distressedly, "It's just that I don't know what your Majesty is thinking."

"The second thing is the case of slandering the state affairs. The turmoil has not yet settled. If I make a wrong step, and Lu Yi seizes the opportunity to go forward and go forward to speak before His Majesty, I'm afraid... Sigh!"

Having said that, Sun Deng and Zhuge Ke looked at each other.

Both of them had a decision in their hearts: Lu Yi is already a serious threat to the court and must be removed as soon as possible!

"If it's inconvenient, Your Highness, why don't you let the Great General speak up?"

Zhuge Ke reminded.

Sun Deng was still a little hesitant: "Through the matter now, there are nine times out of ten that Lu Yi intends to harm me."

"If Lu Yi speaks to His Majesty, I live in the East Palace, but I have frequent correspondence with the Supreme General in Wuchang, and I can even instruct the Supreme General."

"When His Majesty asks, how can I explain it?"

As the prince, Sun Deng is both a king and a minister.

Sun Deng also understood the reason why His Majesty reused Lu Yi after ascending to the throne.

To put it bluntly, it is to better control the officials and ministers.

It's just that this kind of emperor's mind can be understood but not clearly stated.

The Great General guards Wuchang, and half of the Wu Kingdom is under his control.

If he is still in Wuchang, it is okay to say that it is normal to discuss state affairs with the top general.

But now that he has returned to Jianye, if he still has close contacts with the great general, even a letter can persuade the great general.

That's just not knowing how to advance or retreat, breaking a taboo!

Zhuge Ke saw that Sun Deng was in trouble, so he volunteered and said:

"If it is inconvenient for His Highness to discuss this matter directly with the Great General, then I will write to Your Excellency and ask Your Highness to convey the worries in His Highness's heart to the Great General, how about it?"

Sun Deng was overjoyed, and stepped forward to hold Zhuge Ke's hand: "That's very good!"

Zhuge Jin is a general who guards Jingzhou all the year round and has a close friendship with the top general Lu Xun.

If it is relayed by him, there will be no worries about leaking the secret.

In October of the twelfth year of Jianxing, Sun Quan, who had just taken advantage of the Wei State, was reminded by Lu Xun, and realized that this was probably a tactic by the Wei State.

Suddenly awakened, he quickly wrote a letter and sent it to the Kingdom of Shu.

Who knew at this time, an unexpected situation happened.

When the messenger was crossing Jiangxia and was about to enter the border of Nanjun, he happened to encounter a small Wei army that was going south to plunder.

This letter naturally fell into the hands of Wei Jun in the end.

Then it was sent to Luoyang by Wei Jun at the fastest speed.

Over the years, although there have been few wars on the border between Wei and Wu at Jingzhou, small groups of armies from both sides entered and looted each other frequently.

This is not surprising.

After Sun Quan learned of this, he didn't pay too much attention to it.

I just wrote another letter and planned to send it to Zhuge Liang and the emperor of the Han family.

PS: Due to the complex terrain and dense water network on the border of Wu State and Jingzhou, small groups of troops from both sides often enter to harass. Wu Guo was intercepted by Wei Guo more than once.

Even the year before Zhuge Liang's last Northern Expedition in history, Sun Quan's letter to Zhuge Liang about attacking together was intercepted by Wei Guo.

This is the helplessness of Jingzhou, the state of Wu, without such a dangerous place as Xiangyang to defend.

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