In December of the twelfth year of Jianxing, Liangzhou ushered in the third or fifth heavy snowfall.

Streets, walls, yards, as far as the eye can see, everything on the land seems to be tightly covered by an endless and fluffy white goose feather quilt.

However, these heavy snowfalls will no longer cause too much harm to Liangzhou this year.

As soon as the snow stopped, the local officials came out, knocked on the doors of each house, asked about the situation of each house, and then ordered each house to sweep the snow in front of their doors with loud voices.

Most of these square officials are physically incomplete.

At least a few fingers were missing, and at worst, half an arm was missing. Many people showed fierce looks, and they didn't look like good people at first glance.

In fact, they are all veterans who have retired from the army.

I have seen too much blood, so after stepping back, my temperament has not caught up for a while.

But being fierce also has its advantages, at least no one dared to challenge the work they arranged, not even Qingpi dared to make trouble in front of them.

Because as long as they whistle, there will be a patrol team in black hats and black clothes.

Nanxiang's experience is already very mature, so it should not be too simple to promote.

After the winter solstice, the third Xu day is counted, which is La Ri.

The so-called La Ri is the day of worship in winter.

In the backyard of the Governor's Mansion, General Guan Guan, the wife of the Feng family, was directing two concubines to carefully place various sacrifices such as cow heads, sheep heads, pig heads, deer heads, etc. on the divine table.

For so many years, Feng Junhou has been fighting for his country abroad, and has no chance to return to Jincheng to worship.

So I can only ask the ancestor god to take it with me.

Every time they settle down, they build a temporary ancestral hall.

Outsiders are not allowed in the ancestral hall, and the servants can only deliver their things to the door, and then let Amei and Li Mu move in and put them in the same place.

The only exception is Zhang Xiaosi.

She was hugging Ah Shun, standing in the corner of the ancestral hall to watch the excitement.

As Feng Junhou's status became higher and higher, the number of people in the mansion became more and more prosperous, and the annual sacrifices became more and more grand.

In the ancestral hall, there are not only rich sacrifices, but also several Boshan furnaces of different sizes are placed around, emitting green smoke curlingly.

Even in the daytime, the nine lamps have been lit with candles.

Even the candles, which are reluctant to be lit at home on weekdays, are burning as if they don't want money on a divine case.

After placing them, Feng Guan walked around the ancestral hall again.

Check to see if the spices in the Boshan furnace have been burned, and then put the wine, bowls, and chopsticks on the divine table in the right direction, and no mistakes are allowed.

Only then nodded in satisfaction, then took Ah Shun from Zhang Xiaosi's hand, waved Zhang Xiaosi out of the ancestral hall.

Zhang Xiaosi pouted and walked out dissatisfied.

Jing stood there motionless, with a straight face, pretending to be the head of the family, but he was actually beside Feng Da, who was a puppet.

She glared at the other party, seeing that Feng Dadang didn't respond, Zhang Xiaosi gritted his teeth and kicked the other party hard.

Master Feng grinned, not daring to call out pain.

General Guan in front coughed, and Master Feng hurriedly stepped forward and took out the prayer that he had prepared a long time ago.

Master Feng moved, and the rest of the people quickly followed suit.

Master Feng stood at the front, General Guan held Ah Shun in his arms, Ah Chong and Shuangshuang stood on each side and followed behind.

Ah Mei and Li Mu stood behind General Guan.

It is reasonable to say that the prayer was written by the head of the family, but it is a pity that the head of the family is illiterate.

Although General Guan has a young heart and good handwriting, it is a pity that his literary talent is not good.

So this prayer was completed by Zhang Xiaosi and Li Xiaosan together.

After all, Zhang Jiawen, Guan Jiawu.

And Li Xiaosan is a daughter of an aristocratic family.

So the two of them wrote a prayer together, and it still looks the same.

Most of the content of the sacrificial oration is actually to report to the ancestors the work of the past year.

As far as what territory Feng Junhou recovered for the Han Empire, what rewards did the court give.

He also wrote a few articles that are widely recited by the world.

As young as the eldest son, Ah Chong, how many words can he recognize? He has already started to learn from his own adults.

As for how many martial arts the eldest daughter Shuangshuang has learned, and often violently beating Ah Chong and so on, let's not mention it for now, lest the ancestors get angry.

However, Feng Guanshi has asked her to work hard to learn female celebrities, but she has not learned it for the time being, and will report to her ancestors when she learns.

Zhang Xiaosi, who was holding the door frame and looking inside, saw that the people inside were all bowing their heads and hands, and no one looked back at her.

She bit her lower lip, quietly stretched out her toes, crossed the threshold of the ancestral hall, and probed towards the ground of the ancestral hall.

Feng Junhou in the front had finished reading the prayer and started to burn it.

Then he led the whole family to prostrate and worship, begging the ancestors to bless the Feng family to continue to prosper, and finally toasted the ancestors...

After worshiping the ancestors, the five family gods have to be worshiped.

The so-called five family gods refer to the door, the door, the skylight, the stove, and the line (the land inside the door).

Guan Ji turned around and met Zhang Xiaosi's innocent eyes:

"What are you still doing? Come here and hold the baby."


Zhang Xiaosi hurried over and took Ah Shun from Guan Ji's arms again.

Worshiping the five gods, Zhang Xiaosi no longer needs to secretly follow behind to worship, and can stand beside General Guan in an open and aboveboard manner.

Even Amei and Li Xiaosan had to stand behind her.

Instead, Shuangshuang took Feng Cishi's hand, pointed at the deer's head and kept calling: "Deer, deer, deer..."

Seeing General Guan's phoenix eyes raised, Governor Feng coughed quickly, and hurriedly found a topic to divert General Guan's attention:

"Xijun, this deer head is so strange, who sent it here?"

On the big festival of sacrificial offerings, Guan Ji naturally couldn't scold her eldest daughter. When she heard Governor Feng's question, she answered casually:

"Oh, the bald-haired Tianli personally delivered it yesterday. The way my concubine looked at the deer is indeed not the same as before."

Zhang Xiaosi leaned over and agreed:

"It's really different, this antler, can't let my brother-in-law eat it for a long time?"


What do you mean?

Has the old man reached the time when he needs to supplement his body with deer antler?

Besides, could the antlers in front of me and the antlers used for body repair be the same thing?

The land of Huaxia in the Han Dynasty was full of wild animals.

Especially deer.

In the south, there are the most elk, which are the famous "four unlikes" in later generations.

Not to mention everywhere, at least it can be said that it can be seen everywhere in sparsely populated places.

Think about it, with a population of no more than 30 million, scattered throughout the entire land of China, how many places are sparsely populated?

Anyway, Feng Yong was not uncommon when he was in Shu.

As for after arriving in Hexi, you can see more red deer.

Antler is the antler of red deer and sika deer.

In the Northwest of later generations, people still poach from time to time, and get the antlers of wild red deer to sell in the inland.

Feng Yong naturally recognized it.

There is also a kind of deer in Hexi, which is huge and the largest deer Feng Yong has ever seen.

The horns are flat and spade-shaped, and the center is like a broad cactus, with sharp branches growing around it.

It is very different from other deer species, and I don't know what the later generations will call it.

Anyway, in this era, regardless of size, they are basically called deer, and at most they can be called elk, or collectively called elk.

It has been more than ten years since I came to the Three Kingdoms period. I don't know how much venison I have eaten. Feng Cishi is familiar with several common deer.

So he can guarantee that the deer head in front of him is indeed not something he has seen before.

Although it looks a bit like an elk, the antlers of the elk basically grow backwards, unlike this deer head, where part of the antlers grow forwards.

Besides, elk are mostly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and there are also some in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, but they are definitely not found in Hexi.

"What is there to see? Aren't they all deer, they are used to eat!"

General Guan didn't care much about Feng Junhou's fuss.

Anyway, to her, deer, what does it matter if they are different in size?

Isn't it going to fall into the stomach in the end?

Unexpectedly, Shuangshuang, who was protected by Feng Cishi, was unwilling to be lonely, jumped out and retorted loudly:

"Deer, pull the sled!"

It means more than being able to eat.

Feng Inspector helped his forehead.

My daughter, you are committing suicide, don't say that I, a grown-up, will not save you.

Seeing that General Guan finally couldn't hold back his anger:

"Just know how to play! Have you finished writing? Have you learned how to do it? Next year, if you do this again, you will not be allowed to enter the ancestral hall!"

This daughter, let herself be humiliated in front of the ancestors of the Feng family, she is really pissed off!

"And you, don't do those messy things in the future, let the children have no intention of learning!"

Governor Feng was also shot while lying down, and was glared at by General Guan.

The two surnamed Feng couldn't match a foreign surname, and they were silent like cicadas, daring not to speak.

Zhang Xiaosi, who was watching the excitement nearby, came over gloatingly after Mrs. Guan ordered her servants to pack up the sacrifices and leave, and urged:

"Shuangshuang, look, it's snowing heavily outside, it's time to go sledging..."

"Go, go, go! It's not messy enough..."

Inspector Feng hurriedly stopped him.

But it's too late!

Without the suppression of General Guan's blood, the young lady of the Feng family hugged Governor Feng's thigh tightly, like a pendant on Governor Feng's thigh, and raised her head:

"My lord, I want to play with the sled!"

"Don't make trouble, you can't go out of the city today, I will take you there tomorrow."

"No, I'm going today!"

"It's okay, but you have to go and tell your grandmother."

"Then... let's go tomorrow."

Liangzhou in the Little Ice Age had a much colder climate than later generations.

In winter, roads are blocked by heavy snow, making it difficult to exchange news with Hanzhong, let alone transport supplies.

So Governor Feng wondered if he could learn from the Ewenki people of later generations, using deer as a transport of livestock, and being able to pull carts around in the snow.

After all, the red deer living in the wild in the Northwest are huge in size and come out to forage in winter. They are hardy at first glance, and they seem to be good animals for pulling sleds.

Even Governor Feng asked Zhou Lu to tame these wild deer on purpose, and tried to eunuch some male deer to make them more docile.

Unexpectedly, it is easy to use, but it can only be used for short distances. For longer distances, these deer will not work.

It's not that I'm physically weak, it's that my eyesight is poor.

Because the eyesight of these two kinds of deer is extremely poor, especially for the unknown large deer.

The distance is a little longer, and as you walk, you will involuntarily rush to the side of the road.

Sometimes you don't know how to turn your head until you are about to hit a tree. In this case, the sled car can only overturn in most cases.

In this case, people have to get out of the cart and lead the deer away in order to pull the cart properly.

But is the sled car made for people to walk in the snow?

In addition, these two kinds of deer are not gregarious and difficult to manage.

In the end, the deer-pull sled became one of Miss Feng's favorite toys in winter.

As for the sled dog Erha...

Don't say you can't find it now, even if you find it, you don't need it. Having one in your house is already annoying enough.

I don't know if it's a local evil in Liangzhou, but as soon as I mentioned Erha, Erha arrived.


Zhao Guang led Zhao Huang's family to the mansion early, ready to have dinner.

Seeing that his elder brother was leading his eldest niece, he rushed over quickly, like Erha shaking his head.

Huang Wudie didn't even say hello to Feng Yong, she just took both of them away and kissed her cheeks desperately.

"My good niece, miss me!"

Dancing with both hands, screaming, I don't know whether to be happy or disgusted.

But she has a very good relationship with her Aunt Huang, and Feng Cishi didn't bother to care about the two of them messing around.

After Zhang Xingyi left with Ah Shun in his arms, Feng Yong saw that Zhao Guang was still looking around, and immediately said in a bad mood:

"Looking for what?"

"Where is Zhongrong? Didn't it mean that they have come back from Juyan County?"

Zhong Rong, that is, Shi Bao's character.

This year, the Liangzhou governor's office sent a large army to the fortress for training, and Shi Bao was one of the leading generals.

In late November, they had already returned to the Guansai in Juyan County to rest.

This is also one of the reasons why Feng Yong must rebuild the pass.

You can attack when you advance, you can defend when you retreat, and you can rely on the fortress to ensure logistics when you leave the fortress.

As for the unpromising descendants of the later generations, the ancestors used Guansai as an enclosure for self-indulgence, proving that their own nation is too closed and does not think about making progress...

The fortresses of the former Han Dynasty were built in Outer Mongolia!

The old ancestors didn't jump out of the coffin to scold you for not being able to keep the family business, that's just being magnanimous!

Governor Feng glanced worriedly at the direction where Huang Wudie, who was holding both of them, disappeared.

Since Zhao Guang and Shi Bao went to Hetao to go wild together for more than half a year two years ago, the relationship between the two has become better and better.

It's just that Shi Bao has talent, but he is too greedy for money and lust.

It's okay to talk about Haocai, after all, Zhao Guang can be regarded as the second brother of Xinghanhui, and he has seen countless moneys.

But this lust has to be talked about.

Huang Wudie was someone who fought back and forth with General Guan, in case one day she found out that Zhao Erlang had been dragged into the water by Shi Daunluck.

Governor Feng doubted that he would lose two generals at the same time.

No way, Shi Bao's bad luck left a deep impression on Governor Feng.

Although I haven't seen him have bad luck in the past two or three years, what if?

If bad luck turns back on him again, who can stop it?

"Why are you looking for him?"

"Ask him what he gained from this trip to the outside of the Great Wall!" Zhao Guangli said bluntly, "Last time, my sister was very dissatisfied with my younger brother's rebuilding of the cavalry camp, but I made my younger brother suffer a lot."

"The little brother told him before, go out and help the little brother to look at it, if there is a suitable war horse, you must keep it for the little brother."

The horses of the heavy cavalry are really hard to find.

If you want to produce 3,000 qualified heavy cavalry on the battlefield, you need to use at least 10,000 horses for daily training.

How else can you say that this thing is burning money?

"Isn't the war horse on hand almost enough?"

Feng Yong asked with some doubts.

Zhao Guang was a little embarrassed: "This is exactly what I want to tell my brother. The armored cavalry is so easy to use, how can three thousand be enough?"

"Brother, if we increase to five thousand..."

When Inspector Feng heard this, he cursed immediately:

"I'll lose it! Five thousand? You're on the street! Do you know how much food is needed for five thousand heavy cavalry? You really don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt!"

"Let me tell you, don't expect to stand out as an armored cavalryman in this Guanzhong battle! Get rid of this mentality as soon as possible!"

As he spoke, he flew up with a kick.

Zhao Guang didn't listen to anything else, just heard the word "Guanzhong War", his eyes lit up:

"Brother, are we going to hit Guanzhong?"

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