Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 940 Unexpected Deer

"Always have to fight, just fight early and fight late."

While talking, Feng Yong brought Zhao Guang to the study, picked up a roll of paper from the desk and handed it over.

Zhao Guang opened it with some doubts:

"Brother, this is?"

"This time out of the fortress, the road map drawn by Zhang Yuan and the others."

It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to grow a person. It's no joke.

After so many years of education, we have finally cultivated students who can draw topographic maps independently.

Governor Feng almost burst into tears with excitement.

Of course, there were no satellites, nor the optical tools of later generations to measure topography.

At most, it is a mechanical tool that can be made under the current conditions.

In addition, time does not allow this time.

So this line drawing is not standard and accurate.

But the approximate mileage, eye-catching road signs along the way, unified symbols such as water sources and rivers, are all there.

As Feng Yong had expected, although the former Han Pass on the grassland had long been dilapidated, it had not been completely destroyed without any trace left, and it was more than enough to serve as a road sign.

In the eyes of Feng Governor, the crude map is, in the eyes of Zhao Guang, an incomparably exquisite map.

"Brother, where is this?"

Zhao Guang put the map on the table, pointed to the broken part of the road map, and asked.

"I don't know, but according to my estimate, I haven't walked through the desert north of Dunozawa."

Feng Yong shook his head.

Zhao Guang suddenly showed disappointment:

"It's only been so long? I thought I had reached Gaoque!"

Gaoque is actually the barrier of the Hetao Plain - a gap in the Yinshan Mountains.

It is on the west corner of the word "ji" in the Yellow River.

Whether it was the northern nomads entering the Hetao Plain, or the Central Plains regime attacking the Hu people from Hetao, they basically entered and exited through this gap.

Otherwise, the army would not be able to cross the east-west, stretching and steep Yinshan Mountains.

"It's good if you don't get lost in the desert. Do you think everyone is Huo Piaoyao?"

Feng Yong glared at him angrily:

"After the beginning of spring, go to the hometown of Jiuyuan again, find Ke Bineng, and ask him to send troops to the west to pinch Xianbei in the west, join our army going out of the fortress, and strive to open up this route next year."

Zhao Guang nodded: "Little brother just listens to elder brother."

He and Shi Bao had been to Jiuyuan's old place.

Shi Bao is now going to lead the army out of Juyan County, so naturally it is only suitable for him to go.

"It's just brother, if our army wants to enter the original place of Jiuyuan, we can go out from Xiaoguan directly and follow the big river. Why do we have to go around in such a big circle?"

Zhao Guang asked with some doubts.

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang slightly unexpectedly:

"How do you know that I want to march from Jiuyuan's old place?"

Zhao Guang chuckled:

"Brother, you underestimate my younger brother, don't you? How can I say that I have been with my brother for so many years, if I can't even see this, isn't that shameful enough?"

"Yes, there is progress." Feng Yong nodded approvingly, then he turned around and took another map from the bookcase.

After spreading it out, it is the map of Guanzhong.

However, apart from Anding County, which was drawn in more detail, the rest of Beidi County and Jiuyuan's old place were only drawn in a rough shape.

Feng Yong clicked on the location of Xiaoguan, then walked his fingers along Dahe, and stopped when he reached the left half of the character "Ji" in Dahe.

He roughly drew a circle and asked:

"Do you know where this is?"

Zhao Guang shook his head.

"Lian County is probably located at this location, and Beiyi Mountain (the Helan Mountain in later generations) is not far to the northwest of it."

Feng Yong stood up straight and let out a breath:

"The area to the east of Beiyi Mountain is also on the edge of a big river. The water and grass are lush and the land is fertile. It is a rare pasture."

In fact, there is Yinchuan for later generations, a land of geomantic omen protected by Helan Mountain.

Zhao Guang nodded: "That's right, when Shi Zhongrong and I passed by there last time, we found that there were indeed many Hu tribes gathered there."

"It used to be one of the six cities in Beidi County, and it was a frontier fortress to guard against the barbarians."

Feng Yong emphasized his tone, "If the army goes out from Xiaoguan, goes up the Great North River, and goes to the original place of Jiuyuan, this is the best place to stay."

"Do you think that with Sima Yi's actions in Beidi County, such an important position will be missed?"

With the current national strength of the Wei State, it is natural that he has no ability and no intention to restore the entire territory of Beidi County in the Han Dynasty.

But in the same way, where the important defensive locations of Beidi County should be, the Han Dynasty has already pointed it out for future generations to see.

Sima Yi only needs to focus on placing eyes and ears in these few places, which is enough to respond in advance to the army entering Beidi County.

Zhao Guang suddenly realized:

"So brother wants to raid Beidi County from the northernmost Gaoque, and then enter Guanzhong from Beidi County?"

Gaoque is at the northernmost point, and no matter how long the Wei thief's hand stretches, it is impossible to cross Beidi County and reach the hometown of Jiuyuan.

Therefore, only by entering Beidi County from Gaoque can it be guaranteed that it will not be discovered in advance by Wei thieves.

And this road is exactly the road that Huo Biaoyao walked in those years.

It's just that my brother went the other way.

Feng Yong didn't answer Zhao Guang's question, but just smiled meaningfully:

"Now you know why I must get through this route?"

Zhao Guang nodded excitedly.

Then he thought for a while, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, have you discussed this plan with the prime minister?"

Feng Yong glanced at him and said slowly:

"Are you stupid? This is just a plan that I discussed initially with, um, your sister. Now that the route to the desert has not been opened, what's the point of talking to the prime minister?"

The old demon Zhuge has sent letters more than once, asking about the situation of Liangzhou's military reorganization.

It is estimated that after that serious illness, he felt more and more anxious.

If you tell Old Demon Zhuge this immature plan now, who knows what he will do?

After all, in order to return to the old capital, a certain prime minister even went so far as to give away women's clothing.

Besides, this is just a backup plan for the Battle of Guanzhong.

After all, there is the unstable factor of Ke Bineng. In a battle of Jieting and a battle of Xiaoguan, Governor Feng was cut off.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable, it's only three things, he really doesn't want to do it again.

Therefore, before he was sure that he could fully control Ke Bineng, Governor Feng would not easily make up his mind to do so.

"Oh, that's true."

Zhao Guang scratched his head.

"Okay, it stands to reason that such things should not be told to you now. It's just that this plan requires your participation, so remember not to mention it to others."

When Zhao Guang heard this, his heart was filled with trust and touch: Brother really still loves me!

"Little brother understands."

Reminding Zhao Guang of the importance of finding Ke Bineng next year, Feng Yong stood up:

"Okay, let's go, go ahead and have a look, everyone should be almost here."

Not everyone is like Governor Feng, who can drag his family and his mouth to worship their ancestors during the twelfth lunar month.

In other words, someone like him is a special case.

After all, the wives and concubines of the Feng family are quite special.

Take Zhao Guang as an example, he has an old man Zhao and an elder brother above him.

No matter what, it is not his turn to preside over the worship.

Feng Yong even wondered if the young couple ran over to grab a meal without even doing far-off worship.

Uh, it's also possible that when Huang Wudie worshiped Huang Zhong, Zhao Guang remembered that he wanted to sacrifice to his ancestors...

Anyway, on special days, Governor Feng naturally wanted to think about his generals, so he would set up a banquet and invite them to come over for a meal or something.

For Governor Feng, this is a means to get closer.

But for some people, it is a manifestation of Feng Junhou's importance.

For example, he was bald, and this was his first time attending such a banquet, so he seemed embarrassed.

"Don't be nervous, everyone here is our own."

Compared with the famous and famous Feng Jieshi in the past, Feng Jieshi at the banquet seemed much more amiable.

He even stepped down from the main seat, brought the wine in front of everyone, and drank with everyone.

"This time, I heard that you did a good job and brought those Hu Qiyi along well."

After Feng Inspector finished his sentence, he was bald and quickly drank a cup, "It's all because the barbarians have heard the majesty of the king and the tiger."

"It's good to bring it well, and I didn't go, so there's no need to be like this." Feng Yong laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "I heard that you sent a deer yourself yesterday, and you have a heart."

The bald-haired Tianli smiled embarrassedly:

"Don't dare to lie to you, this trip, I happened to meet a small tribe who moved from the east, and it happens to have something to do with the bald tribe."

"They said they were willing to join the big man, so the villain dared to keep them..."

"I heard that you did a good job in this matter."

Feng Yong nodded approvingly.

The lieutenant general in the front army can respond independently according to the specific situation.

Just remember to report afterwards.

Going out to deter the Xianbei in the west is not to kill and loot them all. This will only intensify the conflict. While deterring, we must also pay attention to comfort and containment.

The practice of baldness can set an example for the large and small tribes of Xianbei in the west, which is conducive to differentiation.

"That deer was presented by the leader of that small tribe. It is said that it was brought from the east. There are more than ten deer in his tribe, and they have always been regarded as treasures by the tribe."

"Oh, that's interesting."

Feng Yong smiled.

Then you sent the township items of the tribe that came to join you on the table?

Governor Feng glanced at the case, and he was sure that there must be venison in it.

The bald-haired Tianli seemed to notice Feng Yong's gaze, and gave a dry laugh:

"That tribe is actually... Cough, I heard that the Tuoba tribe lost the battle with the western tribe, so many tribesmen scattered and wandered."

"This small tribe was separated from the Tuoba section."

Oh, I see.

The bald-haired adult, that is, the bald-haired orphan, because he was dissatisfied with his half-brother—let's count it as a half-brother—Tuoba Liwei is the son of a celestial daughter, and has robbed him of the position of patriarch.

So he led his people away.

Now that the bald man got the news that the Tuoba clan was bullied by the Xianbei in the west and the race was separated, he probably would be very happy.

So the feng shui turns, and it is normal for him to eat the treasures of that small tribe now.

However, Governor Feng's attention was not on the deer, which was regarded as a treasure by the small tribes, but on the fact that the Tuoba tribe was almost wiped out by the western Xianbei that Bald Tianli said.

"Tuoba tribe? Is there a problem with the Tuoba tribe? I remember the Tuoba clan. Wasn't it bullied by the Xianbei in the west a few years ago, and Tuoba Liwei went to join the Wuluhui tribe?"

The bald-haired Tianli didn't know that there was Han Long beside Feng Yong, and he couldn't help being secretly startled by Feng Junhou's familiarity with the desert:

It seems that Junhou's plans for the barbarians in the desert are not small!

"Exactly. But last year, Tuoba Liwei and Dou Bin, the head of the Wuluhui tribe, joined forces to attack the western race, and they were defeated again."

"Even Dou Bin lost his war horse and was almost captured, so the Tuoba clan was also severely injured and the race was scattered."

Having said that, the bald-haired Tianli almost couldn't help grinning out loud.

So what if the western race is more powerful?

This time, tens of thousands of people were kidnapped by the big man, and there were countless cattle, sheep and horses.

If there is a chance in the future, if the army continues to go east, maybe they will meet the Tuoba tribe, and then they will know how powerful they are!

Looking at the child in front of him, he didn't care about his previous clan extermination, and was even gloating.

Governor Feng felt that he no longer needed to appease him, so he coughed:

"This meat is good..."

"This is venison. If Junhou likes it, I will send another one over tomorrow."

The bald-haired Tianli said quickly.

Feng Junhou: ...

Most of the men in the prairie are simple and honest.

On the second day, Governor Feng was about to fulfill his promise and took Shuangshuang out of the city to play on the sled.

Sure enough, the bald man Tianli personally sent two deer over again.

"deer deer!"

Shuangshuang cheered, thinking that she had two more deer to pull the sled.

"Don't get so close, be careful to get hurt."

Feng Yong quickly grabbed her.

"Don't worry, Junhou, this kind of deer is the most docile. I heard that they are specially bred to pull carts."

The bald-haired Tianli quickly explained.

"Huh? Pulling a cart?"

Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at the two deer being led to the backyard workshop, "Come back, bring them back!"

"You mean, they're for pulling carts?"

"Yes, in Youzhou, it's actually colder in winter than in Liangzhou, and there are many mountains and forests, so someone specially caught this kind of deer, used it to pull carts, and shuttled between the mountains and forests in the snow."

"So this kind of deer has the most docile temperament..."

The bald-haired Tian stood at attention and spoke eloquently.

Feng Cishi was shocked when he heard the tiger's body, or the pig's body, and then asked suddenly:

"Where are the people from the small tribe? You said they came from the east. Where are they from the east?"

"The Great Xianbei Mountain in the north of Youzhou..."

Um? !

Governor Feng's eyes widened suddenly.

Of course he didn't know about the Great Xianbei Mountain.

It is estimated that the name was given by the Xianbei people themselves.

But he is very familiar with the Great Xianbei Witch!

Doesn’t the Huangpizi Tomb of the Ghost Blowing Lantern series tell the story of the Great Khingan Mountains in Northeast China?

Besides, the north of Youzhou happens to be the northeast region of later generations.


Even if the Great Xianbei Mountain is not within the Greater Khingan Range, it is probably nearby.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to touch the antlers of the two deer, feeling very happy:

"I wonder why this antler has never been seen before, so it is so good, wow, good..."

The bald-haired man came up to him immediately:

"If Junhou likes to eat these antlers, the younger ones will go and get all the deer they have."

"What do I want these antlers for? I want these deer!"


"Yes, pull the cart for my daughter!" Governor Feng chuckled, then looked at the bald-haired Tianli, and gave an emphatic order:

"That small tribe, I will be useful in the future, so treat them well."

"Pull the cart, pull the cart!"

Shuangshuang trotted over, hugged her lord's leg, and shouted loudly.

"Okay, pull the cart!" Governor Feng picked her up, and then ordered the bald man to stand up, "Didn't you just say you wanted to send all those deer here?"

"Go now, send all the deer in their tribe outside the city, and call the person who knows the best reindeer in their tribe."

The bald man didn't know why, but he knew that this time, he seemed to have given the right thing.

So he quickly responded and ran away.

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