Farmer of Shu Han

941 Chapter 0950 New things

In the territory of Liangzhou, if it is said which tribe leader Feng Cishi wants to meet.

Not to mention it's snowing, even if there is a knife falling from the sky, the leader will find a way to crawl over.

Knowing that he was going to be received by Feng Langjun, the leader of the small tribe was so excited that he was about to faint.

Regardless of the thick snow on the ground, he crawled down humbly:

"The villain has met Feng Langjun."

"Well, get up."

Feng Yong has long been accustomed to such big gifts.

After all, Feng Langjun's prestige is too great, and the barbarians can't express their admiration without such a big gift.

Governor Feng said it was understandable.

Shuangshuang on the side had already been impatiently sitting on the sled, yelling "drive drive drive" incessantly.

Governor Feng asked while helping to put the sled on the deer:

"I heard that your tribe also uses deer to pull carts?"

"Yes, when the villain was in Daxianbei Mountain, the clan wanted to migrate in winter, and most of them used deer carts."

Feng Yong motioned for the maid to get into the car and take care of both of them.

The deer cart began to slide forward briskly amidst a series of "driving" sounds.

Only then did Governor Feng turn around:

"How is your tribe's cart compared to the current deer cart?"

"Master, it's much bigger, because the carts in our clan are not only used to pull people, but also to pull various things."

"That's why it's much bigger. It's not like this kind of car, it's just used to pull people around for fun..."

Before he could finish speaking, the bald-haired Tianli standing aside shouted loudly: "Bold!"

Dare to point out the deer cart made by Feng Junhou?

Tired of life?

Feng Yong waved his hand, signaling the bald-haired Tianli not to scare him.

Then he asked with great interest:

"Then do you think it is feasible to use this kind of deer to pull the cart?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the deer cart that was about to disappear in front of him.

"It's absolutely impossible to go back to your lord!" The leader of the small tribe shook his head, "To tell you the truth, there are actually such deer on the Da Xianbei Mountain."

"But the most suitable for pulling carts to migrate is the deer brought by the villain."

"Because a deer like a villain is not only powerful and durable, but also docile and obedient. Even in snowy nights, it can see the road clearly."

"It's not that the villain has never tried to use other deer to pull the cart, but none of them are as good as the villain's deer."

Feng Yong nodded, and upon hearing this, he knew that the other party had real materials in this regard.

He just asked:

"what's your name?"

"My lord, the villain is Sauron from the Suohui Department."

"Return to the department?"


Feng Yong pondered for a moment, then asked:

"Sauron, if I set aside a piece of land for you to raise deer that can pull carts in the snow, how sure are you?"

Sauron showed a look of embarrassment:

"Don't dare to lie to my lord, the deer of the villain's tribe were originally produced in the Great Xianbei Mountain. Since the villain left the Great Xianbei Mountain, it's not that I haven't thought about finding some new deer in the desert."

"It's just that in the past few years, the villain has never seen a deer that can be used to pull a cart in the desert, so based on the dozen or so deer in the villain, I'm afraid it's..."

"Your tribe raises deer, right?"


"Then I only let you raise deer? No matter whether you can pull a cart or not, I just want to raise deer. Are you competent?"

"If it's something else, I don't dare to say it, but for raising deer, I will definitely not disappoint adults."

Sauron lifted his spirits and said loudly.

"Okay, let me ask you again, how many bucks and does do you have in your tribe?"

"My lord, there are eleven stags and seven does."

Feng Yonggang wanted to ask why there were more male deer and fewer female deer, but when he thought about their functions, he soon understood.

The stamina of male deer is generally greater than that of female deer, and because the Suohui tribe has migrated so far, once the female deer in the middle becomes pregnant and gives birth, it means that its physical strength will be greatly reduced.

The chances of getting sick and dying are also much higher.

"I bought all the deer of your tribe."

Inspector Feng said grandly, "What your tribe has to do in the future is to prepare for raising deer, and if you raise deer that can pull carts, you will help me reindeer."

"An order made by an adult is obeyed by a villain."

Sauron knelt down again and said respectfully.

This is a person who is very winky and good at doing things.

Although it seemed speculative, Governor Feng didn't care about it.

What he cares about is whether those eleven male deer can become qualified breeding deer.

Of course Governor Feng knew that the deer used by the Ewenki and Santa Claus to pull the carts were reindeer.

But now in Liangzhou, there is no way to get purebred reindeer for the time being.

But you can try to hybridize male reindeer and deer from Liangzhou.

Can there be any surprises?

Zhou Lu, who successfully transformed from a medical student to a veterinarian and then became a breeding expert, has a lot of experience in this kind of thing.

Now Liangzhou has started mass production of mules, which is a good proof.

What is masturbation not masturbation?

Anyway, they are all livestock, so raising one more kind of livestock might give you more experience, right?

There was both laughter in the distance, and the deer cart turned a big bend and turned back again.

Feng Yong smiled slightly and said to Sauron:

"Go, let your deer pull the cart and show me."


This time I went out of the city to play with my daughter, and I gained a lot.

When the father and daughter returned home happily, Mrs. Feng was practicing martial arts in the vestibule of the backyard.

But I saw General Guan dressed in strong clothes, holding a long halberd in his hand, and his movements were vigorous, rising and falling, soft but strong, like a goshawk soaring into space.

Suddenly he shrugged his shoulders and shrugged his neck, like a tiger leaping through the jungle, as if he was about to prey on the beasts rushing on the ground, so beautiful and powerful!

The only fly in the ointment is that it is too murderous.

Governor Feng was far away, but he still felt chilly.

Seeing her mother's posture, Shuang Shuang hurriedly hid behind the adults.

Although he didn't know why his little gentleman practiced martial arts in such a place, Governor Feng thought it would be better to take his daughter away first.

Unexpectedly, just as he moved a step, the wind suddenly rang in his ears!

"Sir, please forgive me!"

The hairs all over Feng Cishi's body stood on end, and when he closed his eyes, he subconsciously screamed.


With a cold snort, the tip of the halberd passed by.

"Where did you two go?"

General Guan stood leaning on his halberd, his phoenix eyes swept across the father and daughter, and asked in a cold voice.

"Out of town."

"Why go out of town?"

"Go, try something in the army."

When General Guan heard this, Fenmian's anger rose again:

I just said it yesterday, don't pamper my daughter anymore, but today I dare to turn a deaf ear to it!

If he doesn't deal with this person properly, I'm afraid my daughter will be led astray by him in the future!

"Xijun, it's true, it's true, I didn't lie to you!"

Governor Feng saw that Guan Ji's hands were about to move, and quickly called out, "Listen to my explanation."

"Don't listen! Smart words!"

"Deer, deer! Did you forget the deer yesterday?"

Governor Feng kept talking to his daughter while stepping back while protecting his daughter.

As soon as this remark came out, General Guan stopped with some doubts:

"What deer?"

"That's what I said about the weird deer head. The previous deer carts didn't work because the deer pulling the cart was wrong. Today I found another kind of deer, which is most suitable for pulling carts in the snow!"

Seeing that this person didn't seem to be lying, Guan Ji still asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Over the years, the army has had winter training every year.

The only thing that has not been solved is how to march quickly in winter.

There is no way, who is willing to use those old-style troops who are used to the elite soldiers trained by someone Feng?

As for the elite soldiers under Feng's command, the most impressive thing is that one is the extremely strong grassroots organization ability; the other is the terrifying long-distance attack ability.

The only thing that can restrain this elite army now is the inconvenience of marching in winter.

If this problem can be solved, commanding an army capable of fighting around the clock, which is the dream of every general, will no longer be a dream.

"Naturally it is true."

It is good to be able to communicate, and it is good to be willing to communicate.

Inspector Feng saw the needle, stepped forward cautiously, took the halberd from Xi Jun, threw it aside, and then breathed a sigh of relief:

"If Xijun doesn't believe it, you will find out when Xijun and I go out of the city in a few days."

General Guan raised his phoenix eyes, "Why is it a few days later? Not tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is too late, I have to ask Amei to make some changes to the sled."

Guan Ji sized Governor Feng up and down, and finally chose to believe him.

"It's just that you are going to try something in the army, why do you bring your daughter?"

"This...isn't this for the daughter to inherit the mother's career?"


General Guan blushed a little, which was rare, and then said to Shuangshuang, "Come here! Today's female celebrity dared to run out before learning, let's see how I deal with you!"

"Hey hey hey! My lord, my lord, just listen to me."

How could Governor Feng be willing to let his daughter be punished? He hurriedly stopped him:

"My Feng family's daughter, what kind of female celebrity can I not get? The Feng family is the king of all clothes in the world."

"Instead of letting my daughter learn female celebrities herself, it is better to let her learn how to design clothes from Mu Niang."

"What about learning? Everyone knows that Alang's knowledge is unparalleled in the world. If this daughter of the Feng family doesn't even study hard, she won't be laughed at in the future!"

"That's a problem, but isn't there Amei? Let her learn a little more from Amei in the future, and that's about it..."

Guan Ji sneered:

"If she learns from Amei, she might as well learn from my concubine! With Amei's temperament, can she control her? Why don't you come here?"

The last sentence is for Shuangshuang.

Shuangshuang glanced at the adults timidly.

Inspector Feng coughed, pretending he didn't see it.

Daughter, for the current plan, you'd better grow up quickly. With the joint efforts of our Feng family father and daughter, we will be able to defeat this foreign surname in the future!

But for now, we can only drag out an existence for the time being.

Shuangshuang didn't get a response from the adults, so she had to move in small steps, bit by bit, like a snail.

Guan Ji stepped forward, directly carried her over, and said:

"Speaking of Amei, she seems to have made something new, so go and have a look."

Then he took his daughter away.

Shuang Shuang didn't dare to say a word, let alone struggle, and only dared to look back at the adults with the last hope.

Unexpectedly, the lord had no intention of coming forward to save her at all, just watching her being taken away by her grandmother...

Don't talk about morality at all!

Of course, Feng Shishi, who is not loyal, can't guess his daughter's complaints against him.

He got Guan Ji's words, turned around and went to Amei's courtyard.

Amei heard that he was coming, and hurried out to greet him, with a smile on her face: "Mr.

"Well, I heard that you have made something new again? Just right, I also have something for you to make."

"What does the gentleman want me to do?"

"Not in a hurry, first tell me what you did?"

When Amei heard this, she couldn't hide the smile on her face. She turned around and closed the door, and at the same time drew the curtain of the window.

The room suddenly became dark.

Governor Feng was taken aback, and then smiled comprehensibly. Who would have thought that this girl would be so bold?

Immediately, he undressed and took off his belt. He was subdued in front of General Guan, and now he is showing his glory in front of the concubine!


Ah Mei lit a fire with a flint, lit a candle, and then saw Governor Feng who had already taken off half of his clothes.

She couldn't help but asked in surprise:

"What is this man doing?"

"Ah?" Feng Cishi's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, "What are you doing?"

"My concubine has made a new kind of candle, and I want the gentleman to see it..."

Inspector Feng showed a thoughtful look on his face, and said in a deep thought: "You want me to see the new candle you made?"


Feng Cishi, who had already taken off half of his upper body clothes, did not change his face, and slowly pulled the clothes back on his body:

"I just feel that the doors and windows are closed too tightly and it's a bit stuffy, so I want to take off some clothes."

"Oh." Amei didn't know whether to believe it or not, and said a little bit, "Then... If the man feels stuffy, why did he wear it back..."

"It's halfway off, and I feel a little cold."

Amei: ...

"Didn't you say you want to show me the candles?"

"Oh, oh, yes, male gentleman, let's see."

From a distance, this lit candle does not appear to be any different from previous candles.

But when I got closer, I realized that the candle was not only much thinner, but also the color was different.

"I remember, isn't the candle yellow? Why is this one whiter?"

In this era, the raw materials for making candles are basically beeswax.

Beeswax is relatively soft, so the candle should be made thick and large, and the color is basically yellow.

The one in front of me is not only much thinner, but also the color is wrong.

Amei nodded excitedly:

"Yes, what the gentleman said is very true. This candle is not made of beeswax, so it is quite different from the beeswax of the past."

Feng Yong was shocked when he heard this:

"Have you found any other ingredients for candles?"

"I found it. It's a kind of tree that grows longer than the one in Nanzhong."

Feng Yong blurted out: "There is such a sacred tree in Nanzhong?"

Again, candles these days are all made of beeswax.

But where in the world can we find so much beeswax?

Therefore, in the Han Dynasty, those who could be given candles by the palace were basically the houses of princes and marquises.

Otherwise, how could there be the phrase "Passing candles in the Han Palace at dusk, and the light smoke scattered into Wuhou's house"?

According to history, Shi Chong, Shi's unlucky son, used candles to compete with others for wealth.

It can be seen how precious it is.

Not to mention the current candles, even rich people like the Feng Mansion can't afford them, because beeswax is used to make wax paper.

Now Governor Feng's concubine suddenly told him that there is a tree in Nanzhong that can be used to make candles.

It just exploded!

Not only the tree hanging, but the little concubine from Nanzhong in front of me is even more hanging!

"Baby, my dear baby!"

Inspector Feng carefully put the candle on the table, then excitedly picked up Ah Mei, and impatiently walked to the couch.

"Mr...." Amei cried out in panic, "It's still daytime..."

"No day! Give birth to a child and inherit your genes, then it's no day!"

Although Amei didn't fully understand it, she must have understood "have a baby", and immediately her face was on fire:


"Don't talk, help me undress."

So why did you have to wear it back just now? It's really troublesome!

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