Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 942 Pig teammate

After "the clothes are exhausted during the day, the Yellow River flows into the sea", Feng Cishi put his arms around his concubine, half lying on the couch, and asked lazily:

"You have been away from Nanzhong for so long, how can you still think that the trees in Nanzhong can be used to make candles?"

Speaking of this, Amei, who had been sluggish, immediately cheered up:

"Didn't I learn the separation and purification method? Then I remembered that when I made beeswax, I used the purification method mentioned in the book."

"So I deliberately took some beeswax and melted it, then purified it again, and found that the floating substance contained lipids, which I called wax oil."

"Thinking of our daily candles, isn't it just oil? So I wondered if it could be purified for burning as long as it contains this kind of substance?"

croak croak...

I probably remembered that when I was in Nanzhong, the tribe had no lamps and candles at night, so they often used a kind of branch as a torch.

That kind of branch has wax-like oil on the surface, which burns very vigorously.

So when Hualan left Liangzhou last year, she specifically told Hualan that when she returned to Nanzhong, she would send these branches and leaves over...

Although some wax oil was boiled and purified for the first time, the amount was too small, so it was unsuccessful.

Fortunately, Governor Feng knew that scientific research was burning money, so there was basically no upper limit on the money and food specially approved for Amei's laboratory on weekdays.

That's why Dongfeng Express will continue to transport branches and leaves from Nanzhong.

After hearing this, Inspector Feng was silent for a long time, and finally patted Amei's smooth back, and let out a long sigh:

"Born in the wrong era!"

Even the naming of specific substances is self-taught.

Although the cognition is still very general, it is because the chemical experiment conditions are too simple and limited.

If it was in the historical stage of the great development of scientific enlightenment, it might be a figure like Madame Curie.

Ah Mei didn't know why, and looked up at Governor Feng blankly.

"No other meaning, just think you are very powerful."

"That's also what Nanjun taught well."

"I have taught so many students, how many of them are like you?"

Feng Yong disagrees with Amei's belittling of himself.

"Even if someone like Wei Rong is inferior to you."

It's not that Wei Rong's talent is not high, but his talent is not suitable for doing scientific research like Amei.

Because he is the best at memorizing.

You have to ask him to quote the classics, and he can tell you clearly.

Even Xiang Lang was full of praise for this.

But if you want him to research and innovate, he is far inferior to Amei.

So what suits him best is really to stay in the academy and preside over the teaching work.

Having been affirmed by Governor Feng, Ah Mei was full of joy, shrank in Feng Governor's arms, and said softly:

"The concubine wants to ask the male gentleman."


"After the beginning of spring, I want to go back to Nanzhong."

"Because of the candles?"

"Well, there are no trees in Liangzhou that extract wax oil. It's not a problem for Dongfeng Express to transport it all the time, so I want to go back to Nanzhong."

The trees in Nanzhong probably cannot be moved to Liangzhou.

And even if they moved to Liangzhou, they might not be able to wait for them to grow up.

It's better to build a candle processing base directly in Nanzhong.

"I should go back. I have been out for so many years, so I just go back and pay respects to my parents."

Feng Yong pondered for a moment and continued:

"Don't you have friendship with the queen? After arriving in Hanzhong, go to see the queen first, tell the queen about this matter, and then go to Nanzhong."

Amei helped Zhang Xingcai maintain her body and prepare for pregnancy.

The empress of the Han Dynasty was not generally impressed with the maidservant of the Feng family.

After all, the spinning wheel currently used in the Dahan Workshop is called a plum cart to distinguish it from the old spinning wheel in the past.

Besides, candles are now a luxury and a tribute.

The most important thing is that the royal family established a Nanzhong Metallurgical Corporation in Nanzhong in the early years.

Ah Mei has been by Governor Feng's side all these years, so she can focus on scientific research and learning without distraction, and no one dares to disturb him easily.

At the same time, this environment also caused her to be bad at dealing with worldly affairs.

If she was just let go to Nanzhong, it was not because she was worried about any major problems.

It was because she was afraid of delaying her improvement of the candle production process.

After all, it is one thing to make it in the laboratory, and another thing to actually produce it.

Anyway, the matter of tributes can't get around the royal family, so it's better to cooperate with the royal family from the beginning.

Amei only needs to improve the process, and let Nanzhong Metallurgy do the rest.

So on this matter, we still need to talk to Xiao Si first.

Sure enough, there are people in the palace who are good at handling things.

But it might be a bit tiring at night...

After thinking up to this point, Governor Feng sighed, and said to Amei:

"Make me antler soup tonight."

Amei's pretty face blushed when she heard this, and she gave a low "hmm".

In the last month of the twelfth year of Jianxing, Governor Feng counted the days on his fingers almost every day.

In the thirteenth year of Jianxing, when Hanzhong finally delivered the official documents after the beginning of spring, Governor Feng heaved a sigh of relief.

"You seem to be very anxious these days? So you are waiting for news from Hanzhong?"

The big secretary took the selected official documents and sent them to Governor Feng.

After watching him browse quickly, his whole body suddenly relaxed, and he couldn't help asking a little strangely.

Governor Feng waved his hand, "You don't understand."

Mr. Zhao fell ill again this winter.

I heard that even Adou personally went to Nanxiang to visit him.

But in the end it survived.

Although he could no longer lift his gun, he was still tenaciously alive.

If Mr. Zhao was the first to live his due life, then the old demon Zhuge is now the second.

This is encouraging news.

"Then tell me what I understand."

Zhang Xiaosi took out a document from the pile of official documents and handed it to Feng Yong, "This Sun Shi... well, what exactly is Sun Quan trying to do?"

As long as the old demon Zhuge is around for a day, there will be no big troubles for the big man.

So in the past few months, the biggest thing was about Sun Quan exchanging a large number of treasures for a thousand war horses of Wei State.

At the same time, there were rumors that Sun Quan wanted to make peace with Wei Guo and exchange information again.

Even the old demon Zhuge received a letter, which was written by Sun Quan to Cao Rui, planning to become a minister.

"What's there to say about this matter? It's just true and false, confusing people's eyes."

Feng Yong sneered, "It took so much effort for Sun Quan to proclaim himself emperor behind closed doors. How could he lose his honorary title and proclaim himself a minister to Cao Rui?"

Others don't know, so Feng Yong still doesn't know how much Sun Dadi longs for the position of emperor?

"Of course I know this is Wei's plan, but Sun Quan gave Cao Rui treasures, and Cao Rui gave Sun Quan a war horse, isn't it fake?"

Zhang Xingyi sat down next to Feng Yong with a little anger, "Wu people have always been untrustworthy, and I am afraid that Sun Quan will try to play tricks again."

"Wu people have always been at the top and bottom of the mouse, and it is not surprising that Sun Quan does anything."

Feng Yong was not surprised, and said calmly, "In my opinion, this is just the Wu people wanting to take advantage again."

If I remember correctly, in the original history, when Wu Guo heard the news of Zhuge's death, he immediately sent 10,000 troops to Baqiu.

Baqiu, that is, apart from Nanjun, another place where Wu State has a heavy military presence in Jingzhou.

Going south can deter the barbarians, going north can reinforce Nanjun, and going can go upstream and reach Yong'an.

Therefore, at the most sensitive time, it is self-evident that Wu Guo sent troops to Baqiu.

When Ji Han heard the news, he immediately sent more troops to Yong'an to strengthen the defense.

When Ji Han sent an envoy to the state of Wu, Sun Quan actually beat him up and asked:

"The East and the West are like a family, and hearing about the West increases the protection of the White Emperor, why?"

Fortunately, the envoy at that time, Zong Yu, was also eloquent, so he replied on the spot:

"I think that the garrison of Baqiu in the East and the garrison of Emperor Bai in the West are both appropriate, and they are not enough to ask each other."

You also know that things are like family?

Then why increase troops to Baqiu?

It can be seen from this that even the alliance between the Han and Wu countries has their own plans deep in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong looked at Zhang Xingyi's angry face, and couldn't help laughing:

"Didn't I tell you before? How can there be a long-term alliance between the two countries? It's just because of interests."

Zhang Xingyi pouted:

"It's one thing to understand, but it's another thing to be nervous."

"What's there to react to? After Sun Quan attacked Jingzhou, the big man should understand that he is really a villain with no faith."

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Feng Yong, and said quietly:

"What worries me is that Sun Quan and Wei Guo may have other intentions in their actions."

"Huh?" Feng Yong frowned, sat up straight, and looked at Zhang Zhuge, "What else does Si Niang think?"

"Think about it," Zhang Xingyi subconsciously put his finger in his mouth, "In order to get those thousand horses, Sun Quan was even willing to exchange treasures with the enemy country."

"Then the big man is still an ally of Wu. If he sends an envoy with treasures to the big man, and wants to exchange horses with the big man, will the big man exchange or not?"

When Feng Yong heard it, he almost jumped up:

"Where can I get extra horses for him?"

The current horse production areas of Dahan are Longyou and Liangzhou.

It's just that Longyou was the first area to be reclaimed by the big man. Over the years, the war horses have been searched and cleaned up.

Then in Xiaoguan's battle, countless horses were lost.

Not to mention that the horses produced in Longyou are basically supplied to the Hanzhong army, especially the Northern and Southern Army reorganized by the royal family.

So Sun Quan really wanted to trade war horses with the big man, except for these horses from Liangzhou, where else could it be?

"No!" Governor Feng blushed, "Wu people are the most greedy and untrustworthy, I will never give them the horse."

In order to fight in Guanzhong, Governor Feng searched for war horses all over the world.

The more horses there are, the more certain the Guanzhong war will be.

Once he heard that Sun Shiwan wanted to blackmail his war horse, what was the difference between this and poaching his heart?

So how could Governor Feng not be angry?

"Give it or not, is it up to you?"

Zhang Xingyi gave him a blank look.

Governor Feng was at a loss for words, and after a while, he forced himself to defend himself:

"It's not like the cavalry can become an army immediately with horses. The Wu people are not good at land warfare. If we really want to give them the horses, I'm afraid they will all be sent to Wei thieves."

After all, Sun Shiwan, the god of war in Hefei, is he gaining his fame in vain?

Secretary Zhang pointed out sharply: "Sun Quan didn't think so, otherwise why would he befriend Liaodong repeatedly?"

"Perhaps he felt that it was because the Wu people had no cavalry that they couldn't defeat the Wei thieves and Hefei on land."

"This... this..." Governor Feng was dumbfounded, he couldn't refute with his eloquent words, and finally couldn't help saying bitterly, "Cao! Bandit Wei's plan is so vicious!"

Provoking the relationship between Han and Wu is just one of them.

These thousand war horses, if you say less, are really not too little, but if you want to say more, it is not enough for Wu Guo to form a decent cavalry army.

After all, Sun Shiwan, a thousand riders really won't have much impact on the 100,000 troops fighting.

Unless Wu Guo also has a ghost king Feng.

So in order not to waste the thousand horses, Wu Guo naturally wanted to gather more horses.

If Wei Guo doesn't give it, then ask a big man to ask for it!

Who told the big man to have Liangzhou and Longyou?

If the big man doesn't give up, it will only cause dissatisfaction between the two countries, which is precisely Wei's plan to drive a wedge.

But tell me...

What about the big man's own cavalry?

That will only delay the time for the big man to send troops to Guanzhong, and make Wei Guo more fully prepared.

More importantly, the state of Wei is the most upright state in the world, and the longer it takes, the faster it can recover.

Undoubtedly, Cao Rui really felt that Wu people's land battles were nothing to fear.

First give a thousand as a deposit, and finally take away all the war horses Wu Guo got from the big man...

Governor Feng and Zhang Xiaosi discussed this point, and they couldn't help looking at each other.

This strategy can be achieved in one fell swoop, but it cannot be broken. No matter what the big man chooses, it will benefit the country of Wei.

"Who is the one who designed this plan? Could it be that Cao Rui's wisdom is so unmatched?"

Zhang Xiaosi's face turned pale slightly, and he murmured a question.

"If Cao Rui's wisdom can be like this, then he will not be tied to the family now."

Feng Yong's face was gloomy, "I guess it's Sima Yi's plan."

Yin and poisonous, very much like the Sima family's style when they usurped Wei.

"Although Wei Guo has capable people, I really can't think of anyone who can come up with such a plan, except Sima Yi."

Although there are many talents in Wei State, except for veteran ministers like Sima Yi who dotes on Guo Huai.

Representatives of the middle youth include Wu (guan, four tones) Qiu Jian who guarded Jingzhou, and Wang Ling, the governor of Yangzhou.

But among so many courtiers, there may have been many people who could have such a strategic overall view and at the same time recognize the delicate relationship between Han, Wei and Wu.

Such as Jia Xu, Xun Yu, Xun You, Cheng Yu and so on.

But these old ministers who helped Cao Cao conquer the world are no longer there.

The only one left is Sima Yi.

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaosi's face became even paler.

Over the years, Ghost King Feng has been invincible and invincible.

She followed him, making suggestions and managing the rear, and she only felt that she had seen what a hero in the world is like.

Unexpectedly, when facing her boss, Ma Yi, she suddenly felt that her eyelids were shallow:

"The only thing we can count on now is that Sun Quan can recognize the reality. Don't you really think that you can beat the Wei thief with a cavalry army..."

Governor Feng smiled wryly: "Sun Shiwan... Alas!"

The less you want something to happen, the more likely something will happen.

Soon news came from Hanzhong that Wu Guo sent an envoy to ask the big man for a horse.

Not much, three thousand horses...

Inspector Feng heard the number of horses requested by Wu Guo, so he threw the table on the spot and cursed:

"Am I pretty? Am I pretty!"

I used 3,000 horses to penetrate the camp of the 100,000 army of Wei thieves. You tell me that 3,000 is not much?

I knock on my mother!

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