Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 943: The Important Weapon of the Country

It is absolutely impossible not to give it. After all, Wei Guo gave it. As an ally, the big man is unwilling to sell it.

It's not okay to ask for too high a price. After all, the price given by Wei Guo is there. As an ally, if the big man asks for too high a price, is it still an ally?

"The envoys from the State of Wu are already on their way to Liangzhou. How we should deal with it is better to discuss the countermeasures early."


Governor Feng couldn't help cursing again.

He finally realized what Liu Bei's mood was when he faced Sun Quan's lion and asked for Jingzhou.

Of course, Zhuge Old Demon's experience may be more profound.

So he must have had the same thoughts as Liu Bei at that time, and it was not easy to refuse openly, and then let the Wu Guo envoy come to Liangzhou to argue with him.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng's heart skipped a beat.

This Zhuge old demon is very bad!

"Who is the envoy of Wu?"

"Lu Hao, one of the four surnames in Wu County, is the younger brother of Lu Xun."

"Lu Xun?" Feng Yong's expression froze upon hearing this, "Birth brother or clan brother?"

"Of course it's my brother."

"Is there any information about Lu Hao?"

As a qualified secretary, Zhang Xiaosi had already prepared everything.

She handed over a document:

"Yes, there are, but it's just a collection of some more important relationships, and his reputation in Wudi, there will be no more."

Feng Yong took it and looked down carefully.

From the time when brown sugar was used to infiltrate Wu, Feng Yong has already paid attention to people collecting information about Wu.

Especially for important ministers like Lu Xun, it is the top priority of intelligence collection.

Thanks to Lu Xun's attention, Lu Mao, as Lu Xun's younger brother, is naturally a direction for intelligence collection.

Although not much, it was enough for Feng Yong to analyze some situations.

After reading it, Feng Yong knocked on the table and frowned slightly:

"It's a gentleman! This is not easy."

Although Lu Hao can be regarded as a child of the Wujun family, he is a person who keeps his friendship.

As long as he is born in poverty but has great ambitions, he is willing to make friends with him sincerely.

Because of his reputation, there are people from the same county who are willing to entrust the orphans and children to him even if they don't know Lu Maosu.

Lu Hao also lived up to his entrustment, not only built a grave for the other party, but also adopted the other party's youngest son.

Lu Ji, the protagonist in "Lu Ji Huai Tangerine", is the head of the Lu family and the uncle of Lu Xun and Lu Mao.

But when Lu Ji passed away, he would rather entrust the child to Lu Mao to raise him than to entrust him to Lu Xun who helped him support his family.

From this, it can be seen how much Lu Mao is a man and how much he is trusted.

So it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a gentleman.

Of course a gentleman can bully others, but in the same way, if a gentleman comes for righteousness, then no matter how much you bully, the other party will not shrink back because of setbacks.

Now the state of Wu asked the big Han for horses to form a cavalry army, precisely for the purpose of Han and Wu vowing to defeat Wei.

This is justified.

At least in the eyes of people like Lu Mao, this is where faith lies.

As for whether Sun Shiwan can defeat the Wei thief after he has the cavalry army...that is something that General Wu has to consider.

Instead of what Lu Mao had to consider on this trip, he only considered how to achieve the purpose of this trip.

"There is one more thing to pay attention to," Zhang Xingyi reminded, "This time Wu's deputy envoy is Zhang Bai."

Zhang Bai is Zhang Wen's younger brother.

The Zhang family, like the Lu family, is also one of the four surnames in Wu County.

Zhang Bai also came to Liangzhou in person two years ago, and had an interview with Feng Yong about grain trading in Jingzhou.

It can be regarded as the representative of the comprador family of Wu State supported by Feng Yong, or Xinghanhui.

"So Sun Quan is determined to get the horse from the big man?"

After Feng Yong learned that Zhang Bai was the deputy envoy, he couldn't help muttering.

After all, after Sun Quan deposed Zhang Wen, he exiled Zhang Bai again, and he wanted to kill them all.

If the Zhang family hadn't met Feng Yong, they happened to be agents of the brown sugar business.

No matter how deeply rooted the Zhang family is, I'm afraid it will hurt their vitality and hide for a while.

Zhang Wen admired Feng Yong very much when he was an envoy to Shu. After returning to Wu, he never concealed his admiration for Feng Langjun's articles.

Although the two have never met, they have always exchanged letters. The so-called meeting friends through literature is a well-known beautiful thing in the world.

In addition, the Zhang family later became the largest brown sugar agent in Wudi.

To say that the Zhang family has no friendship with Feng Yong is to open their eyes and talk nonsense.

In order to ask the big man for a horse, Sun Quan ignored his previous suppression of the Zhang family and pulled Zhang Bai out as an emissary.

This kind of thick skin is indeed rare in the world.

This is simply a threat: either give the horse, or Zhang Bai will not be able to do things well.

However, the relationship between the Zhang family and Lu Mao is extremely close.

Because the child that Lu Ji entrusted to Lu Mao to take care of, her daughter is called Lu Yusheng, and now she is Zhang Bai's wife.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng couldn't help but "tsk":

"It seems that this horse has to be given."

For things like intelligence analysis, Zhang Xiaosi still has a long way to go, but she is still very sensitive about tactics:

"It was meant to be given, or else the prime minister just refused?"

"It's just about Liangzhou. After all, I still have to ask your opinion, that's why the envoy from the state of Wu came over."

"Now we can only think about how to find a way to give less..."

Zhang Xingyi was also a little worried, and subconsciously put his fingers in his mouth to chew.

"Give them all."

Governor Feng said unexpectedly.

"Ah? Are you crazy? No way!"

Not only Secretary Zhang, but also General Guan, Liao Changshi and other main officials of the Governor's Mansion were present.

After all, such a major event must be informed to them.

But Liao Hua always knew the purpose of being sent by the prime minister.

Coupled with the relationship with the Guan family, so under normal circumstances he is willing to be a tool man.

After all, with Feng Gui Wang Xiaowenhe's reputation, coupled with the contributions of these years, there are not many people in the world who dare to put on airs in front of him, no matter whether they are herdsmen or in charge of the army.

As for General Guan, she didn't intend to speak at all.

After all, this kind of thing is not her specialty.

But at this time, when he heard that Governor Feng was so generous, he immediately objected.

It is true that Liangzhou produces horses.

But only the best horses can be selected as war horses in the army.

Otherwise, the combat power will be greatly reduced.

The horses used by Hu Renyi to join the army are basically the second-class horses left over from the governor's office in Liangzhou.

Again, some of them can't even go to battle, they can only be used as pack horses.

So 3,000 war horses must be carefully selected from more than 20,000 or even 30,000 horses.

Even if there is a horse farm now, and there are stallions specially collected and bred, it takes more than ten thousand horses to pick out three thousand war horses.

How much time, manpower, and material resources will it take to raise 10,000 horses that can be used as adults?

Can General Guan not feel pain?

This time, Sun Quan said that he had dragged down Liangzhou's military equipment, delayed the Guanzhong War, and bought more preparation time for Wei, which is really not an exaggeration.

"Anyway, it has to be given after all. If there is too little to give, Wu Xin will feel dissatisfied. It is better not to give."

Feng Yong shook his head.

Isn't that what Liu Bei and Guan Yu did back then?

Just after sharing Jingzhou equally with Sun Quan, the ink on the agreement between the two countries was not yet dry. Who would have expected that Sun Quan would dare to stab him in the back immediately?

"He said he wanted three thousand, so we'll give three thousand. This... this is too much, so give me less!"

Guan Ji said dissatisfiedly.

Although Liao Hua didn't speak, he nodded secretly.

That's right, now the people of Wu have something to ask from the big man, so why let them say as much as they want?

How much land did the first emperor grant to Sun Quan in order to obtain half of Nanjun?

This time, at least let Wu Guo have a taste of begging for help.

"Three thousand is indeed a bit much, but I didn't say it was a one-time payment."

Feng Yong smiled slyly, "We can give them in batches."

"What's the meaning?"

"Hey, in fact, no matter how much we give, it will be a loss no matter how we calculate it."

Feng Yong sighed and continued:

"Because the batch of war horses that Cao Rui sold to Sun Quan at a low price, it has long been destined that when we exchange with the Wu people, the asking price cannot be too high, and it can only be lower than the price offered by Cao Rui."

Otherwise, Sun Quan must still be unhappy.

"So if this is the case, why don't we think of a way from another angle?"

As he spoke, Governor Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, with a deep smile on his face.

This kind of smile was rarely seen on Governor Feng's face.

But General Guan and Secretary Zhang have followed Governor Feng for many years, so they naturally know what this smile means—it means that Xiao Wenhe has appeared.

The two looked at each other and said in unison:

"The plan will be released?"

"Pay in installments!"

A term that no one could understand came out of Feng Yong's mouth, "Didn't Sun Quan want three thousand horses? I'll give him four thousand and let him gather five thousand cavalry."

Liao Hua was startled when he heard this.

It's just that he has seen big storms after all, and he knows small words and resourcefulness, so he suppressed his temper immediately.

Guo heard Feng Yong continue to say:

"However, we have no way to pay for the four thousand horses in one lump sum. We have to pay in four installments."

Feng Yong stretched out four fingers while talking, "We don't want that treasure either, as long as he exchanges it with other things."

"Wu people are good at sailing boats, aren't they? Then I'll exchange a thousand horses for a batch of his boats. Another thousand horses will be exchanged for a batch of boatmen who can operate the boats."

"I still have two groups of students under my command, one group is sent to Wu Guojun Middle School to steer a boat, and the other group goes to Wu Guo's boat workshop to learn shipbuilding."

"The remaining 2,000 war horses will be used as tuition fees. When the two batches of students return from their studies, I will hand over the horses."

Five thousand cavalry is already considered a force that should not be underestimated.

Governor Feng did not believe that Sun Shiwan would not be tempted.

Besides, Han and Wu are one family, the country of Wu begged for horses to hunt down thieves, and the great Han learned shipbuilding and sailing, isn’t it also for the purpose of hunting down thieves?

Among other things, how many boats are there every year on the Qishan Road from Hanzhong to Longyou?

Didn't you, Sun Quan, say:

"Pearls and treasures are not needed, but they can be exchanged for horses. What's the pity?"

Coincidentally, I, Feng, also thought so.

I don't like money!

I'm not interested in jewelry either!

I just want to learn how to build a boat, and I also want to operate a boat...

After hearing Governor Feng's plan, not to mention Liao Hua, even General Guan and Secretary Zhang were dumbfounded.

It is understandable to trade boats for horses, but changing boatmen is somewhat unexpected.

Not to mention the need to change the Wu people's ship handling and shipbuilding skills.

It is estimated that when those students learn it, they don't know when it will be.

No way, even the Battle of Guanzhong is over...

Liao Huasu knew that Feng Cishi had always been indifferent, and the time he spent playing with his children was much longer than he spent handling government affairs.

After all, there is a secretariat for government affairs, and military affairs are related to Suo and the generals under him.

If it weren't for Liangzhou's current political affairs and people's hearts, he would have been unable to restrain himself and wanted to persuade him a long time ago.

Looking at it now, Feng Mingwen can be regarded as a figure just like Pang Tong in terms of strategy alone.

Trivial things, I'm afraid they won't catch his eyes at all.

In the past, I only heard about its great reputation, but today I finally saw it with my own eyes!

Liao Hua was sighing, only to hear Feng Yong turn around and say to him:

"Uncle Liao, I originally planned to go to Juyan County after the spring to inspect the farming, but now it seems that I can't do it, I'm afraid I will have to work hard for Uncle Liao."

Liao Hua quickly said:

"Inspecting Juyan County is nothing more than a matter for the state and county; receiving Wu envoys is a matter for the two countries. There are differences in severity, small matters are left to the old man, and major matters must be handled by the prince himself."

Seeing with his own eyes that even the Prime Minister was evading it, was easily resolved by Governor Feng, Liao Hua strengthened his determination to be a tool man.

The only thing that worries Liao Hua is: Will the Wu people agree?

A few days later, Inspector Feng personally received the envoys from the State of Wu who had come thousands of miles away in the official hall of the Inspector's Mansion in Liangzhou.

The two sides recalled the long-term friendship between the two countries, and at the same time looked forward to the future cooperation of jointly fighting thieves.

During this period, Lu Mao formally proposed to Inspector Feng that the Liangzhou Dama would be exchanged for treasures such as the pearl tortoise shell produced in the state of Wu.

Governor Feng, who had been prepared for a long time, also threw out his request to Lu Mao.

Lu Mao, who was in his forties, was elegant and elegant, with an extraordinary bearing.

Although he has entered middle age, it can still be seen that he must have been a handsome man in his youth.

Whether it is walking or sitting, it gives people a sense of leisure.

It's just that this kind of calmness, after hearing the conditions put forward by Governor Feng, turned into panic.

But seeing him standing up abruptly, staring at Feng Yong closely:

"I don't agree! The benefits of boats and boats are the most important weapon of my Great Wu Kingdom, how can I show them to others at will?"

"Lu Gong, it's meaningless for you to say that. The boats and boats are the most important weapon of the Wu Kingdom. Isn't the war horse the most important weapon of my big man?"

Governor Feng sat there, motionless:

"In the battle of Xiaoguan, I was able to break through 100,000 with 20,000. Didn't it depend on the cavalry of the big man?"

"How can it be the same? No one knows that the cavalry under Junhou's command is very different from other cavalry. I heard that it was trained by the secret method of Junhou's master."

Lu Hao didn't show any weakness at all, and even took a step closer, "In the eyes of this old man, these kinds of secret techniques are the real weapons. Would you be willing to give them away even if you become a king?"

"Nonsense!" Feng Junhou's face changed when he heard this, and he raised his voice, "Nothing!"

"The rumors outside are just echoing what others say. Mr. Lu is a gentleman, how can you believe such rumors?"

Although his sitting posture has not changed, the subconsciously stretched neck and the slightly protruding veins on his neck seem to be showing some kind of tension.

Although the change in Feng Yong's face was quickly covered up, how could he hide it from Lu Mao?

The battle of Xiaoguan in the Han and Wei dynasties shocked the world, and the cavalry under Feng Cishi's command did not want to attract attention.

With the unprecedented new style of cavalry tactics, coupled with the previous rumors about Feng Yong, it is not uncommon for someone to come to this conclusion.

Besides, the Zhang family has friendship with Feng Mingwen, who in Wu doesn't know?

On this journey to Liangzhou, Lu Mao had already asked Zhang Bai a lot about Governor Feng.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Hao subconsciously glanced at Zhang Bai who was sitting next to him.

If it was different from usual, he would naturally not be sure about it, but now...

I'm sorry Feng Junhou, when I was inquiring about you on the road, Zhang Bai had already slipped his mouth inadvertently!

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