Seeing that Feng Yong was in a hurry, Lu Mao was not in a hurry.

But seeing him take his seat again, stroking his beard, he said slowly:

"Hey, why should you be in a hurry to defend yourself? This rumor is true or not, but I'm not sure. However, it's not a lie that you are good at using soldiers, right?"

Lu Hao said with a slight smile, "Your Majesty wants to learn how my Great Wu handles a boat, and my Great Wu also wants to learn how your Majesty uses soldiers!"

"Especially Wu is short of horses, so it is even more difficult to find a general to lead the cavalry. If not, my great Wu will also send some people to the army of the princes and princes. How about learning how to use the cavalry?"

Inspector Feng glanced at Lu Mao in surprise.

Isn't it said that a gentleman is easy to deceive?

This old man seemed to be thinking very quickly.

Thinking about it, he is Lu Xun's younger brother after all, and his family background is there.

Inspector Feng made a haha:

"Well, we'll talk about this in detail later. By the way, it's hard work for Mr. Lu to come all the way. Why don't you go down and have a rest first?"

"Tomorrow, I will hold a banquet to cleanse Mr. Lu. By the way, Mr. Lu is from the south of the Yangtze River, so he must not know the customs of Liangzhou?"

"Not to mention anything else, just this roasted whole lamb is a top-notch delicacy..."

Seeing Governor Feng talking about him from left to right, Lu Hao felt that he had already seen through this person's tricks, and immediately sneered in his heart.

However, what the other party said made some sense, after all, he was a newcomer, and this time Wu Guo had something to ask, so naturally he couldn't be impatient.

And he just took this opportunity to learn more about his opponent and make more preparations, so he went downhill:

"Alright, then I will have to worry about you, Mr. Lord."

"It's easy to say." Feng Shishi laughed, and then looked at Zhang Bai, "I have been friends with Zhang Gong for a long time. We only exchanged letters, but we never met."

"Mr. Zhang came to Liangzhou again today, and it happened to have a good heart-to-heart with me."

Zhang Bai quickly stood up, bowed his hands and saluted:

"Your Majesty has orders, how dare Zhang refuse to obey?"

Lu Hao, who had been observing Feng Cishi's expression, was shocked when he saw that the other party's eyes were slightly narrowed, and he seemed to be looking at Zhang Bai in a bad way.

This Feng Mingwen was so awesome that he thought of it so quickly that he got the news from Zhang Bai.

It's just that I have the intention, but Zhang Langjun has no intention.

Under my deliberate calculations, I didn't expect Zhang Langjun to be misunderstood by Feng Mingwen.

Thinking of this, Lu Mao couldn't help feeling guilty.

Alas, it seems that when I return to Dawu, I have to say something nice to His Majesty.

No longer suppressing the Zhang family, it can be regarded as compensation.

Lu Mao was in a state of turmoil in his heart, and the maid who was escorting him came over and said respectfully:

"Please, Mr. Lu."

Lu Hao had no choice but to get up at the moment, and followed the maid to walk out.

When he walked out of the door and turned around, he took the opportunity to look back, but saw that Governor Feng seemed to be angry...

After returning to the post house, Lu Mao was thoughtful, walked back and forth, and kept looking at Zhang Bai's dormitory frequently.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't until night fell that Zhang Bai came back with a gloomy expression.

Lu Hao secretly said that something was wrong, and hurried out to greet him:

"Why did Jian Yi come back so late? Why is his face so ugly?"

Seeing Lu Mao, Zhang Bai forced a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that the journey is exhausting, just take a rest."

With that said, he walked into his dormitory.

Lu Mao followed closely into the room, looked left and right at the same time, and made sure that there was no one there, so he closed the door behind his backhand.

"Jianyi, what did Feng Langjun tell you?"

Zhang Bai sat blankly, looking at Lu Mao with a wry smile:

"Grand Lu really hurt me this time!"

Lu Hao suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and sat down:

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhang Bai just let out a sneer:

"Did Lu Gong really not know? Fake?"

Lu Hao coughed and asked in a low voice:

"But because of the armored cavalry?"

After the first battle of Xiaoguan, everyone knew that Feng Mingwen had a cavalry army with terrifying combat power, three thousand could equal one hundred thousand Wei troops.

Breaking three thousand to one hundred thousand is actually nothing new to Wu Guo.

After all, it is not uncommon for eight hundred thousand to break one hundred thousand...

But when the 3,000 riders broke the 100,000 Wei army, the meaning is very different.

Who doesn't know that Wei Jun is the best rider in the world?

Now that the 100,000 Wei army has been defeated by the 3,000 cavalry of the Shu people, how strong is the elite cavalry of the Shu people?

As a result, some ignorant people rumored that it was the underworld ghost rider summoned by Feng Wenhe, who only ate flesh and blood in the underworld.

Don't you see, Feng Wenhe is known as the king of ghosts in Nanzhong, and most people in Nanzhong know that he likes to drink human blood and eat human flesh.

If you want to obtain peace for one side, you need to offer three thousand women, and use the yin energy of women to transform their cruel nature.

Otherwise, why did Nanzhong move a large number of women to Hanzhong...

Of course, this rumor is too exaggerated, and it is really unbelievable.

But it was almost certain that Feng Wenhe had a cavalry army that resembled ghost cavalry.

It's just that the world doesn't know the details.

Because those who knew the details... basically went to the underworld.

This added a bit of mystery to the "ghost ride" under King Feng's command.

Lu Mao knew the title of "Iron Armored Cavalry" naturally through Zhang Bai.

After all, no one in the Wu Kingdom knew that the Zhang family had a close relationship with King Feng Gui. I heard that Zhang Bai had personally visited Liangzhou two years ago.

"Apart from this matter, what else can there be?" Zhang Bai sighed, "Your Majesty sent me as a deputy envoy to the Kingdom of Shu, obviously saying that I am familiar with Liangzhou."

"But don't I know that this is His Majesty wanting me to persuade Feng Junhou to facilitate the matter of begging for a horse?"

This remark was not very polite to Sun Quan.

But it was difficult for Lu Hao to say anything from Zhang Bai's mouth.

Because of the "Jiyan incident" that year, Zhang Wen was implicated, but in fact, His Majesty wanted to use this to suppress the Zhang family, one of the four surnames in Wujun.

This is something everyone knows well, and it is true that His Majesty did something wrong.

Although no one dared to speak out, everyone still sympathized with what happened to the Zhang family.

More importantly, Zhang Bai took a big risk when he went to Liangzhou this time.

It's okay to say that the trip went well.

If it doesn't go well, then there will be more opportunities to fall into the hands of the emperor. At that time, the Zhang family will have to spit out how much of the brown sugar interests they have.

Lu Yusheng, whom Zhang Bai married, was Lu Ji's daughter, but she was brought up by Lu Mao, who loves her like father and daughter.

So Zhang Bai was not afraid to show his resentment towards Sun Quan in front of Lu Mao, but seeing him complain slightly, he said:

"If it's just about this matter, I can still try my best, but why do you want to make trouble, Mr. Lu, and then bring up the matter of the armored cavalry with Feng Junhou?"

"This is good. Feng Junhou is not only angry with me, but also has doubts about the sincerity of Wu's pursuit of horses. What should I do?"

After hearing this, Lu Hao also gave a "tsk" sound:

"You can't blame me for this matter. Who told Feng Wen...cough, I mean, who told Feng Mingwen not to act according to common sense?"

"Based on what I think, Feng Mingwen either directly agreed to this matter, or evaded it with excuses, or gave less horses."

"At that time, I will try my best to argue with that 'smart talk' and seek benefits for the country. Who would have thought that this person..."

Having said that, Lu Mao gave another "tsk".

And judging from this person's performance during the day, this armored cavalry, maybe it is the key point?

How could Lu Hao give up so easily?

He was even very moved.

Wu's army is not good at land warfare, which is well known in the world.

If you can get the secret method of training the army in his hands, will you still have to be afraid of the Wei thief?

Unexpectedly, Zhang Bai's words were poured like a basin of cold water over his head:

"The armored cavalry is the secret treasure of Feng Junhou's sect. I heard that the emperor of the Han family wanted to marry the prince and Feng's parents and daughters in order to obtain the secret method."

"Based on what I think, this method is really an important weapon of the Han country, how could it be easily let Wu country learn it?"

Lu Mao was shocked when he heard this:

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Bai hesitated to speak.

"Jian Yi, you seem to have not finished your words?"

Zhang Bai glanced at the closed door, then lowered his voice so that only two people could hear it, and motioned for Lu Mao to listen to him.

Lu Mao hurriedly leaned over, only to hear Zhang Bai's voice like a mosquito saying:

"More than that? I heard that because of the secret technique in Feng Junhou's hands, the queen even sent her own sister to Feng Junhou..."

Rao Lu Mao usually nourished his spirit deeply, but now he heard this sentence, he almost couldn't help crying out.

Is it so exciting?

But he opened his mouth suddenly, and then closed it tightly again.

Under the robe, his body was already tense.

"Jian...Jianyi, don't dare to talk nonsense about such things."

Lu Mao reminded with some trembling.

Zhang Bai shook his head, only to see him pointing to himself, then pointing outside:

"Lu Gong, do you think I dare to fabricate things like this based on the relationship between our Zhang family and Feng Junhou?"

Lu Mao swallowed unconsciously:

"Then why is there no rumor about this?"

"Rumor?" Zhang Bai sneered, "Who dares to spread rumors like this? Don't die? Didn't Mr. Lu hear about the Li family in Shu?"

In fact, the matter between Feng Langjun and the young lady of the Zhang family was rumored almost ten years ago.

Who would be free enough to tell a rumor for ten years?

So everyone who knows about this matter now understands, but who doesn't understand, who would dare to chew on the ears of the royal family?

But the point is that Lu Mao doesn't know, and it's impossible for him to inquire about old news from ten years ago, right?

What's more, what kind of inside story is there in the legend of Feng Wenhe and Zhang Xiaosi? Few people in this world know the whole truth.

The rumors that were true and false back then are even more muddled now.

Not to mention that Feng Wenhe's reputation is soaring now, and he is not afraid of such scandals for a long time.

Even if someone has chewed on the root of the ear for ten years, now that this matter has come, it is the little lady of the Zhang family who knows heroes with her eyes, and she will not marry unless she is a king.

A story of a hero and a beautiful woman is indispensable.

After all, with the establishment of schools all over the Han Dynasty, Nanxiang's chivalrous novels and storytelling gradually spread to the common people.

Feng Tubie, who is in control of public opinion, feels very refreshed!

So now what Lu Hao thinks in his heart is: That's right, after all, Xiao Wenhe is cruel and merciless, who would say such a thing if he has nothing to do, offending him for nothing...

Zhang Bai sighed and said:

"Speaking of which, there is actually a reason for this matter. And this reason, Mr. Lu should have heard of it."

Upon hearing this, Lu Hao wondered:

"Why don't I know?"

But see Zhang Bai explained:

"Does Mr. Lu know the term 'beautiful appearance and moon appearance'?"

"Naturally, I heard this word is Feng Junhou praising the little lady of the Zhang family..."

When Lu Hao said this, he suddenly stopped, and looked at Zhang Bai in disbelief.

Zhang Bai nodded:

"Back when Feng Junhou returned to Jincheng from Hanzhong, in a peach grove outside Jincheng, he met the young lady of the Zhang family. The two fell in love at first sight, and fell in love secretly."

"So Feng Junhou wrote a poem. The poem says: Clouds think about clothes and flowers, and spring breeze blows over the threshold. Revlon. If you don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, you will meet at Yaotai under the moon."

"Thus, the name of the young lady of the Zhang family's 'Flower Face and Moon Beauty' has been passed down to the world."

"After the first battle of Xiaoguan, the world only knew that Feng Junhou was granted a great reward, but few people noticed that the Han Dynasty court also granted three concubines to Feng's residence."

"It's just that until now, Feng's residence is nothing more than one wife and two concubines..."

Having said that, Zhang Bai looked at Lu Mao meaningfully and remained silent.

Lu Hao was already dumbfounded.

After a long time, Lu Hao seemed to come back to his senses, but seeing his expression changing constantly.

Since Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, etiquette in the world has long been missing.

The world only thinks that concubines are humble.

But Lu Mao was eager to learn since he was a child. When he was young, in order to study, the prefectures and counties were unwilling to go there.

So he, who is familiar with the classics, knows what a real concubine is.

In ancient times, concubines were sisters who married princes together. The elder sister was the wife and the younger sister was the concubine.

If the elder sister dies unfortunately, the younger sister will be the legal wife. This is to ensure that the marriage between the two families will not be accidental as much as possible.

The family that has been passed down for a long time still retains this tradition.

If it is true what Zhang Bai said, the royal family of the Han Dynasty would even send out their own sisters for the armored cavalry in Feng Mingwen's hands.


"Then it can only show that this method is indeed the treasure of the world."

Lu Hao stood up abruptly, muttering to himself.

Originally, he just wanted to use this as an excuse to prevent Feng Yong from asking for Wu Guo's sailing skills.

But now, after hearing Zhang Bai's words, the idea of ​​dedicating this method to Lord Wu began to become a little stronger.

Together with greed, it is difficult to eliminate.

In the following days, although Lu Mao was warmly entertained by Governor Feng, his mind was in a trance.

When he learned that Feng Shishi no longer asked to learn Wu Guo's ship-handling skills, but only asked Wu Guo to send people to Hanzhong to help the big man build a ship.

He finally couldn't help but opened his mouth and said:

"Your Majesty, Wu and Han are fighting hard against thieves. East and West are like a family. Wu has the ability to steer a ship, and Han has the edge of iron armor."

"If Wu Neng can learn the Iron Armor of the Han Dynasty, he can go north to Hefei to compete with Wei."

"Han can learn the boat of Wu, and then he can go down the river from Hanzhong to hunt down thieves."

"Wouldn't it be nice if Wei's bandits would be wiped out if they were attacked by such things?"

Upon hearing this, Governor Feng's expression changed, and he yelled again:

"Lu Gong's determination to destroy thieves is very firm, which is admirable."

When Lu Hao heard this, he knew that he wanted to evade the matter, so he quickly grabbed Feng Jieshi's sleeve and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, these days, I have already inquired clearly that the Iron Armored Cavalry Army is an important weapon of the Han Dynasty. I can understand that you do not want to spread it to the outside world."

"But the skill of maneuvering a boat, isn't it our Great Wu's important weapon? My Great Wu Emperor has repeatedly led the army to the north, all because of lack of riding skills, so he can't compete with the Wei thieves, and can only return without success."

"If you can have such a fine horse in the hands of a monarch, why are you here?"

You fart!

During the Battle of Longyou, it was useless for me to fight the Wei thieves with cavalry troops!

If Sun Shiwan can't do it, can he blame his own soldiers?

"Mr. Lu, it's not that I don't want to give it. It's just that you also said that the method of forming an armored cavalry army is the most important weapon of the country. Is it up to me to give it or not?"

Inspector Feng looked at Lu Mao sincerely, "Major Wu should go to the Son of Heaven and talk to the prime minister about this matter."

"Besides, can you guarantee that Master Wu is really willing to trade Wu Guo's boat-handling skills?"

When Lu Hao heard this, he almost blurted out: Of course I can guarantee it!

Thinking of how much benefit His Majesty promised for Liaodong?

When Gongsun Yuan killed the envoy and surrendered to the bandits, His Majesty vowed to conquer Liaodong by boat.

The ministers in the court repeatedly advised him, but His Majesty did not change his mind.

In the end, he made two memorials in a row to declare his interests, which made His Majesty change his mind.

This also shows His Majesty's desire for horses.

It's just that what Feng Mingwen said made sense, for such a big event, His Majesty Ming should be played first.

Lu Mao nodded:

"That's also possible. If this matter can be achieved, the monarch and marquis will not be able to hide their secrets."

Governor Feng said vaguely:

"Lu Gong should first ask Lord Wu what he wants."

When Lu Mao saw Feng Mingwen's appearance, he knew that he must be very reluctant.

He was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so he quickly sent a messenger back to the state of Wu.

It's just that he stayed in Liangzhou, and only when the leaders of the two countries reached an agreement, he would not be relieved until Feng Mingwen agreed to it in person in front of him.

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