"Ah Lang, why did you ask Wu people to help build warships in Hanzhong? Could it be that they really want to go down the Han River and attack Shangyong?"

For Governor Feng, the deal with the Wu people was considered a major event in the planning.

As the general of the Liangzhou commanding army, General Guan would naturally care about this matter.

It's just that she pondered over the map for a long time, and she didn't want to understand the significance of her Alang's actions.

"Alang also said before that Shangyong is a hang-up for Hanzhong. Unless you are sure of victory, otherwise, going rashly will only put the army in danger."

Those who hang on the ground are easy to go but hard to return.

In the battle of Hanzhong that year, the late emperor defeated Cao Cao, and the world was shaken. The late emperor also sent Meng Da to set off from Yidu first, and then sent Liu Feng to go down the Han River.

The two armies took advantage of the great victory in Hanzhong, and they joined forces to put down Shangyong.

Today's Shangyong is no longer the same as the former emperor.

Firstly, the Wei thieves have been operating for a long time and have heavy troops stationed there.

Second, even if the Wei thief was unprepared and the big man was lucky enough to capture Shangyong, he should also beware of the Wu people in the south...

Sun Quan was able to betray the alliance and attack Jingzhou, who can be sure that he will not betray the alliance and attack Shangyong again?

After all, as long as Shangyong is captured, Xiangyang will be destroyed without attack, and the state of Wu can control the entire Jingzhou in its hands.

With the natural danger of Xiangyang, Sun Quan no longer has to worry about Wei thieves can go south from Jingzhou at any time.

"Because only Hanzhong is the most suitable, so it can't be put in Yong'an, right?"

Inspector Feng has been annoyed by Lu Mao recently, and he had no choice but to hide in the backyard.

Although the backyard is not very peaceful, because General Guan has also been looking for trouble recently.

There is no way, in order to lure the Wu people to take the bait, Feng Shishi processed the old stories between himself and Zhang Xiaosi in seven parts and three parts.

The effect is indeed good, but the side effects are not small.

For example, General Guan has been keeping a close eye on him recently.

During this period of time, Governor Feng slept obediently at night, not daring to sneak up on Zhang Xiaosi's couch.

"If we really want to let Yong'an go, don't let the Wu people help us build the ship, I'm afraid even if we build the ship ourselves, I'm afraid Sun Quan won't be able to sleep."

Still the same sentence, even if Han and Wu set fire to declare the world and make an open oath.

But the alliance between the two countries remains as fragile as ever.

"Put it in Linwei!" Guan Ji clicked on the map, "From Linwei down the Wei River, isn't it Chencangcheng, an important town in Guanzhong?"

Linwei is the prefecture of Hanyang County in Longyou.

Linwei and Chencang are separated by Longshan Mountain and connected by Weishui River.

And from Linwei to Chencang, this waterway is also very mature.

Because in the former Han Dynasty, after Emperor Gaozu established Chang'an as the capital, as the country became stronger and more prosperous, the population gradually multiplied, and the food produced in Guanzhong began to be insufficient in the later period of Emperor Xiaowu.

In order to solve this dilemma, the court of the former Han Dynasty stepped up efforts to transport grain from the Kanto.

On the other hand, the development of Longyou was stepped up, and the grain produced in Longyou was transported to Chang'an through the Weishui waterway.

"If my concubine's expectations are correct, when the prime minister sends troops to Guanzhong, he will either go through Chen Cang or Xiegu. However, the Dasan Pass in Chen Cang is one of the four passes in Guanzhong due to its dangerous terrain."

"If the prime minister raises troops to tackle key problems, I'm afraid it will be too much time delay, so going to the inclined valley is the best choice."

There are four roads in Hanzhong, counting from east to west, Ziwu Road, Tangluo Road, Baoxie Road, and Chencang Road.

The Meridian Valley and the Tangluo Road are not suitable for large armies.

As long as there are thousands of Wei thieves guarding Dashan Pass, one of the four passes related to Chen Cangdao, it is enough to stop an army of 100,000.

However, Fanguan City does not mean that it is just a city.

Just like Xiaoguan, it is centered on the main city of Xiaoguan, and then based on the terrain of the surrounding hills, various types of Wubao checkpoints and camps are arranged.

But Da San Pass is much more dangerous than Xiao Pass.

The deep valley below the Dasan Pass is extremely steep, with cliffs facing each other on both sides, which can be called "a line of sky".

It is very difficult to pass, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it can be said that one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Even if you have an army of 100,000, it is still a question of whether you can put thousands of people away in front of Guancheng.

Although Feng Yong has an engineering battalion on hand, he is not afraid of Jiancheng.

But it will take time to break open a strong city on flat ground, let alone a critical pass built on dangerous terrain.

Although the Xiegu road is not easy to walk, the Nanxiang engineering team has rebuilt the plank road that Mr. Zhao burned down over the years.

More importantly, as long as they go out of the inclined valley, cross the Wei River to the north, and occupy the important Beiyuan, they can cut off the connection between Chencanglian County and other important towns in Guanzhong and Chang'an.

Crossing the Wugong River to the east, you can go straight to Chang'an along the south bank of the Wei River.

In the original history, Sima Yi set up his camp in the east of Wugong River and refused to fight.

They sent troops ahead of time to defend Beiyuan, and then blocked the old monster Zhuge in Wuzhangyuan.

If the big man hadn't held Longyou in his hands, I'm afraid Feng Tubie would be helpless in the face of Wei's strategic advantage, and had no other choice but to fight for consumption.

At most, he would split up with Zhuge Old Demon, use stone cannon carts to smash Chen Cang Dasan Pass, and take Chen Cang with his life.

Or take the Qishan Road directly and run to harass Longyou, so that Liangzhou and Longyou Wei troops cannot support Guanzhong.

As for now, the big man has Longyou, directly overlooking Guanzhong.

Of course, Sima Old Gui can block Zhuge Old Demon as he did in the original history.

But as Shi Bao said to Feng Wenhe for the first time:

If you want to take Hanzhong from the south of Guanzhong, you must first take Longyou; if you want to attack Guanzhong from Hanzhong to the north, you must first take Longyou.

Not to mention that in the direction of Longyou, at any time, a famous and vicious Feng Wenhe would rush out.

That's why Sima Laogui worked desperately to farm in Guanzhong to save food, and at the same time he desperately dug ditches and erected walls at various key roads, preparing to defend to the death and fight for a long time.

Sima Laogui was prepared. As the actual commander of the Liangzhou army, General Guan, how could he not have thought about the various possibilities of the Battle of Guanzhong?

Therefore, although she is not like Feng Tubie, who can observe the history and know the future, but she can tell the route of the last Northern Expedition of the Han Prime Minister.

I saw General Guan pointing his hand at the entrance of Xiegu, and said thoughtfully:

"If the prime minister leads an army out of Xiegu, Sima Yi will definitely lead the Guanzhong army to confront the prime minister."

"At that time, as long as the Prime Minister sends a partial division to walk along the Chencang Road, Longyou will send another division to follow the Wei River and reach Chencang."

"Such a two-sided attack, and the Guanzhong army is restrained by the prime minister, Chen Cang may not be able to defend for a long time."

"Once Chen Cang is lost," Guan Ji narrowed her eyes slightly, "How can Sixian County be defended? If Sixian County is not guarded, the armies of Longyou and Liangzhou will be able to rush into Guanzhong from Guanlong Avenue..."

"It's a good idea!" Governor Feng followed suit and praised, "It's indeed a good idea. In fact, I do have plans to go down the river from Linwei."

When Guan Ji heard this, she was even more puzzled, "Oh? Then why did Alang build ships in Hanzhong again?"

"Of course it is to maintain the suddenness of this partial division!"

Feng Yong's mouth twitched, and he smiled, "Wouldn't it be discovered by the Wei thief if the ship is built ahead of schedule, what should they do if they are prepared?"

Guan Ji frowned: "But the temporary shipbuilding, I'm afraid it's too late..."

Inspector Feng chuckled: "It doesn't matter if it's too late or not, as long as Wei Thief thinks that we will really sneak attack from Linwei along the river."

As soon as Guan Ji heard it, she immediately understood: "Ah Lang mean, suspicious soldiers?"

"That's right, I plan to send out suspicious soldiers." Governor Feng nodded, "There is truth in the so-called fiction. Although it is a good idea to go down the Wei River."

"But this road, even if it is not as dangerous as going down the Han River, can only barely pass thousands of people. If there are too many people, it will become a dead end. It is easy to go and difficult to return."

As Governor Feng spoke, he drew a semicircle along Hanzhong and Longyou, "Anyway, there are so many roads from Hanzhong and Longyou to Guanzhong, let Sima Yi guess which one we will take?"


Guan Ji nodded, and first wrote down the backup plan that she just thought of in her heart, then turned her head and asked Governor Feng:

"If the city is changed, Alang, how will Alang defend?"

Thinking in the position of the opponent is the most common method of sand table deduction in the staff department.

Governor Feng glanced at the map and shook his head:

"The best way is actually to block the important gates like Sima Yi. As long as these gates cannot be broken through, the pass can still be said to be safe."

In the direction of Anding County, Xinping County is used as a buffer and defended along the Jing River.

On the east side of Guanlong Avenue, heavy troops were stationed in Qian County for defense.

Then use important places such as Chencang and Mei County to guard against Hanzhong.

Sima Yi is based in Chang'an, and once he finds the main force of the enemy, he will immediately lead the army to support it.

The disadvantage of this method is that none of the important gateways set up can be lost. Once there is a loss, it may cause the consequences of the collapse of the entire line.

So Sima Yi made another record, and built a line of defense with ditches and barriers behind the important pass town, deploying defenses layer by layer.

The problem is, before the Battle of Xiaoguan, Wei thieves had a strategic advantage.

After the battle of Xiaoguan, Cao Zhen sent off tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the Guanzhong army, and the Han and Wei dynasties became a balance of power.

What Sima Yi is doing now is to drag the Battle of Guanzhong into a war of attrition.

After all, Guanzhong is the land where the Wei army farmed, while the Han army left the country to fight.

Not to mention the relatively long supply line, even if the big man has dry food, there is no way to support the big man to fight indefinitely, right?

And behind Guanzhong, there is a Central Plains blood transfusion in the middle of the world!

"The best way? A Lang means that there are other ways?"

"Open the gate, zoom Han into Guanzhong, then rely on Chang'an, concentrate our forces, and decide the outcome. If you win, you will be tender... Well, maybe you can counterattack Longyou."

"If you lose, you'll just quit Guanzhong. It's over once and for all. In my opinion, Sima Yi doesn't have the guts to bet on this."

Guan Ji chuckled and glanced at him:

"After the first battle of Xiao Guan, there are not many people in this world who dare to confront King Feng Gui on the flat ground..."

"Thank you, thank you!" Feng Cishi cupped his hands and said modestly, "In front of me, there is General Guan, isn't it just one of those people?"

"Pfft!" Guan Ji expressed her contempt for Feng, and then couldn't help laughing.

After the couple boasted to each other, General Guan looked at the map again and sighed slightly, "It seems that the ship can only be built in Hanzhong?"

Governor Feng knew the obsession of his family, and felt a little regretful that the big man couldn't build a boat and go down the river to recover Jingzhou.

But seeing Feng Shishi slyly smile:

"In fact, Hanzhong is the most suitable place. Hanzhong is the best place to build the world. We are not afraid that Wu people will not come to build ships. As long as they dare to come, we will sooner or later learn the craft of shipbuilding."

If it is scientific research, it is naturally the scientific research led by Amei.

But if you want to talk about manufacturing or something, Hanzhong Metallurgical is the first choice.

Because Hanzhong Metallurgical was supported by Feng Cishi himself, now there is Pu Yuan, a master forge, as the chief engineer, and Huang Yueying, a national treasure-level engineer, as the chief consultant.

Nanxiang standards, Nanxiang crafts, Nanxiang students...

The former Nanxiang system has now expanded to become the entire Hanzhong construction system.

It can't be called an industrial system, but at least there are already seeds in the early stage of the development of the industrial system.

This kind of construction system, coupled with the economic foundation of the entire Dahan, is the most important technical barrier.

The original handicrafts of Wu State will be dismembered sooner or later in front of the construction system of Hanzhong.

Even if the people of Wu had planned for a long time and hid some of their craftsmanship, don't forget that Governor Feng still has a research team of Amei on hand.

As long as there is a template and a direction, whether it is reverse copying or development research, Feng Shishi believes that Amei will not let him down.

But seeing Governor Feng winkingly said:

"The Wu people only know that armored cavalry is unparalleled in the world, but they don't know how much money it costs."

"The horse is just the first problem. The building and maintenance of the armor and the wear and tear of the horse are the big problems."

"Even if the Wu people have learned all the methods of training and fighting in the armored cavalry, so what? Later they will find that it is better to buy armor than to make it, and it is better to rent it than to buy..."

"At that time, it was time for us to gnaw off the fat on their bodies. Not to mention the horses, it would be difficult for us to gather three thousand riders. They still want qualified armored horses?"

"It would be nice to have an armored cavalry, don't even think about armor."

The so-called armored cavalry equipment, armored cavalry refers to people wearing armor, which can be regarded as half-heavy cavalry.

Armor refers to the horse-covered armor, and the armor and riding armor are combined into one, which is called heavy cavalry.

Later generations Mao Xiong gave away Ah San's aircraft carrier for free, Ah San was very happy, but he didn't know that the service fee behind was the real purpose of Mao Xiong.

Why doesn't Mao Bear give it to Little White Rabbit for nothing?

Because he knows that if you give it to the little white rabbit for nothing, it is really a gift for nothing.

No, it's not a free gift, it's a nutritional supplement for the little white rabbit.

Don't you see, in order to get back an aircraft carrier that has nothing, the little white rabbit smacks all over the place, cheats the sky, and bears the burden of humiliation...

The thrilling process can be called the drama of the century.

In the same way, the current system of Dahan is the best technological blockade for Wei and Wu.

Inspector Feng wanted Wu Guo to be his third son now.

Back then, Feng Langjun gritted his teeth and bleed profusely in order to lure Wu Guo to attack Xiangyang.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Wu Guo actually took a symbolic hit to Xiangyang and then hastily withdrew his troops, but ate all the benefits given by Feng Langjun.

This matter, even if it is another ten years, Feng Langjun will not forget it.

As the saying goes: Feng Langjun is charming with his clever words, Xiao Wenhe is cruel and merciless, the king of ghosts is far-sighted and considerate, and he will repay the good people with his grievances.

Not selfish, dedicated to benefiting others, selflessly imparting armored cavalry training methods to allies, this is not called a good person, so what is a good person?

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