If you want to go to battle to kill the enemy and deploy troops in formation, General Guan can beat Feng Tubie with one hand.

But when it comes to shady people plotting the country, ten Guan generals are no match for King Feng Gui.

General Guan, who lived in the Three Kingdoms era, was also a daughter. How could he have seen such a strategy?

But seeing her face full of disbelief, she asked in surprise:

"What if the people of Wu really wanted to forge it themselves? Wouldn't that be considered an enemy?"

"No, I've counted."

Governor Feng shook his head and said confidently:

"Take Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation as an example. Five years ago, the cost of making a pair of cavalry armor was at least three times that of the current cost."

Having said that, Governor Feng looked at Guan Ji with a strange smile on his face:

"Xijun, do you know what this means? It means that even if I sell it at a 30% discount, I can still double the profit."

"Xijun, tell me, if it were you, would you rather spend tens of thousands of dollars to build a pair of armor, or would you rather spend 30,000 to 50,000 dollars to buy a pair of armor?"

Obviously, he had understood the traps in this transaction from Feng Cishi's previous words, but General Guan was still flustered after hearing this account.

She really wanted to say that she would rather spend tens of thousands of dollars to build a pair of armor, but the most critical question came: where did the money come from?

"Without money, everything is negotiable."

Governor Feng spread his hands, "The treasury of the later Han Dynasty was only about 8 million yuan a year, and in the first few years when there was no wool and brown sugar, the annual tax income of the big man was equivalent to only 1 million yuan."

"As for the state of Wu, let's calculate it leniently. It costs 3 million coins. For a pair of armor, it costs 150,000 coins. That's 150 thousand coins."

After dealing with Wu State for so many years, Governor Feng has a rough idea of ​​Wu State's treasury revenue even if he doesn't know the exact amount.

"If there are 3,000 copies, let's count it as 450,000 yuan, which will take up 15% of the income of the Wu State treasury."

"This is just the price of the armor. What about the money for the horses? What about the money for raising the horses? What about the money for maintaining the armor? What about the money and food for the soldiers?"

"Based on this calculation, the 3,000 armored cavalry will cost at least 30% of the Wu State treasury, and a large amount of money and food will be spent on maintenance every year."

"After a big battle, how can the horse not die? At that time, we will have to spend more money..."

The salaries of honored officials all over the country, and the expenditures of the 100,000 soldiers of the army, which one does not need money?

Not to mention that the ability to resist natural disasters is weak these days, and the south of the Yangtze River is a water town. You can't save some money and food to deal with disasters and the like?

The three million treasury income is treasury income, not special military expenditure.

In fact, whether Wu Guo has an income of three million yuan is still a big question.

"Hehe," Governor Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, "Even if Sun Quan is willing, can he take it out?"

"If Sun Quan had money, he wouldn't have minted a batch of 50 coins a few years ago."

Casting big money means that the treasury has no money, which means that the country has to cut leeks.

Later generations use "Look, sister" as the most typical.

If you are short of money, you will print green tickets desperately, which will be used to harvest the wealth of the world and at the same time export inflation.

The same is true for making big money.

It's just that the scope of harvesting is smaller, limited to the civil servants and common people in the country.

Anyway, Xinghanhui's transactions with Wu Guo have always only charged five baht, or they would trade Wu Guo's special products, such as pearls, jade tortoise shells and so on.

Of course, the water jade, the big male donkey and so on that Feng Huishou needed for his roll call were indispensable.

Later, notes from the Nanxiang Reserve Bureau began to flow into Jingzhou.

Up to now, notes have become one of the mainstream currencies in Jingzhou's bulk trading of goods.

Although it is not the legal official currency of the Wu Kingdom, it has the endorsement of Xinghanhui!

Nanxiang also mastered the most advanced papermaking techniques, printing techniques, and ink formulas.

This year, a batch of castor oil has been planted, and Nanxiang has begun to try to make new ink with castor oil according to Feng Shishi's instructions.

And Wu Guo didn't even have the most primitive printing technique, so even if it wanted to forge it, it couldn't do it.

Besides, the ticket is so convenient to carry, isn't it fragrant?

Is there a hard ticket for big money?

Anyway, in the eyes of many people in Jingzhou, "Daquan Fifty" is definitely not as strong as the notes issued by the Nanxiang Reserve Bureau.

After hearing this routine, Guan Ji suddenly realized something. She looked at Governor Feng strangely:

"Did you expect Sun Quan to have no money, so you let the people of Wu trade for the skills of shipbuilding and sailing?"

"It's just as you said, they exchanged the skills of shipbuilding and ship manipulation for the skills of armored cavalry, and they traded boats for war horses, so what else can they exchange for armor and weapons?"

Governor Feng gave an evil smile:

"Then let Sun Quan continue to mint big money. Daquan 50 is not enough, then make more money. Daquan 500 is also okay. If 500 is not enough, then make another one thousand, two thousand..."

If it wasn't for this person being his own Alang, if it wasn't for General Guan's ass, he would be sitting on the big man's side.

Then after she heard what Feng Guiwang said, she might as well beat up the vicious guy in front of her.

The first emperor just minted a batch of Zhibai coins back then, and he almost forced the aristocratic families in the Shu land back.

If Sun Quan were to cast five hundred coins, how many great families of the Wu Kingdom would be offended?

If there are fewer castings, it can still be said to be an emergency, and the consequences can be barely controlled.

If it is true what Feng Guiwang said, the armor of the 3,000 armored cavalry alone will take up nearly 15% of the income of the Wu State treasury.

So how much money must be minted to withstand this big money?

"Don't look at me like that." Inspector Feng smiled at General Guan, "No way, Sun Quan wanted to make a lot of money in the first place?"

"The grievances and grievances between the Sun family and the Jiangdong family have grown, otherwise why would Sun Quan be so cruel to the Zhang family?"

In fact, the three kingdoms of Han, Wei and Wu were more or less kidnapped by aristocratic families in the process of founding their country.

It's just that the big man was the first to get rid of the constraints of the family.

After the Wei State established the "Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System", it has already announced the inevitable arrival of aristocratic politics.

As for the state of Wu, it is vacillating between needing the support of the family and suppressing the family.

The root cause of this lies in the fact that when Sun Ce took over Jiangdong, he killed the great Jiangdong clan and bleed into rivers.

Let the Sun family forge a blood feud with the Jiangdong clan.

This caused Sun Quan to not trust them completely while he needed the support of the Jiangdong family.

But then again, if it wasn't for Sun Quan's ruthless attack on the Zhang family, one of the four surnames in Wu County, how could he get a nail in Wu Guoqi so easily?

Hearing Feng Guiwang's plan, after closing the ghost, he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart:

Fortunately, this guy is his own Alang. If Wei Wu got him, just relying on the land in the middle of Sichuan a few years ago, the big man might not be enough for him.

When the ghost king and ghost queen were squatting in the backyard discussing important national affairs, Zhang Xiaosi rushed in:

"Luoyang Urgent Report!"

Governor Feng and General Guan looked at each other, and a thought popped up in their hearts:

Something happened in Luoyang again?

Zhang Xiaosi sat down on the chair, and before he could catch his breath, he opened his mouth and said:

"The pseudo-empress dowager of Wei State is dead."

"Queen Mother? Didn't the Bian family die a few years ago? Was it the eighth year of Jianxing, or..."

Halfway through Feng Yong's speech, he immediately realized, "Queen Guo?"

Zhang Xingyi nodded:

"That's right, it's Cao Pi's puppet empress, Mrs. Guo."

"This is not a long-lived person, much shorter than Bian's..."

Governor Feng pinched his fingers and calculated, just as he said this, he was glared at by Zhang Xiaosi:

"What about the great opportunity, are you still concerned about her long life or short life?"

Inspector Feng was stunned: "What opportunity?"

"There are rumors in Luoyang that it was Cao Rui who forced him to question the Zhen family several times, and the Guo family finally died of worry."

When Feng Yong heard this, he immediately became interested:

"And this?"

Mrs. Zhen, that's Cao Zhi's sister-in-law... Cough, I'm wrong, later generations are called the Goddess of Luoshui, and Governor Feng is naturally a little interested.

"It's the news from Mi Zhao."

"Oh, Mi Zhao seems to have entered the state!"

Inspector Feng rubbed his chin, "Last year Shanyang Gong collapsed, and Guo Shi died this year. Judging from this, Cao Rui's life is not easy."

Zhang Xingyi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he leaned over and asked:

"So shall we do something?"

Feng Yong thought for a while, and finally shook his head:

"Except for spreading this rumor for a longer period of time, don't do anything else. The longer Mi Zhao's identity is hidden, the more valuable it will be. He is very important to our future plans."

When Zhang Xingyi heard it, she was a little disappointed, but she still nodded in response.

Feng Yong stood up, walked back and forth a few steps, and suddenly asked:

"Is there any news about that Shouchun woman?"

Zhang Xingyi shook his head and said:

"I only know that after the epidemic in Luoyang disappeared, she was admitted to the palace by Cao Rui."

"I heard that Cao Rui also specially issued an order to have someone build a high platform in another courtyard for her to pray for blessings. How can outsiders know the news?"

"Outsiders can't get news about her, so the eldest princess can't get it? Let Mi Zhao work more on this and inquire carefully."

If you talk about the things that make people lose their minds most in the world, an old man marrying a young wife, and an old woman loving her husband must be one of them.

It's love, not the playful kind.

As the relationship between Mi Zhao and Princess Qinghe became closer, Feng Yong was sure that Cao Rui's health was indeed not very good.

Because the two adopted sons Cao Rui adopted into the palace two years ago have now been officially made public.

One is Cao Xun, which has been known for a long time.

There is another one named Cao Fang.

After learning of this name, Feng Yong was sure that this Cao Fang must be the Wei Emperor who was finally abolished by the Sima family after the Gaoping Mausoleum in the original history.

In other words, Cao Rui has now confirmed that he will never have children again, so one can imagine his real physical condition.

He is an adopted son, and he also specially built a high platform in another courtyard, so that the god stick can pray for himself.

This made Feng Yong more sure of his judgment.

Besides, even according to the original history, Cao Rui is also a short-lived ghost.

Secretary Zhang dutifully wrote down Governor Feng's instructions.

"Wu country, is there any news?"

Zhang Xingyi naturally knew why Feng Yong was hiding in the backyard these days.

She has a strange complexion:

"It will take at least three months between these exchanges, how can it be so easy?"

When Inspector Feng heard this, he felt irritable again, wishing he could find Zhao Guang to beat him up.

It's just that as soon as the spring began, Zhao Guang followed his instructions, left the fortress from Xiaoguan, and followed the Dahe River to the Hetao area to find Ke Bineng.

He thought about it for a while, and then said:

"Forget it, make some arrangements. I will go to Juyan County to inspect the cultivation in two days."

The dignified ghost king Feng was forced to flee to Juyan County for inspection work by the mere envoy Wu, which is really a shame for a big man.

And in the distant country of Wu, there was also a person who was forced to go from Jianye to Wuchang.

This person is none other than Yang Qin, a guest of Wu Guodong Palace.

Since Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, in order to strengthen the control over the officials, he specially set up Zhongshu Dian school affairs to supervise all officials and local states and counties.

Since the cruel official Lu Yi and others took up this position, they often choose minor faults and punish the officials, so as to gain Sun Quan's trust.

In the end, it developed into a false accusation out of thin air, and even the prime minister Gu Yong was almost imprisoned for it.

Now the courtiers of the Wu Kingdom hate him deeply.

Prince Sun Deng and Zhuge Ke, who had returned from the victorious conquest of Yue, also conspired in private on how to get rid of Lu Yi.

The two decided to introduce one eloquent person first, and to test His Majesty's reaction in front of His Majesty with the fault of Chen Lvyi and others.

And Yang Jin, who has always been knowledgeable about people, took on the heavy responsibility of finding this person.

Of course Yang Qi knew that there must be Zhuge Ke's desire to avenge his personal revenge, but for the sake of the country, he took this task without hesitation.

His trip to Wuchang was precisely for this purpose.

After arriving in Wuchang, he didn't disturb anyone, but changed his official uniform, took two servants, entered Wuchang city, purchased generous gifts, and then left the city by car and headed for the countryside.

Wuchang used to be the capital of the state of Wu. Although Sun Quan later moved the capital to Jianye, the prince still stayed behind.

Although the prince also went to Jianye two years ago, Wuchang was the key point connecting Jingzhou and Jiangdong.

Coupled with the more frequent personnel and material exchanges between the Han and Wu countries in recent years, Wuchang not only did not decline, but even became more prosperous.

Not far from Wuchang City, there is a village. At the east end of the village, there is a small farmyard. Although it does not look like those tall houses, it is also much better than those thatched houses in the village.

The entrance of the small courtyard was cleaned very cleanly, and the vestibule was surrounded by a fence, and some green vegetables were planted in a corner of it.

Occasionally, two or three chickens popped up, and one of them fluttered its wings, as if it wanted to fly over the fence and into the vegetable garden.

Then a woman rushed out with a broom, swept at the eyeless chicken, and cursed:

"If you don't lay eggs every day, you will know how to eat and eat! That stupid chicken, who sold it to me, dared to lie to me that it was a good chicken! Fortunately, why didn't I see it?"

The woman was driving the chickens there, cursing and swearing.

This scene happened to be bumped into by Yang Shen who was getting off the car outside the small courtyard, but seeing his hesitation on his face, he was considering whether to take back his foot that had touched the ground.

The woman's eyes were sharp, and she had already seen the bullock cart in front of her house. When she saw the face exposed on the cart, she suddenly had a look of surprise on her face.

Her face changed, and she subconsciously threw the broom into the corner, then patted the dust off her body, and arranged her clothes again.

Then she took a deep breath and restrained her expression. At this moment, she was like a different person.

Although the clothes on her body are simple, the aura of a family on her body faintly tells that the woman's background is not comparable to that of ordinary village women.

How can there be such a vulgar appearance just now?

"Mr. Yang has been separated for a few years, but is he still okay?"

The woman opened the courtyard door, bowed to the ox cart, and asked.

Yang Shen in the car got out of the car with some embarrassment: "I have seen Madam."

The woman replied generously, "A concubine is no more than a common man's wife, but she can't be called Mrs. Yang's wife."

Hearing the woman's words, Yang Qi became even more embarrassed.

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