Ordinary women naturally cannot afford the title of madam.

Of course, if she were an ordinary woman, she would not be qualified to be called Mrs. Yang Qi.

Yang Qi called the woman in front of her his wife, but she did it on purpose, but she didn't expect it to be a bit of a mess, and she couldn't help being a little embarrassing at the moment.

Although the woman in front of me is the wife of a common man, her background is quite extraordinary, because her surname is Xi, and she is Xi from Jingzhou.

The Xi family in Jingzhou has a prosperous and prosperous clan, and is a country tyrant in the world.

Ji Han has Xi Chengye, Xi Zhen, and Xi Zhen, Wu State has Xi Wen, Xi Yu, and Wei State has Xi Shi, all from this family, serving the three kingdoms, the standard family style.

Mrs. Xi's father, Xi Zhu, was not comparable to the members of the Xi clan who served in the Three Kingdoms, but he was also called "talented and sharp" by the people at the time.

She has been able to read and write like her own adults since she was a child, and she has good knowledge.

As for why the daughter of a prominent family has now become the wife of a common man, this has a lot to do with Yang Yu.

So Mrs. Xi didn't beat someone with a broom when she saw Yang Qi, but she just had an unhappy look on her face, which is already regarded as her cultivation:

"Mr. Yang is here, is there something wrong?"

Yang Qi coughed, glanced at the small courtyard behind the woman, and said with a little hesitation:

"I'm here because I want to have a talk with Mr. Li Lang."

"Oh—" the woman elongated her voice, her eyes showed vigilance, "My family Alang is not here."

When Yang Qi heard this, she was a little anxious:

"Then I don't know where Li Langjun went?"

The woman avoided answering this question, but instead looked at Yang Qi with a half-smile:

"Mr. Yang is also a guest of the prince after all. Is this the etiquette for visiting?"

"How can I not know that the relationship between my Li family and Mr. Yang is so close?"

When Yang Qin heard this, she couldn't help being a little embarrassed, and hurriedly bowed her hands and saluted:

"I'm sorry."

Then he took out the greeting card from his bosom and gave it to him, and motioned to the attendant to send a gift list:

"I came here this time because I was in a hurry, so I was a little too presumptuous. I hope Mrs. Xi will forgive me."

Seeing that Yang Qi put her posture so low, the woman felt a little embarrassed:

"I am a woman, how can I be treated so politely by Mr. Yang? My family, Alang, went to work in the field early in the morning. If Mr. Yang has something to do, you might as well wait for a while, and I will call him back right away."

"No, no, no." Yang Qin said quickly, "Mistress Xi, just tell Li Langjun which direction he is in, and you can go there by yourself."

The woman laughed and said:

"In the countryside, the roads are difficult to walk, and Mr. Yang is afraid that it will be difficult to find that place."

Yang Qi knew that the woman in front of her was not an ordinary woman, so she didn't intend to hide anything, so she confessed honestly:

"Don't dare to hide it from Mrs. Xi. This time I came here to ask Li Langjun for something. If I don't go in person, how can I show my sincerity?"

When Mrs. Xi heard the words, her eyes fell on the generous gift behind Yang Qi, thoughtfully.

She pondered for a while, and finally turned her head and called out:



A five or six-year-old child rushed out of the room immediately.

The woman patted the child's head: "This is Uncle Yang, your lord's old friend, hurry up and greet Uncle Yang."

Although the child's clothes were outdated, they were very neat and tidy, and obediently went forward to salute:

"I met Uncle Yang."

"It's so big, I rushed here all the way, and I didn't prepare for the meeting ceremony for a while."

Yang Fen said apologetically.

"It's okay, there are so many rules in the countryside."

Mrs. Xi said, "Let Da Lang take Mr. Yang there."

Yang Fen quickly thanked.

He first asked his servants to deliver the gifts into the yard, and then he followed the child and walked out of the village.

In the field at the head of the village, the male owner of the Li family stood in the field, instructing several farmers to pull weeds for their crops.

He even bent down from time to time to do it himself.

"My lord, someone is looking for you."

The child walked to the ground with the sheepskin, clasped his hands to his mouth, and shouted loudly.

The man squatting in the field heard his child's voice, got up and looked up, and when he saw the person standing behind his child, his face showed disbelief.

But seeing him laughing, he threw the weeds in his hand to the edge of the field, and kept stepping, even ignoring the splashing muddy water.

Halfway through the walk, he remembered something again, and hurriedly washed his hands and feet in the creek beside the field ridge, then got up again, walked up to the sheep, and saluted:

"How did Mr. Yang come here?"

"I'm here to see you."

Hearing this, the man was surprised and delighted and said:

"Mr. Yang, why didn't you send someone to say something in advance? The house is shabby, and I didn't have any preparations for a while. I'm afraid I'm going to neglect Mr. Yang."

Yang Fen has long since lost her restraint in front of the mistress of the Li family, and smiled heartily:

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, before I came, I prepared the wine and meat by myself and sent it to your house. At this time, your wife may have already cooked the food."

Hearing these words, the man couldn't help but feel ashamed:

"My family is poor, so Mr. Yang laughed at me."

Yang Qi shook his head and said with a smile:

"Now you have fields and land, a wife and children in your family. Isn't it better than when I first met you? Why do you laugh at me?"

The man listened and said gratefully:

"The ears are all given by Lord Yang."

"I commented back then, but to tell the truth, you can have the fate later, but you got it yourself, why did I give it to you?"

"Otherwise, if there is no Lord Yang, why would I be where I am today? I am afraid that I still seek food and clothing but cannot get it. The kindness of Lord Yang is unforgettable."

Li Heng still insisted on thanking him.

A few years ago, there was not enough food in Jingzhou, so Lu Xun wrote a letter asking for farming.

Sun Quan naturally complied, and even divided the eight oxen that were pulling his cart into four plows, as an example to set an example.

Li Heng was originally a military household in Jingzhou. It was by this opportunity that he was lucky enough to be converted from a military household to a commoner, and was moved to Wuchang.

Yangqin has a long-standing reputation for knowing people. After Li Heng was moved to Wuchang, regardless of his humble status, he went to visit Yangqi in person.

Yang Qin heard that such a commoner came to let him judge, and unexpectedly, he also interviewed the other party.

Unexpectedly, after seeing him, he unexpectedly gave Li Heng a very high evaluation, asserting that his talent is in troubled times, and he can be an official to Shang Shulang.

After Xi Zhu learned of this evaluation, based on his trust in Yang Fen, he married his daughter Xi Yingxi to Li Heng, and even married some of the land as a dowry.

Li Heng, who was supposed to be a soldier for generations, took advantage of Wu Guoguang's opportunity to open up fields, so he got rid of his status as a military household and became a citizen, and immediately someone offered to send money and fields to send women, which is really not too cool.

So he is grateful to Yang Shen, which is also a matter of course.

However, after Sun Quan proclaimed himself emperor, he moved the capital to Jianye, and two years later, the crown prince also went to Jianye. As a guest of the East Palace, Yang Ling naturally had to accompany him.

It stands to reason that Li Heng can be regarded as a big turnaround, even if he can't be an official, he will be content.

There was only one person who suffered, and that was Mrs. Xi who was forced to come here.

She was originally coaxed and tricked into marrying by her adults, because the adults told her that if her branch wanted to go further, it depended on this son-in-law.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Xi family, as a prominent family, is naturally very beautiful.

But the famous family also has the difficulties of the promising family. After all, the clan is too big, and there will be many branches.

Xi Zhu is known as "talented and sharp", but which of the children who can be promoted by famous families is not more talented than most people?

In addition, these years are in troubled times, what the Lord needs most is either a strategy for governing the world, or the ability to lead an army.

Talent, on the contrary, came last.

Of course, it would be the most perfect if he had the ability to govern the world and the ability to lead an army, but also had extraordinary talent.

For example, Feng Wenhe of the Shu Kingdom, ah, no, it was Feng Mingwen.

If you only have talents, then look at Cao Zhi of Wei State.

What's more, Cao Zhi's talent is recognized all over the world, and it's clear at a glance how he will be treated in the end.

The most important thing is that Jingzhou is the place of the Four Wars. Wei Guo left Shu Guolai, Shu Guolai defeated Wu Guolai, you will sing and I will come on stage, and Jingzhou will be in charge in turn.

Xi's top talents have basically served in the Three Kingdoms in these years.

On the contrary, people like Xi Zhu, although talented, are no match for those well-known scholars in the world.

For example, Xiang Lang from Shu State, Chen Lin from Wei State, Zhang Hong from Wu State, etc., which one is not top-notch in knowledge?

Both civil and military are not perfect, and it is impossible to be famous all over the world in terms of knowledge alone.

So in this troubled world, there is no suitable position.

Even with his lineage, he gradually lagged behind those of the same clan who served in the Three Kingdoms.

The small family wants to join the big family, and the big family wants to maintain its status.

There are two most direct ways.

One is to introduce talents who are outstanding enough to serve as spokespersons.

One is a marriage, a strong alliance.

As for Xi Zhu, it is a mixture of the two: using marriage to attract talents.

It's just that Xi Yingxi has been married for these years, looking left and right, the children can boil water and cook, and Li Heng is still a farmer.

What about the agreed official to Shang Shulang?

So when she saw Yang Fen, she was naturally furious.

However, she was born as a lady after all, and although she could not understand Yang Li, she still did not break the etiquette.

But I saw her cooking in person, cooking and cooking, and cleaning up the hall, leaving it to her family, Alang, to talk with Yang Qi.

Until the sun was westward, and she was about to go down the mountain, Yang Yu refused Li Heng's repeated attempts to stay, got on the bullock cart, and drove back to the city.

Li Heng, who was slightly drunk, went back to the inner room and saw Xi Yingxi who was sitting quietly in front of the couch. He immediately woke up more than half of the drunkenness, and immediately laughed and said:

"I had a very happy conversation with Mr. Yang. I drank too much for a while and forgot to take a bath. Don't blame me, Mr. Yang."

While talking, he turned around and went out in a hurry.

"Come back." Xi Yingxi stopped him, and said with a slight frown, "I just finished drinking, how can I go to take a bath immediately? Drink this hangover soup first, and relax for a while."

"Hey, hey, okay, thank you, Xijun."

Li Heng hurried over, took the hangover soup handed over by Xi Yingxi, and drank it all in one gulp.

Xi Yingxi married Li Heng, who is still a common man, as a daughter of a family. Although Xi Yingxi has a good family style, she married her husband and followed her husband. She didn't say that she looked down on Li Heng, and even gave birth to two sons for him.

But there is a huge gap in life experience, Li Heng always has a sense of awe and guilt for this young gentleman.

At this time, he drank some wine, and coupled with the news brought by Yang Qi, he finally couldn't help but want to show off to his little gentleman:

"You know, Mr. Yang, what good news did you bring me this time?"

Seeing the smug expression on his own Alang's face, Xi Yingxi smiled lightly, and jokingly said:

"It's not like recommending A Lang as Shang Shulang, is it?"

Unexpectedly, when Li Heng heard this, his eyes widened immediately:

"Xi Jun eavesdropped outside the door?"

Seeing Li Heng's expression, Xi Yingxi was also stunned:

"Then Yangqi...do you really recommend Alang?"

The couple looked at each other for a long time, Xi Yingxi was the first to react, she frowned:

"This matter is not quite right. If that Yangqi really wanted to recommend Alang, why didn't he recommend him when evaluating Alang? Why did he come here suddenly now?"

When Li Heng heard it, he coughed immediately, and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Yang does have something that he wants me to do."

When Xi Yingxi heard this, his eyes were awe-inspiring: "Is it dangerous?"

Li Heng was stunned again: "How did Xijun guess it?"

Xi Yingxi sneered:

"In this world, how can there be any good things for nothing? After all, Yang Qi is also a guest of the prince. He didn't accompany the prince in the East Palace, but came here from Jianye, or came to the door with a generous gift, just to see you, a common man?"

"Not to mention recommending you as Shang Shulang, how many connections will it take? Do you know?"

What triggered the "Ji Yan Case" back then?

Couldn't it be that Ji Yan couldn't get used to the officials in the various departments, who were all controlled by the children of the rich and powerful, so she wanted to clean up the governance of the officials and investigate the officials?

Why can my own Alang sit on an equal footing with those rich and powerful children?

Why are those rich and powerful children willing to squeeze out a place for A Lang?

The words are true, but they are too hurtful.

Li Heng was speechless, speechless.

But Xi Yingxi still didn't intend to let him go, and stared at him tightly:

"Tell me, what exactly does Yang Fen want you to do?"

Li Heng said in a low voice:

"There is a treacherous villain in the court, Lu Yi, who framed Zhongliang. Lord Yang wants to recommend me as a doctor, and let me speak out about Lu Yi's crimes in front of Your Majesty."

When Xi Yingxi heard this, he suddenly cried out: "Lv Yi?!"

Some time ago, Diao Jia, the prefect of Jiangxia, was imprisoned and almost died. I heard that it was Lv Yi who did it?

Wuchang is the county government of Jiangxia. This matter has long been rumored in Wuchang. How could Xi Yingxi not know?

But trainee Yingxi gritted his teeth and said:

"Although Lv Yi is a small official, he has great power and is highly respected by His Majesty. Even the top general has nothing to do with him. Have you thought about the consequences?"

Li Heng smiled bitterly and said:

"Mr. Yang has already told me about Lu Yi's situation, how could I not know?"

I saw him looking at Xi Yingxi with determination on his face:

"But Xijun, today's world is full of wars. Over the years, although I have lived in peace for a few years, who knows when I will be drafted into the army again?"

"Could it be that the danger of going to battle is less dangerous than this?" Li Heng held Xi Yingxi's hand when he said this, "Since I am a husband, how can I let you and I suffer for the rest of our lives?"

"Xijun first married into my Li family, and his palms were delicate, but now they are full of calluses! Even if I don't do it for myself, I will do my best for my wife."

Xi Yingxi was taken aback when she heard this.

After what my family Alang said, she lost the pungentness of the past, and even felt a little hot flush in her eyes. She lowered her head and bit her lower lip:

"So, Ah Lang has made up his mind?"


Xi Yingxi took a deep breath, raised her head again, and forced a smile:

"Since Alang has decided to accept the position of doctor, let's listen to my concubine."

"Sir, please tell me."

Only Xi Yingxi said slowly:

"After Ah Lang went to Jianye, he must go to see the crown prince first, and then report Lu Yi's crimes in front of His Majesty."

Li Heng was taken aback: "Why?"

"The prince has always loved people and is kind. Alang is going to face Chen Lv Yi's crimes. If he can get the prince's protection secretly, he can have a little more hope of survival."

"Even... Even if there is a real misfortune, the prince will still think of the youngest son left by Alang, and take care of our Li family one or two..."

At this point, Xi Yingxi couldn't continue speaking, she tightly covered her mouth, tears poured out like a spring.

A one-night couple with a hundred days of grace, let alone a couple who already have two children?

Seeing his young lady like this, Li Heng felt a pain in his heart, and couldn't help but hug her into his arms:

"Don't worry, Xijun, I will be careful, and I will return safely!"

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