Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 948: Those who speak cunningly will have to be dealt with by those who speak cunningly (1)

Li Heng and his wife finished discussing and arranged everything, and then they waited for Yang Qi to come.

Unexpectedly, this wait lasted for more than half a month. It turned out that Yang Yu had left Wuchang and went to his hometown in Nanyang, Jingzhou.

When he returned to Wuchang, he went to Jianye with Li Heng.

After Li Heng left home, a rumor quickly circulated in Wuchang:

Yang Li, who has always been a man of insight, returns home from Jianye, passes by Wuchang, meets Li Heng again, and learns that Li Heng is still a commoner, and can't help but lament that good talents are living among the people.

In order not to let Da Wu lose his talents, he decided to bring Li Heng back to Jianye and personally recommend him to His Majesty.

After Xi Yingxi heard the rumor, she couldn't help but lose all color and her face was bleak.

She originally thought that Yang Yu was a guest of the prince, so her family, Alang, was going to belong to the prince's family, but she was actually recommended to His Majesty directly.

Thinking of this rumor again, Xi Yingxi immediately understood the meaning:

It is a personal act for Yang Qin to recommend her own family, A Lang, and it has nothing to do with others...

In the future, if something unexpected happens to my family, Alang, after the investigation, it will end up with the sheep, and the prince will not be involved.

After figuring out the joints here, Xi Yingxi's heart suddenly fell into an abyss.

It's just that Yang Yu and Li Heng have left Wuchang for many days, and they may have arrived at Jianye, so even if they want to catch up at this time, they won't be able to catch up.

What's more, so what if you catch up?

If I really guessed right, then it is impossible for the prince to meet Alang before his own Alang came to remonstrate with His Majesty.

Naturally, Li Heng didn't know that his family's Xijun was so upright, he followed Yangqin to Jianye, and according to Xi Yingxi's instructions, he asked Yangqin to see the prince.

When Yang Qin heard Li Heng's request, she couldn't help saying in shock:

"Why does Shuping have such thoughts?"

Li Heng couldn't help asking a little strangely:

"Mr. Yang is a guest of the Crown Prince. Since I was recommended by Mr. Yang, I will definitely serve the Crown Prince in the future..."

Yang Li was shocked:

"Shu Ping, please be careful!"

As he spoke, he walked quickly to the door, looking left and right.

Fortunately, Li Heng was staying at Yangqin's house at this time, and after making sure that no one heard Li Heng's words, Yangqin hurriedly closed the door tightly.

Then he turned around and came back, exhorting with a serious expression:

"Shu Ping, I am recommending you this time to promote talents for the country, and has nothing to do with the crown prince. Whether your Majesty or others ask you, you must remember it!"

Li Heng was taken aback for a moment, instinctively feeling something was wrong:

"What... what does Mr. Yang mean by this?"

From the beginning to the end, Yang Qi never mentioned the crown prince to Li Heng, so that if she suffered from Lu Yi, she would bear all the responsibilities at that time, and she must not implicate the crown prince.

It's just that what Yang Yu didn't expect was that Li Heng, a commoner, could actually see through the struggle between the court and China, which made Yang Ying feel a little startled.

"I recommend you because I can't bear to let good talents go to the people, and let other countries laugh at me for abandoning talents in the state of Wu. It has nothing to do with the prince."

Yang Qi said one word at a time.

Li Heng's heart was shocked when he saw Yang Qi like this.

It's just that he has always been convinced of his own lord, and when he came out this time, he originally had the idea of ​​gaining wealth with his life.

If he is retaliated by Lu Yi and his life is in danger, at least he should let his wife and children have no worries for the rest of their lives.

So he gritted his teeth and insisted:

"I have received the kindness of Lord Yang, and I often regret that I can't repay it, so I know that this time is dangerous, and I am not afraid of life and death, and let Lord Yang drive me."

"However, Heng is dead and dead. The only worry is that his wife and children will not be able to find anything. If he can fulfill his wish, even if someone cooks him, he will be willing."

After hearing what he said, Yang Qi was very moved.

He reached out and patted Li Heng's shoulder, lowered his voice, and said heavily at the same time:

"To be honest with Shuping, if something goes wrong this time, I'm afraid it will be unavoidable, so I have already entrusted my family to others."

"You," he pointed to Li Heng, and then to himself, "I and I have lived and died together. Your family is also my family."

"I swear here, if your life is lost, the wife at home will be taken care of by someone, but please don't worry about it."

"If I deceive you, the world will destroy me, and I will die with thousands of swords and thousands of knives."

Li Heng saw Yang Qi making such a poisonous oath in front of him, so naturally he couldn't insist on seeing the prince anymore:

"Since Mr. Yang has said this far, why don't I believe it? If so, then I don't have to worry about it anymore!"

Yang Qi was afraid that he would not understand the seriousness of the matter, so she worriedly urged him again and again:

"Shu Ping, you have to remember, if this is done, then you will have the power to eradicate traitors, if there is a mistake, then you and I will fall into Lu Yi's hands."

"At that time, I just hope that you must remember that you must not involve others, and your family will have their own wealth."

"If other people are involved, there will be no one to protect the lovely wife and young son in the family!"

Since Li Heng agreed to Yang Qi, he put his own life aside.

Now that he is guaranteed, he no longer has to worry about what will happen behind him, so how can he be confused?

"The words of Mr. Yang, I will keep them in my heart."

Everything is going according to plan.

Li Heng's reputation as a talented scholar soon spread to Sun Quan's ears in some form inadvertently.

At the same time, Yang Yu recommended Li Heng to Sun Quan "in a timely manner".

Sure enough, Sun Quan received Li Heng with great interest.

When he saw Li Heng's majesty, when he faced himself for the first time, he didn't show any sign of shrinking.

Just for this point, this person's courage is much stronger than most people, so Sun Quan first likes three points in his heart.

After asking some questions as usual, Sun Quan quickly realized that Li Heng did have some gaps with the children of the aristocratic family in terms of knowledge.

But when it comes to current affairs, I have a certain degree of insight, and I am quite different from those rich and powerful children who are full of various ministries and do not know the sufferings of the world.

So Sun Quan added two points of liking in his heart.

After the questioning, Sun Quan asked Li Heng to make a decision as usual.

The so-called policy, either expresses one's own views on the current situation, or proposes a solution to a certain phenomenon or a certain event, etc., and so on.

Li Heng was waiting for this moment, but seeing his spirit lifted, he opened his mouth and said:

"The subject is just a commoner, but His Majesty has to break the rules. Dare you swear to die to repay Your Majesty? Today I have a word. Even though I know that I am in danger of death, I have to tell Your Majesty."

Sun Quan was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly:

"If it is true what you said, if you are an official in the court and go to prison in the evening, then I will not become a violent king? Let's hear what amazing words you have."

Before Sun Quan's smile faded, Li Heng said loudly:

"What I said today is Lu Yi's generation, who framed Zhongliang, ruined ministers, and expelled innocent..."

When Sun Quan heard this, he was shocked at first, then a little ashamed and angry, and his face became ugly.

But I saw Li Heng standing in the court, standing with his head held high, his tongue like a knife, talking about Lv Yi's crimes endlessly.

The palace people standing around did not know when, they were already so frightened that they fell down and did not dare to say a word.

However, Li Heng had long been determined to die, and the more he spoke, the more passionate he became, and the louder he spoke.

To Sun Quan's ears, it was like thunder in the court, and there was no end to it.

"Don't talk about it, you just got the official robe for the first time, so how can you easily comment on the affairs of the court?"

Seeing that the guy below didn't seem to want to stop, Sun Quan couldn't help but stop.

"Don't say that it is a day, if the minister never takes off his official robe, he is still Wu Chen. As a minister, what is wrong with admonishing the master?"

"On the contrary, Your Majesty first conferred official positions on his ministers, but he didn't listen to his advice. Dare to ask Your Majesty, what do you want to do?"

Sun Quan was left speechless by the rhetorical question.

Seeing this, Li Heng pushed even further:

"If your Majesty thinks that the subject is lying, you can issue an edict to send the subject to prison, and use the words of all officials in the court to go to prison; if you think that the statement of the subject is slightly permissible, you can issue an order to accept the actions of the inspector Lu Yi..."

At this time, Sun Quan, although he was gradually looking stupid, was not completely confused, so it was impossible for him to send Li Heng to prison.

Lu Yi was originally a knife in Sun Quan's hand. If the owner of the knife didn't know what the knife did, it would be a joke.

It's just that Li Heng's words made Sun Quan feel a little worried.

After all, in his opinion, Li Heng has just been promoted from a commoner to an official, but he has a clean background, and it is impossible to have any entanglements with the court.

If even Li Heng thinks that Lu Yi has gone too far, then he should think about whether the influence of Lu Yi's actions has gone too far, and let the countryside know about it.

If the knife is too sharp and hurts the owner, that is not what Sun Quan wanted.

It's just that the forces in Jiangdong are extremely complicated.

This knife, in terms of stabilizing the imperial power, really has a lot of effect!

Thinking of this, Sun Quan couldn't help feeling a little downhearted, but he sighed:

"I know what you say, and I will think about what you say."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and told Li Heng to go down.

With Sun Quan's appearance, not to mention Li Heng, even the palace people who served him were extremely surprised.

In the past, even when the crown prince came to persuade His Majesty, His Majesty would reprimand him, saying that the Crown Prince was too kind and did not understand the emperor's mind.

Didn't expect Li Heng to make him look like this today?

Sun Quan and Li Heng's monarchs and ministers are right, and it is not a secret of the palace ban, so naturally it cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

When the ministers of the DPRK and China heard this, many people couldn't help being excited.

The courtiers have been bitter for Lu Yi for a long time, to be precise, they have been bitter for school officials for a long time!

It's just that Lu Yi is deeply respected by His Majesty, even if the crown prince repeatedly speaks out, he can't shake this person's status.

From the prime minister down, all the ministers dare not say more.

Now a Li Heng came out, sacrificed his life to speak out, and actually made His Majesty admit that he had to think about it, which can be described as uncharacteristically.

The day when Lu Yi is brought down is already visible?

Many ministers have already begun to move around, and they will impeach Lv Yi as long as there is one important minister who takes the lead.

Then take the opportunity to ask His Majesty to cancel the school office, and the world will be peaceful!

In June of the thirteenth year of Jianxing, the land in the south of the Yangtze River has entered the hot summer.

A carriage stopped at the gate of Lu Mansion, and a middle-aged official jumped out of the carriage, hurried up the steps.

Lu Manor had servants guarding the door for a long time, and when they saw the middle-aged official coming, they hurried down:

"Qian Jun, my master has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Speed ​​ahead and lead the way."

The official surnamed Qian kept walking and said in a hurried tone.

"Mr. Qian, come with the villain."

The rain is about to come, and the wind is all over the building. Lu Yi has been favored by Sun Quan these years, so he must have many followers.

The middle-aged official known as Qian Jun is exactly Qian Qin who works for the Zhongshu Dian school.

Qian Qin was taken to the secret room in the backyard, and found that the backbone of the Zhongshu Dian school was there, he couldn't help apologizing:

"I'm late, sorry, sorry!"

"This is not the time to talk about this, please sit down first."

After Qian Qin found a seat and sat down, he wiped the sweat off his brow and drank a few mouthfuls of tea soup before he regained his breath.

"I think everyone has heard about the incident in the palace a few days ago."

As the host, Lu Yi saw that everyone had arrived, so he spoke first:

"Then Li Heng is talking about me on the surface, but in fact he is pointing his sword at the entire Zhongshu Dian School Office."

"Don't be afraid to say something ugly. If I lose power this time, let alone the prestige of the school office that we have built up with great difficulty over the years, I will lose it all."

"At the time of Jieshi, the officials in the court were very angry, and I'm afraid they would not let everyone in the school's office go unnoticed."

Having said that, his face has become extremely gloomy.

Lu Yi is a bit short, with a thin chin and a small goatee beard, at first glance, he looks a bit refined.

It's just that the upside-down triangular eyes ruined his whole face, making him look a bit cumbersome in an instant.

The eyes that usually roll around in a jerk, now flash with a cold and angry light.

Of course, he couldn't help being angry about this matter.

For the past two years, even Prime Minister Gu Yong has been trampled under his feet. At this time, a small man appeared out of nowhere, and dared to stroke the beard of a tiger?

It was simply the greatest challenge to him.

"Li Heng, you are nothing more than an ant. If you want him to die, there are countless ways to do it. Why is Lu Jun so worried about him?"

"That's right. In the past, not to mention being an important official in the court, even if the crown prince said Lu Jun's faults in front of His Majesty, His Majesty never took it to heart. Did Lu Jun worry too much?"


Lu Yi said impatiently:

"What do you know? This time is completely different!"

Normally, if he wanted to kill him, he would kill him.

Only this time it's different.

The school affairs office is supposed to monitor all officials, so he naturally knows that there are already many ministers who are secretly colluding with each other and want to collectively impeach him at any time.

Most importantly, His Majesty's attitude is too abnormal.

This made Lu Yi, who was good at trying to figure out Sun Quan's mind, feel a crisis.

It's just that what the school government does is hated by others. Who would be a decent scholar to bear such infamy?

Therefore, the people that Lv Yi can win over are naturally good at doing bad things, but when it comes to making plans, they are like a group of crows screaming, making people more irritable.

The only ones that can make Lu Yi value are the two of them.

One is Qin Bo, and the other is Qian Qin.

Although these two are not from aristocratic families, they still have some land from their families and have read some books. Compared with others, they are naturally more knowledgeable.

But Qin Bo nodded in agreement and said:

"That's right, it's really different this time. Our wealth and honor are tied to His Majesty's relatives, so even if Wan Fu scolds us, as long as His Majesty doesn't speak, we will still be rich and honored."

"But if someone can persuade His Majesty to have doubts in his heart, then the ministers who were sent to prison by us yesterday will be our tomorrow."

"Did you hear that? Am I worried about Li Heng? I'm worried about your Majesty's ears!" Lu Yi scolded everyone, "I told you to read more books a long time ago, but I didn't listen to one or two."

"It's quicker than anyone else to make money, and you pretend to be deaf and dumb when you read a book! His Majesty advised Lu Meng to learn from him, and he will give him important tasks after he has achieved something in his studies. Can't you also learn?"

Everyone is only here, and dare not speak again.

When Lu Yi saw it, he was even more depressed.

He looked at Qian Qin and asked:

"You have always been resourceful, but what countermeasures do you have?"

Qian Qin took another sip of tea before saying worriedly:

"In my opinion, the people behind Li Heng should not be underestimated!"

The school office was set up by His Majesty himself. Does His Majesty really not know what people like himself have done?

On the contrary, school Lu's affairs were reported to His Majesty in every detail, which earned His Majesty's trust.

Therefore, as long as His Majesty doesn't care about what I and others have done to the courtiers, it is a trivial matter.

But if His Majesty cares, it will be a big deal.

Whether it is big or small depends entirely on His Majesty's opinion.

Now Li Heng hit the key point, shaking His Majesty's opinion with the sharpness of his tongue.

"So the most important thing for us now is not how to refute Li Heng, but to prove that what we have done is exactly what His Majesty needs."

"How do you prove it?" Lu Yi said angrily, "Among us, who can tell lies like Li Heng..."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

Qian Qin's eyes flashed suddenly, then he clapped his hands together and said with a smile:

"Speaking of smart words, I think of one thing."

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