Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 949: Those who speak cunningly and seductively must be dealt with by those who speak cunning

Seeing the smile on the face of the always resourceful Qian Qin, everyone was overjoyed.

This person's expression is probably preoccupied.

But seeing Lu Yi hurriedly couldn't hold back and asked:

"What's the matter? Come quickly."

"Do you remember, Zhongshu, a few days ago, the envoy who went to the Kingdom of Shu to ask for a horse sent back a messenger, only saying that the people of Shu had agreed to change the horse?"

"Of course I remember, but what does this have to do with us?"

Lu Yi frowned slightly.

The power of the school affairs office is said to be great, and it is true that it monitors all officials, monitors the prefectures and counties, officials big and small, and all of them change face when they hear the name of school affairs.

But if it is small, it is indeed small.

It means that the scope of power is very small, limited to supervision.

If there is no order from His Majesty, the school affairs office does not even have the right to arrest and execute them.

Not to mention matters such as diplomacy with Shu people, that is simply not within the scope of power of the school affairs office.

"It's true that we have nothing to do with the Shu people, but does it have nothing to do with the Shu people?"

Qian Qin smiled confidently and reminded Lu Yi.

Because of the good relationship between Wu and Shu, Shu people would sell a lot of in-demand supplies to Wu every year.

These scarce supplies, such as wool and honey wine, except for some of them fell into the hands of those well-connected and powerful families.

Most of the rest were previously under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Shaofu.

Over the years, it has been transferred to the school affairs office.

The reason is also very simple, the young mansion can't suppress the powerful, but the school affairs mansion can.

After all, His Majesty is also very short of money!

"The law of war says: Avoid the truth and attack the falsehood. Li Heng and the other thieves made His Majesty suspicious with their clever tongue. If we respond to them face to face, one bad one will only make His Majesty even more disgusted."

"If you don't want to avoid his edge, find another person to prove yourself."

Having said that, Qian Qin smiled again:

"Your Majesty is short of money, so we will find money for His Majesty. If His Majesty wants to suppress those noble families, we will make those noble families dare not be presumptuous. In this way, how can Your Majesty abandon us?"

Lu Yi still didn't understand:

"A plan is a good plan, but how should it be done?"

Not to mention him, even everyone was confused by Qian Qin's words.

There was only one person who suddenly slapped his thigh and shouted, "Wonderful!"

This loud shout caused everyone to follow the sound.

Who is Qin Bo who is not one of Lu Yiyin's right-hand men?

"I also heard Qian Xiaoshi's eloquent remarks, so I have some guesses."

As Qin Bo said, he bowed his hands to Qian Qin, and after receiving Qian Qin's response, he continued:

"Among the materials transported by the Shu people to our Great Wu, most of the wool and honey wine are under our exclusive control, but there is one thing that is an exception."

"brown sugar?"

Everyone finally reacted.

"That's right, it's brown sugar."

Brown sugar is subject to a quota return system.

In other words, if you want to get a share of brown sugar, you have to sell rough sugar to Shu people first.

And to get jaggery, you have to grow sugar cane.

Otherwise, you can only buy brown sugar at a high price from Shu people, and you may not be able to buy it.

Of course, because of the good relationship between Shu and Wu, the people of Shu will sell a batch of brown sugar to His Majesty at the same price every year.

But this batch of brown sugar is nothing compared to the total amount of brown sugar flowing into Wudi every year.

"I don't know how many powerful families are involved in this matter, let alone the involvement. More importantly, the brown sugar is in the hands of the Shu people, and His Majesty dare not touch it lightly. What can we do?"

Lu Yi understood Qian Qin's words, but he was still not very optimistic about this matter.

It's not that they haven't thought about brown sugar.

Such a lucrative thing is elusive, and it is really a torment for His Majesty who is extremely short of money.

Because His Majesty has expressed his intention to monopolize brown sugar more than once.

As a close confidant of His Majesty, Lu Yi even knew that His Majesty sighed about this matter when he ate rice dumplings dipped in brown sugar in May.

"It is precisely because the benefits of brown sugar are in the hands of the people of Shu that we have a chance!"

Qian Qin said with a more serious tone, "If it is controlled by the family, we will have no chance at all."

Although the school office has great power, it is limited to the court.

In terms of making a living, compared with those clans that have existed for hundreds or even hundreds of years, the means are not at the same level at all.

Not to mention the network of relationships among the clans, layer upon layer, like the roots of a century-old tree hidden underground.

Back then, King Huan of Changsha (that is, Sun Ce) killed the heads of these Jiangdong families, but in the end he still couldn't do anything to them, let alone the school office?

"But brown sugar is mostly controlled by the Zhang family."

Someone reminded me.

"The Zhang family is not comparable to the Lu family and the Zhu family, and it is at a low ebb right now, how dare it compete with the school administration? The only thing to worry about is the close relationship between the Zhang family and Feng Wenhe."

"How can we persuade Feng Wenhe to give more of the brown sugar quota to us, that's the key."

Hearing Qian Qin's words, Lu Yi murmured thoughtfully:

"This family is considered lucky."

The four surnames in Wu County each have their own family traditions: Zhang Jiawen, Zhu Jiawu, Lu Jiazhong, and Gu Jiahou.

Zhu Huan of the Zhu family has the right to holidays, and Zhu Ju is Sun Quan's son-in-law.

Not to mention the Lu family, Lu Xun was a great general, the number one member of the Wu army.

Gu Yong of the Gu family is the prime minister of Wu, and he is generous.

Therefore, the most important people of Sun Quan are the Zhu family and the Lu family.

On weekdays, Gu Yong was appointed to handle government affairs.

Only the Zhang family, although they are known for their talents and learning, still have the same sentence:

In troubled times, what the ruler needs is either a strategy for governing the world or the ability to command an army.

The matter of talent and learning, on the contrary, is listed at the bottom.

Sun Quan wanted to suppress the Jiangdong family. As a famous family in Jiangdong, the Zhang family was not valued at the same time. Naturally, it was the chicken that was used to teach the monkey.

But it is also because of the Zhang family's "writing", Zhang Wen admired Feng Wenhe's writing before he became famous.

After returning from Shu, he vigorously publicized his articles and made him famous.

This move formed a good relationship with Feng Wenhe and brought unexpected benefits to the Zhang family.

That's why Lu Yi said that the Zhang family is lucky.

Someone sighed: "Shu people put loyalty first, I am afraid that I may not be able to persuade Feng Wenhe!"

The story of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei is said to have been written into a novel in Shu, and it is a must for storytellers.

Even the people in Shu area can open their mouths to say "Taoyuan three knots" or something.

There is nothing more weird and fantastic in the world than this.

When did the three married Liu Bei get married in Taoyuan?

It's just that those Cangtou Guishou still like this set!

Well now, Shu people still form associations, and loyalty must come first.

Look at that Zhang Bai of the Zhang family, he said "Feng Junyi is the leader, and the Zhang family is deeply benefited by it"...

Regardless of whether Feng Wenhe is as loyal as Zhang Bai said, but if he wants to persuade him to transfer the brown sugar benefits to the school affairs office, the Zhang family's hurdle will definitely not be bypassed.

"Lu Zhongshu, if we can persuade Feng Wenhe to give up the Zhang family, that would be the best policy, but it is almost impossible!"

Qian Qin knocked heavily on the table, reminding everyone not to think too beautifully.

"So what I mean is, let the Zhang family agree to cooperate with us. If the Zhang family can understand, I believe His Majesty will not pursue the past."

"For the Zhang family's current situation, this may not be a bad thing."

"As long as you can master the channel of brown sugar, not only will you have a steady stream of financial resources, but you can also suppress those aristocratic families by the way. Your Majesty must be happy."

Because His Majesty is short of money, a very short one.

The source of brown sugar is obviously much more stable than woolen honey wine and the like.

Because of wool and honey wine, Shu people can sell as much as they want, even if they don't sell, everyone has no right to say anything.

But brown sugar is different, how much brown sugar is given, then how much brown sugar must be returned in proportion.

Unless Xinghan dares to smash its own brand for so many years.

"What's more, as long as the school government is involved in this matter, even if the Shu people want to break the contract, it depends on whether they dare to ignore the covenant between the two countries."

"After all, we are representing His Majesty! Isn't it much more reliable than just relying on the friendship between the Zhang family and Feng Wenhe?"

When Lu Yi and the others heard this, they immediately felt great.

Yu Gong, this move will not only raise money for His Majesty to collect taxes, but also provide an additional means of suppressing the aristocratic family.

For my own sake, the huge profits from brown sugar... Tsk tsk!

"The current plan is to test His Majesty's heart and see if the Zhang family is available. The second is to see who is sent to Liangzhou to persuade Feng Wenhe."

"Don't worry about the Zhang family's affairs!" Lu Yi got the solution, and immediately became angry, "Your Majesty, if you don't want to use the Zhang family, why would you send Zhang Bai as a deputy envoy to Liangzhou?"

Of course it is necessary to use it, but His Majesty will have discretion on how to use it.

Can't say, in the future, the school government can really squeeze the Zhang family out of the brown sugar channel and enjoy its benefits alone?

"Only the second one," Lu Yi glanced at the crowd, "I really need to think about it."

I definitely can't leave His Majesty's side, otherwise, if there is another Wang Heng and Zhao Heng, no one will grasp the overall situation at that time, and everyone will not know how they died.

The remaining candidates...

Lu Yi glanced back and forth between Qin Bo and Qian Qin.

Qin Bo knew what he meant, he cupped his hands and said:

"A certain person is willing to go to Liangzhou, but..."

He hesitated for a moment, "Feng Wenhe has always been known for his eloquent speech, and a certain one is clumsy in his tongue, I'm afraid he can't tell him..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent for a while.

Yes, I heard that Zhang Yun and Cao Zhen were given the name of climbing mountains and wading by him, and then they were pissed to death.

Although I don't know whether it is true or not, but there are rumors that this person's sharp tongue is still inferior to swords and swords, so I would rather take it seriously than take it lightly.

Lu Yi gritted his teeth suddenly:

"No matter how good your tongue is, you can get more money than money? Isn't the Shu people selling all kinds of things just for a profit?"

"If we can give Feng Wenhe enough benefits, are we afraid that he will not agree?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned pale with shock.

Qin Bo swallowed, feeling a little regretful: I shouldn't have agreed to go to Liangzhou...

But seeing Lu Yi glanced at everyone with cold eyes:

"Your Majesty has doubts about the school office now, so will the people behind Li Heng just stop here?"

"How many people have we offended by what we have done these years? Is there any way out? If we don't fight hard at this time, we may lose our bodies by then!"

Qian Qin was also a little trembling:

"Lu Zhongshu, if you give too much benefit to the people of Shu, and your Majesty finds out about it in the future, I'm afraid we will also be left without whole bodies!"

Lu Yi sneered, and said in a dark voice:

"Have you all forgotten what you started out with? As long as this can be done, His Majesty will definitely value the school administration more than before."

"Even if it is rediscovered in the future, are we still afraid that no one will suffer this?"

Seeing that everyone was still frightened, Lu Yi felt a little impatient:

"What are you all afraid of? Going to Liangzhou to negotiate with the Shu people, isn't it up to His Majesty to make a decision in the end? As long as His Majesty approves, what are you afraid of?"

Lv Yi's intimidation and intimidation finally convinced everyone.

Although everyone in the school affairs office is short-sighted and they are all villains, they also know that if the school affairs office cannot survive this time, then they will not be able to please them.

On the contrary, if Feng Wenhe can really agree to this matter, then not to mention the School Affairs Office will go further in His Majesty's mind.

Just the benefit of increasing the brown sugar alone is enough for them to give it a go.

After the discussion was over, Lu Yi hurriedly looked for an opportunity to meet Sun Quan, and said that Wu and Shu had exchanged more and more goods over the years, and there were countless business matters.

It is heard that the people of Shu established Yishi in Yong'an two years ago to manage transactions with Wu, but Wu did not have a corresponding office.

Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to trade horses with the Shu people to discuss with the Shu people and jointly establish an easy-to-market channel for easy management.

When Sun Quan heard this, he immediately understood what Lu Yi meant.

He couldn't help being overjoyed: Others only said that Lu Yi was a villain, but they didn't know how much profit the school affairs office had received for me in these years.

Thinking of this, most of his worries about Lu Yi these days were eliminated at once.

Lu Yijiu was by Sun Quan's side, how could he fail to see what Sun Quan had in mind?

So strike while the iron is hot, and hurriedly speak out the plan discussed in the secret room.

Of course, how to persuade Feng Wenhe was not mentioned at all.

It can only be said that if this matter can be achieved, it will not only create a long-term financial source, but also take the opportunity to suppress the family.

This sentence is simply going to go to the deepest part of Sun Quan's heart!

When I asked you to open up wasteland and cultivate fields, who would have thought that you were driving this place, but in the end you traded brown sugar with the people of Shu.

Over the years, I have eaten so many bonuses every year. Is it good to eat?

Have you forgotten that you have an emperor like yourself on your head?

Laozi leads troops to the front to fight every year.

The soldiers don't need money for food and clothing?


Must open!

Open up this easy market and collect taxes uniformly!

But this matter requires the cooperation of the Shu people, so we still have to send someone to talk to the Shu people.

Sun Quan himself knew that none of the families capable of trading these materials with the Shu people was a small family.

If it is carried out publicly, I am afraid that there will be a lot of resistance.

In addition, this matter was brought up by Lu Yi, so he still habitually handed over this matter to the school affairs office.

Lv Yi got Sun Quan's permission and almost laughed out loud.

So the envoy who went to Liangzhou for the second time suddenly found that there were more people from the school affairs office in the envoy without being notified.

In July of the thirteenth year of Jianxing, the second batch of envoys from the State of Wu entered Shu.

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