Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 950 Grassland matter (1)

Juyan County is the main passage to and from Liangzhou and the desert. In the past few years, the barbarians on the grassland would come and leave whenever they wanted.

Since Governor Feng sent troops to recover this place, Juyan County has finally restored order again, ending the chaos of these years.

Now if you want to go out of the fortress, you must have a certificate from the government.

If you want to enter the fortress, you also need the permission of the fortress officer.

The rebuilt fortress once again fulfilled its duties.

Although the officers and soldiers coming and going in and out of the pass were very frequent in the past two years, the people in Juyan County inside the pass had an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

The fortress built on the grassland in the former Han Dynasty did not meander all the way to the east after leaving Juyan County, but walked a little way to the northeast (that is, entered the territory of Mongolia in later generations).

Then somewhere in Mobei, it slowly turned southwest again, until it reached the original place of Jiuyuan.

Interestingly, walking eastward from Juyan County following the ruins of the Guansai, I discovered another Guansai on the way to the south.

The two gates, one south and one north, are both leading to the original place of Jiuyuan.

Later generations called the northern fortress the Hanwai Great Wall, and the southern one the Hannei Great Wall.

(The direction of the Han Great Wall in the desert is slightly parallel to the Inner Mongolia section of the later G7 expressway, but the G7 expressway is in China)

Even in later generations, after two thousand years, there are still many places in the desert that retain the remains of the Great Wall of Han Dynasty.

During the Three Kingdoms period, it was only two or three hundred years before the Han Dynasty, and the integrity of the fortress on the desert was much better than Feng Yong's initial imagination.

There are even some beacon towers and city barriers, which still retain their general appearance.

The so-called beacon tower is also a beacon tower, a high platform used to light up the beacon fire warning.

The city barrier is the place where the soldiers and civilians in the Guansai live.

There were rules for building fortresses in the former Han Dynasty. Basically, every ten miles, there was a beacon tower, and every hundred miles, there was a city barrier.

Feng Tubie is sincerely grateful for the majestic atmosphere of the former Han Dynasty.

Because these city barriers lined up on the grasslands were natural marching camps for the Han army going out from Juyan County.

Even camping in dilapidated city barriers is much better than camping on grasslands where the wind blows from all directions.

More importantly, refurbish the relatively well-preserved city barriers near Juyan County.

Three to five hundred soldiers are stationed at each city barrier, which is the outpost of the Han power extending to the grassland.

Since the death of the Xianbei Hu people, the luck of the entire race seems to have been in a state of decline.

Ke Bineng came out of the east, and it could be a sign of unifying the Hu people in the north, but he was defeated by the Wei people a few years ago, and he was almost driven to Mobei.

Then Xianbei in the west was stabbed in the back by Feng Guiwang in the past two years.

The Western Xianbei, which was in a period of division and decline, could not even defeat the Hu Qiyi Congjun army led by Tufa Tianli, let alone the Han cavalry army ahead of this era.

In the past, the Hu people on the grassland could still implement the policy of running away if they couldn't beat them, and tried to exhaust the Han army.

Now, if you want to blame, you can blame the people of the same clan who moved into Liangzhou for working too hard.

The geographical advantage that Hexi Xianbei relied on was useless. The grain growing land hidden in every corner of the grassland was completely ruined by the Han army.

Hu people also need to eat food, and eating only meat and milk will definitely not live longer than those who eat food as well.

Moreover, if you eat too much milk and meat, you will often die of dryness, and you will suffer unbearable pain before you die.

This is also the reason why the Hu people continued to move south from the grassland to the original place of Jiuyuan.

After all, not only can grazing be done there, but food can also be grown.

There are not many places suitable for growing grain on the grassland, but where there are suitable places, they are occupied by large tribes, sow some seeds and wait for the harvest.

The tribes that communicated more with the Han people even sent special personnel to farm.

In the past, when the Han army went out into the grasslands, it was good to be able to distinguish the direction, let alone find the land where the barbarians grew grain.

The army that Lord Feng Gui sent into the grassland now is completely different from before.

What they ate were milk tablets and dry food mixed with sugar, what they rode were artificially bred horses, and what they carried were weapons made of refined iron.

Without the pressure of logistics, coupled with the Han army cavalry equipped with a three-piece cavalry suit, it is a real crush for the Xianbei people who are in a state of social regression.

Xianbei in the west can't even run, let alone fight.

But there is still a group of fellow clansmen who are more active than the Han army.

Familiar with the grasslands, they led the Han army to the grain-growing land to eat seedlings in spring, and led the Han army to the grain-growing land to set fire in autumn...

Ke Bineng, who almost unified the You and Hu people, was defeated by Qin Lang.

Not to mention that Xianbei in the west doesn't even have a unified adult.

Facing the Han army that was more terrifying than the Wei army, the Xianbei in the west had no power to parry at all.

After losing nearly 100,000 people, the rest either fled north or east, and did not dare to come within hundreds of miles of Juyan County.

So after a lapse of ten years, the long-lost Feng Guiwang labor company opened again.

It's just that this time the labor trade has been transferred from Nanzhong to Liangzhou, to be precise, to Juyan County, Liangzhou.

According to the statistics of some people who do not want to be named, in the 12th and 13th years of Jianxing alone, there were 50,000 to 60,000 laborers, regardless of gender, who flowed into Juyan County.

These labors have greatly alleviated the shortage of labor in Liangzhou's new pastures, workshops and other places.

This is not counting the more than 100,000 livestock such as cattle, sheep and horses captured.

Liangzhou Governor's Mansion has survived the previous hard days, and has eaten a lot of fat in the past two years.

Secretary Zhang, who had been on a tight budget for the past few years, suddenly became rich, and when he was happy, he rewarded Governor Feng very graciously.

Anyway, Feng Cishi had a great time for a while, and he was very happy several times.

The grassland in August of the thirteenth year of Jianxing has begun to enter the crisp autumn weather.

A cavalry army of more than a thousand people is heading east along the former Han Pass, which appears and disappears from time to time.

The red flags and red armors all showed their identity as the Han army.

The beacon towers that have collapsed not far away, the fortress walls that were destroyed and fell into the grass, even after hundreds of years, they are still trying to do their best to guide the direction of the Han army.

The leading general of this Han army was a young man. Sitting on his horse, he took out a map from his rucksack, counted the beacon marks on it, and said silently in his heart:


Although it was not the first time to take this road, but on the vast grassland, it was completely different from marching in the interior of the Guansai.

There are official roads in the interior, but on the prairie, there are no trails for pedestrians.

At a glance, in addition to green, it is still green, a vast expanse of green.

When the wind blows on the grassland, the green waves will rush to the distance one by one.

Even if there is a river, it is hidden under the grass, and it will only be discovered when you get close to it.

Unless it is a river that cannot be hidden like a big river.

It sounds exciting to go out to attack Hu, but if you are not fully prepared, you are far away from the fortress, and there are no road signs, even if you have an army of tens of thousands, it is not uncommon for you to get lost if you get lost.

It is precisely because of the difficulty of getting out of the fortress that Governor Feng stood on the ruins of the fortress and shouted "the big man is awesome".

The big man who has just entered the iron society has no satellites, no coordinates, and no accurate map.

Not only did they enter the desert many times to deal devastating blows to the Hu people, but they also built a fortress of more than 10,000 miles on the grassland.

In the end, the fortress was built all the way to the Western Regions along the Silk Road...

In this kind of dynasty, apart from opening up, there is only one explanation left: awesome!

Now that Ji Han has produced a human figure hanging, it is only on the basis of the former Han fortress. It is worthy to select a few relatively complete city barriers and rebuild them as outposts.

The farthest of these city barriers is only five hundred miles away from Juyan County.

Even if it is five hundred miles away, the leading generals must be careful.

Every time you go to a road sign, you have to take out a map and compare it carefully so as not to go astray.

Every ten days, Juyan County will send cavalry troops to patrol along the pass to ensure the safety of the soldiers inside the city barrier.

This Han cavalry army that appeared here was in charge of the last patrol of this month.

"General, there are scouts reporting back."

Hearing this, the young general put away the map, carefully put it back in his rucksack, and looked at the scouts who were slowing down not far away.

"Report! General, there is a barbarian camp ahead, it seems to be a tribe."

The scout came to the front and reported loudly with excitement on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, before the general could speak, the guard next to him was already full of joy:

"General, could it be that those Xianbei Hu'er who fled went and returned?"

It's not impossible!

This place is hundreds of miles away from Juyan County, so it's normal for Hu'er to return to try his luck.

In the past, when people were robbed on the grassland, at most they robbed cattle, sheep and horses. don't even leave the wool, and people still want to escape?

Take them all away!

"What are you dreaming about? I think about working hard all day long!"

Unexpectedly, the young general scolded him directly, "I want you to read more books on weekdays, and you have read them into the stomachs of dogs!"

"I don't even think about it. This is the last beacon tower. If you walk about ten miles ahead, you will be a city barrier. No matter how stupid the barbarians are, do they dare to stay by the tiger's mouth?"

Having said that, the young general stroked his shaggy chin, "If I expected it, we have already entered the barbarian grassland newly divided by the princes."

Hey, isn't it a wild barbarian?

When the guards heard this, they immediately felt bored.

All the veterans in the Liangzhou Army know that if you want to say that Junhou is ruthless to Hu Yi and his ilk, it is really ruthless, otherwise how would he get the name "Feng Guiwang"?

But it's really good, too.

Otherwise, the barbarians in Liangzhou would not regard the prince as the descendant of the mountain god.

For example, tens of thousands of people have become laborers in the past two years when they went out to attack Xianbei in the west.

But in the same way, there are also several tribes, because the adults of the tribes were able to recognize the situation in time, they belonged to the Han, and were then arranged by the princes in the hometown of Xianbei in the west.

What's more, Junhou even gave them a special area to prevent them from fighting each other for the pasture.

Someone also said with some regret: "Those tribes, Dingkou counts a lot, if they are all replaced by labor..."

Before he finished speaking, the young general scolded the other party like hell:

"Labor and labor! Knowing labor, Jun Hou's mind, can be guessed all day long?"

Do you know that's what Yuejuan County did in the first place?

Some Yi tribes who were unwilling to move to the flat land wanted to continue enjoying their freedom. Feng Junhou didn't force him, and he thoughtfully allocated a territory for them to live.

It even stipulates that all tribes are not allowed to cross the border at will, so as to avoid disputes, otherwise the government will punish them severely and the tribes will attack them.

It's almost ten years now, right?

Those tribal leaders back then, suddenly some people began to ask for registration.


Because the land boundary drawn at the beginning has begun to be somewhat unable to support the tribe.

But do you dare to break the rules set by Feng Junhou and go to other people's lands to nomadicly hunt?

So in the end, it is either a registered account.

Either release the excess young and strong to join the Han army.

Or it is to separate a part of the population and fill other places...

Is it a joke to think about the king of ghosts for a long time?

So don't look at these prairie tribes who have been blessed with good things from the sky now laughing happily, and don't know how they will cry in the future!

Not to mention, the disasters on the grasslands are much more serious than Yuejuan.

After a white disaster, it is unknown how many people died.

You could go to other places before, but now?

want to run?

Did the big man agree?

Unless you are willing to give up the shelter of the big man and the grassland allocated to you.

Still the same sentence, Feng Guiwang's benefits are so easy to get, so he might as well be called Feng Dashan.

"Killing and stroking them, and giving both kindness and power, is the way to control Hu. Those who refuse to obey will be destroyed, and those who surrender will be pacified."

"If there is no distinction between right and wrong, and they are all used as labor, then who in the future will dare to surrender to the big man?"

"Not to mention the barbarians are like grass, if you leave an open space, other barbarians will come to fill it up. If the newcomers refuse to accept it, why don't you send troops to destroy it? When will it be wiped out?"

"It's better to keep those who are obedient, so that the big man can feel at ease to kill the thieves."

"A bunch of idiots, after I go back, I will ask the school for some papers, let you wait for the exam, if you fail, see how I deal with you!"

When everyone heard this, their faces paled:

"Patriarch, we know we are wrong!"

The young general snorted angrily, "Your Majesty has his own rules. There are only generals in the army. Where is the patriarch?"

"Compared to others, you have already taken advantage. If you dare to act recklessly again, get the hell back to Yinping! Go down later and get ten army sticks!"

The young general known as the patriarch was none other than Yang Wanwan who had been transferred to Yinping as the prefect in recent years.

After the battle of Longyou that year, Yang Ju, the elder of Yang Wanwan, was appointed as the prefect of Yinping by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

Later, Yang Ju died of a serious illness, and Feng Yong took the initiative to recommend Yang Wanwan to succeed him as the prefect of Yinping.

With the continuous development of Yuejuan County, the two counties of Wenshan and Hanjia, which are sandwiched between Yuejuan and Yinping, have almost all surrendered to the Yi people over the years.

So this year Feng Yong asked the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty to transfer Yang Wanwan to the Liangzhou Army.

The reason is also very simple.

The main force of the Liangzhou army in the future must be the cavalry.

Now Liangzhou Jingqi is led by Liu Hun, and Tufa Tianli leads Hu Renyi to join the army to assist him.

The heavy cavalry is under the command of Zhao Guang, but the general of the auxiliary cavalry army for the heavy cavalry has not been determined.

Therefore, after Wenshan and Hanjia were completely stabilized, Yang Wanwan, who once led Hu Renyi to join the army and participated in the battle of Xiaoguan, was naturally the best candidate in Feng Shishi's eyes.

Although the status of King Di inherited by Yang Wanwan is no longer worth much, there are still clan members.

One person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

These personal guards are naturally the most trusted clansman of King Yang Di.

In the Liangzhou Army, the training is hard, but the treatment is really nothing to say.

A year of hard work by a family in Yinping is nothing compared to two or three months in the Liangzhou army by one person.

These personal guards followed Yang Wanwan to Liangzhou and saw the world, why would they want to go back to Yinping?

At the moment, I am in a hurry.

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