Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 951 Grassland Matters (3)

Yang Wanwan guessed correctly.

When the Hu tribe in front saw the flag of the Han army, not only did they not flee, but the adults of the tribe personally greeted them and brought them food.

Yang Wanwan declined the food brought by the barbarians, took a few sips of cold boiled water prepared by the guards in advance.

Then ask the headman:

"In these days, have you ever found someone who shouldn't appear?"

"No, no, absolutely not."

The headman bowed his head and nodded, with a smile on his face, "The mighty man has frightened their courage a long time ago. They will definitely not dare to come here before this winter."

After winter, if you really can't survive it, then maybe.

Former leaders may still worry about this situation.

But now, since he can exchange food and clothes for the winter from Feng Langjun, is he still afraid of those bereaved dogs who are about to freeze to death and starve to death?

In winter, whoever can eat and dress warmly is an adult!

When the time comes, if we really meet, the tribe may grow stronger.

Yang Wanwan ordered as usual:

"If you really want to see it, remember to notify us as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be regarded as your dereliction of duty."

Re-dividing the old Xianbei land in the west is not for them to provide for the elderly.

These Hu tribes can also be regarded as part of the grassland outposts.

After all, if those Western Xianbei who were expelled are really going to make a comeback, the results of these traitors who took over their old places will not be much better.

If they want to occupy these fertile pastures for a long time, and if they want to avoid being exterminated, a strong man with a strong army is their most reliable backing, right?

Still the same sentence, the benefits of Feng Guiwang are so delicious?

When they enjoyed these benefits ecstatically, they didn't know that these benefits had already been secretly priced by King Feng Gui.

Yang Wanwan put away the water bag and signaled the guards to give the headman a few bags of yutou flour, which was regarded as a reward for the food the headman brought over.

During war, they can be burned, killed, looted, and plundered.

But on weekdays, military discipline still needs to be paid attention to.

At least let the barbarians attached to the big man know what a majestic master is.

After confirming his exact location, Yang Wanwan ordered:

"Accelerate forward and reach the city barrier before dark."

With the sound of whining bull horns, the messengers scattered and galloped, shouting:

"The general has an order, speed up!"

The whole cavalry began to run rumblingly.

Although there are only a thousand people, but one person and two riders, the momentum is not small.

Ten miles, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Once the cavalry let go of their feet, even if they didn't run with all their strength, it would take less than an hour to reach under the city barrier.

The soldiers guarding the highest part of the city suddenly saw a mass of darkness rushing towards them, and they subconsciously clenched their weapons tightly.

At the same time, his eyes widened, not daring to blink, trying to see who was coming as soon as possible.

When the imaginary red armor gradually became clear, the soldier breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at the fact that the big man has driven the western Xianbei to escape and surrender, but this is a place more than 500 miles away from Juyan County after all.

It took at least ten days and a half months from setting off the wolf smoke to Juyan County sending fine cavalry to rescue.

The task of the more than three hundred soldiers inside the city barrier was to hold on for half a month until reinforcements arrived.

Of course, the barbarians are now at a time when their courage is broken, and this worst situation has never happened.

But it is a fact that the Hu tribes scattered around are often attacked by surprise.

Even at the very beginning, because of the inexperience of the barrier soldiers, some small groups of soldiers would also be attacked after staying away from the barrier.

At least half of them will be lost, and at worst, the entire army will be wiped out.

After learning enough lessons and formulating the rule that no one should leave the city barrier for ten miles without incident, and that the number of people should not be less than a hundred if they really want to scout farther away, such things became rare.

Not only is it extremely boring to garrison the grassland city barrier—the range of activities is basically within ten miles—but it is also dangerous.

Therefore, the soldiers who are not on duty are not nervous when they hear and see such a large number of cavalry.

"Wang Duwei, there is a large cavalry army coming from the west, it may be a patrol army."

There are no more than 300 troops garrisoned in each city barrier, but the chief officers are all governors, and their official positions are between military marquis and school lieutenant.

This shows that Governor Feng attaches great importance to this matter.

"If you count the days, it should come."

The guard Wang Duwei is not too tall, but he is extremely strong.

Compared with ordinary Han people, his face is slightly flatter, his eye sockets are slightly sunken, and they are much darker.

This facial feature is not common in the Northland.

If someone came from Shu, one could tell at a glance that this Wang Duwei should be from Nanzhong, and it was very likely that he was of barbarian blood.

But seeing him shout:

"Pass down the order, the whole city is on alert!"

There was a sound of weapons hitting and footsteps running, and the small city barrier quickly entered a state of alert.

Soon, the sentries outside the city also sent news:

"General Yang led the patrol to arrive!"

Our own people belong to our own people, but Governor Wang still didn't order to open the city gate immediately.

It wasn't until Yang Wanwan personally appeared at the base of the city, put the document in the basket, and after being verified by the superintendent Wang of the city, that the city gate was reopened.

"Is it normal recently?"

Looking at Duwei Wang who greeted him personally, Yang Wanwan asked.

"Normal normal!"

After the city gate opened, the original awe-inspiring atmosphere was swept away. Duwei Wang said with a hearty smile in his half-familiar Luo Xiayin:

"General Yang, but don't worry, the surrounding area has been very quiet these days, and even the barbarians in the surrounding area have not come to report that they saw the enemy."

"That's good."

Yang Wanwan dismounted from his horse and walked towards the inside of the barrier with Wang Duwei.

As for the soldiers under his command, they will set up camp according to the rules.

I checked important places such as the arsenal and grain depot in the city, and found nothing wrong.

Then Yang Wanwan circled around the city barrier again, and saw a cave-in at the top of the city.

Captain Wang understood and quickly explained:

"The sack sent by the general this time is exactly where the general will be used."

Nanxiang's specialty products, in addition to tickets, also have various hemp rope sacks, which are widely used and of high quality.

Especially after regaining Liangzhou, his reputation has risen to a higher level, and it is well-known.

For example, when catching labor, one tie is a string, like a long string of candied haws.

Another example is the fortress on the grassland.

In the past, reeds or all kinds of long grass were used as the foundation, soil, gravel were spread on the top, and then grasses such as reeds were sandwiched between adobe and rammed layer by layer.

Now that there are sacks, it is much more convenient and saves a lot of effort and process.

Yang Wanwan nodded, and then looked at other places to make sure there were no omissions, and then returned to the city.

Patrolling the fortress is not just a matter of leading the army to go back and forth, but to check all the conditions of the city barrier.

Even the increase and decrease in the population of the Hu tribe on the same side of the city barrier must be investigated clearly.

When you go back, you must report to the governor's office on time.

If there is an abnormal situation, it must be reported immediately.

After some inspection, it was dark.

In the evening, when Duwei Wang was entertaining Yang Wanwan, a woman came out with a pot of roasted mutton.

Yang Wanwan glanced at the woman's slightly protruding abdomen, and then looked at Duwei Wang.

Superintendent Wang smiled a little embarrassedly:

"Hey, this, General Yang, this is the wife of the last general, and she has been pregnant for five months."

"Isn't it almost September? It's getting colder in the desert, and the cold air is heavy. My wife is heavy, and I'm afraid I can't bear it."

"So I want to ask General Yang to go back on this trip so that my wife can follow behind."

Yang Wanwan didn't change his expression, he seemed to be used to this kind of thing. He nodded and asked, "How many people?"

"No more, no more, that's nine mouths."

Hearing this number, Yang Wanwan frowned:

"According to the rules, there are no more than five people in a family. You are exceeding the standard."

Wang Duwei looked ashamed, rubbed his hands, and waved again, only to see another woman with a full stomach come out:

"They are sisters..."

Yang Wanwan's face twitched: ...

"I remember that you are not an old man from Nanxiang? Have you never married a wife?"

When Feng Guiwang was running a wool workshop in Nanxiang, how many old soldiers started their old business with a knife in order to marry a woman to warm their couch?

Not to mention a senior qualification like Wang Duwei, who has followed Feng Guiwang from the beginning and has climbed to his current position.

"How can I not marry? I married a long time ago, but the eldest family was naturalized in the early years, and I have two children."

So General Yang was shocked:

Those who were naturalized in the early years can basically be regarded as the first batch of Weaver Girls in Nanxiang Workshop.

Is it a joke that Nanxiang women are in charge of the house?

This Superintendent Wang actually dares to pay his sisters outside?

"Isn't this thanks to the Lord's blessing?" Wang Duwei said with joy, "The Lord has made a rule that Juyan County and Duyeze do not collect tax, but only land tax."

"Although there are a lot of land gifts, there are also a lot of land that cannot be held back!"

"The last general has already communicated with the family member. Isn't the workshop in Juyan County short of management?"

"It's not that the general is bragging, but with the craftsmanship of the family member, he can be a manager or something in the workshop in Juyan County."

"In addition, Erniang and Sanniang married the last general, and even nine members of their family are willing to change their surname to Wang. According to the rules, they can be assigned to the field!"

"The final general knows that this is the prince's welfare for us old people. The more people in this family, the more money he will make. How can we not understand the prince's intentions?"

Watching Duwei Wang say these words with gratitude on his face, Yang Wanwan was a little stunned, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

In Juyan County, the elder brother practiced "spreading into the mu", so it was for this reason?

In the past, there were two biggest taxes collected by the government from Cangtou and Guizhoushou, one was the land tax, and the other was the per capita tax.

In order to encourage the people to go to Juyan County for reclamation, Liangzhou Governor's Mansion deliberately canceled the Ding tax in Juyan County, and only collected land tax—or merged the Ding tax into the land tax.

But for the common people, the overall burden is greatly reduced.

Wang Duwei, a class of "good family sons" who were forcibly created, believed that Feng Junhou was doing their welfare for them.

But the common people think: Feng Cishi really loves the people like his own son!

Although the aristocratic family cannot occupy a large amount of arable land in Juyan County, they also welcome this policy with both hands.

The reason is also very simple.

Because of this policy, to a large extent, Cangtou Guishou has more choices, such as entering the workshop to work.

Even the aristocratic family felt that Guiwang Feng was trying to compensate him for not being able to own farmland in Juyan County.

As for what Feng Guiwang's real purpose is, basically only a few people in this world know about it.

However, this policy actually allowed the soldiers guarding the border to take the initiative to speed up the national integration. Not to mention Yang Wanwan, even Feng Guiwang was unexpected.

So when Governor Feng saw the materials sent by Secretary Zhang, he was a little surprised:

"This year, more than 6,000 barbarians have been naturalized in Juyan County? These guys are very fast..."

"Yes, you said that this woman is pregnant, and the whole family's naturalization decree, is there something wrong?"

Zhang Xingyi said with some concern, "According to this speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before all the bearded women will find ways to marry the soldiers of Juyan County..."

"What's the matter? Not enough land?"

Inspector Feng asked a question.

The land reclaimed by the people led by the government can be divided into 150 mu for Han people, 70 mu for Hu people, and 100 mu for these naturalized Hu people.

"How could it not be enough? Even if all the big men are moved to Liangzhou, how many people are there?"

Now the population of the two prefectures of the Han Dynasty is equivalent to the population of a large county in the Later Han Dynasty. It is not afraid of no land, but no one.

"What are you afraid of? As long as they have a way to get the soldiers to marry them, then let them go."

More than 6,000 people have been naturalized, which means that more than 1,000 bearded women are pregnant. They can't even compare with the number of soldiers in the pass on the grassland. What is it?

Shouldn't the worry be that in the past two years, the amount of soap used by the soldiers on the grassland has increased too fast?

After all, the soldiers who can ignore Hu Nu's body odor and have to fight with their eyes closed are all macho.

It is also normal to use more soap to wash the beard girl.

"What I'm worried about is that someone will take advantage of this matter to take advantage of the government."

Zhang Xingyi was somewhat dissatisfied with Governor Feng's disapproving attitude, "Compared to Nanxiang back then, naturalization in Juyan County can be said to be a piece of cake."

"One moment and another moment!" Governor Feng explained unhurriedly, "When I was in Nanxiang, it was still a question of whether the school could be built."

"It's not like now, the children born to those naturalized bearded women have to go to school for three years."

"What's more, with the examples of those naturalized Hu people, other Hu people can learn Chinese and learn Chinese customs more attentively."

"The most important thing is to turn the land into the mu. As long as this goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter if the government is taken advantage of."

If you suffer immediate losses, you will have blessings later.

It can be regarded as a sharp weapon to prevent land annexation in the feudal era.

For those aristocratic families with a lot of land, it is a bone-scraping knife-you can hide the population, but can you move the land for me?

This move can not only reduce Guizhou's dependence on the wealthy family, but also allow the wealthy family to release more hidden population.

More importantly, it can also liberate more labor from the land, which can promote the current social economy of Dahan.

It's just that this sharp weapon can't be used explicitly at present, it can only be used secretly, bit by bit, mainly to accumulate experience.

So the prime minister of the Han Dynasty continued the old method: Let Feng Shishi open a special zone, try it first, and show him how it works.

Juyan County is naturally the most suitable place.

Taxation reform is still a major national event, something that even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is not sure about, and Zhang Xiaosi is even less sure about it.

In the past few years, Secretary Zhang has been regarded as the chief steward of the governor's mansion, and he has lived a tight life.

Although the school is sponsored, the government also has to pay for it.

In less than a year, there will be more than a thousand students' expenses in the future, but this guy in front of him is exempt from poll tax.

This increase and decrease, I am afraid that I will have a hard life in the future.

Governor Feng naturally knew what she was worried about, but after seeing him glance around to make sure there was no one there, he whispered:

"I'll take a book to your yard at night and explain it to you in detail, and you'll understand then."

When Secretary Zhang heard it, his eyes flickered: "Book? What book?"

"A good book, a peerless book," Governor Feng chuckled, and lowered his voice, "That's the book your elder sister put at the bottom of the box, and it will be left to Ah Chong's Feng family's unique knowledge in the future."

As Liangzhou entered the era of workshops, it was time for Secretary Zhang, who was in charge of the Governor's Mansion for him, to further learn new postures, bah, I mean to learn new knowledge.

"As for the knowledge of the teacher, you have to study hard at night, you know?" Governor Feng urged, "Also, don't let your sister know."

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