Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 952 Arrival of the Mission

Education for all, improving the quality of the labor force, and speeding up the transformation of the economic base are such major events that Governor Feng does not want to do it, but that he is unable to do so.

To put it bluntly, just two words: no money!

Therefore, if Cangtou Qianshou of Liangzhou wants to stand up, the best way is to join the army.

And it must be an army of the Xinghui Han system, that is, under the command of Feng Shishi.

After three years of compulsory military service, if you are willing to turn into a professional soldier, you can find a place in the school for your children.

In the army, in addition to gaining military merits, the rations issued by the army are also very generous.

The more military achievements accumulated, the more benefits will naturally be.

Just like the fierce man on the prairie who took the flowers of his sisters, from the official to the captain of the Ministry, at least he can get two places in the school.

In addition, as the first batch of female weavers in Nanxiang, my family has at least one spot in hand.

Some people in the army can't use so many quotas themselves, and they can even transfer them out. This is cashing out.

Over the years, Duwei Wang has experienced countless life and death fights, and no matter what, the life-and-death friendship between Pao Zejian will not be missing.

So even if he has too many children and not enough places, he can easily get the extra places from Pao Ze.

On the contrary, outsiders outside the Xinghanhui system, or in other words, outsiders who have no contact with the Xinghanhui system, even if they want to pay a high price with money and food, they may not have the means to buy a quota.

So Wang Duwei said that it was Feng Junhou who benefited these old people, which is indeed not wrong.

It is precisely because of this that Secretary Zhang, with his keen political sensitivity, saw some kind of hidden danger here:

Hu women will take this opportunity to snatch educational resources for their offspring, which may lead to renewed tension between Han and Hu.

But Governor Feng was indifferent to this.

In terms of resource allocation, I was originally inclined to the people of the Han family.

He started out higher than the barbarian, but in the end he couldn't compete with the barbarian, so how shameless it is?

The Roman Empire hired foreign races to fight for itself, and the main ethnic group was unwilling to fight and cared about having fun. How did it end up?

Let’s look at some people in later generations who are so well protected in the country, full of food all day long, yelling that this is bad and that is bad, don’t want the rise of a big country, they just want the dignity of the shitty people.

People can't wait to slap them a few big mouths, and then throw them in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, so that they can taste the dignity of ordinary people.

The sons and daughters of the Han family are different from other races in the world. If they can't stand on top of the world and just want to survive in the world, they will be fat in the eyes of foreign races.

If they don't eat you up completely, will they let it go?

Still want to expect others to give you alms and dignity?

Inspector Feng won't get used to his own people's stink!

Lao Tzu is the parent, and the parent must treat the child equally.

I can divide your land and help you open up the ascending channel, but if you want to go further, you have to get it yourself.

Others can fight for wealth and honor for their descendants, but you can't do it?

Is your life precious?

Besides, the blood of the Han family is also flowing on the children of the soldiers, and they have learned the culture of the Han family since childhood. Who dares to say that they are not the children of the Han family?

Who can hold up the politically correct stick that the prime minister has set for many years to treat Han and Yi as the same?

Therefore, in Feng's opinion, instead of caring about these worthless guys, it is better to care about the upcoming second batch of Soochow envoys, that's the real thing.

In October of the thirteenth year of Jianxing, the second batch of envoys from the State of Wu, who had stayed in Hanzhong for a month, finally came to Liangzhou.

This time, it was the sixty-seven-year-old Xiang Lang who brought the mission over.

Governor Feng, who personally went to greet the mission outside the city, went up to greet the mission from a distance, bowing to the leading carriage repeatedly:

"If you Lao Xianggong comes here in person, you will never be afraid."

The curtain of the car was lifted, and Xiang Lang showed his face with white hair and beard. Although his face was tired after a long journey, he seemed to be in high spirits.

I saw him with a hearty smile:

"Junhou, I haven't seen you for a few years. Compared with the previous years, you have changed a lot, and you are much more humble!"

If it were someone else, these words would not be regarded as polite - and looking at the big man, few would dare to talk to Governor Feng like that.

But Xiang Lang...

The battle in Longyou back then was plotted by Feng Junhou.

Moreover, after the Battle of Longyou, Xiang Lang was half-coaxed and half-forced by Feng Junhou to go to Nanxiang, and then stayed there to teach and educate people.

It was because of his reputation that Nanxiang Academy was transformed into Nanxiang Academy, which was recognized by all scholars and students. Things went much smoother than Feng Yong imagined.

So when Xiang Lang jokingly said this, Governor Feng had to laugh along with him:

"I used to be young and frivolous and ignorant, so ashamed and ashamed! On the contrary, Xiang Gong seems to be rejuvenated, which is really enviable..."

At the time of the Battle of Longyou, Xiang Lang was over sixty years old and was still able to accompany the army in the Northern Expedition.

Now that this year is almost ancient, when I rushed to Liangzhou from Hanzhong, apart from a little tired face, I was still so energetic.

There is nothing to say about this bone!

This made even the young governor Feng a little envious.

Thinking of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty who was recuperating in Hanzhong, Governor Feng couldn't help but contempt again: Weak chicken, so weak!

Xiang Lang, who got out of the car, listened to Governor Feng's words, pointed at him subconsciously, and laughed uncontrollably:

"What is there to be ashamed of? What is there to be ashamed of? It's very fortunate that a great man has a king!"

"If even kings and lords are ashamed, how many people in the Han Dynasty dare to say that they are not ashamed?"

Speaking of this, he seemed to be more and more happy, "I remember, the old man has not yet reached his thirties, right? Such a young and promising man should be the old man who admires the king."

Inspector Feng hurriedly said modestly: "Gong Xiang is overrated, overrated..."

After the two greeted each other, Xiang Lang waved back.

The two young boys who had been waiting for a long time stepped forward impatiently, saluted Feng Yong excitedly, and shouted in unison:

"I've seen the head of the mountain."

The voice was so loud that Governor Feng almost jumped.

"These two children have been following me for the past few years, and I don't know if you are their teacher or I am their teacher."

Xiang Lang said partly with emotion and partly with reluctance, "I brought them here this time, so I have granted them a wish."

Feng Yong's eyes fell on the heroic Luo Xian and Fu Qian, and the gratification flashed in his eyes.

But seeing him put on the majesty of a teacher, he asked:

"This trip has been approved by General Zhao?"

Luo Xian and Fu Qian finally got what they wanted. When they came to Liangzhou, they were afraid that their mountain chief would be unhappy and drive them back to Hanzhong. Hearing this, he quickly replied:

"It is indeed with the permission of General Zhao, and this Xiang Gong can testify."

Feng Yong nodded and turned his head slightly to the side.

When Luo Xian and Fu Qian saw it, their mouths were almost grinning behind their ears, so they dared to be negligent, and trotted quickly to stand behind Feng Governor.

Only then did Feng Yong look at the Wu Mission, who was meeting with Lu Mao not far away.

Compared with the relaxed banter between Xiang Lang and Feng Yong, although I couldn't hear what Lu Hao and the Wu mission who came here were talking about, it seemed that the atmosphere was a bit out of place.

After a while, Lu Mao, who had a rather unsightly face, led the people over, and forced a smile at Governor Feng:

"Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay." Governor Feng glanced behind Lu Mao, and he didn't know anyone in the new mission.

Of course, if you don't know it, you don't know it, but Governor Feng can clearly see that something seems to have happened to the Wu mission.

But seeing a smile on Feng Cishi's face, he said enthusiastically, "As long as it's Mr. Lu, it doesn't matter how long I wait."

Lu Mao was a little confused, and seemed a little uncomfortable with Governor Feng's sudden enthusiasm.

Because during the time he stayed in Liangzhou, Governor Feng avoided him as much as he could.

Why did the style of painting suddenly change now?

Before he came back to his senses, Inspector Feng was already smiling all over his face, and began to greet the Wu mission.

After meeting each other, everyone started heading towards the city.

Inspector Feng said to Lu Mao very courteously:

"Mr. Lu, why do you need to go with others? You don't want to ride in my car."

The two countries of Han and Wu are called the East and the West. Although Feng Shishi is much younger than Lu Mao, he is a real high position and weight.

Is driving a car that ordinary people can sit in?

Lu Mao was about to refuse, but Governor Feng held onto his sleeve tightly:

"These days, Mr. Lu's gentlemanly demeanor has always been like a long drought and rain. How lucky is it to be able to sit in Mr. Lu's car today? Please ask Mr. Lu to do it this time."

Hearing this, Lu Hao almost suspected that the governor Feng in front of him was probably someone else pretending to be him.

It's just that he is an upright gentleman, although he felt that Governor Feng's attitude was a bit abnormal, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he was so highly praised by Governor Feng, how could he have the nerve to refute the other party's face?

Coupled with the matter of changing horses, it will still fall on this person in the end.

This person's reputation is mixed, if it makes him unhappy, who knows what he will do?

After all, Jiu has a reputation for being cruel and merciless...

With this in mind, Lu Hao had no choice but to put his doubts in his heart, and kept saying "offended offended" before he dared to board the car.

Seeing Governor Feng personally helping Lu Mao get into the car, many people in the Wu State Mission all smiled, saying that Lu Mao was really respected by Governor Feng.

Some people even thought that it seemed that the purpose of this trip was already half accomplished.

After Governor Feng arranged for the people from the Wu mission to stay, he hosted a banquet in person at night.

During the banquet, strong wine rose peach wine and honey wine were served like flowing water, and the table was full of delicacies rarely seen by everyone.

There is also a Hu girl from the Western Regions, twisting her slender waist like a water snake, spinning wildly, and her dancing posture is very different from that of the Central Plains, which arouses applause from everyone.

For a while, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

The banquet was not over until Feng Cishi was overwhelmed with alcohol and fell to the ground drunk.

Inspector Feng, who was helped back to the backyard, slumped on a chair. Someone wiped his face with a hot towel, and then served him hangover soup.

After finishing the soup, Governor Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did you really drink that much?"

Guan Ji sat next to each other, asked a question with concern, and put the hot towel that Amei handed over to Feng Cishi's forehead.

"You have to drink some anyway, otherwise it will be difficult to handle if someone sees it through."

Governor Feng leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and replied.

Zhang Xiaosi stayed far away, and while fanning his nose, as if he didn't want to smell a little bit of alcohol, he said angrily:

"I'm afraid I saw those bearded girls dancing so well, so I couldn't control it for a while, and I couldn't help but drink a few more glasses. It's a lust..."

"Go, go!" Feng Inspector interrupted her, finally opened his eyes, took the towel off his forehead, and returned it to Guan Ji:

"I hide all the most beautiful colors in the entire Governor's Mansion in this room. Can I still see other colors?"

In a word, not to mention Zhang Xingyi, even Ah Mei, who was rubbing towels in the basin, couldn't help but cast a glance at Governor Feng with watery eyes.

Guan Ji couldn't hide her smile, she slapped Governor Feng lightly, and said coquettishly:

"I really think you drank too much! It seems that the concubine is thinking too much."

Inspector Feng used a group charm technique, and he almost couldn't stop the scene for a while, so he coughed quickly:

"Let's talk about business, talk about business. How's the investigation on the mission?"

Zhang Xingyi covered her nose with one hand, and handed the arranged papers to Guan Ji with the other, unwilling to be by Governor Feng's side:

"It has been found out. The guy you highlighted has a different identity. His name is Qin Bo, and he came from the school office that supervises all officials in the Wu Kingdom."

Guan Ji was about to pass it to Feng Yong, but Feng Yong waved his hand, "The wine is a little bit good, Xijun, please read it to me."

When Guan Ji heard this, she straightened the paper and read Qin Bo's materials.

The words on the paper were actually just a few lines, about Qin Bo's age, background, personality, etc., as well as his current official position in Wu State.

After all, Qin Bo is not an important minister, and Zhang Xingyi's ability to call up this person's information within a day is already regarded as high efficiency.

The school administration office set up by Sun Quan has dealt with the Xinghan Association for the past two years.

Because Xinghan will transport bulk materials to Wu, many times they can't get around the school affairs office.

In this regard, the School Affairs Office is somewhat similar to the tax-collecting eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty, who specially collected money for Sun Quan.

Qin Bo's status in the school affairs office is only lower than that of the leader Lu Yi, so it happened to be recorded in the intelligence.

"School affairs? Wu's factory guard?"

Governor Feng muttered in a low voice.

The Embroidered Clothes Envoy of the Han Dynasty, the School Affairs of the Three Kingdoms, the Dianju of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Neiwei of the Tang Dynasty, the Imperial City Secretary of the Song Dynasty, the Jinyi Guard of the East Factory and the West Factory of the Ming Dynasty, and the Blood Dropper of the Qing Dynasty. Although they have different names, they can all see each other shadows between.

Guan Ji didn't hear Feng Yong's words clearly, so she leaned closer: "Ah Lang just said Wei?"

"Nothing." Feng Yong shook his head, and then said with some doubts, "What did Sun Quan send this Qin Bo over here? To spy on Liangzhou's military situation?"

"It's possible." Guan Ji nodded, "But then again, how did Alang see at a glance that there is something wrong with that Qin Bo?"

"Not professional." Governor Feng sneered, "I haven't received professional training. I just tested Lu Mao today, and Qin Bo's immediately went wrong."

The school office is in Wu country, and it is a notorious existence.

Secret service agencies basically rarely have a good reputation, which is understandable.

Lu Hao's complexion was not very good today, probably because he saw that there were people from the school affairs office in the mission.

However, Governor Feng was keenly aware of the strangeness in the atmosphere of the Wu mission.

Lu Hao only thought that Governor Feng was a little abnormal today, how could he know that he was actually being played by Governor Feng?

"Why don't Sun Shiwan go to Hefei and send people from the school office to Liangzhou to spy on the military situation? Even if he spy on the military situation, so what, can he still lead the army to Liangzhou?"

Governor Feng touched his chin and said with some doubts.

It's not intentional to say, but the listener has a heart.

Zhang Xiaosi unconsciously put down his hand covering his nose, and said thoughtfully:

"I looked through the information today, and it was said that the Wu State School Office is headed by Lu Yi, and Qin Bo and Qian Qin are under him."

"Now that Sun Quan sent Qin Bo over, it shows how much he attaches importance to it, but why does he attach so much importance to Liangzhou?"

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng was startled.

Guan Ji looked at Governor Feng, then at Zhang Xiaosi, and interjected, "Because of the war horse?"

Governor Feng frowned:

"If it's because of the war horse, it's reasonable, but I always feel that something is not right..."

"Of course not! If it's really because of the war horse, it's better to send an important minister over, after all, this is a matter between the two countries."

Zhang Xiaosi shook his head, "Send a school official over, what's the matter?"

The exchanges between the two countries are based on the principle of reciprocity.

No matter how powerful the school affairs are in the state of Wu, when it comes to the big man, they will not be able to stand on the official stage—unless you bring Sun Quan's secret letter.

But if there is really a secret letter related to Liangzhou, then Hanzhong should give Liangzhou some advice in advance.

In terms of politics, Secretary Zhang is much better than the Feng couple.

Hearing her words, Governor Feng also understood that something was wrong:

"That is to say, this person has another purpose?"

"It has to be guarded against. Wu people are untrustworthy after all."

When Zhang Xingyi said this, he suddenly snorted and said, "No matter what schemes he has, he will have to face brother in the end."

"Didn't my brother play a trick on Lu Hao today? Just look at when he makes a move, you might as well follow today's situation and make another trick."

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