Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 953: Tsing Yi of History

Liangzhou in October of the thirteenth year of Jianxing was destined to be very lively.

For Governor Feng, the arrival of the Wu mission was not a top priority.

The biggest thing is the Liangzhou exam.

After three years, the first batch of scholars who participated in the Liangzhou examination and selection finally ushered in the last examination.

From being sent down to the county and township as a foreman in the first year, to running errands in various ministries in the county in the second year, and finally to the state to sort out various documents.

Compared with the scholars who participated in the examination at the beginning, those who can survive the three-year examination are basically 30% left.

It's hard to say whether the rest of these people are outstanding talents, but their business level is at least above the average level.

The most important thing is that they are either determined people, or they regard the exam as the best promotion channel.

These two points are enough.

Feng Yong didn't expect to be able to dig down the corners of the walls built by the aristocratic family for hundreds of years in more than ten years-even if he has a sharp weapon of dimensionality reduction in his hand.

From being sneaky at the beginning to being upright now, it is already a great victory.

In the history of later generations, a certain Xiongwazi surnamed Yang, after paying the price of the whole world, finally even bet his own head, but he still failed to settle the family in Kanto.

In Liangzhou in October, the heat has long since faded, and it has even begun to feel a little cool.

In Wuwei City, the atmosphere is getting hotter and hotter.

"Youchang, are you ready? Hurry up!"

Li Ming in Tsing Yi shouted anxiously into the room:

"I've worked hard for several years, but I'm just looking at the present, how dare I delay!"

"It's not time yet, it's still early, what's the rush?"

Martin, who was also dressed in Tsing Yi, finally walked out of the room and replied a little impatiently.

"Can you not be in a hurry? The hard work of the past three years is all about today."

Li Ming repeated this sentence quite naggingly, with a nervous expression on his face, he pulled his clothes, looked around, "Youchang, help me to see, is there anything wrong?"

It’s a good thing to take the exam, it’s a bit of a pain, but at least food and housing are included, and the same style of clothing is distributed in summer and winter.

After the first year, when I enter the county as an errand in the second year, there will be a monthly subsidy.

For the children of the aristocratic family, it can be said that this little thing is not enough to plug the teeth.

But for those who want to change their social status, this is an exciting signal, a signal that they are halfway into officialdom.

Just like Li Ming, it's not that he can't afford to wear clothes made of this kind of material, but the meaning represented by the green clothes, which cannot be compared with other clothes.

There was obviously a black spot on the lower right side of Li Ming's clothes. It was unclear where it was from mud or ink that couldn't be washed off, but Martin didn't say anything.

Because he knew that if he said it, the guy in front of him would definitely have to go back and change his clothes, and it wouldn't be worthwhile to spend time waiting for him.


Martin pushed Li Ming and walked out, "Let's go, call me out in a hurry, just to see if your clothes fit well?"

Li Ming didn't think there was anything wrong, he said anxiously:

"Pen tools! I didn't take the pen tools!"

The reason why pens and inks are not pen utensils is because besides pens and inks, there are rulers of various sizes. This is what makes the Liangzhou exam different from other exams.

Because it will have various arithmetic problems.

Nanxiang Mathematical Sciences is the best in the world, it's not just talk.

Only when they worked as foremen did these scholars understand how useful arithmetic is.

At least in water conservancy and civil engineering, the most basic aspect of people's livelihood, foremen who have studied mathematics and those who have not, it is really a sky and an underground.

For Li Ming, the three-year trip to Liangzhou was a comprehensive baptism of mind and body.

From the beginning, I was extremely resistant to Feng Guiwang but had to come to the contradiction.

Then to admit reality.

In the end, it was recognized that the Liangzhou exam is a process of "reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles" and "integrating knowledge and action".

Who knows how many psychological transformations he has undergone.

Except for a very small number of scholars who came to take the exam, most of them had no place to live in Guzang City.

So the governor's mansion built a dormitory not far away for these temporary workers to live in.

Martin and Li Ming left the dormitory, there were people in front and behind, and they all headed in the same direction together.

The destination is the school in Guzang City, which is also the largest school in Liangzhou: Liangzhou School.

It is the location of today's exam.

When I was in the county, I still had Xiu Mu.

But since they arrived in Guzang, others rested, and they had to go to the school to attend lectures.

There is homework after class, and I can't even rest at night.

That is to say, the courtyard provided unlimited supply of oil lamps to these scholars, otherwise, if they really changed to Qianshou people, the lamp oil alone might not be able to afford the energy consumption.

A group of scholars walked on the street, all dressed in green clothes, they were already eye-catching.

What's more, today is the time of the exam, and it has already been widely known in Guzang City.

Pedestrians not only avoided them one after another, moreover, many people cast envious eyes on them.

Because after today, they will officially become officials and become officials of the Han Dynasty.

Being an official may not be a big deal to a large family.

But in this world, how many people are lucky enough to be reborn in a family family?

Even if they are descendants of aristocratic families, how many people can become officials?

In comparison, these scholars in Tsing Yi can be regarded as the lucky ones in the world.

Not to mention that under the current situation in Liangzhou, even aristocratic families have a great desire and demand for recommending their children to become officials.

There is no way not to crave.

Seeing that Liangzhou is changing day by day, such things as wool spinning workshops have never appeared before.

The clan of the Li family in Shu has already used his own experience to tell the latecomers that the experience of hundreds of years seems to have become somewhat inappropriate.

The Li family in Longxi and the Zhang family in Dunhuang, both of the Li family, also told others from their personal experience that betting on Ji Han actually made a lot of money.

An unprecedented wave of workshops made anyone with a vision subconsciously look at the grasslands in the north.

Because there seems to be an endless supply of wool and barbarians...

And if you want to join this carnival, Liangzhou Governor's Mansion is destined to be unavoidable.

So I can only become an official.

Only by becoming an official and taking advantage of the official advantages can we seize the opportunity in this carnival.

It's just that in this competition in the exam, the children of the aristocratic family obviously fell behind.

Because although the person in charge of the aristocratic family can force his own children into it, he still can't resist someone who was deliberately eliminated in various assessments in the past three years.

After all, lifting up the robe and mixing with those muddy legs, whether it is physically or psychologically, many children from aristocratic families who have always been pampered cannot adapt.

Therefore, when looking at the group of high-spirited scholars on the street, there are also some complicated and inexplicable eyes.

"Over there in Hanzhong, it seems that they really want to change the system of talent selection, otherwise they would have sent Xiang Lang over."

On the second floor of a restaurant facing the street, someone looked at the scholars in Tsing Yi who were passing by and murmured.

"If you are a scholar, you don't know the book. If you are a filial piety, your father lives away. Han Su is as clear as mud, and Gao Diliang is as timid as a chicken."

Someone read a nursery rhyme from the time of Emperor Huanling, with a sneer in his tone:

"In Hanzhong, they claim to be the orthodox of the Han family, and Zhuge Kongming also said in "The List of Teachers". Liu Bei often hates and sighs about the administration of the two emperors Huanling."

"So it is normal to want to change the disadvantages of the later Han, but..."

When the person said this, he paused for a while and did not continue.

"It's just such a restructuring, but it's not good for us."

He didn't dare to say it, but someone dared to say it.

The person who answered the call had a gloomy face, eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

I thought that the children of the aristocratic family would also have a great advantage if the examination was changed to an examination.

After all, in terms of academic background, there are more than ten streets of poor families from aristocratic families, let alone those mud legs who can't even recognize a single character.

It is because of Nanxiang that the humble family and the mud legs have some hope.

If it is like Cao Wei, if the humble family wants to get ahead, they must get the permission of the family.

To put it nicely, it is necessary to have a recommendation from an aristocratic family.

That is to say, the humble family must be attached to the aristocratic family in order to enter the court.

Who would have expected that the Liangzhou exams were not only about knowledge, but also about practice.

Three years of incomparably complicated work has forced many children from aristocratic families to retire.

Thinking of this, this person is even more furious:

"Exam, exam, what is the exam? What kind of exam is this!"


"Be careful!"

"What are you talking about carefully?" The person looked at the others with a sneer, "Don't you all have children among those disciples in Tsing Yi, that's why I'm telling you to be careful?"

"It's nothing more than letting us children from aristocratic families be in the same rank as those poor families. Now even the head of Guizhou dares to sit with the children of other families. Don't you think it's too insulting?"

After speaking, everyone present was silent for a while.

When this person saw it, he couldn't help feeling happy, and was about to continue talking, when someone suddenly said:

"The Guo family in Xiping didn't take part in the exam, right? That's right. After all, after the big man came to rule Liangzhou, the Guo family had riots, and many children in the clan were probably killed or injured."

"Moreover, in the harem of the emperor of Wei, I heard that there is a daughter of the Guo family who is quite doted on, so your words are understandable."

When the Guo family heard this, they were furious:

"What do you mean!"

The other party sneered:

"What do you mean? Don't you really understand? As long as someone surnamed Feng stays in Liangzhou for one day, Wei people dare to cross Longshan Mountain? If not, what can we do?"

"Don't you want us all to be like your Guo family, giving away the lives of the children of the clan for nothing?"

Having said that, someone interjected like a murmur:

"The cruel Xiaowen and..."

Thinking of the prosperous labor trade in the past two years, many people are excited.

I only heard its name before, but I didn't think much of it.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I finally know the truth!

"Guo Jun, the way is different, don't conspire, please do it yourself!"

"Looking at the face of the past, we will not tell this matter."


When the Guo family saw that they couldn't move these people, they couldn't help saying bitterly:

"Wei State's nine-rank official and human law is to protect our big family; the method of examination is actually to dig out the foundation of the family."

"You catered to what Feng Yong did for a moment's benefit, and your family will be coerced by others in the future because of your short-sightedness!"

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and turned away.

"Do you really think that we are all drunk and sober alone?" Looking at the back of leaving the restaurant, someone pouted, "If you can choose the Ninth Grade Zhongzheng Dharma, who would choose to take the exam?"

"However, the people of Wei were willing to fight against the unintentional, and one hundred thousand elite soldiers were defeated by 20,000 people. How can we rely on it? Not to mention that the Wei people followed the legacy of the later Han Dynasty, focusing on Guandong and ignoring Liangzhou."

"On the other hand, Ji Han, there was Ge Shi in the front, and Feng Yong in the back. He has excellent soldiers and fierce generals, and also has many unique advantages. What can we do?"

Everyone knows that the ninth-rank officials are good, but Wei Guo is useless!

If it is said that after the First World War in Longyou, the Liangzhou aristocratic families were still swinging between the Han and Wei countries.

Then the battle of Xiaoguan made most of the families lose their minds and fell to the side of Han.

Otherwise, how could the Zhang family in Dunhuang, the loyal official of the Wei state who took the lead in quelling the Jiuquan rebellion in Zhangye, suddenly turn against him?

Giving up part of the right to interpret knowledge, but also in exchange for a foundation that will not worry about three generations, after all, it is not too bad a loss.

Because this part of the right to interpret knowledge does not mean that if you don’t want to give it up, you can not let it go, but that you have to let it go, and you have to give it up if you don’t.

Over there in Hanzhong, they don’t tell you any reason at all. They print books like crazy every year, as if they don’t want money.

A copy of "Thousand Characters" and a copy of "The Rhythm of the Great Han Dynasty" shattered the literacy threshold that has been monopolized since ancient times.

What can you guys do?

The group of scholars naturally didn't know what kind of game was behind their exam.

They don't even know what kind of impact this Liangzhou exam will have on the big man.

Everyone is in history, but they don't know where history will go.

In addition to standing on the high platform of the gate of Liangzhou Academy, looking down at the scholars who came to gather one after another, Governor Feng.

In front of the school, a large open space had already been marked out by the soldiers.

Except for the scholars who are going to take the exam, no one else is allowed to approach.

Looking at the strict and serious guards, Li Ming couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

He handed the small badge to prove his identity to the inspecting soldiers, and only after the soldiers confirmed it did he allow him to enter.

Looking up from his angle, he felt that Feng Cishi, who was standing under the plaque of Liangzhou Academy, seemed to have an invisible power.

"The auspicious time has come!"


The scholars who were still buzzing immediately became quiet.

"Mr. Xiang, please."

Governor Feng on the pedestal stretched out his hand to salute.

Holding the Emperor's Edict in his hand, Xiang Lang nodded slightly, stepped forward slowly, unfolded the edict, and read:

"The Han Dynasty has the world, and the history is boundless. Cao Pi is fierce and rebellious, steals artifacts, and Zirui inherits evil... Today, all scholars have aspirations for Han, and I am very comforted..."

I have to say that Xiang Lang's voice is not only loud, but also cadenced and emotional.

Anyway, the scholars who heard it through the amplifier and transmitted it to the bottom seemed a little excited.

After Xiang Lang finished reading, all the scholars bowed and saluted: "I would like to obey your majesty's instructions!"

Standing next to Xiang Lang, Governor Feng remained expressionless and unmoved the whole time - because he couldn't understand.

"For the exam, the king should do his best. Do you want to give a few words to the scholars?"

Xiang Lang put away the edict and asked Governor Feng.

Inspector Feng nodded, walked to the iron horn, and coughed:

"Three years of hard work, let's look at the present, I hope everyone will play to the best level!"

As he said, he pointed behind him, "My only hope today is that when you enter this gate, you can read the writing at this gate clearly! Alright, get ready to enter."

"Scholars enter the arena!"

A group of scholars in Tsing Yi began to climb up the steps and entered the gate of the school one by one.

Many of these scholars are students from Nanxiang Academy.

When they passed by Governor Feng, they habitually saluted Governor Feng before entering the school gate.

Inspector Feng nodded slightly, and ordered:

"Take a good exam, don't let down the hard work of these years."

"Yes, Chief Shan."


Although Li Ming and Feng Cishi have no teacher-student relationship, they also nodded to show their respect.

Without him, it is only because he has opened up a path for himself to become an official.

When he was about to enter the gate, he thought of Governor Feng's words, and subconsciously looked up.

But on the left side of the gate it says "read ten thousand volumes of books", on the right side it says "travel ten thousand miles", and in the middle of the gate it says "unity of knowledge and action".

Thinking of his experience in the past three years, he couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

After stepping into the gate, there is a screen wall oncoming, with four lines of bold characters on it:

Establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the living and the people, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations.

Although I have seen it many times, but today for some reason, it always makes people feel their chests throbbing, and they can't help but give a salute before bypassing the screen wall and entering the examination room.

Watching these scholars in green go in one file at a time, the smile on Xiang Lang's face never stopped.

He couldn't help walking up to Governor Feng, and whispered excitedly:

"Your Majesty, this move can be said to make a talented person fall into the trap?"

When Inspector Feng heard this, he was startled.

He turned his head slowly:

"Xiang Gong, do you know Li Shimin?"

"Who is Li Shimin? The Li family?"

Inspector Feng pondered, his eyes flickering:

"As for the matter of Xuanwumen, Li Jiancheng is actually not dead, do you know that?"

"Who is Li Jiancheng?"

Xiang Lang became more and more strange.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be cheating, Governor Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not a time-traveling dog.

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