Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 954 A Gentleman’s Lecture Notes, A Villain’s Lectures on Benefits

Xiang Lang knew that Governor Feng had always been friends with the Li family—of course, not the Li family's clan in Shu.

It was the sixth house of the Li family in the former Shu area, the current Li family in Pingxiang, and the Li family in Longxi.

The relationship between the two Li families and Governor Feng is well known.

Governor Feng mentioned two people with the surname Li, and nine times out of ten they came from these two families.

In Xiang Lang's view, over the years, the Pingxiang Li family and the Longxi Li family have made a lot of contributions to the great man.

Now let alone two places, even if he takes care of ten or eight places, he will pretend not to see anything.

It was as if he had pretended not to see Ma Di who was trying to sneak into the examination room without attracting the attention of Inspector Feng and himself.

It wasn't until Ma Su's figure disappeared from the screen wall that Xiang Lang said:

"After the exam, Xiaochang should be able to restore his original name, right? I finally don't have to feel ashamed of Ji Chang (that is, Ma Liang) who is in the underworld..."

Inspector Feng smiled slightly, and looked at Xiang Lang playfully:

"I'm afraid Xiang Gong is thinking too much. Ma Youchang is afraid that he won't be able to restore his original name so soon."

Xiang Lang was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect Governor Feng to say this:

"Your Majesty... what is the meaning of this?"

Governor Feng didn't answer, but turned his head and glanced elsewhere.

Xiang Lang followed his gaze, and happened to see the Wu Kingdom Mission standing in the distance watching the ceremony.

He was a little enlightened, but a little unbelievable, and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Marquis, don't you want to have plans for the state of Wu?"

Inspector Feng snorted:

"Isn't Mr. Xiang joking? The Han Dynasty and the Wu Kingdom are brotherly kingdoms, and they respect each other's throne. How can there be a plan?"

Hearing the words, Xiang Lang was startled, and looked at Governor Feng with doubtful eyes: Although what you said is the truth, I always feel that there is something wrong.

"The big man promised to send Wu Guo war horses, so Wu Guo is willing to exchange warships; it's just that there are cavalry troops, and cavalry generals are still needed."

"So I want to exchange the method of commanding the cavalry for the skill of the Wu people in steering the boat, is it fair?"

Inspector Feng said leisurely, "We must send some students there to study at that time, right?"

For the selection of talents, Governor Feng can accept people who are not from the school to participate - as long as you have the talent.

For hundreds of years in the Han Dynasty, didn't all the talents come here like this?

But when it comes to things like being sent to Wu to learn shipbuilding or sailing, Governor Feng only trusts his own students.

"It's just that those students are mostly inexperienced and less familiar with world affairs, so I want to send someone who is a year old, prudent, and good at changing opportunities to lead them to the country of Wu."

Among other things, Ma Su is also one of the most suitable candidates because he comes from the "Jingzhou Ma family".

When Xiang Lang learned of Feng Yong's plan, his brows were filled with joy. If it wasn't for the public, he would almost have bowed his hands to thank Governor Feng.

"A certain generation of young people often thanked the prince."

Governor Feng looked at Xiang Lang and said meaningfully:

"Xianggong, you know that I have invested countless money and food for more than ten years in a row to have today's Nanxiang College."

"The students who come out of the academy are all my treasures. If anyone dares to mess up this matter, then don't blame me for being cruel."

To Feng Yong, every student who can graduate from Nanxiang College is a precious talent.

At the same time, they are also the bargaining chips for Feng Yong to start to plan for the unification of the world, to wrestle with the world's aristocratic families and rebuild the bureaucratic system.

As long as there are these students, the big man will have the initiative to select part of the talents.

It is not possible to unify the world, but in the end let those aristocratic families steal the fruits of victory in disguise.

Without these students, even if the world is unified, the officials who govern the world will still have to come from aristocratic families who have monopolized intellectual resources.

In that case, what is the difference between being robbed of the fruits of victory by the family?

How can the majestic ghost king be in vain?

The current Governor Feng can be regarded as a full-fledged important minister of the Han Dynasty and an important frontier general.

He was even the first person to hold a heavy soldier under the prime minister of the great Han Dynasty.

Let him say the word "cruel and merciless" to himself, the meaning of which is self-evident.

Although Xiang Lang is old, but... such things as high position and weight, it doesn't matter who is older.

Isn't the prime minister of the Han Dynasty also a dozen years younger than Xiang Lang?

Thinking of the battle at Jieting, and seeing Governor Feng's expression again, Xiang Lang's heart trembled, and he said hastily:

"Don't worry, Junhou, I will definitely explain it to Xiaochang when the time comes."

Inspector Feng nodded, and then smiled:

"It would be best if Xiang Gong came forward."

Governor Feng felt that the relationship between himself and Ma Youchang was of course a gentleman's friend!

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Since the other party is unwilling to show others their real names, they have not been willing to take the initiative to come to see themselves in the past few years.

Then don't be ignorant of the fun, and run to find it.

Xiang Lang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Feng Inspector said, and he couldn't help but see a little complicated look in his eyes.

Before recovering Liangzhou, Wei Yan was the one who led the governor of Liangzhou.

It stands to reason that after the recovery of Liangzhou, the possibility of Wei Yan serving as the governor of Liangzhou is much greater than that of Feng Yong.

Let Feng Yong take over as the governor of Longyou, and Wei Yan as the governor of Liangzhou. At the time, it seemed that this was the most suitable arrangement.

So the prime minister's final decision was really beyond the expectations of many people.

Although many people have no objection on the surface, they may not be silent in their hearts.

After all, just because he is too young, Feng Yong can't convince the crowd.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, Liangzhou developed water conservancy, reclaimed wasteland, built pastures, opened workshops, the livestock flourished, and the Qiang and Hu were all ministers.

Even the Liangzhou exam was not resisted by the aristocratic family, and even the children of the aristocratic family participated.

If Wei Yan had been the governor of Liangzhou back then, I am afraid that Liangzhou would not be as prosperous as it is today.

Thinking of this, Xiang Lang felt even more emotional.

Recalling the look Feng Cishi had just looked at the Wu mission, Xiang Lang finally couldn't help but say:

"Junhou has been busy with exams these days. This envoy from the State of Wu has visited the old man several times, and he just wants to know about Junhou..."

Governor Feng grinned slightly:

"No rush. Anyway, it's not us who are in a hurry."

Xiang Lang said with some hesitation:

"I'm afraid that the goodwill between the two countries will be damaged, and it is difficult for His Majesty and the Prime Minister to explain."

Feng Yong didn't answer, his eyes flickered, and he asked instead:

"Among the Wu people who disturb Xiang Gong, who is the most important?"

"It's Lu Mao's fault."

"There is no one else?"

"Yes, there is also a man named Qin Bo who came to the door to give gifts twice, and the weight is not light."

When Inspector Feng heard this, the smile on his face became even bigger:

"Forget it, Mr. Lu. I don't want to deal with him. It's too tiring. But after the exam, Mr. Xiang can inform Qin Bo and say that I can meet him."

Xiang Lang listened, with a puzzled look on his face:

"Lu Zizhang is the person in charge of the Wu people's mission. The prince didn't talk to him, but went to talk to Qin Bo instead? Why is that?"

"Mr. Lu is an upright gentleman, and he has learned a lot. I don't have enough knowledge. How dare I talk too much in front of Mr. Lu? How is this different from holding an ax in the class and at the gate of Ying?"

Inspector Feng coughed, "Besides, isn't there still Xiang Gong now? Xiang Gong is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, just in time to chat with Lu Gong for me."

The doubts in Xiang Lang's eyes became more intense: If you are knowledgeable, you are knowledgeable. Why do you add a gentleman in front?

However, doubts are doubts, but Xiang Lang was also relieved to hear that Governor Feng was finally willing to talk formally.

In this matter, although it is not the big man who is anxious, it is not an answer to delay it like this.

Governor Feng is busy with affairs, so he can avoid seeing him.

But Xiang Lang was sent to Liangzhou by the imperial court. On the surface, he represented the face of a big man, and he didn't hold a post in Liangzhou.

It's cool that people from Wu ask for help from a big man, but it's really annoying to be approached by Wu people every day to talk about the good things between Han and's really annoying.

Governor Feng and Xiang Lang stood on top and whispered to each other, and no one else could hear what they were saying.

But when Lu Hao felt that the eyes of those two guys drifted to this side intentionally or unintentionally, he always felt that something seemed wrong.

It's just that he quickly put this feeling aside, because what really shocked him was the scholars who filed in.

When the last scholar disappeared at the gate of the school, then the gate of the school rattled and finally closed with a bang.

Lu Mao, who had always looked gloomy, trembled slightly, and his face turned pale.

Even when Xiang Lang came over and said something to him, he didn't hear it at all.

Until Qin Bo pointedly whispered in his ear:

"Lu Shangshu, Mr. Xiang came here specifically to say that Feng Junhou promised to provide a good horse. Why does Shangshu seem unhappy?"

This made Lu Hao wake up suddenly, but he forced a smile:

"Just worried."

"What is Shang Shu worried about?"

Lu Hao's eyes fell on the high platform of the school again, but Feng Yong had long since disappeared.

His eyes were a little dull, as if he was answering, or muttering to himself: "Compared with hundreds of talents, what are thousands of war horses?"

"What is Shangshu talking about?"

"It's nothing, I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first, the matter of the horses, you can just figure it out."

Lu Hao suddenly let out a long sigh, shook his head, turned around and left suddenly, his figure seemed to be preoccupied.

Qin Bo didn't understand Lu Mao's appearance, but when he heard that he had left the matter to himself and others, he immediately became very happy, and his doubts were cast aside for a moment.

These days, Liangzhou puts the emphasis on exams, even if Lu Hao wants to see Feng Mingwen, he can't get it, Qin Bo dare not act rashly, so as not to leak the affairs of the school administration.

At this time, I finally heard that the other party agreed to provide a good horse. Isn't it just a great opportunity to meet Feng Mingwen?

"Qin Bo wants to see me?"

Before the ranking of the candidates for the exam came out, Governor Feng had an extra greeting card in his hand.

"Since he came to Liangzhou, I haven't seen him make any moves. I thought he could hold his breath. It seems that he is more anxious than I expected."

It's a good thing for the other party to be anxious. In negotiations, whoever is anxious first will be at a disadvantage.

"Let him in."

Qin Bo, who was waiting anxiously outside, was overjoyed when he heard that Governor Feng had agreed to see him. He straightened his clothes quickly, and followed the servants into the hall.

Seeing the tall figure at the top, Qin Bo didn't look carefully, and quickly saluted:

"Bo met the lord."

"Come on, there is no need to be so courteous about school Qin, please sit down."

Qin Bo's heart skipped a beat when he heard Governor Feng reveal his identity:

Although the other party had never met him alone, he had revealed his identity as soon as they met. I am afraid that he had investigated a lot of things secretly.

For Qin Bo, how to use the Han Kingdom, to be precise, mainly how to use the Xinghan Association to maintain the status of the school affairs office in His Majesty's heart, is far more important than getting the war horse from Liangzhou.

It's not that war horses are not important, but that war horses are only part of the purpose of my trip.

Therefore, Qin Bo couldn't help but feel a little worried when Governor Feng revealed his true identity.

With this in mind, he hurriedly thanked him and sat down carefully.

After the servants served Qin Bo tea, Governor Feng waved his hand to signal everyone to go down, and then asked:

"I don't know if Principal Qin is here, but what's the matter?"

"Naturally it has something to do with the horse trade..."

Feng Yong stretched out his arm and rested his three fingers on the lid of the teacup. Hearing this, he just smiled:

"Isn't there a special person in the Governor's Mansion who is responsible for the matter of the horses? Why do you bother Principal Qin to come and talk to me personally?"

Thousands of war horses are indeed a major event for Liangzhou.

However, the details of this transaction are not important enough for Governor Feng to discuss it in person.

If it is said that when a horse farm was opened in Longyou, the horses bred from Hequ horses as female breeds were used for riding and carrying, which solved the problem of cavalry spare horses and training horses.

Then, marked by the mass breeding of mules, it solved the mobility and logistics problems of the infantry.

As for now, the Liangzhou horse is used as the mother breed to start solving the problem of horses for heavy cavalry and elite cavalry.

To put it bluntly, the big man who has mastered Liangzhou can not only carry out systematic breeding of horses, but also the quality and quantity of war horses produced are much more stable than that of Wei.

After all, although the State of Wei has Bingzhou and Youzhou, but in many cases, they often have to supplement qualified war horses from the Hu people.

What is advanced knowledge and technology to promote productivity progress?

That's it! Breeding technology... that is also a kind of knowledge!

Inspector Feng has been hanging out with the Wu mission these days, but it's not like he didn't do anything.

Instead, they are deliberately testing Wu people's views on war horses.

After testing, the think tank of Liangzhou Governor's Mansion came to a conclusion:

The Wu people who operate the boat know a horse with a hammer? !

Feng Cishi himself does not have enough good war horses produced with Liangzhou Dama as the mother breed, so it is certainly impossible to sell them to Wu Guo.

However, the first generation of war horses bred by the Han Dynasty, that is, the horses bred from the Hequ horse as the female breed, were picked and picked, and they were all Mongolian and Wu people, so there was no problem at all.

Anyway, Governor Feng planned to do this.

After knowing the details of the Wu people, Governor Feng changed from being annoyed when he heard the Wu people begging for a horse at the beginning to a peaceful mind.

The Hequ horse is so good, it can be used as a war horse and a pack horse, its hooves are as big as a bowl, and its strength is not small, so it is very good!

The horseshoe is a bit thin and easy to wear...

Governor Feng didn't intend to tell Wu Guo the little secret of Horseshoe.

It's almost enough with a two-piece set.

As for the export of arms, the reduction of distribution is the basic operation.

Horseshoes cost too much iron, Wu Guo should not waste precious iron on such useless gadgets.

Besides, there is nothing else in Liangzhou, but Ma Duo!

When Jiangdong horses are not enough, you can buy them again at any time.

The inside and outside are all designed, and Qin Bo came to tell Feng Cishi about this matter, no wonder Feng Cishi showed such a disinterested attitude.

Although Qin Bo's official position in Wu State is low, he is also a figure that many powerful officials in Wu State fear.

But in front of Governor Feng, he dared not lose his temper at all.

I saw him laughing and saying:

"Your Majesty, although I don't know anything about the military, I have inquired a lot about war horses these days. This war horse will not be able to go to battle immediately when it arrives in Wu."

"Since I came to Liangzhou, I have seen the cavalry under the command of the princes. I found that the equipment of the cavalry is very different from that of the infantry. It is not a small expense to raise horses, let alone the cavalry. We have to forge another ordnance.”

"I, Great Wu, have fought against Wei thieves year after year. Junhou is also a person who knows soldiers. He knows that when soldiers and horses move, money and food are poured out like running water."

"So I, Da Wu, haven't had enough money and food in the treasury in the past few years!"

Governor Feng picked up the teacup and took a sip:

"School Qin, it is your Wu country's business that the money and food in the Great Wu Mansion treasury are not in your hands. If you tell me, I can't help you!"

"Besides, in the past few years, Liangzhou has been transporting food from other places every year for relief. No matter how poor it is, can it be as poor as Liangzhou?"

"And this time, the war horse I handed over to Wu Guo can be regarded as squeezed out by tightening the belt, but it lost money!"

It is impossible to negotiate the price. When did I, Feng Guiwang, ever do a loss-making business?

If you earn less, it is considered a loss, and it still depends on the fact that the two countries are allies.

"Jun Hou is humble! Who knows, Jun Hou has a good way of making money? I have heard that the villain has heard that in the past two years, Jun Hou has sent troops outside the Great Wall, but he has made a lot of money..."


Governor Feng's eyes turned cold, and he glanced over, are you f---ing mocking me?

Unexpectedly, I saw the admiration and envy on the other party's face:

"Zhuge Yuanxun can be regarded as the young leader of my country of Wu. He also pacified Shanyue last year. Unfortunately, he was no match for the methods and mind of the princes and princes. He collected more than 100,000 mountain people, but in the end he had no money to go into the treasury. ,well!"

Governor Feng couldn't help swallowing when he heard "more than ten thousand mountain people", and subconsciously asked:

"How much does this have to sell? How come the treasury has no money?"

It took Hanzhong many years to get more than 100,000 Yi people to fill the manor, and it was hard to make Hanzhong prosperous again.

In those few years, the old monster Zhuge was able to eat half full just by collecting tolls, selling militia qualifications, and selling dry food.

Not to mention the wave of sales after the suppression of Nanman, it was simply round.

But Qin Bo slapped his thigh:

"Why don't you say that Zhuge Yuanxun is no match for the princes! It's fine for him to incorporate 40,000 young and strong into the army, and the remaining 60,000 to 70,000 people are actually separated from the generals in the army in private. None of the money went into the treasury."

I rely on!

You generals in the Wu army are really happy.

If this kind of thing were changed to a big man, it would be a trivial matter for the generals in the army to be made shit out of by the old monster Zhuge, but it would be a major matter if they could keep their heads.

Hearing Qin Bo tell such things to himself, even belittling Zhuge Ke, Feng Cishi's heart moved:

"So the Qin school is here not just for the horse trade?"

Qin Bo moved his body and turned to Governor Feng as much as possible to show his respect:

"Your Highness, the villain came here this time just to discuss money matters with you."

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