Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 955: The villain talks about profit (2)

As soon as Governor Feng heard the word "money", his spirits lifted.

This time, the war horse transaction did not make much money at all, and what was valued was a long-term investment.

And before it has an overwhelming advantage over Wei, it is destined not to harvest too much from Wu, so Governor Feng is not interested in talking about it for the time being.

But if you want to talk about money or something, then I won't be sleepy!

In the past, I always scolded the old monster Zhuge for digging, wanting to scrape oil off the rocks.

Now that it is my turn, I realize that there is a huge difference between governing a county and governing a state, let alone governing a country.

There is no way, the word "money and food" is the most important thing!

"A matter of money? Where does the matter of money come from? Could it be that the Qin school official wants to do big business with the big man?"

Seeing the laziness of Governor Feng suddenly become energetic, Qin Bo, who was still a little worried at first, cheered up on the spot when he saw Governor Feng's expression.

As a school official, His Majesty attaches great importance to it. It is instinct to observe words and demeanor.

Principal Qin looked at Governor Feng's expression, and didn't understand:

I thought that this Feng Wenhe had unparalleled literary talent, even if he couldn't compare with Lu Xun who led the army as a scholar, he should be a character with a Confucian character.

Didn't expect to like copper smell so much?

As soon as he thought of this, Qin Xiaoshi's heart suddenly seemed to see the bright moon after pushing away the dark clouds, and his eyes were bright.

But thinking of Mr. Feng, he started out selling dingkou, and later sold woolen materials, brown sugar, and honey wine. I heard that he even sold workshops. What is it called greedy for money?

How greedy for money!

After all, I came to Liangzhou from Jiangdong all the way, wasn't it also for money?

Qin Bo looked at Governor Feng sitting on top of him, and suddenly felt a little cordial.

"Junhou is really joking. When it comes to doing business, is there anyone who knows more than Junhou?"

Governor Feng looked at the accompanying smile on Qin Bo's face, and for a moment couldn't tell whether he was praising him or telling the truth.

"The woolen brown sugar and honey wine sold to my Dawu, which one is not a good product? Ordinary people can't buy it even if they want to buy it!"

Isn't that right?

Most of the wool traded with Soochow flowed into the army and became military supplies.

The brown sugar and honey wine were divided between the aristocratic family and Sun Quan.

Rural rich people in Sichuan can only dip some brown sugar to satisfy their cravings during the New Year and festivals. Ordinary people in Wu country still want to eat brown sugar? I want to fart!

The productivity is insufficient, the sugar extraction technology is too primitive, the large amount of sugar in the sugarcane cannot be fully utilized, the yield cannot be increased, and Governor Feng has no choice.

Not to mention sugarcane, the raw material for making brown sugar, is also a big constraint.

These days, food is the top priority of people's livelihood.

No matter how high the price of brown sugar is, it cannot crowd out the cultivation of grain.

Before becoming an official, Governor Feng wanted to cultivate some tea seedlings in his own field, but was fined by the government.

In addition, there are many factors such as the labor source of the sugarcane plantation, the impact of the climate, the need to contain the aristocratic families in the Shu region, and the domestication of the southern Zhongyi tribe.

Therefore, the range of Dahan planting sugar cane can only be limited to Nanzhong.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit sad:

"It's okay to talk about the wool. Now that the big man has Liangzhou, he can only come here for two years at most. There should be a lot more wool for Wu."

"It's just brown sugar," said Feng Cishi shaking his head, "It's difficult! Jingzhou has been unwilling to grow more sugarcane, so I have no good way."

Qin Bo has been observing Liangzhou secretly these days, how could he not know that Liangzhou has built many workshops?

If it wasn't for fear of causing Feng Wenhe's misunderstanding at this critical moment, he even wanted to visit the legendary Feng Lishi.

Now that Qin Bo heard Feng Cishi take the initiative to mention this matter, Qin Bo was overjoyed, and quickly expressed his long-planned thoughts:

"In the past few years, the land of the Jianghuai River has been frozen frequently, and the officers and soldiers are suffering from the cold winter."

"If it's true as what Junhou said, it would be a great thing for Great Wu to import more wool from the great man to keep out the cold!"

Hearing Qin Bo's words, Governor Feng seemed to feel something was wrong:

It is said that the school office, no matter whether it is in the court of Wu State or in the local government, is hated and hated by people. Who knows that this Qin Bo seems to be a loyal and patriotic generation?

While thinking about it, he saw Qin Bo moved his buttocks again, and his body leaned even more towards Governor Feng, and it seemed that he added two more compliments:

"Don't dare to lie to your lord, the villain came here this time, one is for the matter of the war horse, and the other is, in fact, there are other things."

Governor Feng's eyes flashed, he said "Oh", and leaned back slightly on the chair:

"I don't know what else is going on with Qin's school affairs?"

"Your Majesty, the villain just said that, in fact, my Great Wu's treasury has not been rich these years."

Speaking of this, Qin Bo was a little embarrassed, "So the villain came this time, in fact, he wanted to ask the prince and see if he could find some connections..."

"Access?" Governor Feng didn't react for a while.

Sun Quan's money is tight, so I want a way?

He didn't pay me a salary...

"Yes, the villain knows that the Junhou and the Zhang family have a good relationship, so he let the Zhang family get the right to monopolize the brown sugar. To tell you the truth, the school office is in Jiangdong, which is actually quite reasonable."

"Even sometimes, the school office can help solve the inconvenient places of the Zhang family. Junhou, over the years, Xinghan will sell more and more things to my great Wu every year."

"If the prince can cooperate with the school affairs office, I believe that the caravan of the Xinghan Society will travel in the Jiangdong area, it will be much smoother..."

Qin Bo, who was sitting below, was trying his best to convince Governor Feng, but he didn't know that Governor Feng, who was sitting above, became more frightened the more he heard it.

If it weren't for these years of experience, Feng Cishi has become quite breasts, I'm afraid he couldn't help but stand up long ago.

Governor Feng forcibly suppressed the turmoil in his heart, took a deep breath slowly, and tried not to let Qin Bo see his abnormality:

"School Office? Cooperation? Is this what Lord Wu means?"

There was a slight hesitation on Qin Bo's face: "Cough, yes and no."

That's not it!

Inspector Feng became more and more determined. If this matter was what Sun Quan wanted, then Qin Bo must inform Hanzhong.

As for Hanzhong, they will definitely inform themselves in advance.

Therefore, when Qin Bo was in Hanzhong, he didn't reveal any information at all.

He simply wanted to talk to himself in private.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong narrowed his eyes: "In other words, this is what your school affairs office means?"

"Your Majesty, you know that the school office is set up by our lord, so you have worries, and we will find a way to share your worries."

Qin Bo said vaguely, "This villain came here just to hear what the prince wants."

"If you tell my lord first, if it doesn't work out by then, my lord will inevitably be disappointed; if it works, that would be the best, and it can be regarded as a surprise for my lord."

I would rather give Sun Quan a fright!

The corner of Feng Cishi's mouth curled up slightly, it seems that the school affairs office is indeed powerful in Wu country, and it has the guts to do such a thing.

Of course he didn't know that it was a last resort for the school affairs office to do such a thing behind Sun Quan's back.

But for Governor Feng, as long as he can confirm that the matter was indeed done by the school government in private, the real reason will not affect his next decision.

"The school affairs office is responsible for sharing worries, and his heart is always deeply moved." Feng Cishi said excitedly, "How could it not be the beauty of an adult?"

"It's not impossible to hand over part of the monopoly of Wu's woolen materials to the school affairs office."

It is impossible to monopolize all the brown sugar, and based on the friendship between the Zhang family and Governor Feng, Governor Feng did not hand over all the brown sugar to the Zhang family for monopoly, but let them take up half of the share.

The remaining part was used to buy off the aristocratic family in Jingzhou, and a part of the fixed share was passed into Sun Quan's hands.

Monopolizing this kind of thing will greatly encourage greed and give some people some kind of inflation that they shouldn't have.

When Qin Bo heard these words, he was much more excited than Governor Feng, and he stood up suddenly on the spot:

"Your Majesty's words, are you serious?"

"How can the relationship between the two countries be child's play?" Feng Shishi showed a kind and bright smile on his face, "It's just this stuff, we have to wait for two years."

"I have another method here, which can also alleviate the problem of the lack of money in the treasury of Lord Wu."

Qin Bo was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly said respectfully:

"I also ask you to enlighten me."

"Didn't the school affairs of Qin just say that the brown sugar and honey wine made of wool are all high-quality good things. Besides the wool, don't you have brown sugar and honey wine?"

When Qin Bo heard this, he was even more delighted:

"Is the Lord willing to share a portion of the brown sugar?"

Governor Feng picked up his teacup, took a sip, and tried his best to hide his expression:

"School Qin, you know that I have a very close friendship with the Zhang family, how could I do something that I'm sorry for the Zhang family."

Qin Bo's face suddenly showed disappointment.

Under the cover of the teacup, Governor Feng glanced at his head, then said faintly:

"However, the brown sugar share still depends on the sugar cane. If the school government can find other sources of sugar cane, I am naturally willing to give the school government a share of brown sugar..."

Qin Bo only felt that talking to this guy above him was like sailing a boat on a big river, with ups and downs.

If the officials of the Wu state were changed, he would have used his housekeeping skills to let this guy taste what it means to be unable to stop.

"Other sources of sugar cane?" Qin Bo frowned, this is not easy to handle.

One of the places where sugar cane is produced is Jiaozhou, and the other is the southern part of Jingzhou.

Where else can I find it?

"Actually, it's not that we don't want to sell more brown sugar. As early as two years ago, I mentioned it to the Zhang family and suggested that we should also try to grow some sugar cane in the area north of Xiangshui River."

As he said that, Governor Feng shook his head, and said with some regret, "How can I take into account the opinion of the general on land, so there has been little progress on this matter."

Qin Bo was taken aback: "The top general?"

"That's right, didn't you propose to Master Wu a few years ago to let the generals in the army open up wasteland in Jingzhou to prepare army food?"

"Many of the fields in the north of Jingzhou are owned by the generals in the army, so if sugarcane is planted, wouldn't it be contrary to the general's original intention?"

Qin Bo was thoughtful, and after a long time, he finally sighed unwillingly:

"That's true. Compared with the benefits of brown sugar, food in the army is the most important thing."

"Actually," Governor Feng said slowly, "There is no way around the matter of food."

When Qin Bo heard this, his eyes lit up:

"I also ask you to enlighten me."

Governor Feng glanced at him and said hesitantly:

"Let's not hide from the Qin school, in fact, the grain harvest in central Sichuan has been good in recent years, and the price is also low. The so-called cheap grain hurts farmers, and the big man also has this concern."

"It's just that the food supply in the Jingzhou army is of great importance. Firstly, I am afraid that the general on the ground will be dissatisfied. Secondly, there is no way to go here in Sichuan, alas!"

As Governor Feng spoke, his face was full of regret, as if he regretted that the big grain growers in Sichuan were forced to sell their grain at a low price.

The school affairs office in Wu country is originally a scholar who hates ghosts and hates ghosts, who is willing to bow down to work in the school affairs office?

Lv Yi, Qin Bo and others, not enough successes, more than failures, lack of knowledge, even the most basic skills of governing a country, let alone a higher level of strategy.

But we can't blame them, after all, in the information age of knowledge explosion in later generations, how many countries have been harvested again and again by Amelika with the dollar tide cycle?

The elites of those countries that have been harvested may not necessarily be ignorant of what their country will face in the end.

But in the face of huge interests, it is uncertain which side their butts are sitting on.

And Qin Bo is not even considered an elite in this era, so how can he see clearly the sinister intentions hidden behind the huge temptation thrown by King Feng Gui?

Hearing the sound of heavy breathing coming from below, the corners of Guiwang Feng's mouth twitched slightly again.

"Jun... Junhou," Qin Bo swallowed, "If, if the villain has a way to solve this problem, is the Junhou willing to provide food for Jingzhou?"

"It can be regarded as a great political achievement to solve the problem of cheap grain in Shuzhong and hurting farmers. Why don't I want to?"

Governor Feng asked back.

Qin Bo quickly calculated in his mind:

Coming here this time, trading war horses is considered a credit, but at most, I have been rewarded.

But the monopoly of woolen materials, the share of brown sugar, and the solution to the food shortage in Jingzhou, whichever one is taken out, is a great achievement!

And buying grain at a low price from the land of Shu and reselling it, it can't be done in vain, right? The oily water here...

He had no way to concentrate and think about it any longer, and the pounding heartbeat in his chest couldn't be stopped no matter what.

At that moment, he couldn't help shouting:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I was born in Wu, and I have occasionally dealt with the Xinghan Society. I have heard that the members of the Xinghan Society praised the Lord for his righteousness and thin sky, and he is the head of the Great Han Dynasty."

"Today I have to meet the prince and lord, I am trustworthy, I am trustworthy!"

Governor Feng laughed:

"School Qin is over the award, over the award! It's just the love of the brothers in the club."

"If School Qin really intends to facilitate this, I can recommend three people: one is Li Yi and Li Wenxuan from the prime minister's mansion, the other is Li Feng and Li Haoxuan who are in charge of grain and grass in Hanzhong, and the third is Deng Liang and Deng Weizhe (son of Deng Zhi) from Jincheng .”

"If we can get the help of these three people, then the harvesting of grain in Shu will go smoothly."

Qin Bo was overjoyed and bowed deeply:

"Thank you sir!"

"you are welcome!"

Governor Feng laughed out loud again, extremely bold.

The big grain growers in central Sichuan have been suppressed for so long, so they should give some sweetness...

Governor Feng laughed more and more happily, and said with a smile:

"Actually, the most important thing about this matter is the attitude of the general on land. As a matter of school Qin, I still need to think about how to persuade the general."

"Thank you, Lord, for reminding me."

Qin Bo also laughed.

If it were someone else, it might not be easy to say, but the general, in fact, the school government has long considered cutting his power.

The reason is also very simple.

Lu Xun sits in Wuchang and is in charge of nearly half of the land of Wu, and he can even raise money and food from Jingzhou himself.

How is this different from princes and kings?

It seems that after going back, Lu Zhongshu should remind His Majesty that this is not the way for monarchs and ministers to get along!

Wouldn't it be great if Jingzhou's money and food supply could be returned to the imperial court, so that the general would not lose his trust and His Majesty could feel at ease?

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