Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 956 Mistake

Regardless of looking at the past dynasties or looking back at the dynasties, Governor Feng can think that finance is the lifeblood of every regime.

With money and food in hand, whether it is a natural or man-made disaster, as long as the overall governance level of the ruling class is still above the average line, the general stability of the country can basically be maintained.

Unless you encounter Sima Jin's level of brain damage, there is really no way.

If there is no money or food in hand, any person in power with ambition will find a way to increase income and reduce expenditure. Many times this approach is called reform, or reform.

If it succeeds, at least it can give the country another wave of life, awesome, and even bring the country back from the ashes.

Failed...and there are many examples in history.

Now Governor Feng heard Qin Bo say that Wu's treasury is not rich, so he only believed half of it.

If it's just "not affluent", Sun Quan will cast Daquan fifty?

Every year Xinghan will sell goods to Wu, not a little bit.

So Governor Feng knew very well that the School Affairs Office still had a power in Wu State, which was to set up monopoly barriers to collect taxes.

To put it bluntly, it is a white glove used by Sun Quan to make money.

With Wu's political system, it is impossible to save money.

Otherwise, would you cut down the imperial guards controlled by the royal family, or cut down all levels of officials?

Cut off the forbidden army, then what do you use to suppress the army leaders of the hereditary trilogy below? What should we use to attack Wei in the north?

Cut off some officials to save expenses?

Ji Yan has already proved the attitude of the nobles of the family with her own life.

Again, whether it is Wei or Wu, as long as Cao Rui and Sun Quan do not have the guts to overthrow the family politics, the final result will point to the highest form of this political system:

There are no low-ranking families at the top, and no nobles at the bottom.

And this process of change will inevitably intensify the contradiction between the imperial power and the aristocratic family, which will lead to internal strife and even civil strife, until the aristocratic family completely overwhelms the imperial power and controls the entire country.

Coupled with the premise that there are still strong enemies pressing the border, it is basically impossible for Sun Quan to save money.

So we can only find a way to open source.

The problems encountered by open source are the same as the biggest obstacle encountered by throttling: family.

The aristocratic family holds a large number of people and land, and is the best tax collection target.

The question is, do you dare?

Even if you dare, how do you plan to charge it?

The country of Wei has a solid foundation, and at least it can hold on.

But Wu Guo didn't have that foundation, and internal conflicts couldn't be resolved, so they had to move outward.

But, the title of Sun Shiwan, the Great Emperor of Wu, was not called for nothing.

I don't have the ability to transfer the conflict outward, and I don't have the guts to completely turn the table with the family, so I have to roll in.

According to the original historical trajectory, the State of Wu should soon issue "Daquan Five Hundred", followed by "Daquan Dangqian", and even "Daquan Two Thousand", and "Daquan Five Thousand".

Roll up and fly!

It's different now, there is a good man named Feng from the sky who is willing to fly with Wu Guo, where can we find such a good thing?

Finding new sources of income eased the tightness of the treasury, and by the way, the money and food supplies of the Jingzhou Army were returned to the central government.

No matter how you look at these two things, they are things that can only be done by capable ministers who are loyal to state affairs.

Of course, Qin Bo considers himself a loyal minister, and now that he has Feng Junhou's promise, he feels that he might be able to become a capable minister by His Majesty's side.

Just like Sang Hongyang.

The school office will only be responsible to His Majesty, and can only be responsible to His Majesty. Qin Bo understands his position very well.

As for what kind of bad name others give to the school office, does it matter?

However, what Governor Feng did not expect was that his decision to speed up the pace of controlling Jingzhou's food supply was met with fierce opposition from Zhang Xiaoniang, Liangzhou's chief political think tank, for the first time in history.

"The primary goal of Liangzhou now is to prepare for the battle of Guanzhong. It is a safe move for the Zhang family to carry out the strategy of encroaching on Jingzhou's food supply step by step."

"Alang's sudden change of mind will not only cause problems in the food supply in central Shu, but may even alert the country of Wu. At that time, the achievements of several years will be ruined. What will Alang do with himself?"

Miss Zhang, who was secretly touched by Feng Cishi on the couch at night, after learning about this, her tenderness turned into anger on the spot:

"The great plan of the husband country has been agreed, how can it be changed easily because of a momentary thought? Even if it is to be changed, everyone has to be called to discuss it. How can it be changed because of a momentary thought of one person?"

Over the years, Governor Feng, whenever there was any difficulty, he basically turned around and asked Zhang Xiaosi.

This time I made a good claim and was scolded by Zhang Xiaosi again, I really felt a little bit embarrassed.

"Anyway, it's all about controlling Jingzhou's food supply. It's faster and slower. Actually, it doesn't make that big of a difference..."

Zhang Xiaosi saw that this person was still indifferent, so he wanted to punch him immediately:

"What do you know! As I said, preparing for the battle of Guanzhong is the most important thing! But do you know when the Prime Minister will enter Guanzhong?"

Regarding this question, Governor Feng had thought about it countless times.

But this is a major matter related to the fate of the country, unless Governor Feng personally returns to Hanzhong, and then has a secret and in-depth conversation with the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, otherwise it is impossible to be sure.

After all, as a great official in the frontier, Governor Feng's current status is already very sensitive.

If you have a lot of troops outside, if you can know the top secrets inside the court at any time, your hands will be stretched a bit.

At least not when the prime minister is still there.

So I can only wait for the prime minister to take the initiative to tell me.

It's just that so far, the prime minister has not received any definite news.

Even the Son of Heaven has no gossip about this matter.

Governor Feng can only rely on guesswork.

According to the military deduction of the Liangzhou General Staff Department and the political situation deduction of Zhang Xiaosi, the most probable ones are the year after and the year after.

"That's just a possibility, what if it's next year?" Zhang Xiaosi finally couldn't help kicking Governor Feng, "It's not like you don't know what the prime minister's body is like!"

"The past two years are the most critical juncture. Are you blinded by lard, so you suddenly think about causing more trouble?"

Zhang Xiaosi kicked, still puzzled, and thumped Governor Feng's shoulder again, "How much food and grass should be prepared in advance for the Battle of Guanzhong? You are the commander-in-chief of the three armies, do you really have no idea?"

"At that time, Shuzhong will support Jingzhou and the Northern Expedition army. Are you sure there will be no problems?"

In response to Zhang Xiaosi's continuous questioning, Feng Cishi actually felt a little nervous in his heart.

"Probably not? After all, the grain output in central Sichuan has been increasing year by year. I'm not worried that if those grain growers are suppressed too hard, what if they really don't grow grain..."

"You fart!" Zhang Xiaosi scolded unscrupulously, "You are sophistry! They don't grow food, what can they grow? As long as Xinghan can control the silkworms for a day and give them a big ability, they can still grow Change grain to mulberry?”

"Besides, doesn't the imperial court guarantee the minimum price of grain every year? As long as this policy exists, I really don't believe they have the courage to fight to the death!"

"Enough is enough!" Governor Feng blushed from being scolded, "If it weren't for the old man who offered advice for the country, it is still a question whether the treasury of the big man can afford the guaranteed reserve price of grain..."

Zhang Xiaosi laughed angrily on the spot:

"So Feng Gong can think that there are no heroes in Wu, and no one can see through Guan Zhong's art? Now that Lu Xun still has Sun Quan's emperor seal in his hand, Feng Gong dared to plot against Lu Xun with a mere nameless school."

"Is this looking down on Lu Xun, or is this Wu Guo school official just like Feng Gong back then, is he an outstanding man?"

"If you are really a hero, but discuss with Feng Gong in private to overthrow your own pillars, and still don't know it when you are betrayed, wouldn't it be ridiculous?"

The little lady of the Zhang family held her gun and brought a stick, and she became angry from embarrassment when she said "smart words and charming Feng Langjun":

"You know what! Little people are often the key people who change history, understand?"

"I don't understand!" The little lady of the Zhang family gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "You understand everything, okay? If anything happens after that, don't come looking for me again!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his foot and kicked Governor Feng.

Inspector Feng was caught off guard, and with an "Aiyo", he was kicked somersault, and fell off the couch directly.

Relying on the solid skin and thick flesh, the injuries were not injured, and he didn't even feel much pain on his body.

It was just this action that completely annoyed Governor Feng.

He stood up abruptly and cursed:

"Are you crazy? Putting your foot down so hard? If you don't want to sleep with me, just say it, scold and kick, what do you mean?"

After finishing speaking, he murmured and cursed a few more times, such as "abandon the dispute" and "jointly discuss", and turned around and walked out.

After walking a few steps, he felt that something was wrong again, turned around and came back, rolled up the clothes he had taken off earlier, put them on indiscriminately, and then left angrily again.

It took a long time to hear Zhang Xiaosi's curse from the room behind him: "Feng Wenhe, you bastard!"

Then there was a "bang", and I don't know what it was thrown.

Governor Feng didn't bother to argue with her, wandered around the backyard of the governor's mansion for a long time, and then transferred to the main courtyard.

"Your Majesty, Madam has already fallen asleep."

The guard on duty sounded a reminder.

Looking at the room with the lights turned off, Governor Feng resentfully turned his head again and turned away.

Don't dare to disturb the main room, Xiao Si will definitely not be able to go back there, but it doesn't matter.

Inspector Feng didn't have much else, the number of wives and concubines was enough.

All the way to Li Mu's yard, Li Mu has already fallen asleep.

However, concubines have no human rights. When they heard that the male gentleman was coming, Li Mu ran out to greet her in his pajamas.

"Why is Alang here so late?"

Let alone a daughter of an aristocratic family, Li Xiaosan's voice was soft and soft, with a softness that he didn't have on weekdays.

Governor Feng threw himself directly on the couch:

"I don't have a place to sleep tonight, so I'll come to your place to squeeze, don't you mind?"

Hearing this, Li Mu smiled happily and said:

"That's a good relationship. If Alang has no place to sleep every night, the concubine can die of joy."

As she spoke, she came up to help Governor Feng undress.

Governor Feng lay on the couch like a dead pig, and only moved when Li Mu reminded him to turn over so that she could take off her clothes.

"This is strange, whoever dressed A Lang like this, let it be messy, why is it still tied?"

Li Mu untied his belt for a long time, so he had to lower his head to observe carefully, and then asked very curiously.

Inspector Feng didn't answer.

Then suddenly asked:

"How is the Liangzhou workshop going?"

"It's not bad. Didn't you just mention it to Alang two days ago? Come, stretch your arms."

After finally taking off Feng Cishi's clothes, Li Mu asked, "Ah Lang, do you want to wear pajamas?"

"No, it's really comfortable to sleep." Governor Feng didn't want to move.

"Oh." Li Mu expressed his understanding, then took the blanket and wrapped himself and Governor Feng in it.

It's not yet time to burn the kang, but it's already a little chilly at night, so a blanket is a must.

"Ah Lang, is something bothering you?"

Li Mu huddled in Feng Yong's arms and asked in a low voice.

Governor Feng still did not answer this question:

"Next year, we will take out a batch of woolen materials and sell them exclusively to Wu people. Can it be done?"

"Wu people's monopoly?" Li Mu was slightly surprised, "Is this a lot?"

Monopoly is not retail, it represents stable channels and large quantities of supply.

"It must be a lot." Governor Feng nodded, put his arms around Li Mu, and rubbed his big hands on his tender shoulders.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Li Mu said hesitantly, "After all, next year's plan is to meet the needs of every family in Liangzhou first. Soochow, at least wait until the next year."

Which one of the wealthy families in Liangzhou has no connections?

It doesn't matter if it is sold to the Hu people in Liangzhou, or it goes to the Western Regions, or even the Hu people outside the Great Wall, or the Wei State in the east, as long as the Governor of Liangzhou is willing to open their mouths, they all have a way to go.

Only the Liangzhou workshop has a prototype, and at most it can serve an appetizer for the Liangzhou aristocratic family.

Governor Feng suddenly wants to divert part of the money to Wu Guo, so it's no wonder Li Mu finds it difficult.

"Is there really no way?"

Governor Feng sighed and asked.

"The concubine just said it was a bit difficult. Alang really wants this batch of wool, so I will find a way."

A concubine who can't solve problems for her family, Alang, is not a qualified concubine of the Feng family.

Li Mu's black eyes flashed:

"As long as Alang is willing, it's not a big deal for Jiasai to sell a few workshop places, right? What I mean is that this place may not be sold for a few years, and it's not a bad thing to sell a few more while it's valuable now."

"It's just that Alang has to find a way to get more female workers for my concubine. Otherwise, there are workshops without weavers, and I'm afraid people will call us liars."

After all these years, Mrs. Mu has already summed up a complete set of procedures for training Hu girls into weavers and Hu men into handymen.

This time it was Governor Feng's turn to hesitate:

"This...isn't that good? Don't those people who have already bought a place in the workshop want to poke my spine..."

At the beginning, Liangzhou's aristocratic family was willing to fully support Feng Governor. One of the tacit understandings reached by the two parties was to ensure their interests in entering the textile industry.

The aristocratic family's payment of food and money is a deposit in advance.

Feng Langjun's brand, it's better not to smash it or not, it will be useful in the future.

Li Mu chuckled lightly:

"The concubine said she wanted to sell the quota, but she didn't mean to sell it to others. She can sell it to them first. Who doesn't want to open a few more workshops? They really don't want it. If we sell it to others, they can't say anything, right?"

"Actually, from my point of view, the most important thing about the Liangzhou workshop is the issue of wool and workers. As long as these two issues can be resolved, the rest will not be a big deal."

"Alang can safely leave all the remaining questions to my concubine."

Thinking of the "sheep eating people" movement in later generations, it was actually to expand the supply of wool and at the same time force farmers into free labor.

Governor Feng felt that as a concubine, he really hit the nail on the head.

It's just that wool is easy to get, and at worst, it can sell more land in the frontier, and by the way, it can also strengthen the development of the frontier.

You can even try to sell the land on the grassland outside the Guansai. After all, isn't there a city barrier?

It doesn't matter if the price is low.

It's just a little too shameless...

As for this free labor...

"Well, it seems that next year Liu Hun and Yang Wanwan will have to lead the army to look north."

Governor Feng murmured thoughtfully, "Just going to the east is not enough..."

The labor company's business is still not developed enough!

Governor Feng was reflecting, but Li Mu couldn't help but groaned softly, pulling him back to reality.

Feeling the tenderness that he grasped in his hand at some point, Feng Cishi became furious:

"Go, call Amei from the yard next door, I'm going to have a good fight tonight!"

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