After a night of practice, Governor Feng finally realized one thing:

The steps are too big... Cough, wrong, it should be said that it is very dangerous to fight on two fronts at the same time.

Waking up in the morning, Governor Feng walked to the dining room while supporting his old waist that was a little sore.

General Guan had already sat in the main seat, beside him was Ah Shun who was sitting in the baby dining car, and next to Ah Shun was the expressionless and indifferent Zhang Xiaosi.

Shuangshuang and Ah Chong are already able to eat independently, and the two little people use a table together.

Because the adults hadn't arrived yet, the two of them could only sit there obediently, staring at the food on the desk, and swallowing uncontrollably.

Especially Shuang Shuang, the corners of her mouth already had traces of crystal clear water.

Looking at her appearance, if it weren't for the grandmother sitting on it, she probably couldn't help stretching out her hand to grab it and eat it.

As soon as Governor Feng came in, adults and children all looked up.

"Morning, my lord."

"Early, early, all right, please sit down."

Governor Feng said lovingly to his son and daughter.

Then when he turned around and walked to the main seat, the expression on his face was actually grinning uncontrollably.

Sitting down with his back supported, he laughed at himself:

"Old and old, once this person gets old, he won't be able to get up easily..."

A Chong comforted him very sensiblely:

"How can my lord grow old? Aunt Mu and Mei didn't wake up later than my lord? They are not old, so my lord is not old either!"

As soon as this remark came out, Governor Feng's face froze.

Then he heard the gnashing of teeth next to him.

Without turning his head to look, Governor Feng believed that if Zhang Xiaosi's two gazes could turn into sharp swords, he would have been pierced dozens of times.

On the contrary, General Guan, who is the main wife, thoughtfully handed over a bowl of warm morning soup:

"Ah Lang hasn't gotten up early to practice martial arts for a long time these days, right? I have to pay more attention in the future."

How about marrying a wife and a virtuous person, Governor Feng nodded repeatedly:

"Xijun is right, I am indeed slacking off. From now on, I should pay attention to get up early to practice martial arts and strengthen my physique. Eat, eat, eat quickly, everyone."

Shuangshuang immediately picked up the bowl and drank a big gulp of sweet milk, and then a circle of white foam was spread around her mouth.

She was not reconciled to brother stealing the limelight just now, so she grabbed the peeled chicken and stuffed it into her mouth, then asked vaguely:

"My lord, shouldn't we wait for Aunt Mu and Aunt Mei?"

"Don't you know that you don't talk about food?" Zhang Xiaosi finally couldn't help shouting, "Children's family, eat well when you eat, what are you talking about so much? Are you afraid of choking?"

General Guan originally thought that it would be a good thing for Siniang to teach the children to pay attention to etiquette when eating.

Unexpectedly, as the woman spoke, the last sentence was so unrestrained, she couldn't help but "tch" immediately:

"Can't you say something good? Why are you choking or not?"

Zhang Xiaosi hummed twice, picked up a courgette, and bit it down hard!


Feng Cishi couldn't help shaking his hands, and almost spilled the soup in the bowl, he hurriedly said:

"Okay, okay, eat, eat, what Si Niang said is right, you can't talk about food, come on, Mr. Xi, I'll put some sugar for you..."

General Guan is fond of sweets, and the tofu nao for breakfast has to be added with sugar.

Governor Feng was originally afraid that she would gain weight.

But for so many years, she has been practicing martial arts diligently, and she exercises a lot. After giving birth to three children, her body is still well-proportioned.

Governor Feng realized that his worries were completely unnecessary.

General Guan's self-discipline alone made Governor Feng feel ashamed.


Miss Zhang took another bite.

Governor Feng felt that he suddenly felt a little cold, and this breakfast was a bit tasteless.

When the whole family finished eating, Zhang Xiaosi went to the front yard to be on duty, and the children went down to study and practice calligraphy. When only Feng Cishi and Guan Ji were left, Guan Ji asked helplessly:

"How did you mess with her?"

Inspector Feng replied vaguely: "There was a quarrel last night..."

When Guan Ji heard this, she was a little surprised and asked, "Why did you quarrel?"

It has been almost ten years since she married Feng Cishi, and Guan Ji knows her A Lang's temper well.

He has a great reputation abroad, but he is a hero in the eyes of the world.

A group of harmony inside, he is a rare wishful gentleman in the world.

The most rare thing is his equal attitude towards women.

This point, to a proud and talented woman, really has a fatal attraction.

Over the years, General Guan has eaten a lot of saliva from King Feng Gui, and his vision has long been beyond the limits of the world.

In her opinion, things like "Huang Zhong is destroyed, tiles and fou are thundering; slanderous people are exalted, and wise men are unknown" are not only qualified for men to say.

Women can look for those who please themselves, and they can also die for those who know them.

From an emotional point of view, General Guan of course hoped that his family A Lang and Zhang Xiaosi would quarrel.

It is best to draw out the sword and cut each other, and then never communicate with each other.

No matter how bad it is, it must be like the one recorded in chivalrous novels. After the idiot hates women, it will be a hundred years later.

But reason told General Guan that this was impossible.

Not only is it impossible, but the younger sister of the Zhang family has already been firmly bound to Feng's residence.

From the point of view of conscience, Zhang Xiaosi contributed a lot to his Alang being able to have what he is today.

Her special status alone brought a lot of convenience to A Lang.

So when I heard the two quarrel suddenly, it seemed that the quarrel was very serious, so General Guan naturally wanted to be concerned.

Governor Feng sighed, and immediately explained the differences between the two of them on Jingzhou.

After hearing this, Guan Ji frowned slightly:

"The concubine doesn't know much about such scheming tactics, but no matter what, Si Niang has done her best in the family all these years. There is no credit, but hard work."

"Alang treats her like this, and his attitude can't be justified."

Although Governor Feng didn't say where the two were arguing, Guan Ji didn't need to think about it, she knew that someone must have sneaked up on Miss Zhang's couch last night.

It turned out that he came out of Li Mu's yard this morning...

"If I really change my concubine, do you think the concubine will be able to swallow this breath?"

As Guan Ji said, she glared at Governor Feng, "You're just bullying Si Niang and can't beat you."

Governor Feng laughed dryly, not daring to speak.

To be honest, what happened last night was definitely his fault first.

He hadn't considered the matter of Jingzhou's grain.

"Didn't I see that the opportunity was rare, so I didn't think so much at the time."

Inspector Feng explained.

The school affairs office can be regarded as Sun Quan's confidant, and he took the initiative to find him to make connections. He must firmly grasp this opportunity.

After all, no matter how the Zhang family is the surname of Wu and has a wide network of contacts, it has no influence in the Wu Dynasty.

As Qin Bo said, there are some things that are difficult for the Zhang family to do, but it is easy for the school affairs office.

"The concubine has said it, and the concubine doesn't understand these things. You should discuss these things with Si Niang."

Guan Ji waved her hand, "Speak your mind well, I believe that Si Niang is not an unreasonable person waiting for big things here."

Over the years, several women in the backyard, who still doesn't know who?

Zhang Xiaosi has never been ambiguous when it comes to state affairs.

Just like Guan Ji herself, she never relents in governing the army.

The well-known ghost general Zhao, even if he was a little careless in the army, he would not be able to escape from the army stick.

Therefore, the reconstruction work of the Iron Cavalry Battalion is progressing relatively quickly.

"Xi Jun means to apologize to Si Niang?"

Governor Feng asked tentatively.

"My dear Alang, you are a man anyway, this matter is because you are wrong first, is it possible that you are still waiting for Si Niang to subdue you?"

Guan Ji rolled his eyes at him:

"I really want to change my concubine..."

As he spoke, he hummed and sneered, and then glanced at someone again.

Inspector Feng jumped up in surprise, "Okay, okay, can I go?"

It's true that I don't care about this matter, and it's not a shame to apologize to my wife.

It's just that running directly to the front yard to apologize to Si Niang during the day is definitely not acceptable.

As the so-called sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake, Governor Feng first went to Amei who had just woken up, and asked her to stew some velvet antler for him.

Then after dark at night, he quietly went to Zhang Xiaosi's room.

I tried to push the door, but found that it couldn't be pushed open as before. It seemed that it was locked from the inside.

However, this did not bother Feng Guiwang, who was a temporary flower picker.

He beckoned, called the female guard on duty, and then drew the knife from her waist.

Under the dim light of the corridor, the blade was shining brightly. Governor Feng flicked it and exclaimed:

"Good knife!"

While speaking, he slid the thin blade into the crack of the door, and then lifted it slightly, only to hear a "clang" from behind the door.

How about a good knife?

Replaced with the old rough iron billet knife, nine times out of ten it won't fit in the crack of the door.

Governor Feng felt that he had the foresight to transform the iron smelting technology in advance.

Return the knife to the guard, and then sneak into the room like a civet cat.

I thought that someone in the room would give me a dick, just like Zhang Xiaomei chopped herself off with a dagger back then.

Unexpectedly, it was unexpectedly quiet as usual.

Listening attentively, a thin breath came from the couch.

Governor Feng groped for the couch with ease.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the incense curtain was opened, there was a sudden rush of wind in the darkness.

Governor Feng was careless and didn't flash!

He was kicked directly, much harder than last night, and was kicked to the ground on the spot.

Inspector Feng snorted, but he didn't know what he knocked on.

He continued to crawl to the couch.

Another kick came from the darkness.

This time he was prepared, Governor Feng listened to the voice to identify his position, and grabbed a foot in time.

Hold tight so she doesn't pull her foot back.


Someone squeezed out a word in the darkness.

"Si Niang, I know I was wrong, and I'm here to admit my mistake to you."

Feng Cishi had a cheeky face and kept touching his calf along his feet.

Zhang Xiaomei didn't answer, and kicked out another foot.

Although Zhang Xiaomei is not good at martial arts, she has learned boxing and kicking for a few days at least, even though Feng Cishi is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, she still couldn't help but groaned again.

You can't back down until you completely break through the defense, Feng Cishi grabbed both legs with one hand, aimed at the body and bullied him.

"Feng Mingwen, you bastard!"

While struggling fiercely, Zhang Xiaomei cursed in a low voice.

"Si Niang, I am indeed a bastard. Tonight I came to admit my mistake to you. You were right last night. I really did not think about it."

"So today I came up with a remedy. I just wanted to discuss it with Si Niang and ask Si Niang for her opinion."

Take a soft tone and be strong in hand.

First control Xiaosi's hands and feet, and then slowly coax him, anyway, he has to listen to him, and he has to listen to him if he doesn't.

Although Zhang Xingyi resisted fiercely, but his strength was really inferior to the animal on him, and he couldn't break free after struggling for a long time.

I can only cry and curse at the same time:

"You bastard... woo woo woo... You know how to bully me... woo woo..."

"It's a pity that I'm so busy every day, who knows that I have fed the dog!"


"Obviously you are wrong, but you still give me a face, woo woo..."


Then Feng Cishi admitted his mistake in a soft voice: "I was wrong, I was wrong, and I will never dare again in the future."


Gradually, it became "uuuh..."

Naturally, Qin Bo didn't know that his visit almost set fire to Governor Feng's backyard.

After he got the promise from Governor Feng, he has been in a state of excitement for the past few days.

Even the serious matter of exchanging war horses, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Seeing that the end of October was approaching, Qin Bo went to look for Lu Mao, and suggested that Liangzhou would soon be closed to mountains and roads due to heavy snow, and suggested to start back to Wu.

These days, Lu Hao also didn't care much about the exchange of horses. Contrary to Qin Bo's excitement, he was a little depressed.

Either shutting himself in the room alone and sighing, or running to the school gate and standing there for a long time.

Compared with before, it seems that they have completely become two people.

After Qin Bo suggested to go back as soon as possible, Lu Mao suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said that he wanted to see Governor Feng.

"Lu Hao wants to see me?"

Inspector Feng put out the fire in the backyard. At this time, he heard that there was another envoy from the State of Wu who wanted to see him, and this person was Lu Mao again, so he subconsciously missed it.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the servant who went out to pass the message came back to report:

"Your Majesty, Duke Lu is standing at the door and will not leave."

When Governor Feng heard this, he was stunned on the spot, and then his face turned angry:

"It's unreasonable! What does he mean? Is it difficult for others?"

Lu Hao is also the leader of the Wu State Mission, and more importantly, he is older than Feng Yong and has a long-standing reputation in Wu.

If he really wanted to stand at the door and not leave, it would be bad for Governor Feng's reputation when the news spread.

Governor Feng gritted his teeth, and finally took a step back:

"Send him to the lobby."

Governor Feng was full of complaints, wondering why Lu Mao was so persistent in seeing him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we met, the complaints that were full of complaints suddenly disappeared, but Governor Feng exclaimed:

"Why is Duke Lu so haggard Ruosi?"

It's only been a few days since I last saw Lu Mao, who used to be elegant and elegant, but now the flesh and blood on his cheeks seems to have disappeared, there is a layer of black circles in the deep-set eye sockets, the cheekbones on both sides are getting higher, and under the cheekbones, there seems to be two births. Black holes in general.

After Lu Mao came in, he didn't sit down, but just stared at Feng Yong, and his voice was hoarse when he opened his mouth:

"Mao's appearance is just a gift from the Lord."

Governor Feng was so startled that he almost jumped up:

"Lu Gong, I never hurt you, so don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Hao chuckled, then shook his head again.

Governor Feng didn't know what he wanted to express.

"Your Majesty, Mao came from Wudi to the west, passed Jincheng, passed Hanzhong, and arrived at Wuwei. It can be considered that he has seen most of the Han Kingdom."

Having said that, Lu Mao took a deep breath and looked at Feng Yong again:

"Ten years ago, after Zhang Huishu (that is, Zhang Wen) returned to Wu as an envoy to Han, he spoke highly of Han's beautiful government. Ten years later, Mao came to Han and saw it with his own eyes, and finally knew what he said was true."

Having said that, his face was a little excited:

"Your Majesty, today the world is full of turmoil, and the world is in turmoil. Wu and Han rely on each other to fight against Wei. Mao Su knows that the ruler and marquis are extremely talented, and they can manage the army and herdsmen, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"So Mao came here today to ask the prince for advice: If the prince is in the state of Wu, what good strategy should he use to govern the country? I only hope that the prince can give Mao some advice because Han and Wu are brothers."

As he spoke, he bowed his hands and bowed deeply.

"Lu Gong, Lu Gong, it's over, you are trying to shorten my life!"

Governor Feng hurriedly helped Lu Mao up, but he was thinking in his heart: Shall I tell you that after I capture Guanzhong, I wish Wu Guo would die immediately?

Of course, if you think so, what you say is another matter:

"I'm young, so I don't know how to govern the country. Today's big man is capable, and it's mostly the work of the emperor and the prime minister. I'm afraid Lu Gong asked the wrong question..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Lu Hao remained silent, and bowed again.


It's over!

Lu Zizhang!

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