Lu Hao has always been a gentleman in Wu. As a member of a family, he made friends with the poor and ambitious, and even often shared his treasured things with them.

Even people in the county who don't know Lu Mao are willing to entrust their wives and daughters to him.

Such a person, if you say that he is a hypocrite, Governor Feng will not believe it.

But if you want to say that Lu Mao, who has lived for dozens of years, was entrusted with the important task of being a big man as an envoy.

Now it's just for consulting the way of governing the country, and Governor Feng also doesn't believe it.

After all, it has only been a few years since what happened to Zhang Wen?

The most important thing is that Feng Cishi had a quarrel with Zhang Xiaoda only two days ago.

During Feng's introspection, he realized that, apart from the veteran group left over from Sun Ce's period, among the big families in Jiangdong that Sun Quan had won over after he came to power, the Lu family was the most trusted.

After all, among the four surnames in Wu County, the Lu family's family style occupies a character of loyalty.

As Lu Xun's younger brother, Lu Hao is naturally a loyal minister of Wu.

So what Lu Hao said just now, asking for advice may be true, but nine out of ten it is not just a simple request for advice.

Governor Feng's heart turned like lightning, but he didn't dare to neglect his hand: "Grand Lu, you really want to upset me, sit down, please sit down first!"

He helped Lu Mao sit down, poured him a cup of hot tea himself, and then returned to his seat to sit down.

"Mr. Lu, the so-called not in his position, not seeking his own government." He sipped a sip of tea, and then continued, "I am the governor of Liangzhou, and I focus on hunting down thieves."

"To tell you the truth, Lu Gong, although I am the governor, I have never participated in the court meeting. Even the Marquis of Quanting in this street is actually worshiped in Longyou."

"That's why Lu Gong wants to talk to me about the way of governing the army. I can say a few words, but this way of governing the country..."

Having said that, he smiled apologetically in embarrassment.

Lu Hao made a gesture to get up.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Lu, don't be in a hurry, just listen to me first."

Inspector Feng quickly suppressed his hand, "Although I don't know how to govern the country, I have served as an Inspector at any rate, so I still know a little about the art of herdsmen."

"Also, Yong has been studying history these days, and I happen to get something occasionally. It just so happened that Lu Gong came to ask, so I can talk to Lu Gong about his experience. But this is what Yong's family said. If there are any omissions, I still hope Lu Gonghaihan."

When Lu Hao heard this, he quickly cupped his hands and said:

"Why do you need to be humble? But please tell me."

Governor Feng took another sip of tea, and then said:

"The so-called governing the country is nothing more than organizing the army, herdsmen, and governing officials. The most important thing is money and food."

Lu Hao raised his brows, as if he was about to speak, but somehow he remembered something, his eyes flickered, but he still didn't make a sound in the end.

When Inspector Feng spoke, although his eyelids were drooping, he tried not to let Lu Mao look into his heart.

But Lu Hao's subtle expression change did not escape his secret observation.

"Looking at the history books, after the countries have been established for a long time, there must be a long history of bad governance, but anyone who is ambitious will try to change to prolong the country."

Having said that, he pointed to himself, then to Lu Mao, and said:

"Whether it is Han or Wu, although it is said that the founding of the country was not long ago, in fact, it mostly inherited the system of the later Han, and its disadvantages are also inherited."

"Yongguan Wei's thieves have started to practice the nine-rank Zhongzheng Dharma a few years ago, isn't it a change?" He paused, and then said, "So in Yong's view, Han and Wu should also try to become a powerful country in order to defeat the thieves."

Although he didn't agree with some of Feng Yong's remarks, but hearing the word "picture change" suddenly made Lu Hao enlightened, and he saw a bright and clear sky as if he had lifted the black clouds before his eyes.

I saw him blurting out and said:

"Therefore, the system of presiding over the exams in Liangzhou is also an attempt to change?!"

Inspector Feng smiled slightly: "Duke Lu came to inquire about the way of governing the country this time, in fact, it is because of the exam, right?"

Lu Mao was secretly taken aback: "How does the Lord know?"

These days you go to the gate of the school to squat every day, and the concierge, Mr. Qin, already knows you.

Can I still not know?

Inspector Feng muttered to himself for a moment, his expression remained unchanged, and he said slowly:

"It doesn't matter whether it's an army or a herdsman, even if it's a government official, it needs people to do it. And these things, if done by the good, will lead to good governance; if done by the mediocre, it will mostly be bad governance."

Lu Mao slapped his thigh and applauded:

"Wonderful, what the lord said is very kind!"

Governor Feng said modestly:

"Mr. Lu is overrated."

Lu Hao waved his hand: "Your Majesty, please continue."

Governor Feng cleared his throat, and his index finger and middle finger formed a parallel sword, pointing to the void:

"So if you want to govern a country, you need good talents, and this is the way to find good talents." After a pause, Feng Shishi continued, "The time is different, so the method is different."

"For example, the fraud in the investigation, if you want to come to Lu Gong, you will be self-evident, so there is no need to say more."

As he said that, he took another meaningful look at Lu Mao:

"As for the best way to seek talents in the Wu Kingdom, I will never go to Wu, so I dare not say much..."

Lu Mao nodded, sighed, stood up and bowed to Governor Feng:

"I have benefited a lot from hearing the words of the lord, please accept my obeisance!"

"Lu Gong really wants to beat me!"

Governor Feng hurried forward and helped Lu Mao up.

The two talked for a long time, both of them felt something in their hearts, holding hands at this moment, they couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

Inspector Feng thought to himself, "Nowadays Han and Wei dynasties are seeking change in order to improve talents, but Wu has not moved. Lu Mao will probably persuade Sun Quan when he returns this time.

With Sun Shiwan's character of being lenient on the outside but violent on the inside, especially when both the Han Dynasty and the state of Wei have changed, Sun Shiwan will at least put on an appearance on the surface.

The so-called economic base determines the superstructure. When Wu wants to learn from the big man, he will not be able to get it. Learning from Wei is a matter of great probability...

But what Lu Mao thought was: Feng Mingwen really deserves the title of "Xiao Wenhe" and is extremely intelligent.

But fortunately, this person puts too much emphasis on profit, thinking that governing the country is to put profit first, but he is biased.

From my point of view, Jiang Wan has the talent for governing the country but does not know about soldiers, and Feng Mingwen knows about soldiers but does not know how to govern the country. If the two can meet the master of the Ming Dynasty, the Han Dynasty will prosper.

However, today's emperor of the Han family is only a mediocre person, and he has no independent opinions. He is afraid that he will not be able to use him if he has a capable minister and a good general!

In addition, Zhuge Kongming is sick and weak, and I am afraid that he will die soon. After his death, whether the Han Kingdom will still be as prosperous as it is today is still two things to say.

But that's okay, in this way, I, Da Wu, have no worries!


The two have their own thoughts, but there is a look of sympathy on their faces.

After the happy chat, Lu Mao left contentedly under Governor Feng's repeated urging to stay.

A few days later, the Wu mission packed up and set off for the south.

When they reached Jicheng, Longyou, the first heavy snow fell in Liangzhou.

The time has come to the winter of the thirteenth year of Jianxing.

Many members of the Wu Mission could not adapt to the weather in the northwest. Under the erosion of the cold, nearly ten people were infected with the wind and cold on the spot.

Fortunately, the medicine in the Han Dynasty is relatively advanced, and in addition to the accumulated experience in the Northwest these years, the treatment of this kind of wind and cold is naturally within reach.

Even so, Lu Mao and the others hurried on their way, not daring to delay any longer.

It wasn't until I returned to Hanzhong and felt the warmth different from Northwest University that I breathed a sigh of relief.

When the emperor of the Han family learned that the Wu mission had returned from Liangzhou, he summoned Lu Mao in person.

And taking advantage of this spare opportunity, Qin Bo quietly went to visit Li Yi, who joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, with the letter of recommendation from Governor Feng.

When Li Yi got the news, he came out to greet him in person:

"I am very grateful for the letter from my elder brother sent by Lao Qin. Please, please, please!"

When Qin Bo saw Li Yi's enthusiastic appearance, he was overjoyed. He secretly heard that most of the young talents in the Han Dynasty were followed by Feng Junhou, and now it seems that he is not bad.

With Feng Junhou's recommendation, it seems that Jingzhou's food business can be worry-free!

While thinking, he followed Li Yi to the front hall.

"School Qin, please sit down. When Qin Jun came to Hanzhong a few months ago, Yi did not know that Qin Jun had a good relationship with his elder brother, so that he missed him. It is really disrespectful."

"Li Jun said seriously. The so-called guests do as they please. When I arrived in Hanzhong, I was really rude if I didn't come to visit."

The two were polite, and after the chat, Qin Bo proposed the purpose of this trip to Li Yi.

Unexpectedly, Li Yi frowned upon hearing this.

Qin Bo thought that with Feng Mingwen's endorsement, there would be no major problems in this trip, but he did not expect that Li Yi would show embarrassment.

This made his heart "thump".

Li Yi only heard a "tsk", then sighed again, and then said:

"Oh, Lord Qin came too late!"

Qin Bo quickly asked:

"What does Mr. Li mean by this?"

Li Yi looked at Qin Bo and asked:

"Mr. Qin, do you know what is the price of grain on the Nanxiang Exchange?"

"I just came to Hanzhong, how did I know?"

Li Yi raised three fingers.

Qin Bo was taken aback: "Three hundred dollars?!"

Li Yi nodded.

"Why is it so expensive?"

Naturally, the three hundred coins were not the Daquan 50 coins of Wu State, nor the straight hundred coins of Han State, but the real five baht coins.

In fact, caravans traveling between the Han and Wu would prefer to receive a hundred dollars from the Han State rather than fifty Daquan coins from the Wu State.

The reason is also very simple. These years, the Han Dynasty has long since stopped casting hundreds of coins, and the value is real.

But the Daquan Fifty in Wu State, there are more and more, and it is getting thinner and thinner, and there is even a lot of iron mixed in it, so the quality is extremely poor.

In the Nanxiang Exchange, five baht is the only standard for measuring the prices of various bulk materials.

Old fritters who resell all kinds of materials know that there was a rumor circulating in the market a few years ago:

That is, when there is no war, the grain price shall not increase by more than 200 yuan.

Because after two hundred dollars, people may be starving.

After three hundred qian, the real famine will begin.

Of course, things have changed in the past two years.

Food prices seem to be higher than in previous years, often fluctuating at 1780 renminbi, and sometimes reaching 199 renminbi.

This does not mean that the people of the Han Dynasty are hungry. On the contrary, in recent years, many people have much more food in their homes than they did ten years ago.

Why do food prices rise?

One is because the imperial court guarantees the price of grain and protects the enthusiasm of the people to grow grain.

The second is because more and more copper mines are being developed in Nanzhong.

But in any case, the price of food reached 300 yuan, which is indeed too high, which is not a good thing.

If the local food price in central Sichuan is already as high as 300 yuan, then adding the cost of transporting it to Jingzhou, the cost may be more than 400 yuan.

Thinking of this, Qin Bo's expression turned ugly.

According to the plan, the monopoly of wool will only be available in the next year;

Brown sugar monopoly, must find a new source of sugar cane, the supply of food is the premise.

In this way, wouldn't the three great achievements in hand be flying away?

The reason why I came out this time is precisely because the whole court regards the school administration as a thorn in the side. If I can't produce results in time to consolidate my position in His Majesty's heart, who knows what will happen later?

"Li Jun, I heard that the price of grain in Sichuan has never been high, how could it suddenly rise so much?"

Qin Bo asked anxiously.

If it wasn't for Feng Mingwen's presence in Liangzhou, Qin Bo would suspect that Xiao Wenhe was playing with him, or wanted to take the opportunity to raise the price.

"To tell you the truth, Lord Qin, these days, people from the north and west want to buy a large amount of grain and stockpile it for the winter, so the price of grain has risen a lot."

"North? That's not Wei..." Halfway through, he felt that something was wrong. How could the Han people sell grain to Wei thieves?

And the west side?

Li Yi coughed: "It's the Qiang Hu. Qin Jun, you don't know something. I am a big man who treats Han and Yi as the same. Over the years, many Hu Yi have gained a lot of benefits, so they are prosperous."

"So I have a lot of good things in my hands. Hu Yi, who is not good at farming, is about to go through the winter, so I have to hurry up and replace the cattle and sheep that have been raised for a year with grain..."

When Qin Bo heard this, his eyes widened immediately.

What else?

How did Hanzhong get up?

How did Nanzhong Ghost King get its name?

Do you think I really don't know?

I just came back from Liangzhou, you know what?

I really don't know what a two-legged animal is?

Now you tell me that Han and Yi are the same, and Hu and Yi are prosperous, but they can still fry food prices?

Xingsheng, you grandma!

It's just that Qin Bo saw that there was no trace of deceit on Li Yi's face, and such things can be found out as long as he inquires about them, there is no way to hide them.

This made him suspicious again: Could it be that such a coincidence really happened?

Li Yi was very determined in his heart.

That's right, there is indeed a shadow of Xinghanhui behind the rise in food prices this time.

But the white gloves are indeed Hu Yitou.

With Feng Guiwang's appeal in Longyou, the military capital of Yinping, he wanted to take a few Huyi tribes over to wipe his ass, and some people rushed to lick them.

What's the matter?

Isn't Hu Yi a man of the people?

Can't buy food?

As long as the government does not intervene, Xinghanhui will be the biggest banker of grain transactions.

Those who sell grain can't wait for the best price to rise every day!

When Qin Bo came to Hanzhong, at most he went to Nanxiang for a visit to see the rumored place where ghosts danced wildly.

He doesn't even know the trading rules of the exchange, so how can he know how many twists and turns there are in the place where ghosts dance wildly?

Seeing Qin Bo's appearance, Li Yi also had a bit of shame on his face, as if he was ashamed that he could not fulfill his brother's entrustment.

I saw him comforting:

"In my brother's letter, it is said that Qin Jun intends to seek financial resources to supplement the treasury, and he is dedicated to sharing the king's worries. Yi also admires it very much."

After a pause, he continued, "There will be no way to solve this food issue for a while, but Yi will always help Qin Jun to watch over it, and if the price drops, Wei will immediately send someone to notify Qin Jun."

Qin Bo's intentions faltered a little:

At that time, I don't know what the school affairs office will become...

Unless one more credit can be found to allow the school affairs office to survive this crisis.

"The so-called money and food, there is no way to deal with food now, but there is another way to lose money..."

"Oh!" Qin Bo cheered up, "Please Li Jun teach me!"

"Qin Jun, please follow me."

Li Yi brought Qin Bo to the door of a room, and ordered the servants guarding there:

"Light all the candles in the house."

Then he led Qin Bo into the house, and Li Yi ordered his servants to close all the doors and windows.

"Mr. Qin, please take a look."

"This this……"

But seeing the bright candles in the house, row after row of flames danced on the nine lamps, the red and yellow flames blazed suddenly and brightly, making the inside of the house brighter than the outside.

Even though Qin Bo had been in and out of the palace all year round, he had never seen so many candles being lit at the same time.

In other words, even the Son of Heaven would not burn so many candles at once.

Because candles are very precious as a tribute.

Qin Bo swallowed hard, his eyes were blurred.

"Mr. Qin, please take a look."

Li Yi opened a box, and there were candles neatly arranged inside.

He took out one and handed it to Qin Bo, "Qin Jun touch it, is it round?"


"Slippery or not?"


"White or not?"


"Is it beautiful?"


"How did Li Jun get this thing? It's so round, smooth, beautiful and white..."

Qin Bo couldn't put it down, he had never seen such a candle.

The tribute candles of the Wu Kingdom are all yellow, and there are light yellow, dark yellow and mixed yellow, and there is less than one piece of yellow.

It's as smooth as fat and white as jade.

Li Yi chuckled:

"Don't worry about this Jun Qin, I just ask, if this thing is sold exclusively by the school office, will it temporarily relieve Jun Qin's worries?"

Qin Bo suddenly raised his head, and tightly held the round, smooth, beautiful and white thing in his hand:

"How many of these things does Mr. Li have?"

"Not many, about 30,000 to 40,000 will be divided into Jun Qin next year."

That's not much? !

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