Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 959 Chapter 0968 Worry and Joy

"So... so... little?"

Qin Bo tightly held the round, smooth, white and beautiful thing in his hand. He wanted to say "so much", but when he got to his lips, it turned into "so little".

As a school official, it is the basic requirement to have a thick face and a dark heart without a conscience.

If it is said that this thing is a tribute, it is indeed too much.

Two or three hundred sticks are considered to be full of sincerity.

If you pay two or three thousand tributes, you will be His Majesty's most loyal ministers.

But what we are talking about now is not a tribute.

Naturally, the more things to sell, the better.

Fortunately, Li Yi had experienced in the Prime Minister's Mansion for so many years, otherwise, he might have been bluffed by Qin Bo.

"School Qin, there are already a lot of things. This thing, in today's world, only we have it."

"Now let you monopolize it in Jiangdong, as long as we don't intervene, isn't it up to you how much to sell?"

"And this thing, we just made it, what kind of regulations are, we still have to ask Mei San..."

"Ahem, what I mean is that these 30,000 to 40,000 pieces are a guaranteed number. If the Qin school can really open up sales in Jiangdong, then there will naturally be more and more in the future."

"Conversely, if School Qin can't sell at a good price, then don't blame us for taking back the monopoly right..."

Monopoly is of course possible.

But sales also need to be developed.

You can't let the other party mess around.

It was only after Mei Sansao learned the profound knowledge of her elder brother's teacher that she realized how to make white wax.

It is said that all the wax-making materials are taken from Nanzhong.

That is to say, the Xinghan Club has been infiltrating Nanzhong for these years, and initially built a logistics channel for Nanzhong.

Coupled with the help of Meng Huo's daughter Hualan, it is estimated that more than 40,000 pieces will be produced next year.

The palace ordered a batch, saying that they wanted to use it for banquets at court meetings and festivals, but in the end they only got 500 sticks.

The prime minister has always practiced frugality, not being too extravagant is one aspect.

On the other hand, this batch of Candle Brothers was originally intended to be used in the State of Wei.

Unexpectedly, Wu Guo was the first to take advantage of it now.

How did Qin Bo know the twists and turns?

After hearing Li Yi's words, he nodded repeatedly:

"That's how it should be. How else can Xinghan Society make such a big foundation?"

"Whoever can do this business, and whoever does it well, let him do it. If you can't do it and still occupy the position, you can't be a son of man!"

Doing business with a big man is straightforward, and this is the way to do things!

It's not like the gang of aristocratic families in Jiangdong, who shouted "a gentleman means righteousness, and a villain means profit", and scolded the school government for setting up checkpoints to collect taxes.

On the one hand, they are desperately building caravans in private, looking for ways to make money, but none of them think of paying taxes to His Majesty.

It's not a thing that really fell into his mother's place, it's simply a fellow dog, bah!

Although he didn't get the food he wanted during this trip, for Qin Bo, he was satisfied.

Thirty to forty thousand, even if it is thirty thousand, as long as it can guarantee that the school government can get the monopoly, as long as it can continue to get the goods in the future.

Qin Bo believed that the status of the school affairs office was temporarily stabilized.

After these two years, we will get food, wool, brown sugar, etc. from Han later, and see who can shake the position of the school affairs office in His Majesty's heart?

This visit to Li Yi was full of hope. Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, he returned with satisfaction.

Lu Mao was also satisfied.

After the trip to Liangzhou, when meeting with the emperor of the Han family this time, Lu Mao kept his eyes open and mentioned the way of governing the country a few times intentionally and unintentionally.

On these issues, the Lord of the Han Dynasty either talked in general terms without saying anything.

If you can't say it, then there are many others.

This made Lu Hao firm up his opinion:

The Han Lord seems benevolent, but in fact he is nothing more than a mediocre person.

When Zhuge Kongming was alive, it was easy to say.

Once Zhuge Kongming passed away, who would be able to fully control such a talented person as Feng Mingwen?

You can't expect Feng Mingwen to be the second Zhuge Kongming, can you?

Just seeing that Feng Mingwen puts profit first, Lu Mao does not believe that he can be the second Zhuge Kongming.

With such thoughts in mind, after meeting the emperor of the Han family, Lu Hao went to the prime minister's mansion again, intending to bid farewell to the prime minister of the Han family.

Unexpectedly, it was the prime minister Shi Yangyi who came out to receive him in the end.

It is only said that the prime minister felt a little cold in winter and felt unwell, and had not seen guests for a long time, so he came to see Wu envoy on behalf of the prime minister.

When Lu Mao first arrived in Hanzhong, when it was hot, he saw Zhuge Kongming once.

At that time, he saw that the prime minister of Han had a sick face and his body looked very weak.

Unexpectedly, at this time, I got the news that the prime minister had not seen guests for a long time.

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Zhuge Kongming is only two years older than his elder brother (namely Lu Xun).

But because of overwork, he looks a generation older than his elder brother.

Now he is sick and frail, and he doesn't even look like he will live for a few years.

I think of twelve years ago, after the defeat of Yiling, the Han Kingdom was almost destroyed.

It is precisely because of Zhuge Kongming's painstaking efforts over the years that it has achieved today's prosperity.

Such a great talent is about to perish.

What a pity, what a pity!

While regretting endlessly, Lu Mao was also somewhat fortunate.

After all, with the current sharpness of the Han Dynasty, if Zhuge Kongming was given another 12 years of life, how terrible would it be?

With extremely complicated emotions, Lu Mao and Yang Yi said some good things about Wu Han, and then left.

What he didn't know was that the prime minister, whom he hadn't seen, was in a certain room of the prime minister's mansion, receiving Li Yi who came quietly.

Li Yi came here to report to Zhuge Liang the process and results of his meeting with Qin Bo.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty was reclining in a large custom-made chair, covered with a fine velvet blanket, coughing from time to time.

The extremely thin cheeks were deeply sunken.

The originally tall figure has been completely bent.

Only those eyes were still shining, implying that this old man, who seemed to be in his prime, was not as simple as his appearance.

After listening to Li Yi's report, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty didn't have much expression on his face, but just nodded slightly.

After covering his mouth and coughing again, he said:

"I don't worry about this kid. If you really want to use Guan Zhongzhi's skills to plot other countries, there are few people in the world who can compare with him."

"Let him do what he wants to do. Remember to inform His Majesty when the time comes..."

This time Wu Guo asked for a horse, which almost disrupted the progress of the big man in Guanzhong.

Fortunately, this son knew what he wanted, and actually delayed this matter for two years.

Having said that, Zhuge Liang paused for a moment, then smiled wryly and said:

"I'm really old, I'm out of energy, and I forgot to be around that kid..."

Li Yi bowed his head when he heard this.

Because the matter between Mrs. Zhang Sisao and her elder brother is too complicated, and the water is a bit deep, it is beyond my current self to put it into words.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty said this without thinking, and he sighed again, "It's a pity that Wei Guo..."

Li Yi understood what the prime minister said.

Because of these candles, my brother originally planned to use them on Wei Guo.

And what the prime minister can't forget the most now is how to send his troops to the north and take Guanzhong from Wei Guo.

According to the prime minister's previous temperament of personally intervening in matters no matter how big or small, I'm afraid he should ask in detail about this kind of dealing with Wei Guo.

But now it's just a light "Leave it to brother" and let it go.

As the prime minister himself said, his energy is already exhausted.

Now, except for the prime minister's involvement in military affairs and some important affairs in the court, the rest of the daily political affairs are basically handled by Shang Shutai.

Zhuge Liang coughed again, and looked at Li Yi:

"How is Li Dudu's health these days? Are you okay?"

Li Dudu in the prime minister's mouth is naturally Li Hui who has been recuperating in Nanxiang.

Upon hearing this, Li Yi quickly replied:

"I'm concerned about Prime Minister Lao. My lord also caught the wind and cold after the winter, but he has recovered now, but he is a little afraid of the cold."

When the prime minister heard this, he couldn't help sighing:

"The matter of the Southern Expedition still happened yesterday. I never thought that De Ang would be so sick."

When people get old, they just like to miss the past.

Recalling that Zilong has been critically ill several times, if Nanxiang Medical College was not there, he might have passed away long ago.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help feeling a little sad.

I don't know if I was still in the old capital before I was alive, is it still possible?

"Prime Minister?"

Seeing that the Prime Minister's expression seemed to be a little bit wrong, Li Yi couldn't help but shouted tentatively.

Zhuge Liang forced a smile, wiped the wet corners of his eyes, and beckoned:

"Come closer."

Li Yi hurried forward.

"I feel more and more dizzy recently, and I always forget some things, so I have to make some preparations in advance."

"As soon as the spring begins in February next year, I plan to send you to Liangzhou. The sooner the better, you must remember to remind me when the time comes."

Li Yi quickly responded.

After Zhuge Liang finished giving his orders, he waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

Li Yi bowed quietly, then backed out.

When he left the prime minister's mansion, he heard someone shout on the street:

"It's raining hail (that is, hail)!"

Pedestrians on the street immediately became restless.

Li Yi was taken aback, and looked up, but saw that the sky became gloomy at some point.

There was a whimpering sound on the roof of the house.

The rain and hailstones smaller than soybeans scattered...

Rain and hail in Hanzhong is extremely rare.

Many pedestrians stretched their necks and looked up to watch, and some even reached out to pick it up.

The rain and hail didn't last long, and it stopped after a while, as if it was just telling the people that winter had arrived.

But when Li Yi just finished talking about his brother with the prime minister, he seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously looked to the northwest.

The winters in the past two years are actually quite normal, and the year before last was even warmer than previous years.

It just seems that this year is going to start to turn cold again.

I hope there will be no more white disasters in Liangzhou.

Because on the way to Liangzhou, the ice and snow usually melt in February, so it is convenient for pedestrians to walk.

But the caravans will only start in March, because the roads are considered easy to travel at that time.

And the prime minister planned to send himself to Liangzhou as soon as the spring began in February, and he seemed more anxious.

Nothing that can make the prime minister rush to do it is not a trivial matter.

And a white disaster that caught Liangzhou off guard would most likely affect the prime minister's plan.

Compared to Li Yi's worries, Governor Feng ushered in a rare moment of leisure.

In the Northwest, Maodong is a comfortable thing when conditions permit.

It just so happened that Governor Feng's residence had this condition.

Take the pot, put the bottom material, and turn on the fire.

On the table are mutton, venison, pork, dog, chicken, duck...

The thin ones are cut to be a little worse than paper.

Han Long's meat cutting skills became more and more exquisite.

For thicker meat, like the big chicken drumstick, you can still see light yellow grease under the chicken skin.

It is really a beautiful thing in the world to open the door wide, enjoy the snow scenery, and eat hot pot.

The Feng family and Zhao Guang can be regarded as a good family. There is nothing to do in winter, and whenever Zhao Guang is free, he brings Huang Wudie over to eat and drink.

Shuangshuang and Ah Chong are at the age of restlessness, and they like this kind of excitement the most.

Running around the table, chasing each other, laughing.

Ah Shun, who was put in the stroller next to him, joined in the fun, dancing and giggling non-stop, as if to cheer up his elder sisters and elder brothers.

The crystal saliva kept dripping out...

Sitting there with a big belly, Huang Wudie called out to Zhao Guang from time to time, and then looked at Guan Ji provocatively.

Zhao Guang was as happy as a pug, his mouth hadn't closed all the time, he just stuck out his tongue, and kept booing and asking warmly around Huang Wudie.

General Guan was graceful and graceful, and seemed to turn a blind eye to Huang Wudie's provocation. She wiped Ah Shun's saliva without fumes, and then cast a leisurely glance at Huang Wudie.

Zhang Xiaosi was not qualified to compete with the two big brothers, she lowered her head, concentrating on mixing the dipping sauce, as if she couldn't see anything.

On the contrary, the two concubines of Feng's mansion disappeared without a trace.

Inspector Feng, who was about to sit on the main seat, was a little strange, so he couldn't help asking:

"Where's Amy?"

It stands to reason that Li Mu would not say anything about this kind of family banquet, Amei would basically choose the hot pot ingredients for herself.

"Didn't you already send someone to remind you? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Guan Ji also felt a little strange, and looked at Zhang Xiaosi who had been silent all this time.

Zhang Xiaosi's eyes wandered, and he glanced at Huang Wudie's big belly, and replied:

"I've been reminded a few times, saying that I don't want to eat."

"Neither of them want to eat?"

Governor Feng picked up a piece of venison and put it in the hot pot, motioned for everyone to start, and asked a question at the same time.

"Yes, they all said they couldn't eat."

This is strange.

Governor Feng frowned and looked at Guan Ji.

Guan Ji shook her head lightly, expressing that she didn't know, she looked at Zhang Xingyi again:

"Is there nothing going on in the house recently?"

Zhang Xingyi's small mouth was moving rapidly, the meat in her mouth was so hot that she couldn't help exhaling:

"Ah Chong was lazy yesterday morning and didn't get up to practice martial arts?"

Ah Chong, who was happily sucking his bone marrow, was stunned on the spot, and the big bone in his hand suddenly became unscented.

Regardless of Ah Chong who was trembling under Guan Ji's stern gaze, Governor Feng muttered a little:

My backyard has always been peaceful, what happened to the two concubines?

After eating hot pot, Feng Cishi couldn't hold back his doubts and went to Amei's small courtyard.

"Why don't you go eat? Are you not hungry?"

As soon as Governor Feng entered the room, he asked a question.

As soon as Ah Mei saw Governor Feng coming in, she hurried over to help him take off his cloak.

While explaining in a low voice:

"I always feel that I can't eat in the past two days, and I want to go hungry today..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly smelled the hot pot smell from Feng Cishi's body, her expression changed, she covered her mouth, and let out a "vomit" sound!

"Are you feeling unwell? Why don't you let the medical workers come and see?"

Governor Feng quickly supported her and asked.

Ah Mei didn't have time to answer, so she pushed Governor Feng away, gagging again and again.

Seeing her like this, Governor Feng's heart skipped a beat!

"Alang, don't come here, I can't smell you..."

Hearing Ah Mei say such words for the first time, Governor Feng was not angry but happy.

He stretched his neck and asked carefully:

"Okay, okay, I won't go, you... Are you happy?"

Ah Mei managed to stop her nausea, her face flushed slightly, and she nodded.

Governor Feng confirmed what he was thinking, and couldn't help rubbing his hands, both surprised and happy.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Are you still hiding it?"

Amei lowered her head and explained softly:

"It's not completely confirmed yet, so I want to wait a few more days to talk about it."

"What's so uncertain about this? It must be there!"

Lao Tzu is the father of three children anyway, and has experience.

"The smell on my body is too strong. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. You should have a good rest first. I'll go and change my clothes before I come back."

Inspector Feng lowered his head and sniffed his clothes, fearing that if he stayed inside for a long time, he would pollute the air in the room, so he quickly comforted Ah Mei, and then retreated.

When I retreated to the door, I suddenly remembered something:

"Do you know when you were conceived?"

Amei's face turned even redder, she lowered her head and said something.

If Feng Shishi hadn't listened attentively, he wouldn't have heard what Amei said:

"It should be the night when Ah Lang said he wanted to have a good fight..."

With these words, even Feng Shishi's face was as thick as a wall, and he was a little embarrassed, but he soon became agitated:

"That Mu Niang..."

Amei was speechless, turned around and ran inside.

Governor Feng stood blankly at the door, and after a long time, he clapped his hands and shouted:

"Hey! Hit, double hit!"

Then suddenly remembered a very important thing: how should I explain this coincidence to Xijun?

More importantly, what will happen if Zhang Xiaosi finds out?

I remember that night, I left Zhang Xiaosi's room in a fit of anger...

Thinking of this, Governor Feng felt his blood suddenly congeal, as if frozen by heavy snow...

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