God has only given us two good years, and a new round of extremely cold winter has begun.

But two good years are enough for Governor Feng.

The first batch of scholars who took the exam started as foremen from the very beginning, and now they have finished the exam and officially entered the official career.

In addition, there is technical support from the engineering team, as well as money and food support from Xinghan Club regardless of cost.

If Liangzhou can't be supported like this, Governor Feng can go back to Zhuangzi in Jincheng to take care of him.

When Wei Jun enters the land of Shu, he packs up his clothes and runs to Nanzhong with his family.

Since Governor Feng didn't plan to go to Nanzhong in the future, Liangzhou's development is at least qualified.

Although it has only been a few years, the Liangzhou water conservancy project has already begun to take shape.

Of course, it refers to the average level of water conservancy in this era.

During the white disaster a few years ago, Inspector Feng gathered a large number of refugees for work relief, invested a huge amount of money and food, and finally got a good return at this time.

Promote water conservancy, develop fertile fields, herd cattle and sheep...

Not to mention that Dahan has accumulated wool spinning technology in the early years, and now he has the natural pasture in Liangzhou. After completely solving the supply of raw materials, the wool production capacity has begun to be released.

There are endless caravans traveling to and from Liangzhou, bringing great popularity to Liangzhou.

Liangzhou, which has been plagued by the Qianghu Rebellion for more than a hundred years, finally ushered in its peace and development again.

Liangzhou at this time is no longer a Liangzhou where a white disaster can make Feng Cishi jump and make the butler Zhang Xiaosi count the rice grains carefully.

Liangzhou already has a certain ability to resist disasters.

Different from the tranquility of Liangzhou, Ke Bineng, who was far away at the foot of the Yin Mountain, had a gloomy expression, even more gloomy than the sky with goose feathers and heavy snow.

For the nomadic Hu people in the desert, the south of Yinshan Mountain is indeed a rare treasure.

The big river came from the south, went east, and finally turned to the south again, enclosing a fertile land with lush water and grass.

The Yinshan Mountains in the north block the cold wind from the north and are a rare place to spend the winter.

But Yinshan can block the cold wind from the north, but it can't block the heavy snow from the sky.

The snow is too thick, looking around, there is no other color except a vast expanse of whiteness.

It seems that God has packed everything up and is going to take away all the living things here.

Even though they moved here from the desert, the Hu people still cannot escape the cruelest punishment from the heavens: the white disaster is coming!

The white plague at the foot of Yinshan Mountain is much lighter than that on the desert.

But no matter how light the white disaster is, it is still a white disaster.

This degree of white disaster may not have much impact on the Hu's commanders, nobles, and elders.

But for those ordinary herdsmen and sheep slaves, it was a disaster.

The difference is whether it is a big disaster or a small disaster.

Changing to other tribesmen, it may be that the cows and sheep that were frozen to death are distressed.

In addition to being distressed, some people may even be glad that they have occupied the grassland at the foot of Yin Mountain, and the loss is much smaller than before.

But Kebi can be different.

He became the biggest overlord on the grassland step by step from an adult of a small tribe, not by virtue of the same short-sightedness as those ordinary adults.

He relied on being brave and good at fighting, and relying on the fair distribution of spoils, which was why he was elected as the leader by everyone.

At the earliest time, during the war in Hebei, many Han people fled from the north, and Kebi could learn a lot of Han culture from them.

In addition to teaching the people of the tribe to follow the flag and drums to advance and retreat, Kebi Neng also knew what it means to win people's hearts in the process of merging many tribes.

Therefore, in the Battle of Bingzhou, after Kebi Neng was defeated by Qin Lang, his vitality was seriously injured, and he was even forced to flee the frontier.

But because the hearts of the people are still there, he can still quickly gather a group of people and return to the frontier to develop his power.

Because of the great pressure of the big man on Guanzhong, Sima Yi vigorously cleaned up some tribes in Beidi County who flirted with the big man in order to strengthen the defense of the north.

But this is only a defensive approach.

For the hometown of Jiuyuan further north, the power of Wei State was even further reduced, and Sima Yi would not waste a single soldier on unnecessary places.

This gives Kebineng an excellent opportunity for development.

In addition, in the past few years, the Liangzhou army has frequently gone out of the fortress in the name of training troops to sweep up the western Xianbei.

Many people from Xianbei in the west became labor force in Liangzhou.

The rest, either fled north or fled east.

Ke Bi Neng, located in the east, took a big advantage and took the opportunity to attract many former tribesmen who fled east.

With the defeat of Xianbei in the west, the grassland Silk Road opened up in the former Han Dynasty was reopened.

Ke Bi Neng received a lot of funding from Liangzhou, and his power expanded even further.

From this aspect, Ke Bi Neng is emotionally grateful to Feng Langjun, whom he has never met before.

It was precisely because he followed Feng Langjun's suggestion and moved the court tent from near Yanmen to the original place of Jiuyuan that his tribe could re-develop so quickly.

Although the hometown of Jiuyuan is close to Beidi County, because of the pressure of the Han people in the west, the Wei people in Guanzhong have no time to take care of the north.

And the Han people will give themselves a lot of benefits in order to win them over to deal with the Wei people.

If it is still near Yanmen, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

In case of difficulty, find a Han Chinese.

Ke Bi Neng took another look at the gloomy sky, and the heavy snow still didn't seem to stop.

"Come on, go and invite Liu Langjun over!"

The Hu people in the Hetao area played a very important role in the Han Dynasty.

Before regaining Guanzhong, they can help contain the Wei army in Guanzhong.

After regaining Guanzhong, they were related to the Dahan's operation of Hetao to consolidate the success or failure of Guanzhong.

Governor Feng made great efforts to open up the Silk Road on the Grassland, not just to sell goods to the caravan.

Liangzhou Governor's Mansion sent people into Hetao early on to establish contact with Ke Bineng.

Shi Bao has a job in the army and cannot be away for a long time, so the most suitable candidate is naturally Liu Hanzi Liu Liang.

Liu Liang was notified, and rushed over wrapped in a bearskin coat:

"Leader Ke, you are looking for me, but something is wrong?"

"Liu Langjun, it's too cold outside, come in and talk first."

Kebi could see Liu Liang, so he restrained his gloomy look, forced a smile, and pulled him into his big felt tent.

In the middle of the felt tent, the firepit was burning dry dung. As soon as he entered the tent, Liu Liang was almost choked to tears.

That is to say, Liu Hanzi has been hanging around among the barbarians, and he has long been used to everything about the barbarians, otherwise he really couldn't help it.

He sat in front of the firepit, picked up a branch and picked it a few times to loosen the dry manure in the firepit, and the choking smoke was reduced.

Ke Bi Neng followed to sit in front of the firepit, poured a cup of hot milk tea and handed it to Liu Liang:

"Come on, Liu Langjun, drink to warm your body."

Ke Bi Neng is the leader of the tribe, but his life is not much more luxurious than other ordinary adults.

Only this milk tea is absolutely indispensable.

Especially in this kind of weather, if you don't drink for a day, your heart will burn.

However, tea leaves are still rare in the Hetao area, so this can be regarded as one of the rare privileges of Ke Bi Neng.

Liu Liang wasn't too polite, took it and took a few sips before letting out a sigh of relief:

"It's snowing, it's really big enough."

Ke Bi Neng nodded and agreed:

"Yeah, even if you stay in the tent, you still feel freezing..."

Liu Liang glanced at Ke Bineng and said:

"Captain Ke, I didn't say it. If you really listen to me and arrest people who escaped from the west as labor, I will give you some craftsmen who can burn bricks."

"In less than a year, a big house with five in and five out can be built for you. When you live in this big house, I don't know how warm it will be."

"Why are you still living in this kind of felt tent to suffer from the cold?"

The corner of Ke Bi Neng's mouth twitched. This guy in front of him has been trying his best to persuade him to build a big house, but what is his intention?

So he said earnestly:

"Liu Langjun, those people can be regarded as former clansmen anyway, and they came to vote for me. If I treat them like sheep slaves, what will other people on the grassland think of me?"

"Besides, I, Da Xianbei, am used to nomadic pastures on the grasslands, and I'm not used to living in houses like the Han people."

Liu Liang smacked his mouth, thinking to himself, you f*cking leader of the barbarians, you have learned to buy people's hearts, what on earth do you want to do?

Not used to living in a house yet?

Do you know what the Hu people in Liangzhou call me?

I haven't seen anyone who doesn't want to live in a big house!

Just you special? Liar!

He thought to himself, and raised his thumb at the same time: "The benevolent and righteous leader Ke, no wonder he is supported by all the tribes in the grassland."

Ke Bi Neng said modestly:

"Where is it, I also want to restore my great Xianbei's strength as soon as possible, so that I can cooperate with Feng Langjun to deal with the Wei thief!"

Liu Liang chuckled, you know a lot!

You actually know that we support you to deal with Wei thief.

"Chief Ke has a heart."

Ke Bi Neng said to Liu Liang sincerely:

"So when I invite Liu Langjun over this time, I actually want to ask Liu Langjun for a favor."

"Leader Ke, please speak."

A look of worry appeared on Ke Bineng's face, and he said worriedly:

"Liu Langjun, to tell you the truth, with this heavy snowfall, I don't know how many cattle and sheep in the clan will freeze to death, especially those who have just returned to the clan, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive this winter!"

That's why I asked you to build more houses to squeeze out their value earlier. Who told you to take them in?

Liu Liang was muttering, only to see Ke Bi Neng looking at him with some embarrassment:

"Liu Langjun, I know you are here. There is a warehouse with a lot of wool..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Liang spat out the milk tea he had just drunk into his mouth with a "plop".

The milk tea was poured into the firepit, and with a "chi" sound, a burst of white smoke rose.

Liu Liang looked at Ke Bineng in disbelief:

"What did you say?!"

"I mean, Liu Langjun, you don't need the things in your warehouse right now, why don't you borrow them from me first, and I'll pay you back some more in the spring of next year."

Ke Bineng said very sincerely.


If it wasn't on the opponent's territory, Liu Hanzi might not be able to control himself, so he took out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the bastard in front of him to death on the spot!

The warehouses that Ke Bineng mentioned do exist.

Whether it is a caravan from Liangzhou or a mission sent by Liangzhou, if there are more contacts, there will be more things, so they need a place to store them.

Or the things collected from the barbarians will not be able to be completely transported away for a while.

So naturally such a warehouse is needed.

It's not big, but there's really something in it.

There are even some special materials needed by Liu Liang to make friends with various tribes in the warehouse.

After all, who doesn't know that Liu Hanzi likes to make friends with Hu people the most, and now that he has come to Jiuyuan, it is reasonable to make good friends with some tribes, right?

As the goodwill ambassador sent by Liangzhou to Hetao, although Liu Liang cannot reveal his identity, could Kebi not know that he came here on behalf of Governor Feng?

Now that Ke Bineng has put his mind on this warehouse, why not make Liu Liang startled and angry?

To tell the story, I, Hanzi Liu, have always been the only ones who take the initiative to send things out when I make friends. No one dares to say that they take things from me for nothing. You, Old Ke, are the first!

Speaking to Dali, isn't it too embarrassing for Liangzhou by doing this, Lao Ke?

Anyway, Liu Hanzi felt that this was not giving Feng Junhou face.

His thoughts turned like lightning, and after a slight change in the expression on his face, he immediately laughed again to cover up:

"It's easy to say, since I came to Yinshan, I have received a lot of help from Chief Ke. Now that Chief Ke has opened his mouth, how can I have no reason?"

Kebi Neng was overjoyed:

"Okay, then I will thank Liu Langjun on behalf of the people here!"

While talking, he stood up, took out a treasured spirit from a certain corner, and poured a bowl for Liu Liang:

"After drinking this bowl of wine, you are my best friend, Ke Bineng!"

Liu Liang cursed, "Damn it!"

When Liu Liang came out of Ke Bineng's felt tent, his steps were already a little floating.

The two guards who had been waiting not far from the tent saw Liu Liang coming out, and rushed to greet him:

"Liu Langjun?"

Liu Liang's face was flushed, he waved his hands, and let out a long belch with an "uh" sound:

"Go back and talk about it."

After being helped back to the residence by the two, Liu Liang lay on a thick cashmere blanket and began to curse:

"The servant's son, his father is lucky, and his mother is a pheasant..."

Since Feng Junhou came out of the mountain, he has been called the ghost king in the south and the mountain god in the north. He doesn't care about barbarians. Who would dare to plunder him lightly?

Liu Liang is holding this thigh, and he has been doing well among the barbarians all these years.

I am used to going smoothly, but when I suddenly met Ke Bi Neng who bullied me like this, I was naturally upset.

"Liu Langjun, are you okay?"

Liu Liang scolded for a while, and then let out a sigh of relief:

"It's okay. You pack up all the things that Junhou specially sent over in the warehouse, and find another place to put them away."

"Lang Jun, why is this?"

Liu Liang told Ke Bineng's request again.

Someone frowned on the spot and said:

"Liu Langjun, Ke Bi can act like this, it seems to be deceiving..."

Beside Liu Liang, there were guards from the Personal Guard Camp and the Dark Night Camp, who were specially sent by Governor Feng to protect his personal safety.

The Dark Night Battalion and the Guards Battalion are the only two battalions led by Governor Feng himself.

The personal guard camp is in the light, mainly for defense, and the dark night camp is in the dark, specializing in spying.

In the past few years, there are masters like Han Long working as coaches in it, which shows that they are elite.

These people were sent out to protect Liu Liang, which shows that Governor Feng attached great importance to Liu Liang's trip to his original hometown.

But seeing Liu Liang sneer:

"How could I not know? Ke Bi Neng, even though he is a barbarian, is still considered a hero. How could he be easily controlled by others?"

"This time, he may not have the intention to test the prince, so I will temporarily follow his wish. After the spring, I will report to the prince and see how the prince decides."

On the second day, Ke Bi was able to gather the tribe and distribute the things in the Han people's warehouse, which caused a burst of cheers from the crowd.

Liu Liang, who was hiding in a certain corner, watched from a distance that many people bowed directly to Ke Bi Neng, with extremely ugly faces.

Borrowing my things to buy people's hearts, he is the one who benefits, but I don't get half of it, it's really a big loss.

He was muttering, when he suddenly thought of something, his expression changed!

If Ke Bineng just wanted to use this matter to buy people's hearts, then that's fine.

But what if his purpose is more than that?

What if he wanted to borrow something else?

In case someone says: The Han people have hoarded so many things here, but just watched us suffer white disasters and remain indifferent...

Liu Liang touched his head, with a look of remorse on his face:

"I was careless! I didn't expect this level, it's hateful for me to bully me when I was young and ignorant..."

Even if Kebi can not borrow my head, he bought people's hearts this time, and his heart of alienating Han and Hu has already been achieved.


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