Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 961: The Flapping Wings of a Butterfly

Seeing Ke Bi Neng buying people's hearts over there, Liu Liang's hand involuntarily touched the dagger at his waist several times, and then put it down several times.

It's not that I dare not, but that it's not worth it.

If it was replaced by the Hu Ren Qu Shuai who was a little closer to the Liangzhou Pass...

No, you don't need to be close to Liangzhou, even if you are close to Anding County, Liu Liang stabbed him to death as he said.

After being stabbed to death, it might be possible to use Feng Langjun's prestige to gather the remnants directly.

At worst, he could escape back to the pass under the escort of the team of elite soldiers who specialize in murder and arson.

But not here.

It is one thing to stay away from the Han military pass.

More importantly, Ke Bi Neng is different from other barbarian Qu Shuai. This man is so good at buying people's hearts, he is deeply respected by the tribe.

If you really want to kill Ke Bineng on impulse, let alone gather up the remnants of the barbarians, if you don't get chopped into meat paste by the barbarians, you will be lucky if you can leave the whole body.

Most importantly, in this way, it will definitely disrupt Feng Guiwang's plan.

For so many years, Liu Liang has gained the reputation of a Liu man, and he is no longer the stunned young man who dared to rob women from King Feng Gui.

Although I don't know what Feng Guiwang is going to do to the Hu people in Jiuyuan's hometown, after all, the ghost king is far-sighted.

But there should be no doubt that Ke Bi can occupy a relatively important position in Feng Guiwang's plan.

After figuring this out, Liu Liang kept comforting himself in his heart: It's not worth it, it's not worth it...

Hypnosis forces you to think clearly.

Although Liu Liang realized later, he figured out his current possible dangerous situation:

As long as someone makes a noise and the crowd is furious, it is difficult for my group to escape from Jiuyuan.

But the thought of getting ready to run just circled in Liu Liang's mind twice, and he was immediately strangled to death by him.

Just ran like this, the snow has just finished, it's icy and snowy, don't say if you can run away.

Even if he could run back, even if Guiwang Feng didn't know what to say, the credits he had made before would be offset.

The hard work done on the couch is also a credit, okay?

And in the future, not to mention Feng Wenhe, even if Feng Guiwang has fallen, and other people come up, it is estimated that no one will be willing to use him anymore.

It's been like this for the rest of my life.

Then I might as well just stay in Jincheng from the beginning and wait to die!

"I can't just run away like this!"

Liu Liang sat back in the tent, mumbling endlessly.

Under such circumstances, his mind turned wildly at the fastest speed in his life.

Ke Bi Neng is a man with great ambitions, and he can be called the hero of the Hu people.

He was defeated by Wei Guo before, and it was only with Liangzhou's intentional or unintentional help that he regained some momentum in a short period of time.

If he really wanted to turn his face against the big man, it must be after his wings hardened.

Turning his face at this time, can he still go to seek refuge with Wei thief?

It's not that Liu Hanzi looks down on Wei thief, much benefit can Wei thief give Ke Bi Neng in one year?

These days, food and clothing, which one does not cost money?

If you don't have money, you have to have food and clothing, right?

Wei thief himself has to find a way to exchange wool from the big man!

Liu Hanzi came to Jiuyuan's hometown, and he didn't patronize the sleeping beard girl.

Anyway, I also got in touch with the adults of several tribes.

I still have a little understanding of the Hu tribe in the hometown of Jiuyuan.

Ke Bineng's subordinates included not only his own tribe, but also other tribes, large and small.

In the past, when Ke Bineng was so powerful, even if he was an adult of a big tribe, he would kill as soon as he said it, and no one dared to refuse.

For example, Budugen's elder brother Fu Luohan.

Moreover, he was killed in public at the oath meeting. After the killing, he also annexed the tribe of Fuluohan, which is a large tribe with tens of thousands of troops.

But now, compared with before, it is quite different.

An eagle that has broken its wings and hasn't healed its wounds will die if it dares to flap its wings and fly high.

Originally able to get so many benefits from Liangzhou, Ke Bi can turn his face if he really wants to. The low-level barbarians don't understand, because these benefits can't reach them in the first place.

But wouldn't Qu Shuai, who had benefited from other tribes, have any objections?

Even if you Kebi can be the leader elected by everyone, you must have a reason for doing things, right?

Liangzhou is so far away from Jiuyuan's hometown, there is no threat.

Can Kebi dare to say the reason of buying people's hearts?

What's more, buying people's hearts so wantonly, I'm may not be what some Qu Shuai would like to see!

Thinking of this, Liu Liang's spirit was lifted, and he stood up involuntarily.

Crisis crisis, doesn't it mean that there is opportunity when there is danger?

"Come here, prepare a gift."

"Where is Mr. Lang going?"

"I'm afraid that many tribes will suffer losses in this white disaster. I have been treated by them in the past. How can I stand by and watch at this time?"

Liu Hanzi flicked his sleeves, and said righteously:

"Even if I can't help much, at least I have to comfort them."

The guard responded and was about to go out to prepare, only to hear Liu Hanzi specially order behind him:

"Remember to prepare two more bars of soap."


But Liu Hanzi murmured:

"Hu people are so hospitable, if you stay with me tonight, it's not good to go against their kindness..."

Hearing this, the guard almost flinched, opened his mouth, but left without saying anything, with a complicated expression on his face.

It is not uncommon in this era that there are things specially used to clean the dirt on the body when taking a bath.

There is a kind of bath bean, which is pounded into mud with fat, and then mixed with finely ground soybean powder, as well as various spices and Chinese herbal medicines.

Not only decontamination, but also fragrance.

But these days, even among the big men who have promoted the breeding of livestock in captivity, those who can afford fat on weekdays are considered rich.

Not to mention taking a shower?

Not to mention the added spices.

Except for the very rich, who knows what bath beans look like?

Moreover, bath beans are cumbersome to make, and the raw materials are difficult to find, let alone transport and store.

How does it look like soap?

A neat piece, pack it up and take it with you, wherever you want to go.

This thing is simply a must-have weapon for walking on the grassland.

Because of it, the attractiveness of bearded women on the grassland has increased by at least fifty to seventy percent compared to before.

Now, no matter which caravan is entering the grassland or going to the Western Regions, soap is a necessity.

How could Liu Hanzi, who has been in touch with Hu people all the year round, not know this?

After regaining his spirit, Liu Hanzi tidied up his whole body again.

As a relative of the Han Dynasty, the genes are basically the same.

After all, for hundreds of years, the royal family has always had many beautiful women resources to help improve genes.

Compared to local turtles like Feng Guiwang, Liu Hanzi is quite confident in his appearance.

It's a pity that these days, the outstanding women of the big man are more connotative, and they don't just value appearance, what a pity, what a pity!

After the preparations were completed, I saw a suave and suave lord of the Han family, leading three or five entourages, quietly avoiding the crowd and slipping towards a certain direction!

Survival is a powerful instinct.

Liu Hanzi only thought of a way to take the initiative to fight back after feeling that he might be threatened.

The feeling of Lu Yi and the others in the Wu State School Office is not that they might be threatened, but that someone directly flashes the sword, and the point of the sword is their throat.

Under such fatal circumstances, how could Lu Yi and the others be willing to be bound?

The news that Qin Bo returned to Wu from Liangzhou made Lu Yi and others overjoyed.

After the mission reported to His Majesty, as soon as Qin Bo left the palace, Lu Yi couldn't wait to summon him, led him into the secret room and asked:

"In your previous letter, you only said that you had an unexpected harvest in Liangzhou, but the letter was vague. Now that you are back, please tell us in detail."

"That's right. Now that you've learned something, it seems that the visit of the school affairs will be of great help to the school affairs office?"

Qian Qin, one of Lu Yi's right-hand men with Qin Bo, also asked in a somewhat hasty tone.

Qin Bo's trip was obviously to participate in the war horse trade, but secretly he was looking for a way with the Han people.

Therefore, when His Majesty summoned the mission, it was naturally impossible for him to reveal the deal he had privately reached with the Han people.

Otherwise, the people of the mission will only get the credit for nothing.

It is even possible to expose the true purpose of his trip and make the opponents in the DPRK and China wary.

For the school affairs office, this is a sensitive moment, and Qin Bo is so stupid that he would reveal his exclusive trading channels in public.

At this time, the school office is surrounded by his own people, so Qin Bo couldn't hide his joy:

"Return to Zhongshu, please have Zhongshu take a look at this before going down to explain in detail."

As Qin Bo said, he took out something from his pocket and handed it over.

Lu Yi took it over and took a look, and couldn't help saying in surprise:

"Is this...a candle?"

"Exactly! Let's take a look in Zhongshu, isn't it round, smooth, beautiful and white? Can it be considered a top-grade thing?"

Along the way, Qin Bo's mind was full of selling round, smooth, beautiful and white things, so naturally he blurted out at this time.

"It's really high-grade..." Lu Yi said, but frowned, "But what does this thing have to do with your harvest from this trip?"

He didn't know how many pearls he had seen, a mere candle would not be in his eyes, he glanced at it briefly, then impatiently handed the candle to Qian Qin beside him,

What he cares about now is what happened with that "Xiao Wenhe".

"Lu Zhongshu, the Han people promised us that next year they will give us at least 30,000 of these high-grade candles for sale..."

When Lu Yi heard this, his eyes widened suddenly: "Thirty thousand? Huh? Huh!"

Then he turned around suddenly, snatched the candle back from Qian Qin's hand, and held it up in front of Qin Bo:

"This? Thirty thousand sticks?"

Qin Bo nodded affirmatively: "No less than 30,000."


"That's right, the Han people have said that they are the only ones who have this top-grade product in this world, and we are the only ones who can get the goods from them in Dawu now."

Hearing this, Lu Yi couldn't help but look down at the candle in his hand, and rubbed it carefully:

"A good thing, a good thing, round, smooth, beautiful and white, really a good thing!"

Lu Yi touched it for a while, then suddenly remembered something, then raised his head again and asked:

"But like that brown sugar, 30,000 sticks every year?"

Qin Bo smiled triumphantly:

"Next year's 30,000 sticks is just a base number. As long as we can sell well in Wudi, there will only be a lot more in the future. The better the sales, the more they will give."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Finally, Lu Yi couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart, and burst out laughing.

Qian Qin also laughed and said:

"The Han people probably don't know. When it comes to buying and selling, no one in Wu country can compare with the school office."

Everyone laughed along.

Over the years, in order to raise money for His Majesty's Young Mansion, the School Affairs Office has resorted to many tricks both openly and secretly.

Even many mountains and rivers have been enclosed, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

If you really want to have the right to monopolize, and it is still the monopoly of such top-grade items, even if you are lying down, someone will send money to your door.

For example, those who can't get a share of brown sugar from Zhang's family now, and those who really have other connections, will even go to Sichuan to find goods without permission.

Although you can't get much from Shu, it's better than not even having a taste.

But if the school affairs government really wants to take the right to monopolize candles, whoever dares to buy goods from Sichuan without long-sightedness in the future will be suicidal!

After laughing, Qin Bo continued:

"Speaking of brown sugar, when I went to Liangzhou this time, I met Feng Wen...uh, Feng Langjun, and I got a promise."

"Oh, come on, come on."

Qin Bo then agreed with Feng Langjun that if he can change the grain into sugar cane in Jingzhou, he can also distribute the brown sugar to the school affairs.

There are also things like next year if it is fast, and wool monopoly in the year after that if it is slow.

All I heard was that Lu Yi and the others had green eyes.

Brown sugar wool and other bulky materials have long been coveted by the school office!

It's just that even if the Zhang family is settled, it's useless if they can't get through the relationship with the Han people.

Not to mention that the Zhang family has a very close relationship with Feng Langjun. If he suppressed the Zhang family, it would be regarded as offending Feng Wenhe. In the future, there may be no chance to get these goods.

Therefore, no matter how jealous the school affairs office is about the channel in the Zhang family's hands, they can only keep their desires in their hearts and dare not move lightly.

This time, taking advantage of the war horse trade, the school government sent Qin Bo to go to Han to test it out and see if he could get a piece of the pie.

I didn't expect things to go so smoothly, how can I not let everyone in the school government be overjoyed?

"School Qin is really a great hero of our school office this time!"

Lu Yi was not stingy with his praise, "Your Majesty's treasury is empty, if the school office can relieve your majesty's worries, let's see who can easily shake our position in your majesty's heart?"

"Pair to pole!"


Everyone is convinced.

Ever since Li Heng spoke before His Majesty, although His Majesty did not say anything clearly, and the school affairs office tried its best to remedy it.

But His Majesty's attitude seems to have undergone some subtle changes.

For example, I heard that His Majesty looked ashamed at that time.

For example, Li Heng, after the fact, jumped from a commoner to Zhuge Ke's Sima in the army.

Especially the latter matter, it is simply slapping the face of the school affairs office.

However, Lu Yi and the others had to be much more careful in their actions than before.

Qin Bo's return from this trip is tantamount to finally breaking the current situation.

As soon as the big stone in his heart was gone, Lu Yi finally relapsed, but he saw a look of resentment on his face:

"Based on what's going on with Li Heng, it's likely to be a conspiracy of the Eastern Palace. Otherwise, why would Li Heng be Zhuge Ke's Sima?"

Among the four friends of the East Palace, Zhuge Ke ranks first, and he is also the prince's most valued staff member.

Lu Yi and the others are not blind and deaf, how can they still not guess that Li Heng is related to the East Palace?

"That's right, at the East Palace, it is supposed to be for Jiang Xia's prefect Diao Jia and Shi Zhong Shiyi to stand out."

Qian Qin explained to Qin Bo, "Li Heng is from Jingzhou, and he is related to the Xi family of the Jingzhou family. And the Zhuge family... heh!"

Today's Zhuge Jin is ranked as a general and has been guarding Jingzhou. In name, he can be regarded as the largest family in Jingzhou.

So Qin Bo immediately understood it when he heard it.

Diao Jia, the prefect of Jiangxia, was suspected of "slandering the government". Under the power of the school affairs office, none of the officials dared to speak out. Only Shizhong Shiyi, who had been assisting the prince, refused to admit it.

In the end, this matter is a messy account, let it go.

This time, Donggong should use the Jingzhou family to attack the school affairs office.

"That's all for the East Palace. The prince has always been displeased with the school affairs office, and has repeatedly written to His Majesty, saying that we are wrong."

Lu Yi gritted his teeth and said, "But this time, the Jingzhou family dared to stretch out such a long hand. I'm afraid they have made a mistake! If I can't touch the prince, why can't I touch them?"

"That's right, how much brown sugar the Jingzhou family has taken from the Han people over the years. This time, we have Feng Mingwen's promise, so we can take advantage of this..."

Qian Qin's eyes flickered and he smiled coldly.

Now that the school affairs office also has the right to monopolize brown sugar, the Jingzhou gang of aristocratic families can be regarded as competitors.

If they take more, it is equivalent to snatching an extra bite from the mouth of the school office. How can this be tolerated?

The Zhang family cannot be moved because the Zhang family has a relationship with Xiao Wenhe.

What is the relationship between the Jingzhou family and Xiaowenhe?

Never heard of it!

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