Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 962 Chapter 0971

Over the years, under the deliberate guidance of some people, Dahan has developed rapidly.

But this kind of development is distorted, and it can even be said to be somewhat deformed.

It started from the time when Feng Guiwang proposed the strategy of relocating the southern Zhongyi people to strengthen Hanzhong, or from the moment Feng Guiwang came to Hanzhong for the first time.

The history of the Han Dynasty has already turned a corner and plunged into a stage called primitive accumulation.

Counting down, from Nanzhong to Hanzhong, and then from Hanzhong to Longyou, Liangzhou, and beyond the Guansai were not spared.

Plantations, pastures, pastures, workshops, mines and other places where workers work hard day and night.

The population who were hidden by the big clan and could not appear in the sun, the countless laborers who were taken captive by Hu Yi, and so on.

Over the years, even a considerable part of the aristocratic families have been dismembered to become nourishment for the expansion and development of the great man.

It doesn't matter whether you are from a noble family, a serf without personal freedom, or a Hu Yi outside the Han area.

In the face of the turbulent historical torrent, all living beings are equal, those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

Where there is death, there will naturally be prosperity.

The Great Han used troops abroad for years, but the common people knew little about the hardships of corvée, and their living standards even rose instead of falling.

The so-called common people naturally refer to the Dingkou family registered with the government, and the officially recognized Han people.

As for the others, the big man can't control so much, and there is no way to control them.

Whether it perishes or prospers, they are just two sides of the torrent of history. This can be said to be "the world is unkind, and treats all things as straw dogs; the sage is not benevolent, and treats the people as straw dogs."

Even so, with the current national strength of the big man, he can only maintain a tactical offensive and a strategic stalemate against Wei.

Inspector Feng just swelled a bit, and wanted to do a two-line operation, but was scolded by Zhang Xiaosi, and had to do self-reflection.

With the current strength of the big man, it is still powerless to strengthen the control of Jingzhou.

The so-called powerlessness, but most middle-aged men over forty have a deep understanding.

Although Governor Feng is in his prime, these days, he has tasted such a taste in advance.

"Si Niang, Si Niang, it's daytime, be more reserved, be more reserved..."

In the backyard of the Governor's Mansion, Governor Feng was once again blocked in the wing room by the young lady of the Zhang family.

But seeing Feng who was huddled in the corner had a terrified expression on his face, one hand was tightly clutching his belt, and the other was begging for mercy as he repeatedly waved at the young lady of the Zhang family who was pressing her every step of the way.

"Bah!" Miss Zhang directly knocked off the hand that was protecting Feng Cishi in front of her, and said through gritted teeth, "Reserved? Don't mention it to me!"

"In my whole life, I have suffered from being reserved. If I hadn't been too reserved back then, Ah Chong should call me grandma now!"

Her eyes fell on Feng Cishi's belt which was held by the other hand, and she asked coldly, "Are you going to untie it yourself or let me do it?"

Governor Feng bowed his waist more and more, begging: "Si Niang, I am too tired these days, how about allowing me to rest for a day?"

"You mean let me come?"

Zhang Xingyi let out a sneer, stepped forward without any hesitation, and was about to reach out his hand.

"Si Niang, Si Niang, it's still daytime, why don't we wait until night..."

Governor Feng still wanted to make a final struggle.

"Is the day bad? You don't like the day?"

Zhang Xiaosi kept his hands on hand, "Night and night things, how can they be confused?"

Upon hearing this, Inspector Feng suddenly felt a pain like a needle prick in his old waist.

Although Liangzhou's deer farm has started to get on the right track, no amount of velvet antlers can stop Zhang Xiaosi, who is already driven mad by Amei and Li Mu's pregnancy incident!

Left and right cannot escape, Governor Feng's face turned pale, and he pressed Zhang Xiaosi's hand tremblingly, trying to maintain his last bit of poor self-esteem:

"Si... Si Niang, don't worry, I... I'll do it, don't tear it up, I'll take it off..."

In the next life, I wish to have a person with one heart and one mind, never leave each other, and go to hell with three wives and four concubines!

At most... two, no more!

As Governor Feng undressed tremblingly, he was thinking regretfully.

"What are you dawdling about? Hurry up!"

Miss Zhang drank impatiently.

Governor Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled flatteringly: "It's fine, it's fine..."

When I married Xijun back then, what I valued was her ability to guard the house. Why didn't she come out to save her Alang at such a critical moment?

Just when Governor Feng thought he was doomed, he heard someone shouting outside:

"Sir, is sir here?"

"I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!" Feng Cishi's mood at the moment was as if he suddenly saw a bull's head and a horse face holding the book of life and death, adding ten years of life to himself before he took his last breath.

Is there any reason not to be ecstatic?

With lightning speed, he quickly tied the half-untied belt.

Then he straightened his clothes and said to Zhang Xiaosi:

"Si Niang, someone is looking for me outside, let me go out and have a look!"

Before he could finish speaking, the man ran away.

It was none other than his two personal disciples who saved Feng Cishi's life: Fu Qian and Luo Xian.

How about being a teacher for one day and a father for life?

Feng Inspector breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved, he still has to rely on his children at critical moments!

Although he wanted to keep a straight face and pretend to be a teacher, he couldn't hide the expression of rejoicing that he escaped death.

On the other hand, Fu Qian and Luo Xian, when they saw their husband come out, they just pushed me and pushed you, looking at each other.

Seeing them like this, how could Governor Feng not know how to take the opportunity?

But seeing him hastily said:

"Well, but something is not suitable to say here? Let's go to the front."

After all, one big step, three steps and two steps, take the lead and leave this place of right and wrong.

Fu Qian and Luo Xian didn't know that they had saved their husband's life unintentionally, and they looked at each other again, then they pushed each other, muttering to each other:

"You tell me!"

"you say!"


"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Inspector Feng deliberately left the backyard, came to the office of the Inspector's Office where he had not been on duty a few times, closed the door, and then asked.

"Sir, why do you want us to go to Wu country?"

The two followed behind Governor Feng and made gestures quietly all the way. After all, it was Fu Qian who lost.

So Fu Qian was pushed out by Luo Xian.

"Learn how to steer a boat."

Governor Feng had already guessed the intention of the two of them, so he replied casually.

"Mr.'s horse handling skills are the best in the world, and thieves are terrified when they hear about them. Why doesn't the master teach his disciples, but asks his disciples to learn the skill of handling boats?"

Luo Xian followed and asked anxiously.

Overrated, overrated, as a teacher's horse handling skills are not as powerful as you imagined, now I feel guilty when I see horses... Guilty, um, guilty conscience.

Inspector Feng coughed:

"Fuck... Well, the method used by the cavalry army is not to brag for the teacher. I am afraid that no one in the world can compare with the Liangzhou army."

"Ms. Guan, Uncle Zhao, and Uncle Liu are all top leaders in commanding the cavalry. As long as you want to learn, you can learn at any time in the future."

"But the skill of sailing is different. Do you know that as a teacher, he traded war horses with the Wu people, and let the Wu people come to Liangzhou to learn cavalry, so they agreed to teach the big man the skill of sailing?"

"This is a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, you will just want to learn it in the future, and I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it."

After conquering Guanzhong, who knows what will happen to the relationship between the big man and Soochow?

With Sun Shiwan's short-sighted strategic vision of being greedy for small profits and defeating the overall situation, it is naturally impossible for Governor Feng to pin his hopes on the other party's credit.

Fu Qian and Luo Xian are about seventeen or eighteen years old, although they are already one or two years older than their husband when he first came out of the mountain.

But how could they have the vision of their husbands that surpassed nearly two thousand years?

Only to hear Fu Chen say with some displeasure:

"Sir, I have already said that the Liangzhou army's cavalry warfare is unparalleled in the world. If you learn the cavalry warfare, you can defeat the enemy. Why do you need to learn how to maneuver a boat?"

When Inspector Feng heard this, he couldn't help but "tsk".

It seems that it is impossible not to explain the matter clearly today, otherwise, even if these two little guys are forced to go to Wu country, they probably have no intention of learning.

I saw Feng Cishi sitting upright, and said solemnly:

"Go, bring the chairs here. Today I will tell you why I want you to go to Wu to learn how to steer a boat."

Seeing his husband's expression, Fu Qian and Luo Xian couldn't help but look at each other, and they didn't dare to neglect, they quickly moved the chair over, sat up straight, like a good baby who is listening to the class seriously.

"Tell me, why do you want to learn this method of riding and fighting?"

Luo Xian quickly raised his hand.

Inspector Feng raised his chin, motioning for him to speak.

"Destroy the thieves and calm the chaos, restore the peace of the world, protect the peace of the people, save future generations from the suffering of war and chaos, restore the prestige of the Han family, and connect the heavens and the earth."

Inspector Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, my mind hasn't settled down."

"What we are doing now is the first step, to destroy the thieves and calm the chaos. Who is the thief?"

Luo Xian and Fu Qian replied together: "Cao Wei!"

"What about after destroying the thieves? This second step is to restore peace to the world..." At this point, Governor Feng knocked on the table to emphasize the point, "Is the land of Wu counted as the world of the Han family?"

This time, the two hesitated a little.

Fu Qian quickly reacted and said loudly, "Forget it!"

Luo Xian first nodded in agreement, and then looked at Governor Feng with some hesitation:

"But...but, the Han Dynasty and the Wu Kingdom are allies..."

That's when you can see the difference between the two.

Fu Qian's lord died at the hands of the Wu people, and then was raised in the palace by the royal family, so his attitude was very straightforward.

Luo Xian, on the other hand, has been obsessed with martial arts novels since he was a child, and he attaches great importance to the loyalty and credibility deliberately conveyed in the books, so he has this level of concern.

Governor Feng smiled lightly:

"When the Great Han and Wu made an alliance, Sun Quan once said to General Deng (that is, Deng Zhi): If the world is peaceful, the two lords will divide the rule, and it will be a joy! Do you know how General Deng responded?"

The two shook their heads in unison, and at the same time there was a longing look in their eyes.

Obviously, these rumors related to major national affairs made the two of them very interested.

"General Deng replied: There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two kings in the earth. For example, after the merger of Wei, the king has not deeply understood the destiny of heaven. The kings will prosper their virtues, and the ministers will do their loyalty. When the drums are raised, the war will begin. Ear."

Inspector Feng stared straight at the two of them, and said, "Do you understand? There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two kings in the earth! Today, the alliance between the Han Dynasty and the State of Wu is just to better suppress thieves."

"However, more than ten years ago, there was hatred between me, a big man, and the Wu people. There was the hatred of Jingzhou before, and the humiliation of Yiling later.

"The Wei thief is the main enemy before us, and the state of Wu is our enemy after the Wei thief. Wu people know this, and we should know it too!"

"The so-called one who does not plan for the world is not enough to plan for a moment; the one who does not plan for the overall situation is not enough to plan for a region. You cannot not make preparations in advance to be enemies with the Wu people just because the big man swore an alliance with Wu."

Fu Qian straightened his chest, while Luo Xian blushed: "Sir, Xian knew he was wrong."

"It is right for us to act as human beings, trustworthy and righteous. But we should not make a country into one person. If meat eaters have this view, it will be a disaster for the country."

The two are called "meat eaters" because they also took the exam and officially entered the official career.

After all, as Feng Shishi's disciple, instead of taking the exam presided over by Feng Governor, but looking for another way to enter the official career, it is unavoidable to make people suspicious.

Conversely, if all of Feng Cishi's disciples entered official careers after passing the exam, it means that after the exam, they will only receive more and more attention.

Inspector Feng knocked on the table again:

"So again, the people of Wu have a dangerous river, and the boat master is the best in the world. After defeating the Wei thieves, no matter how strong the knights are, can they jump across the river?"

"I asked you to take this opportunity to go to Wu to learn the art of sailing, so that the world can be pacified in the future. If you don't study hard, what are you talking about?"

It didn't take Governor Feng to make it so clear, the two of them had already come to terms with it.

This time, even Fu Qian was a little ashamed:

"Sir, we were wrong."

Luo Xian hurriedly expressed his determination and made a promise:

"Please don't worry, sir. We will definitely work hard to learn the art of sailing a boat when we arrive in Wudi."

Only then did Governor Feng smile with satisfaction, got up and walked up to them, and patted the heads of the two of them:

"This is my good student. As the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. The world has been in chaos for a long time, and thieves are swarming. Don't be afraid that you will not have a battle, but you will not be able to lead the army."

"Nowadays, big men don't lack cavalry and infantry, but they lack sailors. If you learn well, will anyone be able to beat you as a general of the navy in the future?"

Although Feng Langjun's special skill "clever speech and color" has not been seen in the world for a long time, once it is used now, the effect is directly full.

The two disciples were educated by their husbands, and their mood was like floating on the waves, sometimes going up in the sky and sometimes going down to the bottom.

I was still ashamed just now, but now I suddenly became surprised and happy again.

They really didn't expect that the master's arrangement was actually for the future plans of the two of them.

But I didn't understand my husband's painstaking efforts. When I thought about it, I was surprised and delighted, and I felt a little ashamed and ashamed again!

Under the mixed feelings, both of them were a little choked up: "Sir..."

"Okay, let's go, make good preparations, we will leave for Wu country as soon as spring begins."


Satisfied with the sense of education, Governor Feng opened the door and saw a familiar figure, his legs softened subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, Miss Zhang was just passing by, glanced at this side, then turned and went to the secretariat.

Although Governor Feng escaped during the day, the night will come eventually...

"Si Niang, I really don't have a drop..."

"Si Niang, why are you in such a hurry? It's not like this child wants it..."

"Si Niang..."

In the darkness, only Miss Zhang sighed:

"I asked your two disciples today, and I think there is a sentence that makes sense."

"What words?"

"Those who don't plan for the whole world are not planning for a moment; those who don't plan for the overall situation are not planning for a region. This is a sincere and reasonable statement. The concubine's plan for this moment is really to plan to be with Alang for the rest of my life..."

This... is indeed my loss.

Governor Feng lay flat on the couch and murmured: "Do you know that there is actually a saying that is also the most reasonable word?"


"Don't pretend to be coercive, you will get thunderbolts!"

"Lei Ping, you should, but before you are killed by Ping Ping, you have to give me a child first!"


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