Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 963 Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain

In the last month of the thirteenth year of Jianxing, Liangzhou was covered with a thick layer of white snow.

Guanzhong may be better than Liangzhou, the snow is not so thick, but it is still a vast expanse of whiteness.

After passing Tongguan and continuing to the east, Luoyang, the core of Wei State, has only a thin layer.

In many places, because there is too little snow, it turns into ice instead.

Even so, this year's winter is still much colder than the previous two years.

Cao Rui's body has never been considered strong.

When the body is weak, it is particularly sensitive to the cold, so Cao Rui doesn't like winter very much, especially this kind of winter that is too cold.

However, like his father Cao Pi, he has a hobby that he can't quit: wine and sex.

Needless to say, color.

After the Battle of Shiting that year, according to Wei law, the wives and concubines left by soldiers who died in battle were elected to marry other soldiers.

However, Shang Shulang Lianzhao, who knew what Cao Rui liked, actually secretly selected dozens of people with good looks to enter Xuchang Palace to serve Wei Emperor.

What is even more surprising is that the number of female officials in the Luoyang harem who rank stones (that is, female officials who are eligible to receive salaries) is the same as the number of officials in the court.

There are more than 3000 people in the palace, from the nobles down to the Yeting to sweep.

Ministers repeatedly came to remonstrate with Cao Rui, saying that according to the Zhou etiquette, one hundred and twenty concubines are enough, and the rest should be sent home to reunite with their families.

In other respects, Cao Rui is considered a wise ruler, and he can still listen to the advice of his courtiers.

Only civil engineering and the harem are matters that he has been thinking about, and he is unwilling to give in.

However, in recent years, Wei's repeated defeats in foreign wars made Cao Rui lack of prestige. Under repeated admonitions from his courtiers, he had to cut back a little and stop the construction of the palace.

As for the harem, they are no longer willing to back down.

Fortunately, Shangshu Lang Lianzhao knew the emperor's heart, and quietly sent some women in the palace to Xuchang Palace.

This made the ministers less arguing.

It's just that Cao Rui has heard too much of this kind of talk, and he is irritable and dare not attack.

Simply choose a trustworthy woman in the harem who knows the book and respects the etiquette, and thinks that she is a female minister, helping the Dian Province to play outside, and taking the opportunity to reduce the number of times she meets foreign ministers.

Cao Rui is so lustful and weak, so he often uses alcohol to cheer him up.

After the Battle of Longyou, Liangzhou's rose peach wine was cut off for several years, and I don't know if it has been a long time since I can't taste it.

When there was another caravan between Liangzhou and Guanzhong, Cao Rui felt that the roseberry wine passed from there seemed to be much sweeter than before.

Not to mention the perfect mead.

There is a saying that wine is poisonous to the intestines, and sex is a bone-scraping knife. If you have both sex and wine without restraint, you will meet the king of Hades in the underworld.

(A certain soil turtle who was suffering in Liangzhou at this time agreed with this sentence.)

If Feng Tubie knew that Cao Rui was having such a good time, he would definitely feel ashamed and retreat.

In this cold winter day, Cao Rui drank two sips of strong wine that he didn't touch often in the past, and when he felt his body warmed up, he then ordered:

"Come here, drive to the Blessing Palace."

After Lian Zhao, who was standing by the side, responded, he hurried down to make arrangements.

The so-called Blessing Palace is a newly built palace in the palace two years ago.

It is not Cao Rui's concubine, but a woman from Shouchun.

This woman can cure diseases with clear water, and she said that she is a celestial girl who will live in the harem to dispel disasters and evil spirits for the emperor's family, and to enjoy blessings and prolong life.

At the beginning, Cao Rui was dubious, but at that time Duke Shanyang (i.e. Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty) died, and Luoyang had a major epidemic, so she was asked to try to cure it.

Later, the epidemic in Luoyang subsided, so Cao Rui believed in her.

Not only did he specially build a palace for her in the harem, but he even issued an edict to praise her sages.

In the past two years, when Cao Rui was not feeling well or in a bad mood, he mostly liked to go to the Blessing Palace where the goddess lived.

The celestial girl heard that Cao Rui was coming, so she stood at the gate of the Blessing Palace early to greet her:

"I have seen His Majesty."

"Get up. As I said, you are a goddess, so you don't need to be so polite."

Cao Rui stepped forward, helped the goddess himself, and said pretending to be displeased.

Tiannv's skin is slightly dark, but this does not affect her noble temperament that does not touch the fireworks of the world - at least in Cao Rui's eyes.

Because her expression is always so calm, like the gentle lines of a calm lake, where the water and the sky meet, quiet and soft.

This tranquility alone can make Cao Rui feel at ease all the time.

The celestial girl in front of her is very different from the women in the world.

On the edge of the open peach-shaped collar of the outer dress, there is ingeniously embroidered golden wavy lace, which adds a bit of nobility to the goddess for no reason.

Even though he is the emperor, Cao Rui has never seen such styles of clothes.

The shiny black and slightly curly long hair is held back by a red silk silk, which seems simple, but against the background of the pure black dress, the whole person seems to have a kind of enchanting appearance. Unique alluring beauty.

This is probably the goddess, everything is different from the women in the world, but it appears on her so harmoniously.

"Although the concubine is a celestial girl, she doesn't care about ordinary people, but your majesty is the son of heaven, and she is still above the celestial girl. How can I be rude?"

The celestial maiden said calmly, her voice seemed to have a soothing charm.

Cao Rui Joy:

"It's cold outside, let's go inside."

"Please, Your Majesty."

The goddess turned sideways and stretched out her hand to salute.

Lian Zhao and the others stood where they were, not daring to follow in.

After all, it is the residence of the goddess, how can the world be allowed to stop and pollute it?

Those who can enter here, except for His Majesty, are all female officials carefully selected from the harem.

After crossing the two arches, the goddess opened a gate, but a large closed corridor appeared in front of her eyes.

The two sides of the corridor are carved with gold and painted with pictures. There are more than a dozen white candles placed on the walls on both sides, each of which is as thick as a baby's arm, and the flames dance.

The interlacing and swaying of light and black shadows makes the engraving seem to come alive, exquisite and ingenious, grotesque.

Just this white candle made Cao Rui, who is an emperor, show admiration.

I heard from the goddess that these white and jade-like candles are bestowed by Haotian God, and only those who are blessed by Haotian are eligible to enjoy them.

The thicker the candle, the greater the blessing.

At present, Cao Rui can only see this kind of candles in the palace where the goddess lives.

He also asked Tiannv when he would be blessed by Haotian.

The goddess only said that as soon as His Majesty's fortune comes, the white candle will appear in the world, if it does not appear, then the time has not come.

After Cao Rui got these words, he couldn't ask any more questions.

Stepping into the large corridor and walking to the end, there is a spacious and luxurious bedroom directly. There are several cases of curtains and so on, which are unique in style, luxurious and extravagant, and have a mysterious allure.

The most conspicuous thing is a huge bronze mirror standing opposite the couch, and all the activities in the couch area are presented in the mirror.

The gauze tents of various colors hang down to the ground, and the wind blows the gauze, which is confusing and intoxicating.

"Please, Your Majesty."

Cao Rui was not polite, he just lay down on the couch, and his body immediately sank into the warm and soft couch, which made him sigh comfortably.

Smelling the faint but unknown fragrance made Cao Rui feel relaxed for a while, feeling a little fluttering as if riding the wind.

Compared with the cold emperor's bedroom, Cao Rui prefers this place.

Because here, he can always fall asleep quickly.

"I heard that you went out of the palace again recently?"

"Yes, the eldest princess invited me, but my concubine couldn't, so I went to the princess' mansion to pray for the princess."

The concubines in the harem can't even see their family members lightly, but Tiannv is an exception.

After all, praying for the imperial family, the imperial family is not only your majesty, but also the princes and princes of the clan.

Of course, an ordinary prince can't invite a heavenly daughter, nor is he qualified to invite her.

But those who are close to Cao Rui by blood, or who are close to Cao Rui himself, as long as they have Cao Rui's permission, they can occasionally ask the goddess to go to the mansion to pray for blessings.

The eldest princess mentioned by the heavenly girl is Princess Qinghe, Cao Rui's aunt, Cao Pi's sister, and her status is not ordinary.

Although she was married to Xiahoumao, in the past few years, Xiahou's three families have actually been neglected by Cao Rui, and even Luoyang is not allowed to go out easily.

Therefore, Princess Qinghe separated from Xia Houmao long ago and lived alone in the Princess Mansion.

"Well, my aunt has been neglected by Xia Houmao all the year round. I used to misunderstand her, and I only thought she was a jealous woman."

"Now it seems that it's my fault. If you go to pray for her, you can also help me make up for her."

Having said that, Cao Rui couldn't help sighing.

I just feel that being an emperor is really tiring.

In order to balance the forces of all parties, even Xiahou's family did not dare to move lightly, which is a bit cowardly.

Not to mention that Bi Gui, the governor of Bingzhou, almost caused chaos in Bingzhou, because his son married a princess, and he had to pinch his nose to let him stay in Bingzhou.

Because... in-laws and family members, there are really not many who can use them and dare to use them!

Now that the power of the aristocratic family is getting stronger and stronger, if he takes the initiative to weaken his in-laws and family members, not to mention maintaining the prestige of the emperor in the future, the throne may be unstable.

Cao Rui lay there with her eyes closed, her thoughts scattered, and naturally she didn't see it. The celestial girl sitting by the couch had a subtle expression when she heard that Princess Qinghe had been neglected all year round.

Her voice became a little ethereal:

"What Your Majesty said is true, I have remembered it."

After a pause, the celestial girl said again, "Speaking of praying for blessings, Your Majesty, I have something to say, I don't know if I should talk about it or not?"

Cao Rui still didn't open his eyes, and said, "Praying for the heavenly family is your duty, what else is there to say? Just say what you have to say."

"The concubine said it bluntly. I heard that there were bronze figures and dew plates cast by Han Wu in Chang'an, and I thought that if I moved those things to Luoyang and let my concubine use them to cast spells, it would be impossible for your majesty to inherit the fate of Han Wu." ..."

When Cao Rui heard this, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up abruptly:

"Is this method really allowing me to inherit the fate of Han Wu?"

The goddess smiled lightly:

"What the Chenglu plate catches is rootless water. It doesn't go up to the sky and doesn't go down to the ground. If you drink it properly, you can strengthen your body and prolong your life."

"Han Wu can't drink properly, and he can still live to be seventy years old. What's more, Your Majesty?"

"Hundreds of years have passed since the former Han Dynasty. During this period, Chang'an City suffered many wars, but Cheng Lupan was safe and sound. Is it a metaphor for God's will?"

"If this thing can be moved to Luoyang, then I can use my unique magic to transform the luck attached to Han Wu into His Majesty, so as to help Your Majesty achieve the achievements of Emperor Qin and Han Wu, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

Cao Rui is weak, so how can he not be tempted to hear that there is such a method to strengthen the body and prolong life?

Coupled with the fact that he could still absorb the luck of Hanwu, his breathing became a little heavy now, and he almost couldn't wait.

It has to be said that Tiannv's words are precisely what Cao Rui's heart desires the most.

"I will issue an order to send people to Chang'an and have Sima Yi send people to escort them over!"

"Your Majesty can't. How can such a major event be done at will. You have to choose an auspicious day and auspicious time before you can do it."

"Oh, that's right!" Cao Rui said again and again, and then looked at the celestial girl eagerly, "Then according to the celestial girl, when is the auspicious day and time?"

"After my concubine takes a bath tomorrow, I will ask God Haotian to find out."

"Okay, okay, then there will be Lady Lao."

"Then His Majesty will rest first."

After Cao Rui lay down again, he realized that he was a little too emotional just now, his blood was surging, and he felt a dull pain from his eye sockets to his temples, and he felt that his eyes were a little blurred.

He was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down again.

After an unknown amount of time, Cao Rui, half asleep and half awake, heard the melodious sound of silk and bamboo.

He didn't know whether he was awake or in a dream, but he saw several beautiful women dancing.

They were wearing exquisite long-sleeved dresses, just like celestial maidens, and a style he had never seen before. There was a tulle on their shoulders, and when they moved, the tulle would float in the air.

Coupled with the light smoke that came from nowhere, lingering around them, Cao Rui felt that they were all fairies who had descended to the mortal world.

The room was already filled with a delicate fragrance, Cao Rui took a deep breath, only to feel that his body was full of energy and overflowing with blood, which was very different from the kind of powerlessness in reality.

"His Majesty……"

A soft cry made one's heart tremble.

Cao Rui stretched out his arms full of strength (in his opinion), and his arms were filled with warm, fragrant and soft jade.

Feeling the revival of the long-lost glory, Cao Rui couldn't help laughing!


The last month of Jianxing's thirteenth year passed quickly and quietly.

In the fourteenth year of Jianxing, that is, the fourth year of Qinglong in Wei State, as soon as spring began, a strange event was reported in Shancha County, Taishan County:

Someone once saw a yellow dragon rising from the ground. After three roars, it hovered in the air for a long time, and finally disappeared in the sky.

The waiter and the leader of the Taishi Ling Gao Tanglong said: "Wei has Tude, so it is auspicious and Huanglong sees it. It is appropriate to correct the Shuo and change the people's eyes and ears."

Cao Rui decided to relocate the bronze figures and Chenglu plate in Chang'an to Luoyang last month, and auspicious signs appeared immediately this month. It seems that this is God's admiration for him.

In my heart, I already believed that Tiannv could really communicate with God.

Hearing what Gao Tanglong said now, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, so he ordered to prepare to change the Yuan, and asked the officials to draw up the year name.

At the same time, the snow had just melted, so Cao Rui sent his confidants to Chang'an to announce the edict in person, and asked Sima Yi to send someone to escort the Chang'an bronze man, Chenglu plate and other things to Luoyang.

Just when Cao Rui was ambitiously imagining that he could absorb Hanwu's luck and wipe out the universe, the top leaders of Wu and Han seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they took action at the same time.

In the 14th year of Jianxing of the Great Han Dynasty and the 5th year of Jiahe in Wu Kingdom, Sun Quan, who had just held the Great Court Meeting, officially announced: Make big money!

From Daquan fifty to Daquan five hundred, that is, one is worth five hundred coins, one inch in diameter and three gongs, weighing twelve baht.

At the same time, the folks were forced to hand over copper materials, the value of which was calculated according to the real weight of copper, and the Pirate Casting Law was promulgated, and no one was allowed to privately cast copper coins.

As for the big man, in February, when the roads in Liangzhou were icy and snowy, Li Yi, who joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, set foot on the road to Liangzhou with a letter written by the prime minister in his arms.

At this time, Feng Cishi, who had been exhausted all winter and couldn't stand up straight, clutched his sore waist, tears filled his eyes: Zhang Xiaosi was finally pregnant.

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