With the restoration of the Silk Road, Longyou Commercial Road has two busy periods every year.

One is the beginning of spring in March, when caravans who have been holding back for a winter will concentrate on purchasing goods at this time.

One is the turn of October and November in the winter, when the caravans will stock up on goods for the winter.

Caravans going out from Hanzhong now basically take Qishan Road to Longyou first, and then go west or east depending on the situation.

Needless to say, if you go westward, you will only go to Liangzhou if you are closer, and if you are farther away, you will go to the Western Regions.

And to go east, either take the Longguan Road, or go back to the middle road.

Although the road is a bit far, it is really much easier to walk than going directly from Hanzhong to Guanzhong.

And go to Longyou first, you can also replenish Liangzhou goods by the way, and then take them to Chang'an for sale, the profit is much higher than going directly from Hanzhong to Guanzhong.

It is precisely because of this that over the years, Hanzhong Shudao gradually disappeared.

Seeing this, the big man simply blocked these roads directly, so as to avoid any Wei people's spying.

At the end of February in the 14th year of Jianxing, in the courtyard at the back of Juepinju in Luoyang, a handsome and elegant gentleman was instructing his staff to prepare all kinds of materials for departure to Chang'an.

As the products produced by Dahan have become the trend of the world, every spring, not only the caravans of Dahan have to prepare for departure.

It is Wei State and Wu State, but all caravans that have access to Longyou to buy goods will basically not be idle.

The reputation of Juepinju is getting bigger and bigger in Luoyang, and most of the internal sources of goods come from the west.

In order to maintain the reputation of his restaurant, Mi Shishilang must be very careful about picking up goods from the west.

It was busy here, but a maid came in from outside.

When Mi Shishilang saw it, he hurried up to greet him.

"Lang Jun, my princess is here to invite you."

The corner of Mi Shishilang's mouth twitched indistinctly, and then he smiled brightly in an instant, and said happily:

"The princess is here? Wait for me to greet you."

I followed the maid to the wing room reserved by Princess Qinghe, and saw a middle-aged woman sitting in the room, with a slightly serious face, and her lips were often pressed tightly, showing that she was someone who had a strong opinion or a strong temperament. woman.

Although her appearance is not superior, the accumulation of time has given her a deep charm, and the high bun adds to her unattainable bearing.

This is not the temperament that ordinary women can possess, but this temperament makes up for her appearance very well.

"Meet the princess."


Princess Qinghe sat still, just raised her chin, showing her strength invisibly.

"Thank you princess."

Mi Shishilang stood upright, with his head bowed and hands down.

"I've been feeling dull lately, so I wanted to eat some of your Jupinju's food, so I came here."

Princess Qinghe asked lightly, "Eleventh Lang, do you have any new dishes here?"

Mi Shishilang quickly replied: "Yes, yes."

"Oh?" Princess Qinghe showed a very interested expression, "Come closer, and listen carefully to me."


Seeing this, Princess Qinghe's personal maid quietly led the others out.

The moment the door closed, Princess Qinghe couldn't wait to stand up, and the seriousness and strength on her face had disappeared.

Instead, there was a smile that could not be concealed from the corner of her mouth, and she could only hear her soft voice:

"What are you doing standing so far away? Come here quickly."

"I heard that you wanted to go to Chang'an in person, so I hurried over here."

Mi Shishilang, who was dragged by Princess Qinghe to sit next to her, nodded and said:

"Longyou's commercial road is about to open, so you have to go there as soon as possible. Most of the Han people's things are in high demand. If you go late, I'm afraid they will be snatched away by others."

Princess Qinghe's husband-in-law, Xia Houmao, raised a concubine, which led to discord between the couple.

In the end, it developed to the point where Princess Qinghe joined forces with Xiahoumao's younger brother to kill Xiahoumao.

Its hate is so, its poison is so.

Now with the matter of Xiahou's three families, although Princess Qinghe has not reconciled with Xiahoumao, the two have long been like passers-by.

If it's a princess from the Han Dynasty, it's not a big deal to raise a few face heads in the princess's mansion with some kind of revenge.

But whether it is Cao Cao's first wife, Mrs. Ding, who raised Princess Qinghe, or his second wife, Mrs. Bian, they all have a decent style.

With their leading management, the atmosphere of the concubines and princesses in the harem of Wei State is good.

In addition, Cao Wei had just founded the country not long ago, so Princess Qinghe did not suffer from any bad habits.

Until the death of the Bian family a few years ago, and then the three families of Xiahou encountered Cao Rui's suspicion one after another, and tended to decline.

No one above can control her anymore, and political marriage can no longer restrain her, so Princess Qinghe finally let go of her worries.

Just at this time, a handsome gentleman appeared.

This gentleman is good at riding and archery, knowledgeable about literature, gentle and elegant, considerate, and can come up with new things to make people happy from time to time.

What's even better is that this kind of good young master has no foundation in Luoyang, and he is just a little guy that the princess can handle.

Such a good person, it's a pity not to be a face-to-face...

At this time, Princess Qinghe learned that Mi Shishilang was going to Chang'an in person, and she felt a little bit reluctant:

"This kind of thing, you just have to hand over your servants to do it. Why do you have to go there yourself?"

Mi Shishilang smiled bitterly and said:

"The princess is not..."

Princess Qinghe interrupted him:

"There is no one here, you call me Qinghe."

Mi Shishilang almost choked on his saliva, but when he saw him groan, he finally shouted: "Qinghe."

Princess Qinghe smiled, and at the same time, a few faint crow's feet appeared in the corners of her eyes.

"Qinghe... It's not that I don't know that nowadays Luoyang is rich and powerful, and sometimes there are people who live in Juepin to eat, and many of these things are mostly supplied by Kansai."

"How could I not be more careful? After all, Luoyang is not easy to gain a foothold!"

Princess Qinghe has gone through three generations of Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Rui, so she is naturally not an ignorant daughter.

Nowadays, the aristocratic family is very powerful, some people, even she can't afford to provoke them.

It's good that there is nothing to do on weekdays, after all, others know that Juepinju is covered by her, and Mi Shishilang has the identity of a fellow Huang Quan as a tiger skin, so no one will look for trouble when nothing happens.

But if something happened, not to mention that she might not dare to admit that Mi Shishilang was her face, even if she dared, if others really said that she would not give face, she would be the one who would lose face.

Therefore, Princess Qinghe knew what Mi Shishilang said was true.

She took Mi Shishilang's hand:

"Then...then you have to be careful. I heard that the Shu people are rampant in Kansai, so you have to take care of yourself."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered something, and said quickly:

"The identity of the eldest princess can be regarded as somewhat useful on weekdays. After returning to the mansion, I will send someone to send a token over."

"Don't dare to say anything else. If you go all the way to Kansai, if someone from the officials or checkpoints dares to embarrass you, you can just say that you are from the Princess Mansion."

"Even if it's Sima Yi, the governor who guards the pass, as long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, he will give me a little face if you think about it."

Mi Shishilang showed emotion: "Thank you, princess."

Princess Qinghe said angrily, "Why do you call me Princess again?"


"In a few days, I will go to the palace to ask Your Majesty to invite the goddess to the mansion to pray for you and bless you for a safe journey."

Hearing the word "heavenly girl", Mi Shishilang almost choked on his own saliva again:

"Qinghe, you really have a heart, I really don't know how to repay you..."

Mi Shishilang was anxious to rush to Kansai, and someone was more anxious than him.

In Guanzhong in February, the snow had just melted, and Lian Zhao, who was sent by Cao Rui, had already arrived in Chang'an and read out the decree to Sima Yi:

The great Sima conscripted his husband, and moved Chang'an Tongren, Chenglupan, etc. to Luoyang.

After hearing the imperial decree, Sima Yi was still a little stunned and unbelievable, even though he was scheming and scheming.

It's just that he reacted quickly, concealed his gaffe, and bowed his head to accept the order.

When the news spread, someone couldn't help it, and ran to Sima Yi:

"Da...Da Sima, for example... it's the beginning of spring, and it's time to cultivate the fields. If the conscripts are recruited, the people will be in turmoil, and it will even affect the grain harvest in Guanzhong!"

This person is none other than Deng Ai who was promoted by Sima Yi.

In the past few years, under the authorization of Sima Yi, Deng Ai has vigorously carried out farming in Guanzhong by virtue of his experience in farming in Runan, and the results have been remarkable.

Now the Guanzhong Army is not only supplied with sufficient food, but even has a surplus.

This is originally Deng Ai's political achievement. Hearing that His Majesty suddenly wants to recruit conscripts, is there any reason not to rush?

It sounds simple to move the bronze figure and Chenglu plate to Luoyang, but it is because others don't know how heavy these things are and how many laborers are needed.

How could Deng Ai not know?

The bronze figures originated from the Twelve Golden Figures cast by Qin Shihuang. The minimum height is three feet, and the maximum is five feet.

There are thousands of stones (thirty tons) in light, and three hundred and forty thousand catties (eighty-seven tons) in weight.

Although there are only two left now, such a huge and heavy object is integrated into one piece. How much manpower will it take to move it to Luoyang?

The dew-bearing plate was made by Han Wu.

Compared with the Tongren, Chenglupan is even worse.

However, the dew plate is not integrated, it can be disassembled and transported, which is more convenient than the bronze figure.

But the manpower and material resources needed are more than that of the bronze man.

In addition, there are bells, Tuotuo and other things, and the total labor required will not be less than tens of thousands.

Not to mention that there is a section of road from Chang'an to Luoyang, called the Weihan Ancient Road, which is hundreds of miles long.

There are dangerous mountains in the south, big rivers in the north, Hangu in the east, and Tongguan in the west.

(Note: The section of the Yellow River from Chang'an to Luoyang is very dangerous. From the pre-Qin period to the Han Dynasty, and even the later Tang Dynasty, the rulers never gave up using it, but it has not been done after nearly two thousand years. At most, they can only use some light Scattered small boats, cannot be used on a large scale)

If such a large and heavy object is transported on this section of the Weihan Ancient Road, how many extra manpower will be required?

In this way, there is nothing to do in Guanzhong this year!

Without the presence of the angel sent by Cao Rui, Sima Yi's expression darkened.

He knows that His Majesty is good at civil engineering and beautiful women.

In fact, in the past few years, he took the lead in writing letters several times, persuading His Majesty not to spend more people's power to build the palace.

As for female sex, it is considered as His Majesty's personal hobby, and it is fine to turn a blind eye.

In the past two or three years, I thought His Majesty had listened to it, but I didn't expect to make such a decree today!

He is trying to conquer all the people in Guanzhong!

Before Longyou was lost, if it was conquered, it would be conquered. After all, as long as Hanzhong was blocked, unless the Shu captives grew wings, they would have nothing to do.

And now?

Guanzhong is like a dilapidated house, the west wall has collapsed, the north wall is half collapsed, and the south wall is full of holes.

The only intact east wall can't give much support.

Only by relying on the original few pillars in the house, it can hold up and not fall down. I didn't expect His Majesty to want to remove it.

into his mother's!

Even though Sima Yi was patient enough, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

As I said well at the beginning, I don’t care about everything in Guanzhong, as long as I can stop the Shu people.

Only now do I know that the so-called "don't ask questions" means that I don't even ask for my opinion, and just give Guanzhong a bottom line?

Inhuman gentleman?

No wonder Sima Yi was so furious.

In fact, because they didn't come to Chang'an, they didn't know how much pressure the Shu captives put on Guanzhong.

After the battle at Xiaoguan, the reputation of ghost riders under Feng thief's command has reached the point where it can stop children from crying at night in Guanzhong.

Especially the soldiers who escaped from the Battle of Xiaoguan, many of them have already had a serious psychological shadow in their hearts, and their faces changed when they heard of Shu.

So Sima Yi only did two things in the past few years after he was in charge of Guanzhong.

One is to accumulate grain in the fields.

The second is to dig trenches and build walls.

Of course, digging ditches and building walls is not a big image project like Cao Rui.

Instead, build camps, dig trenches, erect barriers, and spread antlers...

Anyway, as long as it can stop the cavalry from advancing, everything will be arranged.

Just outside Chang'an City, the newly built small city just under the city has five floors.

Outside the small city, looking around, there are large and small barrier camps, densely packed, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Wei Guo used to be known as the best cavalry champion in the world, but now he dare not compete with the Shu people in the cavalry army, which is simply humiliating.

But Sima Yi didn't care about this, as long as he could guard Guanzhong, he would pretend that he couldn't hear what others said.

Some of these defensive measures were even learned from the generals of the Shu captives in Anding County.

Because over the years, it's not that Sima Yi has never thought about regaining Anding County, the barrier northwest of Chang'an.

It's just that the Shu general who guards An Ding is a man named Liu Yin.

It was he who led the remnant soldiers to stand firm at the street pavilion back then, allowing Zhang Yun to fall short in the end.

Sima Yi also sent troops to attack Anding County a few times at the beginning, but Liu Yin defended Linjing City like a tortoise shell, it was almost airtight.

He even turned a blind eye to the opponent's flaws, and only cared about defending the city.

If Linjing cannot be captured in the shortest time, and he is afraid that the Shu captives will come from Hanzhong and Longyou for reinforcements, which will cause Guanzhong to ignore the head and tail, so Sima Yi can only give up after a little trial.

But it's not a loss, at least Sima Wei learned some new defensive methods that he had never seen before from Liu Yin, and it was rewarding anyway.

Facing the Shu captives, the more defensive methods, the better.

What Sima Yi didn't expect was that the Shu captive hadn't made a move yet, but his emperor stabbed him in the back with his backhand.

Serving the people of Guanzhong for your own selfish desires, are you really not afraid that the Shu captives will suddenly attack Guanzhong?

"No, it must be because His Majesty was confused for a while and didn't understand the situation in Guanzhong."

Sima Yi took a deep breath and calmed down, "I have to go back to Luoyang!"

"What about the servant?"

Deng Ai asked anxiously.

Sima Yi's eyes flickered: "As for the servants, first collect them according to what the angel said."


Deng Ai was even more anxious.

"Recruiting servants, it won't be completed in a short while, we have to give us some time."

Sima Yi pressed his hand, "Besides, for such a big event as carrying the bronze figure Chenglu plate, it is always necessary to be well-prepared."

Deng Ai was stunned.

When Chang'an and Luoyang were arguing with each other between Tongren and Chenglupan, Li Yi, who joined the army in the prime minister's mansion, came to Guzang, the governor of Wuwei County, in early March.

He personally delivered a letter hidden close to his body to Governor Feng.

After reading the letter written by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, Governor Feng raised his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Even Li Yi, who called him his elder brother, couldn't see through the playful look on his face.


Governor Feng carefully put away the letter, and said lightly:

"Oh, nothing."

(The origin of the two bronze figures in Chang'an during the Three Kingdoms period is still inconclusive in the historian circles. Some say they were made by Qin bronze figures, while others say that they were cast in imitation of Qin bronze figures in Han Dynasty. The book temporarily adopts the statement of Qin bronze figures. After all, Qin Shihuang's The Twelve Bronze Men are relatively famous.)

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