Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 965: Cao

After calling the children from the family, meeting with the uncle of the Li family, and letting them retreat, Feng Yong and Li Yi took their seats separately.

"Wenxuan is here this time, do you plan to stay for a few days before going back?"

When Li Yi heard this, a little apology appeared on his face: "Brother, this time I'm afraid I have to go back as soon as possible."

"Oh? Why? The prime minister's orders?" Feng Yong asked curiously when he heard this.

Li Yi smiled wryly and shook his head:

"No, it's my lord..."

"Li Dudu?" Feng Cishi frowned. He was a little relaxed at first, but he couldn't help sitting up straight on the back of the chair, and asked with concern, "Is Li Dudu still in good health?"

From a young age, Li Yi called Feng Yong his elder brother, and as long as Feng Yong complied, then Li Hui could be regarded as his elder.

Speaking of Dali, the influence of the Li family in Nanzhong is not trivial.

The Xinghan Society was able to expand rapidly in Nanzhong in the early days. Li Hui, who was the governor of Nanzhong at the time, helped a lot in the open and in the dark.

Not to mention that over the years, he has been a guest lecturer in the Nanxiang Lecture Hall, and he has also made great efforts to train the backbone of the Liangzhou Army.

So when he heard that Li Hui's health was not good, Feng Yong had to be concerned.

Li Yi's face was a little sad, and he sighed:

"It's not very good. After the beginning of spring, my lord fell ill again. Before I came out, I made a special trip to Nanxiang. My lord told me personally that he might not last long."

In fact, the prime minister also asked Li Yi the same question last winter.

But what he said to the prime minister was not the same.

The reason is also very simple.

The prime minister is also very old, at least on the surface it looks very old.

So it is natural to try to say the best.

Similarly, after Li Yi went to Nanxiang, Li Hui asked about the situation of the prime minister, and he gave similar answers.

Whether it's the prime minister or his own adults, they probably all know that what they said is not true.

I also know that the prime minister and my lord already know that what I said is not true.

But there are some things that he can't say or can't say.

Only to his elder brother can he tell the truth without any scruples.

When Governor Feng heard these words, he also sighed inaudibly, then sat back on the back of the chair, and sighed:

"Yeah, time doesn't wait for me. Not only are they getting old, but we're getting old too."

With that said, he stretched out his hand to touch his waist with lingering fear.

"Back then, I led you to mess around. It's still like yesterday! But I suddenly discovered that most of us in this generation already have their own children. Wenxuan's children are also four years old, right?"

Speaking of children, Li Yi had a rare smile on his face and nodded:

"The oldest one is indeed four years old."

One generation grows old, one generation grows up, and the generations continue. This is probably the meaning of life, right?

The gloom in Li Yi's heart subsided a little, he just picked up the teacup and wanted to take a sip.

At this time, only Feng Cishi, who was above him, laughed and said:

"Do you want to marry the child?"


Hearing Feng Cishi's words, Li Yi's hands trembled, and he almost lost his grip on the teacup.

"Brother... Brother, don't joke, the child is still young..."

Others don't know, but within the Xinghan Society, as long as they are old brothers, which one doesn't know that the royal family wants to marry the Feng family?

And most likely, he wanted the crown prince to marry the eldest daughter of the Feng family.

Or just want Ah Chong to marry the princess.

Otherwise, the possibility of the second son of the Feng family is very high...

Of course, if the tiger daughter of the Guan family has a fourth child, it is not impossible to discuss.

As for which one is the last one, no one can be sure until there is no clear statement.

It's not that he doesn't want to be married to his elder brother's family, on the contrary, the brothers in the association count as one, and those who have children will look at the children of the Feng family eagerly.

But it's all after the Royals.

Otherwise, it would be robbing the royal family!

As for who first spread the news that the royal family wants to marry the Feng family, it is impossible to test...

Anyway, the news looks very reliable.

Seeing his appearance, Governor Feng smiled indifferently:

"That's right, I was too impatient. By the way, since you are in a hurry to go back this time, just do me a favor."

"Brother, please tell me."

"You also know that the big man is going to send a group of people to Wu to learn the art of sailing. I have already selected the candidates. I'm afraid they will go with Wenxuan when the time comes."

"There are my students here. I will go to Hanzhong this way, and I will ask Wenxuan to take care of them."

This time, the transaction with Wu State was in exchange for Liangzhou war horses and Liangzhou cavalry tactics.

Liangzhou, or Feng Inspector Feng's quota, must account for at least half of the quota.

Very reasonable.

Li Yi quickly responded: "Brother, don't worry, little brother will save himself."

After a pause, he continued:

"The students who come out of the school can be regarded as members of the Xinghan Association. As long as they are brothers in the association, how can they not take care of them?"

Feng Yong smiled when he heard the words, noncommittal.

The two brothers chatted for a while, Governor Feng saw Li Yi's tired face and knew that he might be rushing all the way, so he asked someone to take him down to rest first.

After Li Yi left, Governor Feng sat alone in the living room, not knowing what he was thinking.

Until it was getting late, Guan Ji came to look for him. Seeing his appearance, she couldn't help feeling a little worried:

"What is Aaron thinking?"

Inspector Feng was interrupted from thinking, and he said:

"It's Xijun, what time is it?"

"It's getting dark, what time do you say?"

Because of the lack of light, and the fact that Governor Feng was not sitting near the door.

I don't know if it was Guan Ji's illusion, but she just felt that her Alang seemed to hide herself in the darkness deliberately, as if someone was behind the scenes.

She stepped forward involuntarily, bent down, leaned in front of Governor Feng, widened her eyes, looked carefully, and found nothing unusual, so she breathed a sigh of relief:

"I heard from my servant that Alang has been sitting here since Li Wenxuan left. Did he send some news that made Alang worry?"

Governor Feng nodded:

"The prime minister did ask Wenxuan to send a letter, which contained a lot of things, so I have to figure it out."

"What did the prime minister say?"

Inspector Feng didn't answer, but just let out a long sigh: "Feng Shui turns around!"

Back then, because of the grievances and grievances between him and Zhang Xiaosi, Zhang Xiaosi was kidnapped to himself.

As long as Feng Cishi doesn't take the initiative to speak out, let alone anyone who dares to take Zhang Xiaosi's offer easily, in the end they dare not speak nonsense.

Today, the royal family has used the same method to kidnap the marriage of the children of the Feng family.

As long as the royal family did not expressly want a child of the Feng family to marry, even the members of the Xinghan Society would not dare to accept the offer from the Feng family easily.

As a matter of fact, the royal family has already given the Feng family a lot of face, and is waiting for Governor Feng to introduce a child on his own initiative—but it must be born to the tiger girl of the Guan family, that's for sure.

Thinking of this, Governor Feng sighed again: If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back after all...

Guan Ji was even more puzzled:

"What Feng Shui? Why don't you pay it back?"

"It's nothing, by the way, Xijun, after the spring plowing, I plan to personally lead the army out of the fortress and patrol the frontier."

Guan Ji didn't think there was anything wrong, she nodded:

"The concubine knows, and the concubine will arrange it when the time comes."

When the military was at its peak in the Han Dynasty, it was normal for the border generals to lead Wanqi to inspect the defense situation.

On the one hand, it can deter Zhuhu, and on the other hand, it can test the training situation in the army.

In fact, Governor Feng did such a thing when he was the prefect of Yuejue.

At that time, General Guan was still the postal supervisor, and he was very clear about this kind of thing.

"Also, let Jiang Wei lead the army over then."

This time finally surprised Guan Ji:


"He's the captain of the Qiang guard. What's the use of staying in Jincheng? There are so many barbarians in Liangzhou, so he can't just protect the barbarians in Jincheng County?"

Governor Feng said very confidently.

They have slept together in the same pillow for almost ten years, seeing this man's appearance, how could General Guan not know that there must be something strange in it?

She smiled softly: "Okay, it's all up to you."

But I secretly thought in my heart, you can't run away at night or so, and I will clean you up on the bed at that time!

In March, with the continuous influx of many business travelers, the flow of people on the official roads of Longyou and Liangzhou began to increase significantly.

But Li Yi led Fu Qian, Luo Xian and others to go against the current and head towards Hanzhong.

Back in Hanzhong, Fu Qian and Luo Xian felt as if they had returned to their own home, and no longer had to worry about others.

Li Yi, on the other hand, hurried back to the prime minister's mansion to report: "Prime Minister, I'm back."

Although the weather has begun to warm up, Zhuge Liang is still wrapped in a thin blanket, and his face seems to be even thinner:

"Oh, you're back? What's going on in Liangzhou?"

"Returning to Prime Minister, Liangzhou is under the rule of Feng Junhou. The people are happy to work, the barbarians return to their hearts, the livestock are herds, the soldiers are fine and the food is sufficient. Junhou Rangyi brought a message to the Prime Minister: Don't worry about everything."

Zhuge Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he laughed: "I knew that kid would not disappoint me."

After speaking, he didn't say anything more, but just let Li Yi retreat.

After Li Yi's figure disappeared, Zhuge Liang's eyes became more and more bright. He lifted the thin blanket on his body and stood up rarely.

Then he found a cylinder wrapped in a cloth tube from the various documents piled up in front of the table, and staring at the cylinder in his hand, Zhuge Liang's expression turned out to be a little dazed.

After a while, he pulled out a rolled bamboo slip from the cloth tube.

Zhuge Liang carefully blew the dust that didn't exist on it, and spread it out carefully.

When the bamboo slips were fully unfolded, the first column of characters written on it was revealed: Chen Liangyan...

At the end of March in the 14th year of Jianxing, Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who had been recuperating from his illness, appeared at the court meeting rarely, and wrote a memorial to the emperor of the Han Dynasty:

The gods and Huazhou are fierce and rebellious, they steal and hate their masters, and they are rebellious and oppressive. All the people with lofty ideals in the Han Dynasty are all angry.

The descendants of the emperor and the Han Dynasty, Yi Ye Jiuchang, ancestor De Zonggong, light is spread all over the world, Huan Ling is lost, and the family does not make it.

The thief of Wei, originally an eunuch of the Han family, suffered a lot of misfortunes, stole the artifacts of the Han, and was violently murdered for many generations.

Chen Liang, following the edict of the first emperor, begged the thieves to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty.

When the emperor came in front of the bandits, all the soldiers were enthusiastic.

After several years of hard work, the land where the Han Dynasty flourished, the generals are brave and the soldiers are fine, and the tigers are on standby in Liangzhou in the north.


This memorial is called "Later Master List" by later generations.

As soon as this table came out, there was a sensation in the ruling and opposition parties.

Because this means that after several years of peace on the border between the Han and Wei Dynasties, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty will once again lead the Northern Expedition.

Goal - Guanzhong, the old capital of the Han Dynasty!

The sudden rise of court turmoil has not yet affected Fu Qian and Luo Xian.

Although I can't stay in Liangzhou and follow my husband, I went to Wu State to better revive the Han Dynasty.

So they are still very happy to be able to return to Hanzhong, which they have not seen for a long time.

Because they had to wait for other people to gather, the two of them had some free time, and they were actually in the mood to meet up and hang out in the street together.

"Ling Ze, do you feel that this Nanzheng seems to be much more lively than before?"

Fu Qian held a bunch of candied haws in his hand, and said to Luo Xian vaguely while chewing.

These candied haws are not cheap, they are only available in some special restaurants.

Ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to enter that kind of restaurant.

But who are Fu Qian and Luo Xian?

Luo Xian, the direct disciple of the head of the Xinghan Society, still has a piece of jade horse given to him by Governor Feng.

With this jade horse, as long as there is a place for Xinghanhui, the two of them can eat and drink for nothing.

Luo Xian nodded and agreed:

"Since my husband left Nanxiang, Nanxiang can only rely on the old foundation. It's not like Nanzheng, but the county government of Hanzhong. The more prosperous Hanzhong is, the more lively Nanzheng will be."

The two were talking, only to hear a sudden noise in front of them.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty decrees, choose a day to kill the thieves!"



"Thieves hunting?"


When Luo Xian heard this, he suddenly felt bad!

He hurriedly pulled Fu Qian to squeeze up. It turned out that the government posted an announcement, saying that the prime minister had written a letter to the Northern Expedition, and His Majesty had agreed, and he would send troops to Guanzhong soon.

Luo Xian read the notice three times in a row, and there was indeed nothing wrong.

There were voices of discussion in his ears, but he couldn't listen to it anymore, he just felt his forehead was rumbling.

In a daze, he subconsciously looked at Fu Qian.

Fu Qian opened his mouth, biting half of the red fruit and "slapping" it fell out without knowing it.



I don't want the candied haws in my hand, I throw them on the ground.

"Mister lied to me!"

Fu Qian, who deeply felt the danger of the adult world, couldn't help crying anymore.

Luo Xian also felt that his feelings had been greatly hurt.

"No, I'm going to find Uncle Li!"

Luo Xian gritted his teeth.

"I will go with you!"

Fu Qian wiped his wronged eyes and said bitterly.


As soon as the news of the Northern Expedition came out, the Prime Minister's Mansion started to run at high speed.

As a member of the army, Li Yi was naturally very busy.

Hearing the arrival of Fu Qian and Luo Xian, he had to temporarily put down his work and came to see them in a hurry.

"Uncle Li, we are going back to Liangzhou!"

Li Yi was taken aback: "You are the ones sent by your master to the country of Wu, how can you go back now?"

"Sir lied to us!"

Fu Qian said loudly, as if he was questioning Li Yi.

"Oh..." Li Yi nodded without any surprise, "Aren't you his disciples?"

"What does this have to do with Mr. Ye's disciple?"

"As his disciples, don't you know what it means to be clever and charming Feng Langjun? Don't you know what it means to be the ghost king who is far-sighted?"

Fu Qian and Luo Xian were stunned on the spot.

But Li Yiyu said earnestly:

"Sometimes what Feng Guiwang says is just nonsense, isn't this a normal thing?"

Although they really wanted to respect their teachers, Fu Qian and Luo Xian couldn't control their instincts in their hearts:


"Uncle Li, we are going back to Liangzhou!"

Li Yi clicked his tongue again:

"I really doubt whether you are his disciples. Have you really forgotten that he also has a name called Ruthless Xiaowenhe?"

That word popped up again in the hearts of Fu Qian and Luo Xian:


No money for the following:

Uh, let's talk about common sense of history.

In the previous chapter, many book lovers had a doubt, why can't the copper transporters use the Yellow River waterway?

Let me just say it briefly.

In fact, for more than a thousand years from the pre-Qin period to the Han Dynasty, even after the Han Dynasty, and even until the end of the Tang Dynasty, the ruling class never gave up using the waterway from Chang'an to Luoyang, but it has never been successful.

In other words, large-scale utilization has never been successful, and at the best time, only a small number of light and easy-to-turn boats can pass.


Because this waterway is really too dangerous.

In many places there are not only bright and hidden reefs, but also great drop in water level. For example, the well-known Sanmenxia and Xiaolangdi power stations in the early days after the founding of the People's Republic of China are located in this area.

Why is it famous?

It was because their construction was very difficult based on the technical conditions at that time, and we worked hard to build them with the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties.

During the Warring States Period, Qin State blocked Hangu Pass, and the six countries in the east of the Kanto could only stare. It wasn't that they couldn't think of taking a boat from the Yellow River next to Hangu Pass, but that they couldn't do it at all.

As for why it was not possible to cross the mountains south of Hangu Pass at that time, this is another question, because it has nothing to do with the Yellow River, so I won’t talk about it.

Continue to talk about the Yellow River.

During the Western Han Dynasty, as the population in Guanzhong continued to increase, by the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it was difficult to supply food in Guanzhong to the population in Guanzhong.

So the rulers began to vigorously develop Longyou and Liangzhou, and even had to transport grain from Hanzhong, but there was no way to transport grain from Kanto to Guanzhong.

In order to solve this problem, the Western Han Dynasty also vigorously developed this section of waterway, but until the demise of the powerful Western Han Dynasty, only a little waterway was dug to allow small boats to pass.

On the other hand, Longyou and Liangzhou were very prosperous at that time because of the vigorous development of the imperial court.

Even in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, when Qianghu did not disturb Liangzhou on a large scale, there were many times when the grain price in Liangzhou was actually lower than the national average grain price. Did it subvert the imagination of many people?

The Tang Dynasty after the Han Dynasty also encountered the same problem.

Yang Guang used the power of the whole country to dig through the canals in the north and south sections, connecting them into the Grand Canal, but it was only able to send grain to Luoyang.

Note, that is to say, the water transportation of the lower reaches of the Yellow River east of Luoyang can be used, and it can be used very early.

But the waterway from Luoyang to Chang'an is still a virgin land, er, half of it at worst, no less.

In the era of Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian, the population in Guanzhong increased and food was insufficient. However, the Tang Dynasty did not develop Longyou Liangzhou like the Western Han Dynasty. Instead, the emperor and all the officials of the Manchu Dynasty went to Luoyang for food. One is that the environment in Liangzhou has changed a lot, and the other is that the Grand Canal can easily transport grain to Luoyang.

Just eating and eating, Luoyang became the actual accompanying capital of the Tang Dynasty.

I remember this matter being mentioned in history books. But why this is so, the book doesn't seem to mention it, so everyone just knows but doesn't know why.

I thought that many people knew the knowledge about the Yellow River waterway from Chang'an to Luoyang, but I didn't expect it to be a blind spot of knowledge. It was indeed my omission, sorry.

Of course, the above is only in terms of geography. As for humanities and politics, these are other topics.

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