Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 966: Cao (2)

A speck of ashes from history fell on the heads of Fu Qian and Luo Xian, it was a big mountain, even Fu Qian couldn't help crying.

But for this era, their grievances are not even a tiny wave that cannot be seen.

There are plenty of people who are more anxious than them.

Some even thought the sky had fallen.

Because the Northern Expedition meant turmoil and control.

Capital is one of the things that hates turmoil and regulation the most.

Unless some capital can profit from the war.

Leaving aside the caravans of Wei and Wu, when the news of the Northern Expedition reached Nanxiang, the financial center of the big Han, many people were blown up in the street.

Much bigger than Fu Qian and Luo Xian's reaction.

After working so hard for a winter day, I just waited for the big market in spring to replenish my body with drinking and eating meat. I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

For a while, the prices of various bulk materials on the exchange began to become chaotic.

The most special, of course, is the price of food.

When the market opened, there were only a little over two hundred yuan, and it soared by more than one hundred yuan in an hour, and then continued to rush upwards. When it reached four hundred yuan, it was suddenly smashed down again.

Seeing that it was about to reach three hundred yuan, he suddenly rushed again.

It's like swinging on a swing, sometimes flying into the air and sometimes lowering to the floor.

Wei Rong, the acting head of Nanxiang College, hurriedly entered the exchange through the back door and came to a secret room.

He was relieved when he saw a familiar figure with his back behind him, standing safely in front of the window.

Walking to my Xijun, looking from here, the hall below is the exchange.

The hall was bustling with people, much busier than before, with fanaticism, frustration, pride, and disappointment...

What a portrait of all living beings.

"Is that... okay?"

Wei Rong asked in a low voice.

Wei Dingshi didn't look back at Wei Rong, his face was calm, and he said casually:

"It's not the first time, what can happen? Mrs. Li has already set the rules when she was here. Besides, who is qualified to enter here to trade, who doesn't know the bottom line of the court's food price?"

"Nowadays when someone sees profit and forgets righteousness, and bets against the imperial court, he must be willing to admit defeat. Then life and death are up to fate, and there is no one to blame."

Having said that, she sneered:

"People whose words can really work, I'm afraid they have already gone to Huang Mingting (Huang Chong) at this time. Most of the following are just some people who were pushed out to explore the way, plus some poor people who were bewitched."

Wei Rong sighed:

"You can't expect them to see through the real benefits and disadvantages of this world. Don't you often say that? The prosperity of the world is for profit; the chaos of the world is for profit."

Wei Dingshi let out a snort, and finally turned his head:

"It's just that you have a heart of compassion? Okay, okay, then I will follow you."

"How about this, or tomorrow you will ask someone to issue an additional ten-day report, saying that this year's summer grain harvest is good."

"Then predict again, if the Northern Expedition is successful, the Great Han will have two kingdoms of abundance, and there will be no food worries from now on."

The so-called Land of Abundance originally refers to Guanzhong.

Later, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty also referred to Xichuan as the "Land of Abundance" in "Longzhong Dui", so now people in the world also use "Land of Abundance" to refer to the land of Shu.

This is why Wei Ding said there are two lands of abundance.

As for the Xunbao, it is a new thing produced because of the promotion of wax paper.

It is issued once every ten days, and it not only records the price changes of bulk materials on the exchange, but also the price situation summarized by various places.

This is exactly what the people who come to Nanxiang for business need most.

The ten-day newspaper sometimes published some personal comments on current events.

The so-called government-produced-academia media, the role of the media, lies in this.

Like Wei Rong, if you really want to express your views on certain things, any politically sensitive person must read every word carefully.

After all, with Feng Guiwang's status as the disciple who opened the door, coupled with his status as the acting mountain head of Nanxiang College, it is definitely impossible for him to say that he has no inside information.

It is not difficult to really seize the opportunity, judge the trend correctly, and take the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Therefore, this ten-day report has played a leading role in Nanxiang.

It can be regarded as an effective supplement to the official announcement.

But it is much more relaxed and lively than the official announcement, because there are some serials of chivalrous novels on it, etc., which are good for entertainment on weekdays.

Paper is still relatively precious to those outside Nanxiang, or outside the Xinghanhui system.

Coupled with the occlusion of news in this era, the Xunbao, which brings together all kinds of news, can be regarded as a favorite of many people, and they will buy one no matter how expensive it is.

Because there may be an omission of news, I will fall into a lot of people and lose a lot of money.

At this sensitive moment, Wei Ding suggested that Wei Rong issue an additional ten-day report, specifically pointing out the food issue, which can be regarded as cooling everyone down.

As for whether to listen or not, it depends on the individual's choice. You can't hold their trading hand and assure them that the big man will win this Northern Expedition, right?

After all, Guanzhong claims to have hundreds of thousands of Wei thieves, who can guarantee that they will win?

Hearing the suggestion from his own lord, Wei Rong nodded: "It's a way, I'll do it right away."

He turned around and took two steps, then stopped again, and turned around: "Xijun, you should be more careful..."

"Don't worry, Ah Lang, the concubine knows it well."

Compared with the bustle of the exchange, other places in Nanxiang gradually began to appear awe-inspiring.

Not only are there more black-clothed soldiers known as black dogs on the streets.

In the textile workshop as the practice base, many women were quietly organized to form a women's army.

The former nursing team of Nanxiang is now the patrol team of the Nanxiang County Government. They have begun to carry knives and guns and gather at important places in Nanxiang.

Such as exchanges, colleges, textile workshops, reserves, printing workshops...

Of course, Wei thieves really attacked Hanzhong, and letting them go up would be death.

But if there is any chaos, if you encounter those unorganized thieves, or some thieves who take advantage of the chaos, the deterrent effect of these people is still great.

As Wei Ding said, the real bigwigs who do business on the exchange have already come to visit Huang Chong, the county magistrate of Nanxiang.

Seeing these guys with knives and guns, they all felt cautious.

In the official office, Luo Meng, the county prime minister, came to see Huang Chong:

"Ming Ting, almost everyone is here, do you want to go out and have a look?"

Huang Chong, who was looking down at the official document, did not raise his head, and said lightly:

"They came here, left and right to inquire about news, and what they care most about is how to buy and sell in the future."

"War is about to start, who cares about business? Such people wait, don't miss them!"

Luo Meng had a look of hesitation on his face:

"Then... how do I get back to everyone outside?"

Huang Chong finally raised his head.

My county magistrate gave birth to a good son!

If not for Luo Xian being his elder brother's disciple, with Luo Meng's ability, he might end up as a magistrate in this lifetime.

Now that Luo Xian has become his brother's disciple, it is estimated that Luo Meng will be able to be promoted one more liter in the future.

"If someone fears that they won't be able to sell the materials that have been marked on the exchange, Xinghan will cover all of them, so they can rest assured."

"What if someone wants to buy it?"

Huang Chong sneered: "The national war is about to start, and the supplies are temporarily under control, and you still buy them for nothing! Who wants to buy bulk supplies at this time, is it because they want to benefit from the enemy?"

Romon was taken aback:

"In this way, wouldn't it make everyone in the exchange panic even more, and the price of food will only be..."

Hearing this, Huang Chong glanced at Luo Meng, then leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the roof, seemed to be explaining, and seemed to be muttering to himself:

"After the first battle at Xiaoguan, some people probably lived in peace for too long, so they forgot how the Li family's clan house became what it is now."

"I can't find the bones of the people who threw themselves into the Han River back then, but there should be some bones at the bottom of Jincheng's moat..."

When Romon heard these words, he felt his hair stand on end!

He himself almost forgot what happened back then.

The so-called "Mistress Mu of Nanxiang" is just a superficial name, and many people actually call Li Mu a "witch of Nanxiang".

In fact, it was because she manipulated the grain price on the exchange several times back then, causing heavy losses to many people who speculated on the grain price.

Part of the reason for the dismemberment of the Li family's clan house in the Shu area was that they had stumbled several times in this matter.

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to say any more, and after saluting, he left in a hurry.

Since the Battle of Longyou, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty has been teaching martial arts and training troops in Hanzhong, removing the old and weak, selecting elite soldiers, and strictly enforcing military discipline.

Coupled with the arrival of the emperor, Hanzhong has gathered half of the soldiers of the Han Dynasty.

The emperor's official document ordering the prime minister to lead the Northern Expedition is still on the way to various places, and the army in Hanzhong has already gathered.

Liu Chan, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, personally worshiped the ancestral temple for auspicious omens.

After choosing an auspicious day, he saw off the army outside Nanzheng City.

On this day, the people of Nanzheng almost came out of the city to watch the ceremony.

But seeing the flying flags, almost covering the sun, the guards of the soldiers, the dazzling swords.

After Liu Chan respected the world, he held up a bowl and handed it to the prime minister, and then picked up another bowl himself, and said with emotion:

"Father Xiang is old and weak, and I still want to go to the front of the battle in person. I wish I could go there for Father Xiang."

Zhuge Liang, with white hair and beard, looked at the Son of Heaven. The sun in late spring and early summer seemed to be shining on him, and his face was full of relief.

The emperor has grown up!

However, I am also old!

"Your Majesty, the ambition of the old minister is to revive the Han Dynasty, but if he can see Chang'an, he will have no regrets even if he dies. Therefore, if the Northern Expedition is successful, the old minister will welcome His Majesty in Chang'an City."

"If it doesn't work, the old minister would rather die on the way to the Northern Expedition, otherwise he will come back to see His Majesty with no face!"

Whether the first emperor's will can be fulfilled in person depends on this Northern Expedition.

Zhuge Liang no longer has the rickets of the past.

Under the sun, his figure stood tall again.

Liu Chan was displeased when he heard Xiangfu say the word "death" before the expedition, but after hearing these words, he saw Xiangfu's old face.

His throat suddenly felt a little congested, and he felt a blur in front of him.

"Father must remember to take care of your health when you go this time. As soon as the news of victory comes, I will definitely fly to Chang'an to reunite with Father Xiang!"

"The old minister left. The matter before the battle is left to the old minister. His Majesty can judge the matters behind the battle, but you must do more for yourself and consult the good way, so as not to be biased."

Before finally leaving, Zhuge Liang still did not forget to remind him earnestly.

"I made a note of it."

Liu Chan nodded.

Zhuge Liang took a few steps back, and then saluted deeply.

Liu Chan didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly followed suit and bowed down to return the salute.

"Set off!"

The whining horns sounded, desolate and tragic.

The sound of drums was loud and exciting.

The rustling sound of armor rubbing, the footsteps of soldiers...

The army began to march towards the direction of the inclined valley road, like a long dragon.

Suddenly someone flicked his sword and sang:

Severe wind blows frost and grass withers,

The tendons are dry, the bones are strong, and the horse is arrogant.

300,000 Han fighters,

The general also led Huo prostitute Yao.

Meteor white feather inserted in the waist,

Sword flowers and autumn lotuses come out of the box.


No captives, Han Daochang!


It is "Han Daochang" written by Feng Cishi.

The chorus gradually started, and slowly, it turned into a chorus.

Even the common people who can't sing open their mouths to sing along.

Many people quietly wiped their tears.

Over the years, the prime minister has governed the land of Shu, and how many people have lived a good life?

Now, with an old and weak body, how many people are reluctant to go to the dangerous battle front in person!

Even Wei and Wu, who were working closely with the crowd, were horrified to see this situation.

The hearts of the army and the people of the Han Dynasty are like this, and Zhuge Liang's sincerity cannot be underestimated.

South Township.

When General Wei Zhao Yun learned that the Prime Minister personally led the Northern Expedition, he forced himself to hold up his sick body, and shouted:

"Get my gun!"

Then leaning on a spear, he stood tremblingly at the door, looking to the west, and repeatedly stamped his feet:

"Hate, hate, hate that I can't follow the Prime Minister to the Northern Expedition! Prime Minister, Yun is here day and night, waiting for news of your recovery of Chang'an!"

General Anhan Li Hui, who was lying on the couch, was asked to turn himself over and face west, both sad and happy:

"Prime Minister has finally launched the Northern Expedition, the Northern Expedition! The late emperor, I have learned of Yu Zhien, so I am here to inform you..."

After speaking, close your eyes and die forever.


After the Hanzhong army set off, the official documents of the Northern Expedition flew to various places from various post roads.

After the military orders were received in various places in Longyou, Deng Zhi ordered Ju Ju, the prefect of Hanyang County, to guard Linwei closely to prevent Wei thieves from going up against the Wei River.

He also ordered Wang Ping to guard Longguan closely to prevent Wei thieves from attacking Longyou.

At the same time, with Ma Dai as the deputy general and Zhang Ni, the prefect of Tianshui County, as the front army, they are going to set off from Xiaoguan to Anding, and respond to the prime minister's army from the north.

When the military order was secretly transmitted to Liangzhou one step earlier than the official document, Feng Shishi had already integrated the Liangzhou army in the name of leading the army out of the fortress.

"I think the prime minister's "Teacher List" seems inappropriate..."

Inspector Feng pretended to study it and said.

"What's wrong? Well written!"

Guan Ji took it over and looked at it again and again, only to feel that the writing was really magnificent.

"No, look at this, what is Liangzhou in the north, and the tiger is on standby?"

Governor Feng pointed to one of them and said.

"Isn't it okay to say that Alang is a fierce tiger? But it's a very high praise!"

Guan Ji didn't know why.

"Praise is praise, but who can say that praise is not necessarily true."

Inspector Feng cast a pointed glance at General Guan.


Zhang Xiaosi next to him couldn't help laughing out loud.

If she hadn't known the prime minister's character, she couldn't help but feel that the prime minister was blatantly praising and undermining him, saying that a certain person was a bully with his wife.

Guan Ji glanced at Zhang Xiaosi.

Zhang Xiaosi straightened his face immediately, stroked his abdomen, and kept his eyebrows in silence.

She purposely wore baggy clothes, which barely covered her already visible belly.

General Guan gave Governor Feng another gouging look.

If it weren't for these years, Zhang Xiaosi would have integrated into the Feng family without knowing it, and Guan Ji would have regarded her as a family. At this time, she wished she could chop up Feng Tubie on the spot and cook bastard soup.

Inspector Feng coughed: "My lord, the prime minister's military order has arrived, do you see..."

General Guan snorted, turned around and left, and left a sentence before disappearing:

"Leave immediately tomorrow!"

Originally, many people saw that Feng Cishi was so powerful this time, and thought that he was going to learn from General Dou of the Later Han Dynasty, and planned to personally lead the army out of the fortress to completely wipe out the Western Xianbei.

Maybe there is still a way to follow, like General Dou who carved stones on Yanran Mountain in the north of Juyan County to record his merits.

Of course, as long as he can bring back tens of thousands or even more than a hundred thousand of labor, everyone will definitely not think there is anything wrong with his move.

As long as the labor is in place, it is not impossible to sing praises.

With the welcome of Liangzhou's elders, Governor Feng left Shi Liaohua, the Governor of Governor, to take charge of Liangzhou affairs.

Then he led a total of 30,000 elite soldiers from Liangzhou Governor's Mansion and Huqiang School Wei's Mansion, plus 50,000 Yi Cong Hu Qi with their own weapons, Xiong Jiu Jiu, and entered the desert from Juyan County with arrogance.

Just when many people were dreaming of how much labor could be captured this time, the Hanzhong official documents that came later began to spread in Liangzhou.

Although they knew it was for the sake of secrecy and could deceive Wei thief in the early stage, the people who were deceived couldn't accept it at once, and couldn't help cursing inwardly:


"Pass your mother's plug!"

"Hehe, the words of Ghost King Feng..."


No money for the following:

Let me talk about a historical knowledge.

Many people have been entangled with the status of Guan Ji and Zhang Xiaosi from the very beginning, and have been entangled until now.

In fact, this isn't a problem at all.


Let's look at a few examples I mentioned first.

In the first year after Liu Chan ascended the throne, he changed the Yuan Dynasty. From the perspective of later generations, it was wrong, and it was disrespectful and unfilial to Liu Bei.

If you really want to say that Zhuge Liang doesn't understand etiquette, or that, as some people say, he is trying to erase Liu Bei's influence as soon as possible, the statement is too forced to be convincing.

But at that time Liu Chan just did it.

And he wasn't the only one who did this. After the change of Gaoping Mausoleum of Wei State, the Emperor of Wei State also did this.

There is another one, that is Cao Rui. When he was alive, some courtiers played and called him Liezu directly.

What does that mean?

That is, I became an ancestor while I was alive.

Looking at the great etiquette incidents in the Ming Dynasty, the matter of Cao Rui's calling Liezu is really going to be changed to the Ming Dynasty, and I don't know how many ministers will die.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty would not allow him to recognize his father, so you still want to live as an ancestor?

But Wei Guo's courtiers just did it, and Cao Rui actually agreed.

It can only be said that in the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, the etiquette was just emerging, and it was far less strict than the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

And because we are relatively close to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, we often subconsciously use the strict etiquette and laws of the Ming and Qing Dynasties to substitute for the Han and Tang Dynasties.

In fact, the etiquette laws in the Han and Tang Dynasties were very loose, and the etiquette laws were really strict, basically in the Song Dynasty, or the Southern Song Dynasty.

He couldn't beat outsiders, so he had to make trouble with his own insiders.

In the past, we often said that the ancients had three wives and four concubines. Later, I don’t know who took the lead, saying that in ancient times, there was one wife and multiple concubines, not three wives and four concubines.

This statement, in fact, is not true.

Yes, because etiquette requires this in many cases.

But if it is wrong, it is because the ancients, at least the Han and Tang Dynasties before the Song Dynasty, did not do this.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Duke Ling had three wives who bathed together. That is to say, Duke Ling of Wei and his three wives played wet play in a large bucket.

"Han Shu Huo Guang Biography": The emperor asked his servant Zhong Junqing: the imperial court ordered Gao Chang to offer a thousand catties of gold, and gave Jun Qing ten wives.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, there was an outstanding man named Liu Fen, who had nine wives in total, and the court even recognized it, and gave five of them the title of wife.

As for the Three Kingdoms era?

Yes, not only yes, but many more.

"Book of Jin" naturally has many mistakes in recording the Sima family, because it is too beautified.

But in terms of "Astronomy", "Law" and "Ritual Law", because there is no need for beautification, it is still worth referring to.

In the "Li" chapter of "Book of Jin", there is a special record of the discussion of the side-by-side relationship between the first wife and the wife, and it still uses a very large space to discuss it.

Note that these discussions focus on the discussion of the etiquette that children should perform to their non-biological aunts after the first wives stand side by side.

What's more, what impact will the direct wives have on the clan, and what problems should be paid attention to.

Because the ancient clan was an important force for maintaining stability, and to put it bluntly, it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining stability.

That is to say, the imperial court advocates one wife and multiple concubines, but if you must have a first wife, as long as nothing happens, others will not speak of you, and the imperial court will not care about you.

Why should there be a premise that nothing will happen? Because for the ancients, it is not a big problem to establish a first wife.

After the establishment of a first wife, the etiquette issue faced by the clan or family is the big problem.

Because etiquette and law are the basis of the ancient people's concept of governing the country.

On this topic, the "Li" chapter starts with the prime minister of a vassal state. This prime minister is called Wang Chang. His father married two wives successively because of the war.

Wang Chang was born to his second wife. After the reunification of the world, he found out that his father's first wife had died long ago in his hometown and was still buried in his ancestral grave in his hometown.

He didn't know what etiquette to use to sacrifice, so he entrusted Dongping King Sima Mao to ask the court.

So the officials of the Manchu Dynasty had a fierce debate on this matter, arguing from the ancient cases, etiquette, human relations and other aspects, the debate process was very exciting.

In the end, no one can convince anyone.

After all, there is an example of the ancient sage Shun flying the sisters of Ehuang and Nvying in the front. More importantly, Ehuang and Nvying are two concubines side by side, and there is no saying who is the queen.

If you can't deny the saint, you can't fundamentally deny and establish a wife.

And if you want to deny Shun, that is self-defeating the foundation of etiquette and law.

So in the end the imperial court came up with a compromise for the prime minister:

If the child of the second wife was born before the death of the ex-wife, it should be treated as the biological aunt; if the child of the second wife was born after the death of the ex-wife, then the aunt may not be recognized.

But this matter is not over yet, and the case was later reversed, saying that the two women of the family, no matter the first wife or the second wife, entered your house as the main wife, so there should be no distinction between high and low.

At most, there can only be a difference in order, which means that they call each other sisters like Ehuang and Nvying.

I also took the ancestral tablets as an example, saying that the ancestral tablets still have a sequence. When the children of two wives worship together, the sacrifices must be the same, as long as the tablets are divided into left and right.

In the "Li" chapter, there are several examples of different reasons for the coexistence of first-line wives, so I will not go into details one by one, but only two examples that are more in line with the current situation of the soil turtle.

The first situation is to decide to establish a first wife together:

Cheng Liang, the prefect of Anfeng, had a wife and then married again, so he established a second wife. The ex-wife died, and the second wife (Cheng) Xun was suspicious.

Clothing means mourning. Cheng Xun doesn't know what etiquette to wear in mourning.

Then during the questioning process, Cheng Xun was scolded by his father face to face, and finally gave him a result:

Taking Chen Qun's younger sister as an example, Cheng Xun asked Cheng Xun to sacrifice his father's ex-wife with the ceremony of his aunt.

That's right, it was Chen Qun, one of Cao Rui's four assistant ministers, because Chen Qun's younger sister was also his first wife.

The second situation is that the emperor bestows a wife:

At that time, Zhu in the state of Wu married his wife, Chen, and had a son Zhu Dongbo. When he arrived in Jin Dynasty, Jin gave his wife a certain family name and gave birth to Zhu Suibo.

In Taikang, a certain person died, and Sui Bo brought his mother back to the clan. Brothers love each other and respect each other. The two mothers follow the order of succession. And in the end, the two sons serve each other, and the gentleman thinks he is worthy.

This Zhu had his first wives at the same time. Not only did the two wives respect each other and abide by the principle of succession, but their sons also loved each other, so the family was praised, "a gentleman thinks he is a virtuous".

did you see that?

In fact, the Chinese people's philosophy of governing the country is the same: peace is the most important thing, and stability is the main thing.

If you want to have a first wife, you have to handle the disputes well. If you don't handle them well, for example, jealousy and rivalry between brothers will lead to an unhealthy family tradition.

Even if the influence is too bad and I dare to discuss it publicly in the court, then I will scold Lao Tzu directly in front of my son.

Insulting one's parents face to face, this can be regarded as the hatred of drawing a sword to kill on the spot in ancient times.

On the contrary, if it is handled well, wives live in harmony with each other, brothers abide by the way of love and respect, and set a good example for the world, I can just praise you.

As for the fierce man mentioned above, he had nine wives, and the court even named five of them wives.

Even these nine wives were praised by the history secretary for "all of them are virtuous", which can already be regarded as the existence that all time travelers should look up to.

So if Tubie really wants to have a first wife, he should be worried that it won't be him, because he is only responsible for being happy, and it is Ah Chong who has to bear the consequences.

Achong: Obviously I came first, whether it was my grandma getting married to an adult, or me being born, I was the first! ~Why would anyone dare to grab the Feng family's title and head of the family?


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