"When I was reading history books, I often saw that there were many books saying that barbarians controlled hundreds of thousands of strings. At that time, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to control hundreds of thousands of strings."

Sitting on the horse with a whip in his hand, Governor Feng said vigorously to General Guan beside him:

"Now that I personally lead tens of thousands of cavalry, galloping across the desert, I finally know why the Hu people dare to call themselves the proud sons of heaven!"

It was early summer, and the weather was excellent again. The sky blue was extremely magnificent, like flawless smooth satin buckled down.

The dazzling sun, sprinkled with warmth, and the cool wind that blows from time to time, does not make people feel hot.

The boundless emerald green at a glance, looking into everything, the green color is flowing everywhere, gently flowing into the clouds, which makes people feel refreshed.

It is a pity that this stunning beauty is now destroyed by a torrent.

This torrent of iron cavalry, with no head in front and tail in the back, rolled up an endless dragon.

The bright sunshine, the clear river, and the desert filled with the scent of green grass are all filled and covered up by the noise of this long dragon.

Countless iron hooves trampled on the grass, and the dust of cow and horse dung rose in the air.

General Guan looked at all this with a smile on his face:

"So what about the proud son of heaven, Feng Junhou gave an order, and Hu Qi shadow followed, so it can be seen that the proud son of heaven is nothing more than that."

When Inspector Feng heard this, he laughed heartily and was even more proud.

Being in the wilderness, both physically and mentally at ease, Feng Junhou couldn't help singing loudly:

"I'm going away immediately,

Listen to the wind singing the sounds of nature,

The years have changed,

The heart is still at ease,

I sing thousands of miles away,

Mingyue is with me


Hearing this, General Guan frowned.

It's been a long time since she sang such tunes with such incomprehensible words.

After he finished singing, General Guan complimented against his will: "Ah Lang sang... very, very special. I don't know what the name of this song is?"

"I come from the grassland!"

Governor Feng raised his eyebrows at General Guan, and then laughed wantonly.

General Guan asked with interest:

"Where does the lord want to go from the grassland?"

Feng Junhou pointed to the southeast with a whip in his hand: "Central Plains, kill the thieves!"

Hundreds of years ago, Huo Piaoyao set off from Guanzhong, entered the old place of Jiuyuan, and then entered the desert from the old place of Jiuyuan, and finally made a big circle and came to Juyanze.

Then he went up against the weak water and entered Liangzhou. He went back and forth in the Hexi Corridor, which was still the hinterland of the captives at that time, killing tens of thousands of captives, which opened the prelude to the strong man.

Today, hundreds of years later, Governor Feng is also leading a large army, walking the path that Huo Piaoyao walked.

Therefore, Governor Feng's high spirits did not come from no reason - the only difference was that the directions of the two were exactly opposite.

From Juyanhai to Gaoquesai, it is about 1,800 li, nearly 2,000 li.

Speaking of far, it is really far.

Even if the whole army is carried on mules like Feng Cishi, it will take at least a month to go, and it may be longer.

But for the Han army, it is not an insurmountable difficulty.

After all, when Huo Qubing took this road for the first time, there was still nothing in the desert.

Not to mention far, it is closer. In the era of Emperor Ling, the Han army still had the ability to divide into three groups and go out to conquer Tanshihuai.

That time, tens of thousands of cavalry also traveled more than 2,000 li, which was farther than the entire journey of Feng Shishi this time.

But now, Governor Feng has not only explored the road for three years, but also has the ruined walls of the former Han Pass as guideposts along the way.

After a lapse of sixty years, the Han army finally went out on a large scale again, appearing in the vast desert.

Only this time, the desert barbarians no longer have a hero like Tan Shihuai.

The only one that looks decent is Ke Bineng, who has huddled in the old place of Jiuyuan.

It's just that Ke Bineng at this time had to rely on Liangzhou's support in order to make a comeback.

Western Xianbei, which is close to the Liangzhou Pass, has undergone planned and step-by-step transformation in Liangzhou over the past few years—although the transformation methods have been radical—a considerable part of it has now been integrated into Liangzhou's emerging industrial chain.

The remaining part, either fled north, or fled east.

And in the vast desert between Juyan County and Jiuyuan, the farther away from the Liangzhou Pass, the more tribes that managed to escape Liangzhou's transformation.

But this time, the luck of these Hu tribes finally began to run out.

Governor Feng led 50,000 righteous people from Huqi out of the fortress, but he didn't intend to let these righteous people follow him to the finish line from Huqi.

It is estimated that more than half of them will escort the spoils back to Liangzhou halfway.

Because the 50,000 Huqi were divided into three roads, all the way to the east, all the way to the northeast, and all the way to the southeast, fanning out.

Their task is to wipe out as many wild barbarian tribes as possible on the road ahead.

The cattle, sheep and horses of the wild Hu tribe can provide part of the rations for the army.

After all, with an army of 80,000, even though the military rations have been replaced by the N generation, it is still an extremely heavy burden for Liangzhou.

Therefore, the Hu tribe along the way is the food supply point for the army.

However, if Dingkou is captured in the grassland, he will be escorted back to Juyan County by the dispatched Hu Qi.

At the same time, these Hu cavalry who are constantly returning can also protect the rear food road of the army by the way.

Except for the rations supplied by the army, Yicong Huqi is also self-provided, from war horses to weapons.

After the weapons in the Han army were upgraded, a considerable part of the eliminated military supplies flowed into their hands.

Although it is said to be an obsolete product, it is an extremely high-quality weapon for the barbarians.

Before changing, if you want to obtain this level of weapons, the channel alone is a big problem.

Even if there are channels, the quantity is also a problem.

Not to mention the price, without a high price of two or three times or even four or five times, it is impossible to get it.

Yicong Huqi from Liangzhou happened to meet with the upgrading of the military industry of the Han Dynasty, and he was able to obtain the standard weapons of the Han Army from the Han Dynasty at a reasonable price.

Therefore, although Yicong Huqi is called Yicong, for the Hu people on the grassland, he is no longer on the same level.

The spoils they won on the battlefield do not need to be handed over, they belong to themselves.

This time following Feng Langjun out of the fortress, he got a big opportunity to capture labor.

In the past, this fat job, which round got them?

Only the armies under the command of the governor's office are eligible to get involved.

Although half of the captured labor is required to be paid, the remaining half is enough to make everyone red-eyed.

Hu Qi in three directions, with more than 10,000 people in each route, like locusts, constantly expanding the search area to the east.

Many barbarians from small tribes were rushed into the tribe by a large number of cavalry before they could react. How could bone weapons stop iron weapons?

"Who are you?"

The leader of the small tribe led the only warriors in the tribe, trying to resist, shouting loudly.

"You guys, go around to the back, don't let the people over there run away!"

"The rest, disperse them!"

"Don't worry, try to catch the living ones, and everyone will have a share after the catch is over!"

The commanding voice came from afar.

In Yicong Huqili, there are two or three Han army Sima for every thousand people, who are responsible for monitoring on weekdays and recording meritorious service during wartime.

These military commanders were either sent down by the students of the martial arts hall after the military internship period, or they directly recruited the backbone of the Liangzhou army.

Although the degree of organization is far inferior to that of Liangzhou's main army, there are still rough and simple organizations.

"Han army?"

The tribal leader was also knowledgeable, and could tell that it was a Han person speaking.

Just looking at the cavalrymen who were constantly outflanking and compressing from the two wings, they were clearly the same type of people as themselves.

The tribal leader yelled nonsense a few more times, and what responded to him was the sound of horseshoes starting to speed up, and there were bursts of whistling sounds from the other party's mouth.

Soon, dozens of riders on both sides suddenly flew past.

Before the tribal leader could understand, the clansmen in front suddenly became confused, and some people uttered exclamations, and then fell off the horse.

Immediately afterwards, the tribal leader finally saw clearly that it turned out to be an extremely thick hemp rope, which was being manipulated by the enemy, and was ruthlessly scraping across the crowd on his side.

"What on earth are they trying to do?"

In the vendettas on the grassland, as long as the tribe is broken, there are basically corpses everywhere. Only when it is confirmed that the opponent no longer has the power to resist, the remaining people are eligible to become the victor's sheep slaves.

The enemies in front of them acted very differently.

They... seem to be trying to catch them alive?

The tribal leader grasped the point in an instant, and quickly shouted:

"Rush over!"

As soon as the warriors in the clan heard this, they quickly prepared to adjust their horses' heads, intending to follow their leader and charge towards the enemy.



Behind the constantly criss-crossing cavalry, the long arrows thrown fell into the crowd, stirring up several flowers of blood.

The tribal leader reined in his horse suddenly, because he saw that the weapons in the hands of the enemies in front of him were shining brightly in the sun.

He looked down at the rusty weapon in his hand, his face suddenly turned pale.

If he really wanted to rush over, he was afraid that none of the warriors behind him would be left.

"Abandon your weapons and get off your horse, don't kill!"

Someone on the opposite side shouted, alternately in Chinese and Hu, several times in succession.

Watch as more and more rangers swim back and forth, ready to shoot their arrows.

The tribal leader finally closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, and dropped the weapon in his hand.

It was confirmed that the opponent had given up resistance, only someone shouted something, and then whistles sounded one after another.

The tribal leader saw someone dismounted from the opposite side, and galloped over excitedly, while untying a coil of hemp rope from his waist.

Then, with a throw, it went around the leader's body, and expertly tied the leader tightly twice. The remaining rope was quickly taken over by another person, and another one was tied.

Skillful and efficient.

Then it is to count the heads, count the cattle and sheep, and when the busy work is over, the sun is already in the west.

Just when they happily lit a bonfire in the original tribe's camp, and were about to sing and dance to celebrate, the Chinese army far behind them had already set up camp.

"General, someone is back."

Jiang Wei, who was patrolling the camp, received the report from the outside sentries, looked up, and saw Hu Qi driving the herd of cattle, sheep and horses to this side under the only remaining twilight, he frowned slightly:

"Give them a camp on the periphery according to the rules."


Jiang Wei thought for a while, then turned and went to the middle camp.

Seeing Jiang Wei approaching, Governor Feng couldn't help being a little surprised:

"Oh, Bo Yue is here, is there something wrong?"

Jiang Wei cupped his hands: "I've seen you, Lord."

"Sit, and sit."

"Thank you sir."

When Jiang Wei sat down, he subconsciously glanced at Guan Suo who was standing there studying the map with the two of them behind his back.

Although he knew that Guan Suo was the number one general under Feng Junhou's command, and that even Zhao Guang had to obey him, Jiang Wei still felt a little uncomfortable with the opponent's identity.

It's just that Feng Junhou has made great achievements in battle, and he is a famous general of the Han Dynasty. In addition, over the years, although Jiang Wei is in Jincheng, he is always concerned about Feng Governor's every move in Liangzhou.

Among other things, the matter of labor alone is enough to show that this person is cruel and merciless, and his reputation is by no means in vain.

So how dare Jiang Wei make irresponsible remarks to Feng Junhou?

But seeing him say cautiously:

"Your Majesty, the people we are going out of the fort this time are the thieves in Guanzhong. Now the Marquis orders Hu Qi to attack from all directions to hunt the Hu people, isn't it slowing down the journey?"

"In case the prime minister leaves Hanzhong, but we haven't shown up for a long time, the general is afraid that he will be punished by the prime minister afterwards. Therefore, the purpose of coming here this time is to ask the prince, but does he have another plan?"

Having said that, he quickly added an explanation:

"If it's a secret, it's inconvenient for the general to know, then the general will talk too much, please don't blame me."

Governor Feng smiled and shook his head:

"Boyue is too worried. Guanzhong is there. Our goal will only be there in the end. How can I have any plans?"

With that said, he glanced at Jiang Wei again:

"You have been thinking about this question in your heart for the past ten days, right? If you can bear it until now and say it, you can bear it."

"Those who are as impatient as Zhao Guang have asked a few days ago."

Hearing what Feng Cishi said, Jiang Wei hesitated to speak.

Governor Feng saw his thoughts and asked:

"If it's Bo Yue, what will Bo Yue do?"

"Since the whole army was lightly armed, they rushed directly to Jiuyuan, and then went south along the Qin Zhidao from Jiuyuan, killing Guanzhong by surprise."

The infrastructure madman and the figure madman Zulong Emperor once sent Meng Tian to lead an army of 300,000 to defend against the Xiongnu in the north.

In order to support this grand strategy, Zulong also ordered the construction of a road from Xianyang to the foot of Yinshan Mountain, running through the entire Hetao area. This is the famous Qin Zhidao.

This road is wide, straight and flat. It is said that no grass has grown for thousands of years. Until the Qing Dynasty, there were still business travelers walking.

When the former Han Dynasty did not regain the Hetao area, the Xiongnu cavalry went south along this road many times, threatening Guanzhong.

Therefore, for the Central Plains Dynasty, if there is no Hetao, Guanzhong will be restless.

Jiang Wei is now proposing this plan, which is in line with his character.

If you win, you win big, if you lose, you lose badly.

Governor Feng shook his head again:

"This strategy is just a replica of Huo Piaoyao's second Hexi battle. If it were someone else, it might still be successful, but now the commander of the Wei bandits in Guanzhong is Sima Yi."

With that said, he stood up and walked to the large map hanging on the tent wall, "Come here and have a look."

Jiang Wei hurriedly followed.

Feng Yong pointed at Beidi County with his finger, and saw densely drawn triangles on it: "Sima Yi took the initiative to attack in Beidi County in his early years and wiped out many Hu tribes."

"And according to the information obtained by Liu Liang in Jiuyuan's hometown, Sima Yi built a large number of trenches and barriers in the dangerous places of Beidi County, and there are also a large number of special arrangements for dealing with cavalry."

Feng Yong said with a wry smile:

"I suspect that Sima Yi had expected that we might come from Jiuyuan."

Jiang Wei was taken aback, he really didn't know the news.

After all, he had been staying in Jincheng to train troops, and he didn't have an overview of the overall situation like Governor Feng.

The news is not equal, and the decisions made are naturally different.

Jiang Wei finally understood what those countless triangles on the map were, and he said with some worry:

"Your Majesty, wouldn't it be in vain for us to go there this time..."

Halfway through his speech, he seemed to think of something, and then looked at Feng Yong, "Could it be possible, isn't Junhou going to the old place of Jiuyuan?"

"Entering Guanzhong from the desert, the original place of Jiuyuan is the best starting point, we can only go there."

Guan Suo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "It's just that there is no difference between rushing and going late."

Jiang Wei became even more confused.

Could it be that Junhou did not rush on purpose on purpose, and asked the prime minister in Hanzhong to put pressure on Sima Yi first. After Sima Yi hadn't seen Junhou from Beidi County for a long time, he thought that Junhou would not come from there.

Waiting for Guanzhong to relax its defenses and concentrate on dealing with the Hanzhong army led by the prime minister, Junhou suddenly led his army south and caught Guanzhong by surprise?

At this point, Jiang Wei suddenly understood.

That's right, the prime minister also arranged an army in Anding County, presumably to attract the attention of the Wei thieves in Guanzhong.

The so-called virtual is real, real is virtual, virtual and real change, intertwined and uncertain.

During the first battle of Xiaoguan, Feng Junhou and General Guan also split into two groups, uncertain whether it is true or false?

For Wei thief, who knows if Junhou is waiting for an opportunity to attack at Xiaoguan behind An Ding?

Or at the foot of Longshan Mountain, crossing Longguan at any time?

Taking a step back, even if Sima Yi expected that the big man would go south from Jiuyuan, how could he expect tens of thousands of troops to emerge there?

After all, not everyone has the Liangzhou Army so many horses and mules to transport supplies.

Because not everyone has a farm like Liangzhou.

The livestock that are newly born in Liangzhou farms in one year may not be able to be produced by others with the same number of livestock in three to five years.

Because the male donkeys in the Liangzhou farm can be bred anytime and anywhere, and no mare will miss the estrus period. Others don't have this ability.

Having figured this out, Jiang Wei's face suddenly became hot, and he excused himself to make a tour of the camp, saluted and left in a hurry.

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