Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 968: The Nightmare Comes Again

After the first battle of Xiaoguan, Wei Guo was forced to completely abandon Anding County to the west of Longshan Mountain and to the east of Longshan Mountain.

Then build defensive fortifications around Yimei City (corresponding to the ramp)-Chencang (corresponding to Chencang Road)-Qian County (corresponding to Longguan)-Jingshui River Valley in Xinping County (corresponding to Anding County).

As for Feng Thief's small actions in the north of Beidi County and the hometown of Jiuyuan County over the years, Sima Yi is naturally well aware.

So on the one hand, in addition to reversing the practice of shrinking Beidi County since the Later Han Dynasty, he actively eliminated some pro-Han tribes close to Beidi County.

At the same time, the first cordon was set up on the Qin Inner Great Wall, that is, the Jushui area in the north of the former Beidi County (Note: not the Jushui in Hanzhong, but located in the northern Shaanxi Plateau in later generations).

Beidi County is high in the north and low in the south. If the Shu captives want to raid Guanzhong from the original place of Jiuyuan, there is a barrier that they cannot bypass.

This is the Qiaoshan mountain range (that is, Ziwuling in later generations).

Qiaoshan Mountains is a collective name for a large range of mountains. The altitude of the mountains is not too high, but the terrain is more complicated.

Even in later generations, it is also a well-preserved natural vegetation area on the Loess Plateau and an important ecological forest in the central part of the Loess Plateau.

The bridge mountain range starts from the source of Jushui in the north, and ends in Fuping County, the county seat of Beidi County, in the south.

Qin Zhidao winds on the ridges of various mountains in the Qiaoshan Mountains in a zigzag shape.

The army walked on Qin Zhidao, and could overlook everything at the foot of the mountain.

Before the former Han Dynasty regained the Hetao area, it relied on this mountain range to prevent the Huns from going south and entering the hinterland of Guanzhong.

It can be said that it is the last barrier in Guanzhong to prevent the enemy from committing crimes from the south.

Since the later Han Dynasty, Beidi County has been shrinking, and the final territory also ends at this mountain range.

The area north of Qiaoshan can be lost, but Qiaoshan must not be lost.

So Sima Yi naturally knew the importance of Qiaoshan. Not only did he have people dig ditches on Qin Zhidao for trenches and build barriers to stop the cavalry.

At the same time, camps were set up at various dangerous mountain passes in Qiaoshan, intending to step by step to stop the enemy.

And because the mountains on the south side of Qiaoshan end in Fuping County, the county seat of Beidi County, there are many rivers of different sizes converging from the mountains and flowing through Fuping County.

The dense river network, as long as it is used properly, can also delay the advance of the cavalry. This is Sima Yi's third line of defense.

It can be said that Sima Yi's emphasis on Beidi County's defense exceeded anyone's imagination.

He would not have left the slightest chance for his opponent to escape from Beidi County's surprise attack at all.

There is no way, the ghost riders under Feng Guiwang's command are too terrifying. If they are allowed to cross the Qiaoshan Mountains and enter the Guanzhong Plain, then no one can say that they can stop the charge of the ghost riders.

If the Han army wanted to follow Huo Piaoyao's example and make a big circle from the desert and go south along the Qin Zhidao, they would have to attack the camps he set up on each hilltop of Qiaoshan one by one.

The problem is... the enemies coming from Jiuyuan must be cavalry.

How much casualties will the cavalry have to pay to capture these densely packed camps, or are they arranged in the dangerous mountain camps?

Feng Yong naturally didn't know about these specific arrangements of Sima Yi.

So he didn't know that after leading the army out of the fort this time, after making a big circle, it was very likely that at some point in the future, he would bump headfirst into the hardest turtle shell.

While he was having a great time leading the sheep and goats in the desert, the Wei Guoxios in Hanzhong and Longyou had already been running like flying, shuttling through the deep mountains and old forests of Qinling and Longshan.

They walked on the mountain trails that only woodcutters knew, and wanted to pass the news of the Han army's dispatch to Guanzhong as quickly as possible.

But it was Mei Cheng who first brought the news.

Although the Shu people used the excuse of not traveling for a long time on business trips, they blocked all the roads in Hanzhong two years ago.

But as the most likely Xiegu Road for Shu captives in Hanzhong—the other road is Chencang Road—the sentry sentry placed by Meicheng on Xiegu Road has never been broken.

The tour sentry found out that there seemed to be a Shu captive in the depths of Xiegu Road, and combined with the sudden closure of Longshan Pass to prevent business travel, Sima Yi immediately guessed what might happen.

When the secret agent in the Kingdom of Shu sent the first piece of information to Chang'an, Sima Yi confirmed the authenticity of the piece of information on the spot.

"Pass down my order, let Meicheng send more sentries, and make sure to find out the movements of the Shu captives!"

With a "snap", Sima Yi pressed the silk silk with the urgent military situation on the case, and said sharply.


"Come here, send an order to Qian County and Chen Cang, let them step up their precautions, and strictly guard them so that there will be no mistakes!"


After finishing the order, Sima Yi suddenly exhaled a long breath, relaxed his whole body, with a strange light in his eyes, and murmured:

"finally come!"

Everyone knows that the Shu captives who occupy a great advantage will invade Guanzhong sooner or later.

Years of preparation, waiting for today.

If this battle is defeated, Great Wei will completely lose the chance to unify the world.

On the contrary, if the Shu captives can be defeated in this battle, Longyou can recover.

With Longyou in hand, Liangzhou will have no worries.

Just as Sima Yi regained his spirit and was about to issue the third military order, suddenly there was a dull and extremely loud noise from a distance.

This loud noise, like Lei Feilei, was struck by similar metal objects.

When Sima Yi heard this voice, his heart skipped a beat. He seemed to have remembered something, and hurried to the door, looking in the direction of the voice.

But the sky was clear and the sun was high, but there was no sign of thunder at all.

Sima Yi's face was slightly dark, because the loud noise was from the direction of Tongguan.

"Go, send someone out of the city to see what happened."

He turned his head and commanded the guards who were closely following him.


Back in the mansion, Sima Yi was alone in a room, with a hesitant look on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

Although it has almost been confirmed that the Shu captives will invade on a large scale, starting from Ziwu Valley in the south of Chang'an to Qiaoshan in the north, it is still unknown where the main direction of the Shu captive army's invasion will be.

So he did not rush to dispatch troops.

Because there is no use in rushing.

Only by knowing in which direction Ge thief and Feng thief appeared, can the Guanzhong army be mobilized in a targeted manner.

In all likelihood, Ge Bandit would come out of Xiegu. After all, there are several roads in Hanzhong, and this is the best road.

Even Chen Cangdao is not a good choice.

Because the deep valley below the Dasan Pass is very steep, and there are cliffs facing each other on both sides, like a line of sky.

Unless the sneak attack is successful, only a few thousand defenders are enough to make it difficult for tens of thousands of troops to move.

Even though it was rumored that the Shu captives had sharp weapons for attacking the city, it was not so easy to capture them in front of the narrow pass.

So Ge thief's actions are easy to guess, but Feng thief...

Thinking of this thief, Sima Yi suddenly felt a little irritable.

If it is said that Ge Zei likes a teacher who is upright and upright, and uses his power to overwhelm others, then Feng Zei is a person who is erratic, full of tricks, and unpredictable.

But this thief is very good at running around, so people have to be careful.


Xiao Guan?


Or... Beidi County?

Just as Sima Yi was thinking about it, waiting anxiously for more information from the spy and sentry, a sergeant came to report in a hurry outside:

"Da Sima, it's not good. The people's wife is short of manpower, and the Chenglu plate was only transported for thirty miles before it fell into the ditch and broke!"

Sima Yi's head buzzed, and he lost his voice, "What?"

It turned out that the loud noise ahead was actually caused by Sui Lupan breaking off?

Sima Yi's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly slapped his thigh: "The Shu captives are here to commit crimes, I actually forgot about it!"

He went to Luoyang a while ago and argued hard, and only then did he let His Majesty know that transporting the gold man and the dew plate at the same time would excessively consume the power of the people in Guanzhong, which is not conducive to strengthening the defense of Guanzhong.

Therefore, this year, you can transport the Chenglu plate first, and then transport the gold man next year.

Although the dew plate is much larger than the Jinren, it can be disassembled.

Just moving it is still difficult.

Thirty thousand people, paving roads and building bridges, tried their best to move, flat land, no more than ten miles a day, and rough land, three or four miles a day is common.

So for more than a month, it was demolished and moved again, and then the Chenglupan was moved out of Chang'an City for about 30 miles.

I didn't expect that when I knew the Shu captives were coming, the Chenglu plate fell into the ditch and broke, and the sound could be heard for dozens of miles.

Sima Yi's face suddenly darkened.

He just said "I actually forgot about this", of course he was not telling the truth.

He was originally waiting, and when the situation was clarified tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he would have a reason to report to His Majesty and stop moving the dew tray.

And the civilian husbands who had already assembled happened to be incorporated into the army to deliver food and grass to the army.

It's just that this sign... doesn't seem very good, does it?

Sima Yi's eyelids twitched a few times, but he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he quickly ordered:

"Come on, prepare your pen and ink!"

On the same day, after Sima Yi's memorial was sent out of Chang'an City by a fast horse, the main generals of Wei Guoguan Zhongjun Guo Huai, Xian Yufu, Du Xi, Niu Jin, Fei Yao, Dai Ling, Deng Ai and others.

Or were summoned, or urgent orders began to be sent to them...

Soon, the second batch of information was delivered to Sima Yi.

The first to be detected by the Wei army was not the Hanzhong army that was under surveillance, but the Longyou army that was closest to Anding County.

As soon as Deng Zhi and Ma Dai led the army out of Xiaoguan and entered Anding, Xianyufu who was guarding the Jingshui River Valley in Xinping County immediately became alert and sent a message to Chang'an almost at the same time.

"This partiality is true, it's nothing to worry about, the general of Fuguo is enough to deal with it."

Sima Yi looked at the military information sent by Xian Yufu, but his brows were still furrowed.

What he wanted the most was news about Ge Bandit and Feng Bandit. These two bandits were really a big worry for Wei's confidantes.

"Feng Bandit will not come from An Ding. The Ghost Riders under this bandit can only be used in flat areas, but they can't exert their power in the Jingshui River Valley."

Sima Yi's eyes fell on the map, which was very crude compared to the maps used by the big man in the army.

However, the locations of Longguan, Xiaoguan, and Qiaoshan can still be roughly marked.

"Feng thief, where are you coming from?"

Sima Yi's eyes flickered and he muttered to himself.

Cross Longguan and dive into Qianxian County. As long as you capture Qianxian County, you can drive straight in.

In the same way, if you go south along the Huizhong Road from Xiaoguan, you can also go straight to Qian County.

In the battle of Xiaoguan, Feng thief attacked the city like walking in the courtyard, Cao Zidan miscalculated the speed of the thief's attack, so he made a wrong step, every step was wrong.

Therefore, it stands to reason that the possibility of Feng thief attacking Qian County is the greatest.

It's just that Feng thief is too cunning!

So Sima Yi's eyes fell on Qiaoshan Mountain in Beidi County...

As time passed day by day, the war clouds in Guanzhong continued to accumulate.

Between Chang'an and Luoyang, the number of messengers suddenly increased.

Sometimes it can reach dozens of rides a day.

"Report! Da Sima, General Xiaoqi (Qin Lang) has led the army across Tongguan, and the forward will arrive in Chang'an in three days!"

"Excellent! General Qin arrived in Guanzhong before the Shu captives, and this battle is more confident!"

Sima Yi laughed at the generals.

Everyone laughed in agreement.

But although Guo Huai and Deng Ai smiled, there was worry in their eyes.

General Xiaoqi led the Chinese army from Luoyang to Chang'an faster than the Shu captives, which is a matter of course.

Da Sima is using it to encourage the army at this time, I am afraid that he is also a little uneasy in his heart.

But in any case, the arrival of Qin Lang leading the 50,000 elite Chinese army in Luoyang finally gave Guanzhong a shot in the arm.

Sima Yi personally went out of the city to meet Qin Lang, which shows that he attaches great importance to this army.

"General Qin, it has now been found out that Ge Bandit, the false Prime Minister of Shu, personally led an army from Xiegu. It is rumored that there are hundreds of thousands of people, but in my opinion, he is no more than five or sixty thousand ears at most."

The military situation is urgent. After receiving Qin Lang, Sima Yi immediately explained the situation in Guanzhong to him:

"I heard that the puppet emperor of Shu stayed in Hanzhong for a long time. As a thief, he will definitely stay with a part of his troops to defend the Liu family."

"After all, the old man also led the army westward from Shangyong to Hanzhong. In addition, there are several other roads from Guanzhong that entered Hanzhong, so Ge ​​Thief will definitely guard against this."

Qin Lang was sent to Qian County to prevent the Shu people from crossing Longshan, and then followed Cao Zhen to participate in the battle of Xiaoguan.

In that scuffle, he was one of the few characters who could lead a complete battalion back from the battlefield, and Cao Zhen retreated under his escort.

Later, Bigui, the governor of Bingzhou, forced to rebel against the Hu people, and was defeated by Ke Bineng outside the Great Wall.

Cao Rui sent Qin Lang to lead the Chinese army to Bingzhou, and finally defeated Ke Bineng, making Ke Bineng almost devastated.

In the end, he had to follow Feng Guiwang's suggestion and move the court tent to the original place of Jiuyuan in order to get a better connection with Liangzhou.

Over the years, the borders of Bingzhou and Youzhou have been peaceful, and there have been no more riots. This is the result of Qin Lang's battle.

It can be said that Qin Lang has been regarded as an outstanding figure among the younger generation of Wei Guo over the years.

At this time, when he heard Sima Yi's words, he frowned:

"Da Sima, what about Feng thief? Where is this thief now?"

Guo Huai next to him heard Qin Lang's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

At this time, he really understood Qin Lang's mood.

After all, they participated in the big defeat in Xiaoguan with Qin Lang, and that torrent of red iron armor was the lingering nightmare in their hearts.

Although several years have passed, but now that the nightmare has come back again, it is impossible to say that I am not frightened at all, so I can't be too careful.

"Feng thief?"

Sima Yi hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head, "I don't know where it is yet."

"This thief is very cunning, you have to be careful."

Qin Lang murmured, "Where does Da Sima think he will be?"

"No matter where he is now, he will end up in these two places."

As Sima Yi spoke, he pointed at Qian County and Beidi County with his fingers, "The army led by Ge Bandit is the main force of the Shu captives, so I plan to lead the army to Mei City."

"The remaining two places need people who can convince the crowd and are good at fighting. It's better to be familiar with the terrain..."

When Guo Huai heard this, his face changed slightly!

Like a tacit understanding, Qin Lang subconsciously glanced at Guo Huai.

As a general of Xiaoqi, Qin Lang is deeply favored by Cao Rui, but he keeps a low profile and has never heard of offending anyone.

In the past few years, he defended Qian County for several years, and he also participated in the war, and he has military merits.

Guo Huai, on the other hand, has been guarding Guanzhong for a long time and is the governor of Yongzhou, so he is considered a veteran.

Whether they are convincing the public or familiar with the terrain, they can be said to be suitable candidates.

The atmosphere froze for a while, and finally Qin Lang sighed inaudibly, breaking the silence:

"I'm familiar with Qian County, why don't you just let me guard it."

Sima Yi was overjoyed when he saw Qin Lang take the initiative to invite Ying:

"There will be no hindrance to General Qin going to Qin County!"

After all, he is a celebrity around His Majesty, so Sima Yi naturally didn't want to offend easily.

If Qin Lang is unwilling to go, he will definitely not force it.

If other things were changed, Qin Lang would naturally not stand out.

It's just that Qin Lang and Cao Rui have a close relationship, and their relationship is extraordinary. At present, there is no reason for him to back down from this matter.

Seeing Qin Lang like this, Guo Huai was ashamed not to speak?

I saw him hastily clasped his fists and said:

"The last general has been in Guanzhong for a long time, and he is most familiar with Guanzhong. Qiaoshan will let the last general guard it."

"Okay, then I will send 30,000 elite soldiers to General Guo, but when you see the enemy coming, remember not to attack, just stick to the pass on the top of the mountain."

"In this way, if there are not three times as many Shu captives, it will be difficult to cross the bridge mountain."

After such arrangement was completed, Sima Yi personally led an army of 100,000 to Meicheng, preparing to block Zhuge Liang to death in Xiegu.

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